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Transcript RA Meeting April 13, 2024

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 5:24 am
by Jerry McNally

[2024/04/13 10:33] Almut Brunswick: Anyway... Dear fellow CDS citizens, dear absent constitutional powers and of course dear fellow RA members! Welcome to our Seventh RA Meeting of the 40th Term. Hereby, I call this meeting to order.
[2024/04/13 10:34] Rosie Gray: those were meant for tinies
[2024/04/13 10:34] Rosie Gray: but whatever you like!
[2024/04/13 10:34] Agatha Macbeth: Oh
[2024/04/13 10:34] Jerry McNally: it's all good
[2024/04/13 10:34] Almut Brunswick: The agenda is in the cube. Tori submitted me a NC with MoCA announcements. I will come to this at the given time.
[2024/04/13 10:35] Rosie Gray: got it
[2024/04/13 10:35] Almut Brunswick: 1 Administrative Business
1.1 Approval of the Agenda
[2024/04/13 10:35] Rosie Gray: Motion to approve the Agenda
[2024/04/13 10:35] Jerry McNally: If the cube agenda is the same as the online version at there are two item 8s
[2024/04/13 10:35] Agatha Macbeth: Sandy :)
[2024/04/13 10:35] Rosie Gray: yay Sandy
[2024/04/13 10:35] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Sandy
[2024/04/13 10:36] Jerry McNally: But other than that, looks fine by me
[2024/04/13 10:36] Almut Brunswick: yes. you are right. Please correct the second one to 9 and Adjourn to 10
[2024/04/13 10:36] Rosie Gray: sharp eyes, Jerry!
[2024/04/13 10:36] Sandy Burgess: Sorry, my computer needed some unexpected time for startup today
[2024/04/13 10:36] Almut Brunswick: I'll put a corrected version into the cube
[2024/04/13 10:36] Rosie Gray: Motion to accept the Agenda as renumbered
[2024/04/13 10:36] Jerry McNally: Second
[2024/04/13 10:37] Almut Brunswick: Updated
[2024/04/13 10:38] Almut Brunswick: Any other mistakes?
[2024/04/13 10:38] Jerry McNally: Looks good to me
[2024/04/13 10:39] Almut Brunswick: Shall we vote then?
[2024/04/13 10:39] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2024/04/13 10:39] Rosie Gray: aye
[2024/04/13 10:39] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2024/04/13 10:39] Almut Brunswick: Thank you
[2024/04/13 10:39] Almut Brunswick: 1.2 Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Sixth RA Meeting on March 23, 2024
[2024/04/13 10:39] Sandy Burgess: abstain - was not there
[2024/04/13 10:40] Almut Brunswick: We voted about the agenda of today, Sandy
[2024/04/13 10:40] Sandy Burgess: Sorry- thats the next one
[2024/04/13 10:40] Sandy Burgess: This one is an aye
[2024/04/13 10:40] Almut Brunswick: Thank you
[2024/04/13 10:40] Rosie Gray: Motion to accept the Minutes as presented
[2024/04/13 10:40] Almut Brunswick: Second
[2024/04/13 10:40] Almut Brunswick: Let's vote
[2024/04/13 10:40] Rosie Gray: aye
[2024/04/13 10:40] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2024/04/13 10:40] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2024/04/13 10:41] Almut Brunswick: Thank you!
[2024/04/13 10:41] Sandy Burgess: this time I abstain
[2024/04/13 10:41] Almut Brunswick: 2 Executive Report (Tor)
[2024/04/13 10:41] Almut Brunswick: Tabled again due to the absence of the Chancellor.
[2024/04/13 10:41] Rosie Gray: he just came online
[2024/04/13 10:42] Almut Brunswick: Then we may return to that point later on
[2024/04/13 10:42] Jerry McNally: (It's interesting, regarding the idea of being absent from the meeting, as reading the transcript is exactly the same as being there. Anyway)
[2024/04/13 10:42] Rosie Gray: and here he is!
[2024/04/13 10:42] Mizou Vavoom: hi Tor
[2024/04/13 10:42] Rosie Gray: hi Tor
[2024/04/13 10:43] Almut Brunswick: Ahaaaaaa
[2024/04/13 10:43] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi all
[2024/04/13 10:43] Jerry McNally: Hi Tor
[2024/04/13 10:43] Tor Karlsvalt: Sorry for being late
[2024/04/13 10:43] Almut Brunswick: Hello Tor, you have the stage for your Executive Report
[2024/04/13 10:43] Tor Karlsvalt: Oh thank you.
