Candidate debate 11/6

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Lilith Ivory
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Candidate debate 11/6

Post by Lilith Ivory »

ATTENDING CANDIDATES: Cadence Theas, Cleopatra Xigalia, Stephen Xootfly


[11:05] Delia Lake: any other RA candidate intending to participate today?
[11:05] Pip Torok: hi stephen
[11:06] Delia Lake: if not, let's start :)
[11:06] Stephen Xootfly: Greetings, Pip and Shep, Delia, and Lilith, Pat, Cassie, Rosie, Pip.
[11:06] Delia Lake: Welcome RA Candidates and CDS citizens
[11:06] Stephen Xootfly: And Cadence and Cleo
[11:07] Delia Lake: this is the second in a series of inworld debates among candidates for the 20th RA of the CDS
[11:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia smiles at Stephen
[11:07] Cadence Theas: Hi too
[11:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hi everyone
[11:07] Stephen Xootfly waves to Cleo.
[11:07] Delia Lake: as we have done with the previous debate, we will start with 2 min statements by each candidate
[11:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia winks
[11:08] Delia Lake: those will be followed by candidate responses to 4 questions that were given to them ahead of time
[11:08] Lilith Ivory: Hi Kazz
[11:09] Kazz Loordes: hi
[11:09] Delia Lake: the order for response will change, starting with alphabetical from the beginning
[11:09] Delia Lake: at the conclusion of these responses, which are also 2 min per candidate, the candidates will entertain questions from the audience
[11:10] Kazz Loordes waves
[11:10] Delia Lake: if you have a question you would like the candidates to answer, please send your question in IM to Lilith
[11:11] Delia Lake: we may not have time to have all the audience questions answered live. The ones that do not get addressed will be posted on the Forum where all the candidates can respond to them
[11:11] Delia Lake: Kazz, do you intend to participate in today's debate as a Candidate for RA?
[11:11] Kazz Loordes: lol not today
[11:12] Kazz Loordes: wrong seat huh?
[11:12] Delia Lake: yes :)

[11:13] Delia Lake: We will start with Candidate introductory statements. the order for these will be alphabetical: Cadence, then Cleo, then Stephen
[11:13] Delia Lake: Cadence, please start if you would. 2 min
[11:13] Cadence Theas: do I start right away?
[11:13] Cadence Theas: ok
[11:13] Cadence Theas: HI and thank you for being here
[11:13] Cadence Theas: I dont have a prepared statement, for two reasons
[11:14] Cadence Theas: one: I want my responsese to be spontaneaous and heartfelt
[11:14] Cadence Theas: which cant be done with word
[11:14] Cadence Theas: and two my platform is a very simple one
[11:14] Cadence Theas: I recognize that there are economic and political issues
[11:14] Cadence Theas: these are evident
[11:14] Cadence Theas: but I feelt hat these have their origins in something deeper that I think we should try to recover
[11:15] Cadence Theas: and that is a sense of commnity
[11:15] Cadence Theas: we have so much talent here
[11:15] Cadence Theas: so many resources
[11:15] Cadence Theas: and with all of this we have troiuble sometimes remembering that we are also friends, neigbors
[11:15] Cadence Theas: and colleagues
[11:16] Cadence Theas: I think the RA and the chancellor can do much to help in this recovery of community and I would like to be a part of it
[11:16] Cadence Theas: thank you
[11:16] Cadence Theas: :)
[11:16] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cadence.

[11:16] Delia Lake: Cleo, please. and just so everyone knows, we will try to keep to the 2 min times
[11:17] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I have a prepared statement on my notecard, but first i agree with Cadence. We need to have a comunity that is DIVERSE , growing and welcoming. I have
[11:17] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Proven Track Record of Successfully promoting CDS as evidenced by introducing and bringing dozens of new citizens to CDS. These citizens of CDS have made it their home and served and enjoyed living in the CDS. I humbly take credit introducing many of the CDS current citizens to our wonderful community
[11:17] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I have been active and outspoken in CDS regarding conflict of interest issues, fiscal responsibility and fairness and ethical practice by government. I believe in citizenship ownership of the entity and promote the continuation of business and the arts being actively promoted by the CDS.
[11:18] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I believe in a simple system of government with strong checks and balances, a strong easy to comprehend constitution and set of laws that protects citizens rights to representation.

Because I have been actively and successfully promoting CDS on my own as an individual citizen, I believe there is clear evidence that CDS can continue to grow and thrive despite decline in other sectors of Secondlife.
[11:18] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: CDS is NUMBER ONE ! I refuse to adopt what I observe to be an “attitude of acceptance of decline”. I interpret the actions and comments of the of the current administration and its allies to be just that. On the contrary, I believe CDS is a unique entity in Secondlife with no rivals at all. I strongly believe that our ability to grow is limited only by our desire to do so.
[11:18] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done

