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Minutes, LUC, 10-30-2021

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 11:11 am
by Cathy Sabre

LUC Meeting Oct. 30, 2021

Sat Oct 30, 2021

Members present: Mizou Vavoom, Rosie Gray, Sudane Erato, Delia Lake,
Guests present: Kyoko Barzane, Bromo Ivory, Han Held (at 10:30),

Mizou Vavoom: OK its 9:34 and I declare meeting open

Sudane Erato: I move we approve the minutes
Mizou Vavoom: second
Unanimous Consent

Mizou Vavoom: Move to approve agenda
Rosie Gray: okay second the motion
Unanimous Consent

Mizou Vavoom: 3. New business:
a. Discussion of how the LUC can assist the chancellor with inspecting and approving new citizens buildings
Rosie :
Kyoko :
Mizou Vavoom: Move to approve to let this particular rest for now
Sudane Erato: second
Unanimous Consent

Mizou Vavoom: next point: b. Cube Republic cave system and example in CN: see forum post – discussion on cave going somewhere: the catacombs…?
Rosie Gray: the legal process is that it be posted on the forums for at least a week, and then the Chancellor says
Sudane Erato: it appears that it left our hands once it was posted.
Rosie Gray: yeah, no need to vote I think

Mizou Vavoom: c. Inspection of buildings we have placed on vacant parcels to make them more attractive (Lilith -Kyoko)
Kyoko made a statement of her thoughts on this. Please see the transcript starting at 09:38
Sudane Erato: so I move that since we all agree with this, that we mark it resolved
Mizou Vavoom: second
Unanimous Consent

Sudane Erato: I'd like to ask Kyoko to comment maybe on the Linden move matter before she goes...
Unresolved discussion follows

Mizou Vavoom: b. Ice cave review – Updates?
i. ... 201/36/166
See forum post by Rosie:
Sudane Erato: so can't we just convey our advice and consider it resolved?
Mizou Vavoom: second
Unanimous Consent

Mizou Vavoom: ok lets vote for the 13th (of November)
Unanimous Consent

[2021/10/30 10:40] Mizou Vavoom: ok meeting ended