[2024/04/13 10:43] Tor Karlsvalt: Well things are doing ok.
[2024/04/13 10:44] Tor Karlsvalt: We are still over 100% tier.
[2024/04/13 10:44] Tor Karlsvalt: We actually sold four parcels just after Speelo's party last weekend.
[2024/04/13 10:45] Tor Karlsvalt: We are at 80 citizens. Maybe a few more if tier were paid.
[2024/04/13 10:45] Rosie Gray: nice
[2024/04/13 10:45] Almut Brunswick: Yay
[2024/04/13 10:45] Tor Karlsvalt: Alas, we were as high as 88.
[2024/04/13 10:45] Tor Karlsvalt: We were lapping up on 90 and the tied went out.
[2024/04/13 10:46] Tor Karlsvalt: We have been working on a larger exhibit for the SL Community Exhibition.
[2024/04/13 10:46] Tor Karlsvalt: This will be much like the current exhibit, but larger. If it gets approved it will incorporate a section of the NFS wall.
[2024/04/13 10:47] Tor Karlsvalt: No word on approval there.
[2024/04/13 10:47] Tor Karlsvalt: yet
[2024/04/13 10:47] Tor Karlsvalt: LL has its schedule
[2024/04/13 10:47] Tor Karlsvalt: Thanks tho to Moon, Rosie, Sudane, Mizoiu and um me for all the work done.
[2024/04/13 10:48] Tor Karlsvalt: I will be applying for the SL21B
[2024/04/13 10:49] Tor Karlsvalt: The theme is earth, wind, fire
[2024/04/13 10:49] Tor Karlsvalt: So I hope to meet with anyone interested in few days to talk about an exhibit.
[2024/04/13 10:50] Tor Karlsvalt: Just throwing this out now, but I was wondering if we could diverge from the norm and do a mountain stream and cave exhibit. Sort of a campfire and cave of the winds sort of idea. But we will see
[2024/04/13 10:51] Tor Karlsvalt: I think that is it.
[2024/04/13 10:51] Tor Karlsvalt: Thanks all for your attention.
[2024/04/13 10:51] Rosie Gray: oh interesting idea
[2024/04/13 10:51] Agatha Macbeth: Hi Tor
[2024/04/13 10:51] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Tor, and when I see it correctly, you already have covered topic 4.2 of the agenda. Any further questions to the Chancellor?
[2024/04/13 10:52] Rosie Gray: not from me
[2024/04/13 10:52] Mizou Vavoom: hi Delia
[2024/04/13 10:52] Rosie Gray: hi Delia
[2024/04/13 10:52] Tor Karlsvalt: /me whistles for their horse.
[2024/04/13 10:52] Tor Karlsvalt: sorry
[2024/04/13 10:52] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Delia
[2024/04/13 10:52] Almut Brunswick: Hello Delia
[2024/04/13 10:52] Sandy Burgess: Hello Delia
[2024/04/13 10:52] Tor Karlsvalt: Hello Delia
[2024/04/13 10:53] Rosie Gray: /me wonders if Tor's horse will find him up here
[2024/04/13 10:53] Mizou Vavoom: :)
[2024/04/13 10:53] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2024/04/13 10:53] DeliaLake Pinion: Hi. I"m a split personality today, in more than one place simultaneously
[2024/04/13 10:53] Rosie Gray: you are very talented that way, Delia :D
[2024/04/13 10:53] Tor Karlsvalt: I was noticing
[2024/04/13 10:53] Agatha Macbeth: The miracles of SL
[2024/04/13 10:54] Agatha Macbeth: Is the other at Science Circle?
[2024/04/13 10:54] DeliaLake Pinion: yes, Agatha
[2024/04/13 10:54] Agatha Macbeth: /me nods knowingly :p
[2024/04/13 10:54] Almut Brunswick: I would have a question or even a small objection: When I hear about preparation of exhibitions, it always seems to be a "closed shop" of always the same names. Don't take me wrong: I do appreciate the work and dedication of our citizens involved, however, I would prefer when these preparation groups would be more - say - official. Why not managing them through the Artisan Guild, for example?
[2024/04/13 10:55] Tor Karlsvalt: Sure, well we are usually constrained by timing for these SLCE things. They demand a quick turnaround an of course then sit on it.
[2024/04/13 10:56] Agatha Macbeth: :P
[2024/04/13 10:56] Tor Karlsvalt: But yeah, I pull together a big team. And mostly this exhibit was a redo of the prior one and prims are an issue. But yeah, the guild would be a good place for the SLB exhibit.