[11:18] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cleo. Stephen, please
[11:19] Stephen Xootfly: I have three prepared paragraphs. I'll paste them in and let the moderators move the debate along.
[11:20] Stephen Xootfly: Greetings. I would like to be your RA to enhance the CDS community as a group interested in social and economic wellbeing of SL citizens. The CDS fulfills a mission of creating a community with all the "moving parts" of a real democracy. Politics, markets, real estate, social events, and internal social communities are those components of a real community. The government of the CDS needs, IMHO, to maintain and support those aspects of the community by maintaining a reasonable, unobtrusive, consistent, and most importantly, transparent set of laws and process of creating those laws.
[11:20] Stephen Xootfly: My platform is to make sure citizens know where they stand within the bylaws of the community and to have an expectation that his or her standing (be it merchant, renter, builder, community activists) will be consistently understood and maintained. And, if any conflict comes to pass, he or she can engage me, or any RA, in a reasonable adjudication of grievances.
[11:20] Stephen Xootfly: The other important role of the government is to engage the wider SL community and market the benefits of being associated with the CDS. To that end, I, as RA, will seek out opportunities for the CDS to represent itself to SL communities and to invite groups of builders/merchants/educators/etc. to work within the CDS lands and community. A steady engagement with the wider SL communities can slowly build interest in our group and bring in more like-minded citizens.

Thank you.
Stephen Xootfly
[11:20] Stephen Xootfly: Done
[11:20] Delia Lake: Thank you, Stephen

[11:21] Delia Lake: we will now move to the moderator's questions. the order for answering the first 1 will be: Cleo, then Stephen, then Cadence
[11:21] Delia Lake: First Q.
[11:21] Delia Lake: 1) Many citizens of CDS indicate they have no interest in politics.
How do you plan to engage those citizens to ensure that you represent the 'silent majority', as well as those who are very vocal about their needs and wants.
[11:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: A vibrant diverse community should be able to embrace people with all levels of desire and ability to participate in “politics”. That being said.
[11:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: CDS is a democracy. Living in a democracy is a privilege. CDS is run by the people and for the people. This means that as citizens we all have rights. We have the right to speak freely, the right to respect the right to vote, and so on. Enjoying these rights is wonderful. But, enjoying these rights means that citizens have responsibilities. Being a citizen of a democracy carries with it the responsibility of choosing leaders, being informed about what the government is doing, and making the community a better place to be. This is not something that can be mandated, nor should it be. But there should be easy avenues and transparency in government so that it is not cumbersome for a citizen to participate and be informed. There should be no roadblocks to an informed active citizenry.
[11:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: So, though any citizen may choose not to become involved in politics, I do not believe a citizen who has no interest in politics, has a right to stifle the rights of people who have views on government or its actions. Not caring is one thing, attempting to thwart the democratic process or the rights of others to participate is unacceptable.
[11:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Avenues for participation at many different levels should be introduced from the beginning by a good PIO.
[11:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Making sure the executive follows through with this initiative is crucial.
[11:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done

[11:23] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cleo. Stephen, please
[11:23] Stephen Xootfly: I believe that politics is not for everyone. And, just like in real life, one can be an engaged citizen without necessarily being engaged in political activities. So, I think the question raises a false premise that all citizens should be politically engaged. Politicians, beyond taking care of the needs of its citizens, should not expect all citizens to be politicians. However, we in the government can hopefully encourage all people in the CDS to be engaged citizens in
our markets, renter communities, and social events. As we plan and market events, we need to be more direct and obvious in getting the message out. As to the more highly engaged and outspoken citizens, I think would like to make sure they are aware and come to regular RA meetings. Having an occasional citizens' forum with RA and chancellor participation would be something I'd like to see.
[11:24] Stephen Xootfly: Thank you for your attention.

[11:24] Delia Lake: Thank you, Stephen. Cadence, please
[11:24] Cadence Theas: I posted these answers in the forum, so I will repeat them here
[11:24] Cadence Theas: The lack of interest in politics per se is not the problem, all democracies have a certain percentage that are active, and a larger percentage who are not or whose activity is limited to voting every now and then. I think the real issue is to define spaces for people to participate in manners that make them comfortable and conscience of the democratic spaces we are creating in CDS. This means redefining what is participation and making a much broader idea than simply voting or making political statements. For example, attending conferences, or music events are all indications of being part of a larger “political” community.
[11:25] Cadence Theas: How much do we want to be a part of divisive discussions to say that we are political, or how much do we want to say that I went to this or that event and this is how I want to participate in CDS. I think we need to try to be inclusive in our definition of participation, and our definition of political participation. We should open up participatory spaces, cultural and social spaces, so that people feel involved, rather than defining participation solely in terms of manifesting inconformity or following party lines.
[11:25] Cadence Theas: thank you :)

[11:27] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cadence. With the consent of the candidates, and in order to get to live questions from the audience, I would like to forego candidate responses to each of the moderator questions, but provide space on the Forum for any of the RA candidates to respond to what each other candidate has said
[11:27] Cadence Theas is Offline
[11:27] Delia Lake: would this be OK with you 3 today?
[11:27] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: no
[11:27] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: id like an opportunity to complete the debate as it has been planned
[11:28] Cadence Theas is Online
[11:28] Stephen Xootfly: What is the issue? I think we'll be able to get to questions in about 5 minutes.
[11:28] Delia Lake: ok
[11:28] Cadence Theas: Hi, sorry
[11:28] Cadence Theas: my server
[11:29] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Welcome back Cadence.
[11:29] Cadence Theas: did my answer go through?
[11:29] Stephen Xootfly: I think our repsonses in local chat provide a convenient reading to help be the basis for questions.
[11:29] Delia Lake: so then Cleo, so you have anything further you'd like to add in response to Question 1?
[11:29] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yes..
[11:29] Delia Lake: Yes, it did, Cadence