[2024/04/13 10:57] Tor Karlsvalt: We have more time
[2024/04/13 10:57] Almut Brunswick: That does not really answer my question. Time constraints can be faced even when the AG is not regularly meeting.
[2024/04/13 10:57] Tor Karlsvalt: Applications are due on May 12th.
[2024/04/13 10:57] Rosie Gray: /me raises a hand
[2024/04/13 10:57] Almut Brunswick: We have several channels to communicate, so let's use them.
[2024/04/13 10:57] Almut Brunswick: Rosie please.
[2024/04/13 10:57] Tor Karlsvalt: Be need a concept for the application.
[2024/04/13 10:58] Sandy Burgess: If I remember last year's SL20B expo we did work on it in the AG
[2024/04/13 10:58] Mizou Vavoom: we did
[2024/04/13 10:58] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, we did, or met there at least.
[2024/04/13 10:58] Tor Karlsvalt: :) It as the same people again.
[2024/04/13 10:58] Rosie Gray: I was just going to suggest that perhaps the Chancellor could make a general announcement inviting citizens who want to participate to contact him, and give specific deadlines
[2024/04/13 10:59] Tor Karlsvalt: Sure
[2024/04/13 10:59] Almut Brunswick: SInce the legal nature of the AG has changed, we should use this now more official means to coordinate and to publish such projects.
[2024/04/13 11:00] Tor Karlsvalt: btw, we also are using Sandy's slide show which includes pics from many others.
[2024/04/13 11:00] Sandy Burgess: And we should try to get new pictures for this year - at least some
[2024/04/13 11:01] Tor Karlsvalt: /me nods
[2024/04/13 11:01] Rosie Gray: I see where you are coming from Almut
[2024/04/13 11:01] Tor Karlsvalt: Well I am all for AG involvement
[2024/04/13 11:01] Rosie Gray: the issue seems to be the deadlines are tight though, and the AG has other priorities
[2024/04/13 11:02] Tor Karlsvalt: Well this SLCE thing is sort of helter skelter
[2024/04/13 11:03] Tor Karlsvalt: I have asked twice for status on the inspection for instance
[2024/04/13 11:03] Almut Brunswick: I do disagree. The AG is not exclusively established for these usually long-term and not time-critical projects. We should not sacrifice transparency and the chance to collaborate for all creative citizens because of tight time schedules.
[2024/04/13 11:04] Tor Karlsvalt: Perhaps the AG could even establish a standing committee to plan exhibits.
[2024/04/13 11:05] Almut Brunswick: That is what I would like to propose. Otherwise, we will never leave that stance of hiring "the usual suspicious", to say it with a Casablanca quote :D
[2024/04/13 11:05] Sandy Burgess: The constitution does allow to call up committees for things like this if I remember correctly
[2024/04/13 11:05] Tor Karlsvalt: CDS20B is coming up btw.
[2024/04/13 11:05] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2024/04/13 11:06] Almut Brunswick: Yes, Sandy is right.
[2024/04/13 11:06] Rosie Gray: sure, but to be fair there is no requirement for the Chancellor to consult with anyone about these displays... although we all appreciate that he does.
[2024/04/13 11:06] Rosie Gray: they are public relations
[2024/04/13 11:07] Tor Karlsvalt: Well just so you know, we got a larger space this time and even larger spaces are planned for future SCLEs
[2024/04/13 11:08] Almut Brunswick: The Chancellor needs helping hands, and we have meanwhile an organisation that could theoretically respond more effective on his requests.
[2024/04/13 11:08] Tor Karlsvalt: I'll get you all a pic of the SLCE workspace that has empty parcels.
[2024/04/13 11:09] Tor Karlsvalt: btw, my idea of a natural landscape exhibit will probably bring different people into the creation.
[2024/04/13 11:09] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Tor. I think we should put that topic on the agenda of the next AG meeting in two weeks.
[2024/04/13 11:09] Tor Karlsvalt: Sounds good.
[2024/04/13 11:10] Almut Brunswick: Any further questions to Tor?
[2024/04/13 11:10] Jerry McNally: None from me
[2024/04/13 11:10] Sandy Burgess: /me jumps up and down excitedly: Do we get caves and zombies under that mountain?
[2024/04/13 11:10] Rosie Gray: nor me
[2024/04/13 11:10] Tor Karlsvalt: /me a bit disappointed there were no comments about my new outfit.
[2024/04/13 11:10] Sandy Burgess: ... or other monsters?
[2024/04/13 11:11] Rosie Gray: lol, actually I was admiring your sweater, Tor
[2024/04/13 11:11] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2024/04/13 11:11] Mizou Vavoom: /me looks at Tor's outfit
[2024/04/13 11:11] Almut Brunswick: We always expect you in naval attire :D
[2024/04/13 11:11] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2024/04/13 11:11] Mizou Vavoom: Very dapper ~Tor
[2024/04/13 11:11] Tor Karlsvalt: /me is working on a route through Etopia
[2024/04/13 11:11] Sandy Burgess: /me grins. Actually the outfit I most favoured was your bad boy look at the gothic party
[2024/04/13 11:11] DeliaLake Pinion: /me noticed Tor's classy new outfit immediately but didn't want to interrupt the meeting with a comment
[2024/04/13 11:12] Almut Brunswick: We will continue with a topic Tor is involved in:
[2024/04/13 11:12] Tor Karlsvalt: /me they seem to like tight spaces and rocks to put a puffin on.
[2024/04/13 11:12] Almut Brunswick: 4 Old Business
4.1 RA-20240302-2.1: Contacting the Scientific Council regarding ongoing management of the Discord server through the Chancellor
[2024/04/13 11:12] Rosie Gray: no
[2024/04/13 11:12] Rosie Gray: 3 Artisan Guild Report
[2024/04/13 11:12] Almut Brunswick: Aaaaah
[2024/04/13 11:12] Rosie Gray: /me give Almut a POKE!
[2024/04/13 11:12] Almut Brunswick: Sorrryyyyyy
[2024/04/13 11:12] Almut Brunswick: meh
[2024/04/13 11:12] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2024/04/13 11:12] Agatha Macbeth: Aww
[2024/04/13 11:12] Almut Brunswick: 3 Artisan Guild Report (Rosie)
[2024/04/13 11:13] Rosie Gray: /me sits up straight
[2024/04/13 11:13] Rosie Gray: the Guild had a meeting on March 30
[2024/04/13 11:13] Almut Brunswick: (Tor's missing admiral uniform distracted Almut)
[2024/04/13 11:13] Tor Karlsvalt: ok, I have from the start told Ry that the SC would have to own the Discord channel.
[2024/04/13 11:13] Rosie Gray: the main discussions were around the proposed Cable Car project
[2024/04/13 11:14] Rosie Gray: Sandy reports she that she has solved some major problems (scripting) and the next thing needs a gondola prototype and a kick to get started. There followed a discussion about catenary masts and various options for mast prototypes. Mizou offered to make one and Sudane pointed out some for sale on Marketplace. Almut said she has made some Blender videos with trams and stuff. Rosie reminded everyone that the project needs to be posted on the forums with details, so that the citizens have a chance to comment and make any objections. The route was briefly discussed. Sandy said she would make the route for next meeting and we could make a filed trip/tour, perhaps with prototypes.
[2024/04/13 11:14] Rosie Gray: then, the Staging of Parcels with buildings signage was discussed
[2024/04/13 11:14] Rosie Gray: As Lilith didn't have time to make the texture for the text on those signs Moon volunteered to do it. The text is to let people know that they don't have to keep staged buildings (un-anchored ones) but can use or return them as they wish. A video showing how to buy land in CDS was briefly discussed.
Moon brought up another HUD that she and Sudane had worked on for people to use who are interested in purchasing land in the CDS. The HUD shows the Casperlet website where CDS parcels are displayed for sale and you can click on them to TP. Moon showed a sign prototype to dispense the HUDs. There was much discussion about the yellow on map, signage, etc.
[2024/04/13 11:14] DeliaLake Pinion: ;/ in my absence I missed that the SC would have to own the Discourd channel. I need to be brought up to speed on that
[2024/04/13 11:15] Rosie Gray: ahem
[2024/04/13 11:15] Tor Karlsvalt: /me thanks Sandy for brining up the HUD.
[2024/04/13 11:15] Rosie Gray: and the next guild meeting was set for April 27, 10:00 am slt
[2024/04/13 11:15] Rosie Gray: done
[2024/04/13 11:15] Tor Karlsvalt: ooops that was Rosie
[2024/04/13 11:16] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Rosie, Any questions from the audience?