[11:29] Delia Lake: please respond then Cleo
[11:29] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: HOW DO WE MAXIMIZE PARTICIPATION? Nothing beats a good first impression. The chancellor’s office is responsible for making sure that the new citizens of CDS are welcomed and educated. The chancellor is responsible for the position of the Public Information Office. Having a welcome from a person who personally engages each new citizen and helps them navigate the steps of getting settled in CDS and understanding and informing them of opportunities for involvement is crucial to our long term success. Its absence beckons our decline.
[11:29] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: A democracy needs active citizens in order to work and there are many ways to take part in a democracy. Dumbing down our systems to capitulate to a group of citizens who do not want to participate is not acceptable to me. This recent phenomenon in CDS, needs to be researched and we need to find a solution not make it the norm and accept it. (one example: lack of people wanting to run for office, for example, followed by losing term limits and lowering the number of RA seats… we should have seven now ) This pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy is unacceptable to me, I have done what I can to reverse it.
[11:30] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: 1. We need to look again at systemic flaws that encourage non participation. A person who is never in world will not be a very easy to engage. Monthly requirements to pay tier in-world, once required by the RA, were lost at some point and now it is quite feasible for a person to log in one time every three months to pay tier, then to vote. I would vote to reverse this change and require at least one visit to CDS per month to maintain voting rights.
[11:30] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: 2. An active PIO who takes charge and follows up with citizen’s needs. No matter who they are and what they need is crucial. Once a citizen leaves CDS because of lack of attention or blatant mistreatment, they have no chance at all of participating. Lack of the Executive Branch to provide a proper welcome and orientation for new citizens, not to mention ongoing liaison and education.. by an active Public Information Officer is of utmost importance. This should be one of any Chancellors first priorities. This has been completely lost during the past few administrations.
[11:30] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: 3. Find out why? If it is indeed a “fact”, as the Question asked states, that MANY citizens choose not to engage in politics in any way shape or form, this is something we need to investigate and figure out why. I want to know what would it take for them to engage and what that statement really means. There are many ways a person can participate. Apathy by citizens may indicate something we can change. It may not be something we can force, but having people who don’t get involved is not the hallmark of a Thriving Democracy.
Short answer, anyone should be able to freely choose to live in CDS and choose not to participate. But, no one has the right to demand the rights of those who do be stifled either.
[11:31] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done.
[11:31] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ty Delia

[11:31] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cleo. Stephen, do you have anything you would like to add?
[11:31] Stephen Xootfly: Thank you. Yes.
[11:32] Stephen Xootfly: I terms of the mechanics of outreach and availability. We RAs should walk the grounds. And be at planned social events. And encourage the Chancellor to keep us on our toes regarding attendance and outreach.
[11:32] Stephen Xootfly: Done.

[11:33] Delia Lake: Thank you, Stephen. Do you have anything you'd like to add, Cadence?
[11:33] Cadence Theas: yes, I do
[11:33] Cadence Theas: I dont think it is a case of rules and requirements
[11:33] Cadence Theas: god knows we have enough of them already
[11:34] Cadence Theas: I th ink it is more a case of we talk and talk and talk
[11:34] Cadence Theas: but we dont listen
[11:34] Cadence Theas: and we dont communicate
[11:34] Cadence Theas: and this is what makes political participation viable is listening to what each of us has to say
[11:34] Cadence Theas: and the spirit in which it was said
[11:34] Cadence Theas: thank you :)

[11:35] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cadence. We will now move on to Q2. The order for response this time will be: Stephen, then Cadence, then Cleo.
[11:36] Delia Lake: 2) Is it your opinion that we wish to encourage particular types of people to settle in CDS, and, if so, what types are they?
[11:36] Stephen Xootfly: I think a group like the CDS should grow its citizenry organically. See how it blossoms via outreach and connections by active citizens. Having more builders and merchants would be nice if they were also citizens. But, having building contracted to noncitizen to have our regions appeal to more visitors should be done. Encouraging citizens by offering increased primitive allowances or parcel upgrades should be a part of that.
[11:36] Stephen Xootfly: But, in terms of targeting particular types or groups. I am not in favor of that.
[11:37] Stephen Xootfly: A friend of a friend is a friend.
[11:37] Stephen Xootfly: Done.
[11:37] Stephen Xootfly: Thank you.

[11:37] Delia Lake: Thank you, Stephen. Cadence please
[11:37] Cadence Theas: ok, this is also in the forum :)
[11:37] Cadence Theas: here goes
[11:37] Cadence Theas: Yes, we should encourage particular types of people to CDS. Why? CDS, just like SL in general, is an amazing social experiment. How do you create a virtual community, made up of people from many different cultures, societies, personal and social experiences, languages, social practices, etc.,? In part, it is what is offered, in part it is what people want to get out of being here. Some are here to make money, others are here to explore different social beings than what they are in rl, still others to make meaningful relations in SL. CDS is a particular experience that requires a certain level of commitment and desire to participate in a unique experience—that of a virtual community co-living in the framework of representation and commitment to building a society.
[11:38] Cadence Theas: This means that, rather than restrict membership or say only certain types of people should join, we should actively encourage people who feel this social commitment to be part of a larger social experience with all that this represents. One of the beauties of a democracy is precisely its capacity to involve different persons with different ideas in an environment of tolerance and respect, inclusive of religion, sexual orientation, political inclinations, race, ethnicity, and gender. Our starting point, regardless of who arrives in CDS should be one of respect and tolerance.
[11:38] Cadence Theas: thank you:)

[11:38] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cadence. Cleo please
[11:39] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I think anyone who understands what CDS is and wants to live here and abide by our laws is the perfect citizen. I have taken it upon myself to bring dozens of people to CDS … it never crossed my mind we had a “type”.
[11:39] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I would like for CDS to be a place that should be open to everyone who wants to come here. And when they get here they should be welcomed with open arms. I happen to be American. I think of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. I don’t think they were seeking a type, or a level of elitism, or a particular social class. I do not want CDS to be an “exclusive club” or a country club or gated community, or to feel stuffy or unwelcoming to anyone.
[11:39] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: DIVERSITY of citizenry is a benefit to us, all and a system that fosters INCLUSION will make any citizen who chooses to make CDS their home an asset.
[11:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I simply think the thing to do is inform people about CDS. If they show interest in CDS, hold their hand and help them become a citizen. Invite them. Hopefully, one day, CDS will have a PIO again who does a good job of acclimation, and each new citizen can help contribute in their own way to our Thriving democracy.
[11:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: There is one type of citizen I can think of that I don’t want here and that is cheaters and griefers . And even that should be able to be handled by the system. Unfortunately, the voter list for this election is known to have an incident of this on it. Sad. A former CDS official has decided it fun to tell new citizens he is using a friends avatar and is on the voting list twice. “vote early, vote often” he stated. This may seem funny to him, but it makes me ill. This erodes the entire fabric of what CDS is about. I hope to make an impact on that sort of behavior. The person can stay but there is no room here for the cheater “type” here, CDS citizenship does require a certain level of integrity trust and honesty.
[11:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I simply think the thing to do is inform people about CDS. If they show interest in CDS, hold their hand and help them become a citizen. When they get here, a Thriving democracy
[11:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: will follow.
[11:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done

[11:42] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cleo. Stephen, do you have anything you wish to add?
[11:43] Stephen Xootfly: yes.
[11:44] Stephen Xootfly: Quickly, I agree with not including malicious griefers. But, some are funny and clever, so we shoudl keep them. I also do not like cheaters or voting more than once, but I am unaware on an easy way to limit that. So,
[11:44] Stephen Xootfly: I think we have to trust in the citizens to be honest about voting.
[11:44] Stephen Xootfly: Besides, any cheating is still by a citizen who has agreed to pay double rent.
[11:44] Stephen Xootfly: Done.

[11:45] Delia Lake: Thank you, Stephen. Cadence would you like to add anything?
[11:46] Cadence Theas: a little something
[11:47] Cadence Theas is Offline
[11:47] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hb Cadence
[11:48] Delia Lake: FYI, there are severe thunderstorms where Cadence is in rl
[11:48] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: aww we can be patient and wait for her
[11:48] Stephen Xootfly fine with waiting.
[11:48] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: maybe she shouldnt be online:(
[11:48] Delia Lake: we will make a space for Cadence to add to this on the Forum if she doesn't reappear shortly
[11:48] Stephen Xootfly: *is.
[11:50] Delia Lake: In the meantime, if the candidate responses or anything else has prompted you citizens in the audience to think of a question you'd like answered, please IM those questions to Lilith
[11:51] CLEOPATRA Xigalia looks around for Lions
[11:51] Cadence Theas is Online
[11:52] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: wb CT
[11:52] Delia Lake: wb Cadence. when you stabilize, everyone wanted to wait for you to return for any additional response to Q 2.
[11:53] Cadence Theas: sorry:)
[11:53] Cadence Theas: thank you
[11:53] Cadence Theas: I was wondering how many nationalities are represented in CDS
[11:53] Cadence Theas: how many different definitions of democracy and diversity
[11:54] Cadence Theas: and I think that the variety would be surprising to know
[11:54] Cadence Theas: maybe we should try to have a greater underttanding of how people understand CDS
[11:54] Cadence Theas: to help make them the "type" of people we want to be here
[11:55] Cadence Theas: thank you
[11:55] Cadence Theas: and thank you for waiting
[11:55] Cadence Theas: :)
[11:55] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cadence

[11:57] Delia Lake: Regarding questions from the audience. We have 2 more moderator questions so you have time to formulate your questions still. a couple of points of information to help you. Lilith is the collector of questions only. Neither she nor I can nor should rephrase the questions. and secondly, please make questions general enough that each candidate can respond to them
[11:57] Delia Lake: Thank you.
[11:57] Delia Lake: We will now move on to question 3. and my attempt to vary the order of responses :)