[2024/04/13 11:16] Mizou Vavoom: no
[2024/04/13 11:17] Agatha Macbeth: Thanks Tor
[2024/04/13 11:17] Jerry McNally: I'd just like to say that I've added an image of the map with the yellow on, to the webpage
[2024/04/13 11:17] Tor Karlsvalt: oops wrong one
[2024/04/13 11:17] Agatha Macbeth: Error: hm5zwvXr63QQieD0 not found - the kiosk may have been deleted
[2024/04/13 11:18] Mizou Vavoom: not working
[2024/04/13 11:18] Agatha Macbeth: OK who deleted the kiosk? XD
[2024/04/13 11:18] Rosie Gray: which topic are we on now?
[2024/04/13 11:18] Rosie Gray: should be 4.1, I think?
[2024/04/13 11:19] Tor Karlsvalt: looking for the prototype. Been swtitching between viewers and not sure where stuff is sometme.
[2024/04/13 11:19] Almut Brunswick: Rosie, I'm confused as well. Please let's finalize 3 and go to 4.1 now
[2024/04/13 11:19] Agatha Macbeth: /me nods sympathetically
[2024/04/13 11:19] Rosie Gray: 3 is finalized ㋡
[2024/04/13 11:19] Almut Brunswick: The website project comes later on
[2024/04/13 11:19] Almut Brunswick: Ok then
[2024/04/13 11:19] Almut Brunswick: 4 Old Business
4.1 RA-20240302-2.1: Contacting the Scientific Council regarding ongoing management of the Discord server through the Chancellor
[2024/04/13 11:20] Almut Brunswick: Now you can copy and paste your statements from the chat history :D
[2024/04/13 11:21] Tor Karlsvalt: Ok, we were holding off only because Ry was working out permissions. But I think we are ready. It has always been our intention for the SC to "own" the parcel. I do believe the Dean has the passwords.
[2024/04/13 11:21] Tor Karlsvalt: Ry herself does not like to have the role of owner.
[2024/04/13 11:22] Mizou Vavoom: /me agrees with Tor
[2024/04/13 11:22] Tor Karlsvalt: btw, parcel should be server.
[2024/04/13 11:22] Tor Karlsvalt: own and parcel or in my muscle memory
[2024/04/13 11:23] Agatha Macbeth: /me admires Tor's muscles
[2024/04/13 11:23] DeliaLake Pinion: The SC can't actually OWN any parcel. It would have to be CDS public land I think, and stuff managed by the SC members. somehow but the SC doesn't even have a separate inworld group. we will have to figure out the logistics of this
[2024/04/13 11:24] Rosie Gray: it's not a parcel, Delia
[2024/04/13 11:24] DeliaLake Pinion: ok
[2024/04/13 11:24] Rosie Gray: he meant the Discord server
[2024/04/13 11:24] Almut Brunswick: It means the Discord server
[2024/04/13 11:24] DeliaLake Pinion: ah yes
[2024/04/13 11:25] Almut Brunswick: Are the other SC members available often enough to take care of the Discord server?
[2024/04/13 11:25] Tor Karlsvalt: They would not have to.
[2024/04/13 11:25] Agatha Macbeth: (Thanks that worked)
[2024/04/13 11:26] Tor Karlsvalt: It is only an issue of ownership.
[2024/04/13 11:26] Tor Karlsvalt: We would still have the Discord engineers to handle issues.
[2024/04/13 11:27] Tor Karlsvalt: But naturally, the SC might need to bounce an engineer or chancellor
[2024/04/13 11:27] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2024/04/13 11:27] Almut Brunswick: Any further statement to this topic before we continue?
[2024/04/13 11:27] Mizou Vavoom: no
[2024/04/13 11:27] Rosie Gray: yes
[2024/04/13 11:27] Almut Brunswick: Rosie please
[2024/04/13 11:28] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Kyoko
[2024/04/13 11:28] Rosie Gray: we, the RA, should look at the existing law that declares about how the various assets are supposed to be owned, and update that law
[2024/04/13 11:28] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Kyoko
[2024/04/13 11:28] Almut Brunswick: Hello Kyoko
[2024/04/13 11:28] Rosie Gray: hello Kyoko
[2024/04/13 11:28] Mizou Vavoom: hi Kyoko
[2024/04/13 11:28] DeliaLake Pinion: hi Kyoko
[2024/04/13 11:28] Rosie Gray: I'll take a quick look and see if I can find it right now
[2024/04/13 11:29] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): my turn to be late
[2024/04/13 11:29] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): apologies
[2024/04/13 11:29] Almut Brunswick: Celebrities use to show up late :D
[2024/04/13 11:29] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): *preens*
[2024/04/13 11:29] Rosie Gray: there is this one which is about the website:
[2024/04/13 11:30] Rosie Gray: ah, found it
[2024/04/13 11:30] Rosie Gray: Social Media Act
[2024/04/13 11:30] Rosie Gray:
[2024/04/13 11:31] Rosie Gray: so since it doesn't specify what social media is involved, this is the existing law that declares who should have passwords, etc., and it would affect the Discord server too
[2024/04/13 11:31] Rosie Gray: done
[2024/04/13 11:32] Almut Brunswick: Rosie, it says clearly that the responsibility is in the hands of the Chancellor and his/her executive means
[2024/04/13 11:32] Almut Brunswick: Therefore, the SC won't be affected here.
[2024/04/13 11:32] Rosie Gray: are you looking at 23-03 social media act?
[2024/04/13 11:33] Almut Brunswick: Yes
[2024/04/13 11:33] Almut Brunswick: Since the Website law is not applicable IMHO
[2024/04/13 11:33] Rosie Gray: the website law isn't the one we are looking at
[2024/04/13 11:33] Tor Karlsvalt: The SC would have access, but they would not have a day-to-day administrative role. The Dean would have oversight and especially be able to remove access.
[2024/04/13 11:33] Rosie Gray: from the Social Media Act: Where social media accounts have various levels of access, along with or in place of a password, the outgoing Chancellor will ensure that the incoming Chancellor is given the highest level of access. The Dean of the SC and the LRA will also be given the highest possible access. The Dean and LRA have this access as a protection against loss of the account; they will not use these passwords to access and use social media accounts unless authorized by the Chancellor.
[2024/04/13 11:34] Rosie Gray: so these are the guidelines
[2024/04/13 11:34] Tor Karlsvalt: right
[2024/04/13 11:34] Tor Karlsvalt: I guess the LRA gets the password too.
[2024/04/13 11:34] Almut Brunswick: Honestly, I as the LRA am just a regular user without any higher access rights
[2024/04/13 11:34] Almut Brunswick: Nope
[2024/04/13 11:35] Rosie Gray: but you should have it, according to the law
[2024/04/13 11:35] Rosie Gray: doesn't mean you need to use it ㋡
[2024/04/13 11:35] Almut Brunswick: That might be, yes.
[2024/04/13 11:35] Tor Karlsvalt: Well I think the worry is that a chancellor starts acting imperial ad using the pretext of protecting a CDS asset to remove people from roles.
[2024/04/13 11:35] Rosie Gray: exactly
[2024/04/13 11:36] Tor Karlsvalt: Our past is receding into the mists of time.
[2024/04/13 11:36] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2024/04/13 11:37] Rosie Gray: and seems like you have it in hand, Tor, with just this reminder about passwords for the LRA
[2024/04/13 11:37] Almut Brunswick: You know my opinion about all these Social Media channels. I don't regard them as official and thus I don't care much about them. When there is something of general public concern, it must be posted in the Forum or published on the Website.
[2024/04/13 11:37] Tor Karlsvalt: Sure, will. I'll meet with Ry about this again.
[2024/04/13 11:37] Tor Karlsvalt: Thanks for the reminder.
[2024/04/13 11:38] Rosie Gray: Almut, they are all official channels of the CDS
[2024/04/13 11:38] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): brb
[2024/04/13 11:38] Tor Karlsvalt: This is true Almut. However, Discord has become very useful given that we are not all online at the same time.
[2024/04/13 11:38] Rosie Gray: it doesn't mean you have to use them all
[2024/04/13 11:38] Jerry McNally: /me wonders if almut realises Second Life itself could be considered social media...
[2024/04/13 11:38] Almut Brunswick: When you start like that, I would have to join FB just because I need to get the password. The hell will freeze before I will go that step, so it is in vain to break our heads about it.l
[2024/04/13 11:38] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): hold and important votes until I get back LOL
[2024/04/13 11:39] Tor Karlsvalt: But official announcements are on the Forum and Group messages Website too, especially via the Calendar.
[2024/04/13 11:39] Almut Brunswick: Nods. All other channels are just informal additions.
[2024/04/13 11:39] Rosie Gray: yes, they reach a lot of people in various ways
[2024/04/13 11:40] Almut Brunswick: When there is something missing in the Social Media Act, then to state this.
[2024/04/13 11:40] Tor Karlsvalt: btw, Discord has 60 members last I checked.
[2024/04/13 11:40] Rosie Gray: lots of people seem to favour Discord
[2024/04/13 11:40] Rosie Gray: must say I like it a lot more than FB
[2024/04/13 11:40] Mizou Vavoom: /me agrees
[2024/04/13 11:40] Jerry McNally: /me agrees too
[2024/04/13 11:40] Almut Brunswick: Even I use it at times, because I have several channels there, so the CDS channel doesn't hurt , too
[2024/04/13 11:40] Tor Karlsvalt: It's popular today with gamers. But it is super for work groups.