[11:57] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: did i get a rebuttal ?
[11:58] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: oops i missed it if i did....
[11:59] Delia Lake: yes, please, Cleo. if you would like to add
[11:59] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: For two i want to say that I agree with Cadence and Stephen totally about communication and the fact that we all need to listen to each other. DiVERSITY and INCLUSION benefit us all. Lets Foster that !
[11:59] Delia Lake: sorry about that
[11:59] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Cadence Theas: to help make them the "type" of people we want to be here..
[11:59] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i know this is out of context CT,
[11:59] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: but i hope we dont do that
[11:59] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i hope we do not try to make people a Type..
[12:00] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i heard a welcome comiittee memeber of this admin tell a new person
[12:00] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: that they might not fit in here
[12:00] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: we need to fit around law abiding citizens, not form people to our pre concived ideas. i agree with what Stephen said about organically growing . done
[12:00] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ty

[12:00] Cadence Theas: Delia, can I respond since she addressed me directly?
[12:01] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i hope you do cadence, if its up to me.
[12:01] Delia Lake: we will post to the forum
[12:01] Cadence Theas: yes, but she is misrepresenting what I said
[12:01] Delia Lake: the format here is for response + 1 add
[12:01] Cadence Theas: ok
[12:01] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: we might have time, i am happy to see if i misunderstood
[12:01] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: if i did i apologize
[12:01] Delia Lake: we will make a space for adding on the forum

[12:02] Delia Lake: Now for Q 2. the response sequence will be Cleo, Cadence, Stephen.
[12:03] Delia Lake: 3) How do you intend to build a more vibrant, active community in CDS?
[12:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: 3?
[12:03] Delia Lake: yes, #3
[12:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: By making CITIZENS NUMBER ONE … all citizens. Continuing to encourage everyone to recruit new citizens and demand the Executive Branch make sure the duties of the PIO are properly performed.
[12:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Start tracking more formally why people decide to join us and why they leave and act on this data.
[12:04] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Make sure the government does it’s due diligence to not just respond but be proactive in engaging citizens, all citizens, and building a dynamic community around their interests.
Supporting citizens endeavors
[12:04] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done

[12:05] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cleo. Cadence please
[12:05] Cadence Theas: ok
[12:05] Cadence Theas: I think the starting point to an active, vibrant community is in the idea of diversity; in people, in interests, in life experiences. We need to build upon this diversity and make CDS an inclusive space that encourages creative, inclusive and responsible autonomy. We should make CDS a focal point of active social debate, a place where minority perspectives in SL can find representation on the same footing as social majority perspectives. We are a world community where the experience of democracy is quite different even if we use the same word. How do we capture this possibility to understand other realities? Other life experiences?
[12:05] Cadence Theas: Events! We have beautiful public spaces In all of CDS, we have an interesting and thinking membership, we have social and cultural resources that have not been touched in SL. We should reach out to every member to be a part of the events—as organizers, as participants. We should also reserve at least one space in CDS for rezzable public events that do not necessarily comply 100% with the covenant—one space that can be used by people and events that are not necessarily related to governance, but which touch upon social issues that are transversal to the human experience.
[12:06] Cadence Theas: thank you:)

[12:06] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cadence. Stephen please
[12:06] Stephen Xootfly: I'd like to have more direct outreach to active SL communities. But, the CDS also has the resources to support building events or other social events that can attract people to our group and activities. But, a more active social media presence and inworld marketing to at least advertise what events we organize seems a prerequisite. Perhaps an official office under the Chancellor with committed citizens should be formed by appointment with common consent of the RAs and/or SC.
[12:06] Stephen Xootfly: And more Baths. Personal bathtubs, showers, and community baths. I am looking forward to the opening of the one Lam is building in Locus.
[12:07] Stephen Xootfly: Done, Thank you.

[12:08] Delia Lake: Thank you, Stephen. Do you have anything you would like to add, Cleo?
[12:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Yes, I agree totally with everything Cadence AND Stephen said ! Vote them both in for RA, please. Rank them high . We need new ideas I would like to add one thing,
[12:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Lots of events are good, but we need to make sure that people are also actually personally invited to join CDS when they are here. That seems to be something that is lost sometimes.
[12:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Nothing beats a personal invite to join our community. All the money spent on events, if they are meant to bolster citizenship in part, is lost , if no one ever says.. come to CDS.
[12:10] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Let us say we want you to bring your event to CDS, put it on the ground. walk around, friendsly people say ,, come see what we do and heres how you buy a parcel. That is what i do, i hope more people start doing that. That makes us a tapestry of vibrant diverse citizens.
[12:10] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: And i apologize if i took cadences statement out of context or misunderstood.
[12:11] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done

[12:11] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cleo. Cadence, would you like to add anything?
[12:11] Cadence Theas: yes
[12:11] Cadence Theas: if my server lets me
[12:11] Cadence Theas: :)
[12:11] Cadence Theas: I think the most important thing is to make CDS a safe place to engage community
[12:12] Cadence Theas: that no one feels wrong or funny expressing who they are or what they believe
[12:12] Cadence Theas: if we truly want diversity it has to mean tolerance and acceptance w
[12:12] Cadence Theas: that is one way of encouraging community
[12:13] Cadence Theas: thank you :)

[12:13] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cadence. Would you like to add anything, Stephen?
[12:13] Stephen Xootfly agrees with Cleo agreeing with him. Nods. I agree that a personal touch is important.
[12:13] Stephen Xootfly: Other than that, I'm good. Thank you.