[2024/04/13 11:41] Tor Karlsvalt: In my mind it is like Teams which I used at work.
[2024/04/13 11:41] Almut Brunswick: Nods in agreement. However, it is just an *additional* informal way to exchange and to share information.
[2024/04/13 11:41] Sandy Burgess: Non the less the access should be secured by having several ways of access - that does not mean you have to use them except in an emergency
[2024/04/13 11:41] Tor Karlsvalt: True
[2024/04/13 11:41] Rosie Gray: exactly, Sandy
[2024/04/13 11:42] Rosie Gray: and it is already in our established law about it
[2024/04/13 11:42] Rosie Gray: so we don't have to rethink it for no reason
[2024/04/13 11:42] Tor Karlsvalt: I have to say, people aren't reading group messages like they used to.
[2024/04/13 11:42] Almut Brunswick: Yes, but is the law applicable when e.g. the LRA refrains from joining a Social Media platform?
[2024/04/13 11:42] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[2024/04/13 11:43] Rosie Gray: Almut, the LRA can still hold a password, even if they don't use it
[2024/04/13 11:43] Almut Brunswick: When FB will be hacked, I cannot help then
[2024/04/13 11:43] Rosie Gray: so... no need to worry about it
[2024/04/13 11:43] Tor Karlsvalt: I think you only need the password. What you do with it is your decision.
[2024/04/13 11:43] Rosie Gray: it's just a safety precaution
[2024/04/13 11:43] Sandy Burgess: One problem with password only is that passwords can by changed by Dictator Tor
[2024/04/13 11:43] Jerry McNally: And who's to say who the next LRA might be?
[2024/04/13 11:43] Tor Karlsvalt: Believe me, if you encountered an Imperial Chancellor, you would brush off he password and sign up
[2024/04/13 11:44] Mizou Vavoom: :)
[2024/04/13 11:44] Rosie Gray: well, really any of the 3 who hold the top level password could change it
[2024/04/13 11:44] Almut Brunswick: Tor does not have yellow hair :D
[2024/04/13 11:44] Rosie Gray: don't know what can be done about that
[2024/04/13 11:44] Tor Karlsvalt: I myself got bounced from sites for the protection of the CDS.
[2024/04/13 11:44] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2024/04/13 11:45] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): back
[2024/04/13 11:45] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah
[2024/04/13 11:45] Tor Karlsvalt: web
[2024/04/13 11:45] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I think
[2024/04/13 11:45] Tor Karlsvalt: wb
[2024/04/13 11:45] Rosie Gray: wb
[2024/04/13 11:46] Tor Karlsvalt: Changing the password without giving it to the Dean and the LRA would be impeachable imo
[2024/04/13 11:46] Almut Brunswick: So when you feel more comfortable and in accordance to the Law, you may share the passwords with the SC Dean and the LRA. I myself, however, miss the paragraph in the Social Media Act that official announcements are reserved for the website and the forum.
[2024/04/13 11:48] Almut Brunswick: While looking at the clock, I propose to continue that discussion on our next meeting, and I will prepare a proposal for the respective amendment of the Social Media Law.
[2024/04/13 11:49] Rosie Gray: no harm in looking at it again, it's 9 years old now!
[2024/04/13 11:49] Almut Brunswick: We can discuss it internally in the RA, if you like.
[2024/04/13 11:49] Jerry McNally: Let's discuss it in the RA discord channel haha
[2024/04/13 11:49] Almut Brunswick: Yes, and things have evolved.
[2024/04/13 11:49] Agatha Macbeth: :P
[2024/04/13 11:49] Rosie Gray: agreed, Jerry!
[2024/04/13 11:50] Tor Karlsvalt: Oh Joanne has an event at 2
[2024/04/13 11:50] Almut Brunswick: Yes, Jerry, why not? The result, however, needs to be published on the officially designated places.
[2024/04/13 11:50] Almut Brunswick: Let's continue
[2024/04/13 11:50] Almut Brunswick: 4.2 RA-20240302-2.2: Asking the Chancellor for more info regarding the possible expansion of the CDS exhibit at the SL Welcome Hub
[2024/04/13 11:50] Almut Brunswick: I think that topic is done.