[12:14] Delia Lake: Thank you, Stephen. We will now move to Q 4.
[12:15] Delia Lake: The order of response will be Stephen, Cadence, Cleo.

[12:15] Delia Lake: 4) Vacancy rates have an impact on CDS economic stability and on the businesses and community activities of CDS; the coming changes to Locus Amoenus are a result of such vacancies.
If Locus Amoenus (or any sim) continues to have empty parcels for extended periods would you propose adjustments or changes, and if so, what adjustments or changes would you suggest.?
[12:15] Stephen Xootfly: Empty parcels should be utilized for short term events or showcases of talent or builds. Renting to groups that need small parcels should be encouraged and finding those groups a priority. One example is Virtually Speaking Science. But, as I am given to understand, the financials of the CDS can allow us to manage without an influx of renters short term. So we should not rush into any particular course of action b/c the financial need is not pressing.
[12:16] Stephen Xootfly: VS Science brings in citizens to the group while not otherwise affiliated with teh CDS. Has overlapping membership.
[12:17] Stephen Xootfly: Sorry, Virtually Speaking (w/o the Science).
[12:17] Stephen Xootfly: Again, managing those parcels is something a social or marketing committee could do. Under the guidance of the Chancellor.
[12:17] Stephen Xootfly: Until they are rented to a citizen.
[12:18] Stephen Xootfly: Thank you.
[12:18] Delia Lake: Thank you, Stephen
12:18] Delia Lake: Cadence please
[12:18] Cadence Theas: ok
[12:18] Cadence Theas: Although I don’t believe in environmental determinism, I do feel that environment does play an important part in how a society behaves. One of the distinguishing features of CDS is the internal and external coherence of its sims; as you move through them and from one sim to another, one is struck at how at how harmonious everything is from the landscape to the quality of the public and private buildings. For some reason, LA has not fulfilled this trend, and its redesign is an important first step.
[12:19] Cadence Theas: The question has to be asked, what is lacking in LA that the vacancy rate has been so notorious relative to the other sims. Is it the nature of its properties, the simplicity of its landscape, the discordance of the buildings that have been placed there? Any adjustment requires an analysis first regarding causality.
[12:19] Cadence Theas: There are two points here: first, make the adjustments to LA as proposed and see if this remedies the problem of empty parcels; and second, it is difficult and perhaps irresponsible to suggest a single course of action for other hypothetical situations without first conducting an analysis as to causality, and/or an analysis of what makes a sim work.
[12:19] Cadence Theas: thank you :)
12:20] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cadence. Cleo please
[12:21] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I agree with Cadence. The first thing that needs to happen with any problem is fully assess what that problem is.
[12:21] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I never saw any data provig the theme and terraforming and the parcel layout was what stopped locus from being sold. So as C said, on a one on one basis, asses the flaw and fix the flaw.
[12:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: AS far as LOCUS and our current situation..Let’s do anything except what the current admin decided to do.. spend a year talking about fixing it then lock it down when people start to move in, then be so uncaring that some long term residents leave.
[12:22] Garnet Psaltery: Tsk
[12:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: that is what happened. that is not what tehy said they are trying to do
[12:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Unlock the land and lets sell it. Then let’s ask the people who live there what they want it to be changed to. If any sim has vacant parcels I suggest we double triple and quadruple our efforts to fill them. I know this works. I have done it. It’s really not that hard.
[12:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I refuse to even entertain the thought that CDS needs to cut back at this point, I would have been able to sell the locked down parcels that the current administration didn’t seem to be able to sell for months and months. I would have not let people violate covenents so dramatically as to make it undesireable
[12:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: , It would have first suited me to rebuild the common areas….or recut huge plots of vacant land. I never saw any surveys of potential buyers that said they didn’t want Locus because it was roman and if it was Tuscan they’d live there. It is perfectly possible to re-theme to Tuscan without disturbing the people who are settled there now and enjoy it and happily pay tier. I have still never seen the cost to the citizens of the lost tier for Locked down parcels, nor the projected cost to the CDS for the new builds. What I see are stated reasons for projects that contradict the realized outcome.
[12:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Opportunity cost is real. LL did not stop collecting our tier on Locus. Did you know the Cedar Island people who came back bought parcels in Locus, to be together, because they liked LA. Timing is everything, coincidentally, and quite quietly and quickly before all of them were even settled in .. the chancellor locked down the rest of the vacant land. This is what I observed.
[12:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Where are the financials that are right now current. ?
[12:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: This action ensured no more of them would come, none of their friends would visit and buy the parcel next to them.. and made sure YOU AND I did not get the tier paid from the parcels either. I have wondered who might be a citizen today if we had just let the synergy of Cedar Island returning happen, instead of a whim of a chancellor to lock it down. Oh I know, the chancellor and his allies talked about redesigning Locus a few months ago, so it had to happen. Sighs ... I don’t buy that, when circumstances change, we need to change --as quickly as the tide. We will never know the cost, not in Lindens nor in Vitality of citizens we don’t have now.. and the lost contributions of those we already lost because of one rouge chancellors action.
[12:25] Garnet Psaltery: I'm not staying here to listen to this slanderous garbage.
[12:25] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: The short answer is if there are vacant parcels.. SELL THEM
[12:25] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: its not that difficult. Sell them then listen to the people who buy them.
[12:26] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done.
[12:27] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cleo.

[12:27] Delia Lake: Stephen, would you like to add anything more?
[12:27] Stephen Xootfly: No. I think let's be proactive about having events and not let land sit idle.
[12:28] Stephen Xootfly: but, let's not rush to sell or rearrange. I like the look and layout.
[12:28] Stephen Xootfly: Maybe, more baths. Soon. but otherwise. patience is a virtue.
[12:28] Stephen Xootfly: Thanks. Done.

[12:28] Delia Lake: Thank you. Stephen. Cadence would you like to add anything?
[12:28] Cadence Theas: yes, two things
[12:28] Cadence Theas: I would like to add that redesign will not do much without covenant reform. I think all of the CDS sims need to have their covenants discussed and made more responsive to the membership we have today, both veteran CDSers and the new people.
[12:30] Cadence Theas: and two, I have to ask how constructive is it to tear down previous administrations with innuendos and rumors? I dont see how this creates and atmpsphere of inclusion or tolerance
[12:30] Cadence Theas: this is lack of communication
[12:30] Pip Torok: hear, hear!
[12:30] Cadence Theas: or listenening to what you want to hear
[12:30] Cadence Theas: thank you :)
[12:31] Rosie Gray: clap clap clap
[12:31] Pat (patroklus.murakami) applauds

[12:31] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cadence. Is there anything you would like to add, Cleo?
[12:31] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I dont care if you rearrange or retheme........ just do it while putting CITIZENS first and amke sure no one is ever displaced to make something look better.. Citizens first.. Democracy second. and Sim beauty third, in that order, you will never go wrong.. do them all but get your priorities straight, and do your homework first..
[12:31] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I applaud you Cadence for your encouraging a Culture of Candor... we need to listen to everyone
[12:32] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: sometimes we disagree with the actions of an administration
[12:32] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: that is inevitable
[12:32] Pip Torok: "democracy second" ... well, well
[12:32] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: we must have avenues to disagree with ideas without
[12:32] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Escuse me, who is taking charge of the hecklers? i will pause.
[12:33] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: there is no room in CDS to say a person or group cannot disagree with anyones ideas
[12:33] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: when you decide that you want to burn a person at the stake, for speaking out about his or her ideas
[12:33] Kazz Loordes shoots a rubber band at pip
[12:33] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: then you are killing democracy
[12:33] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Citizens are what democracy exists for .
[12:34] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: democracy serves citizens..
[12:34] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Cadence, it is imperative that anyone who has ideas that differ from the majority can say what they think .
[12:34] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: if you want Diversity and Inclusion its imperative.
[12:35] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done.
[12:35] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cleo.
[12:35] Rosie Gray can smell the bs from here

[12:35] Delia Lake: This concludes the Moderator Questions part of this RA Candidate debate.
[12:35] Kazz Loordes searches for another rubber band
[12:35] Stephen Xootfly: Thank you Delia.
[12:35] Delia Lake: Let us take a brief pause to stretch our legs
[12:36] Delia Lake: then we will continue with the questions from today's audience. The audience questions will be presented in the order they were received
[12:37] Stephen Xootfly stretches
[12:37] Cadence Theas: Delia, I have about anothre 15 minutes, then I have to go
[12:37] Delia Lake: lol, Stephen, I want that anim
[12:37] Lilith Ivory is ready to present the first of 5 questions as soon as it´s her turn
[12:37] Pat (patroklus.murakami) tops up on anti-emetics...
[12:38] Pat (patroklus.murakami): aah, better! :-)
[12:38] Delia Lake: OK :)
[12:39] Delia Lake: we will now have questions submitted by today's audience. we will not get through all of them but they will be posted on the forum for all candidates to post responses
[12:40] Stephen Xootfly has only 10 minutes before he also has to log
[12:40] Delia Lake: Lilith please post the first Q, with the name of the person who submitted it
[12:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: im short on time too

[12:40] Lilith Ivory: The first question is from Patroklus Murakami: "Do you support raiding the CDS reserves for a cash giveaway to current citizens? What level of reserves do you think is fiscally responsible?"
[12:40] Delia Lake: we all are :(
[12:40] Callipygian Christensen: time for only one question then
[12:40] Delia Lake: Please Cadence, then Stephen then Cleo
[12:40] Stephen Xootfly: who is first to respond?
[12:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: cadence

[12:41] Delia Lake: Cadence please
[12:41] Cadence Theas: I think that it should be necessary
[12:41] Cadence Theas: CDS is not expensive
[12:41] Cadence Theas: as is, and one of the alternatives is to make more small parcels so that people can be here who cannot otherwise afford it
[12:42] Cadence Theas: the reserve is for specific moments and should be kept for those moments
[12:42] Cadence Theas: thank you :)
[12:42] Cadence Theas: oop
[12:42] Cadence Theas: should NOT be necessary
[12:42] Cadence Theas: :)
[12:42] Cadence Theas: sorry

[12:42] Delia Lake: Thank you Cadence. Stephen please
[12:43] Stephen Xootfly: I am not sure what the context of meaning of "raiding" is. but I like the idea of using cash reserves for prespecified reasons that either build community or are for builds that enhance our community. A public record of expenses of that type should be made available. Extra caution or a second signature should be required when the payout is to a CDS citizen.
[12:44] Stephen Xootfly: Let me know if you want more specifics on what I mean, otherwise, that's my answer.

[12:44] Delia Lake: Thank you, Stephen. Cleo please
[12:45] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I have always be pro fiscal transparency in CDS. I want to have an admin that lets the citizens know where every penny is spent adn why .. The past three admins have seen declining reserves.
[12:45] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: excuse me.. past six.. three years
[12:45] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I would like to see CDS entertain creative incentive programs that encourage fiscal growth
[12:45] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: transparencey
[12:46] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and also make sure that we SELL ALL THE LAND ALL THE TIME
[12:46] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: its a no brainer that if the land is not sold, we cannot thrive
[12:46] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: any policy or lack of action that lets this fall to the bottom of our list
[12:46] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: is not doing us any favors
[12:46] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i have taken it upon myself to do this
[12:47] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: as an active citizen, makign sure we keep the reserves UP by keeping parcels sold.
[12:47] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Id like to see people not be let go in greatlenghths of arrears..
[12:47] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: so absolute NO .. no one should raid the resevers.
[12:48] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: they should make sure we grow them.. then spend them in ways that make sense
[12:48] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: 5k a month on a radio ad ..
[12:48] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: if we spend dthat then lets make sure it is worth our while
[12:48] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i promote and always have if you read transcripts great fiscal transparencey
[12:48] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and responsibility on the part of the chancellor AND RA
[12:49] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: if the reserves dwindle, you dont LOCK LAND
[12:49] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and set it not for sale
[12:49] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: you get off your butt
[12:49] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and sell it
[12:49] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: if no one wants to participate in your administration, you need ask yourself why .. and fix it
[12:49] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: people who are told about CDS , like the idea and if asked they come.
[12:50] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I think you all know that. Make it grow, I will keep promoting CDS whether i am in RA or not.
[12:50] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: if the land is sold, the reserves are safe. END of story .
[12:50] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: no one wants to raid the reserves, but empty parcels do just that
[12:50] Delia Lake: thank you Cleo
[12:50] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: am i done?
[12:50] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: lol

[12:51] Delia Lake: yes. more than 2 min
[12:51] Delia Lake: we have barely time for a 2 min wrap up each
[12:51] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: eeeks

[12:52] Delia Lake: Stephen please if you would go first
[12:52] Delia Lake: then Cleo then Cadence
[12:52] Delia Lake: and no more than 2 min
[12:52] Stephen Xootfly: Sure. I'd like to summarize that I will be an RA proactive in marketing and building community to attract more members
[12:53] Rosie Gray otes that CLEO started her response at 12:45:21 and went until 12:50:48
[12:53] Stephen Xootfly: I will be transparent and expect transparency in the govermnet's dealings. And, I want CDS to be a fun community.
[12:53] Stephen Xootfly: I will also be very forgiving of typos.
[12:53] Cadence Theas: that helps me :)
[12:53] Stephen Xootfly: Vote for me.
[12:53] Delia Lake: Thank you, Stephen

[12:54] Delia Lake: Cleo please
[12:54] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: The biggest Raid on the reserves is a government that is not welcoming to all new citizens, who doesnt do their diligence to market the land successfully ... who makes it not fun to live here for anyone at all.. The raid on the reserves already happened. IT was the administrations who didnt keep the place full.
[12:54] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Vote for me and i will change yellow land to green dots.
[12:54] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done
[12:55] Delia Lake: thank you Cleo

[12:55] Delia Lake: Cadence please
[12:55] Cadence Theas: ok
[12:55] Cadence Theas: I am a bit distressed hearing all of the bashing that is going on
[12:55] Cadence Theas: and this focus on the bottom line
[12:56] Cadence Theas: I understand that finances are imporrtanat
[12:56] Cadence Theas: and that there has to be fiscal responsibility
[12:56] Cadence Theas: but we need first to come togehter in a common goal
[12:56] Cadence Theas: Common is not financial
[12:56] Cadence Theas: it is a social project that we all have to be a part of
[12:57] Cadence Theas: this is what I would like to build in CDS
[12:57] Cadence Theas: thank you
[12:57] Delia Lake: Thank you, Cadence

[12:57] Stephen Xootfly really has to run. Class in 3 minutes. I'd like to close by thaanking the moderators, the fellow candidates, and all who attended.
[12:57] Delia Lake: And thank you to the RA candidates for participating today
[12:58] Cadence Theas: I too wouls like to thank everyone
[12:58] Delia Lake: Thank you to the audience for their questions and for their listening
[12:58] Cadence Theas: this was fun
[12:58] Delia Lake: we will post the rest of the questions to the Forum for all candidates' responses

"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."
Terry Pratchett

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