[2024/04/13 11:50] Almut Brunswick: 4.3 Website Refresh Project (Jerry)
[2024/04/13 11:51] Jerry McNally: Ok thanks
[2024/04/13 11:51] Jerry McNally: Well, I've been smartening up the Governance pages at and have made a page for the AG at
[2024/04/13 11:51] Jerry McNally: Just looking for a nice image for that one
[2024/04/13 11:52] Jerry McNally: And as I said earlier, I've added a map with yellow indicators on to the page
[2024/04/13 11:52] Tor Karlsvalt: It's super.
[2024/04/13 11:52] Jerry McNally: The Support pages are mostly done
[2024/04/13 11:53] Jerry McNally: One thing I still want to do is change the page into a broader Community page
[2024/04/13 11:53] Almut Brunswick: When we will have our AG field trip on April 27, there will be a good occasion to take some pictures that look like real work :D
[2024/04/13 11:53] Jerry McNally: something to highlight all the galleries and amenities and so on, with descriptions and SLURLs
[2024/04/13 11:54] Rosie Gray: yes, love that addition Jerry
[2024/04/13 11:54] Jerry McNally: I think that's all for now
[2024/04/13 11:54] Jerry McNally: done
[2024/04/13 11:54] Almut Brunswick: Thank you for the update, Jerry!
[2024/04/13 11:55] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): very nice
[2024/04/13 11:55] Tor Karlsvalt: I think also, we were taking about making the MoCA gallery list a hud that ponted to a webpage.
[2024/04/13 11:55] Tor Karlsvalt: talking*
[2024/04/13 11:56] Tor Karlsvalt: oh btw, that HUD I pased out is a prototype.
[2024/04/13 11:56] Almut Brunswick: So we should use it on our own risk?
[2024/04/13 11:56] Tor Karlsvalt: lol, for now, yes
[2024/04/13 11:57] Almut Brunswick: Any questions to Jerry before we continue?
[2024/04/13 11:57] Tor Karlsvalt: Super job Jerry!
[2024/04/13 11:57] Jerry McNally: Thanks
[2024/04/13 11:57] Almut Brunswick: Yes indeed!
[2024/04/13 11:58] Almut Brunswick: 5 New Business
5.1 Review of the CDSL 34-02 Transparent Region Development Act as it still refers to the LUC
[2024/04/13 11:58] Almut Brunswick:
[2024/04/13 11:58] Almut Brunswick: Rosie brought it up, and indeed 3) still covers the LUC obligations here
[2024/04/13 11:59] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2024/04/13 11:59] Rosie Gray: I think that we could replace the CDS Artisan Guild where it references LUC
[2024/04/13 11:59] Almut Brunswick: The question is if we can replace 1:1 "LUC" against "AG" here, or are there further changes required.
[2024/04/13 12:00] Almut Brunswick: I tend to agree with Rosie, however, we should crosscheck the AG Act against it.
[2024/04/13 12:00] Agatha Macbeth: (waves & poofs)
[2024/04/13 12:02] Almut Brunswick: I think it is not a big deal to adjust the law. After the check, we could put it on the agenda for the next RA meeting.
[2024/04/13 12:02] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2024/04/13 12:02] Almut Brunswick: of course with due posting in the Forum.
[2024/04/13 12:03] Almut Brunswick: Are we done with that topic for now?
[2024/04/13 12:03] Rosie Gray: think so
[2024/04/13 12:03] Almut Brunswick: 6 Citizen Concerns
[2024/04/13 12:03] Tor Karlsvalt: our Citizen poofed.
[2024/04/13 12:04] Almut Brunswick: Looks at Delia as the only remaining citizen today... :D
[2024/04/13 12:04] Tor Karlsvalt: I guess Delia, yes!
[2024/04/13 12:04] Almut Brunswick: Good strategy: We bored them away, now no citizen concerns anymore
[2024/04/13 12:04] Rosie Gray: lol
[2024/04/13 12:04] Sandy Burgess: Tor also is a citizen in this point
[2024/04/13 12:05] DeliaLake Pinion: /me didn't post any concerns for today
[2024/04/13 12:05] Tor Karlsvalt: No concerns.
[2024/04/13 12:05] Almut Brunswick: The first servant of his state, yes.
[2024/04/13 12:05] Tor Karlsvalt: lol
[2024/04/13 12:05] Almut Brunswick: (like Frederick the Great of Prussia)
[2024/04/13 12:05] Tor Karlsvalt: Yikes
[2024/04/13 12:05] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): Well we all are for that matter
[2024/04/13 12:05] Almut Brunswick: 7 RA Member Concerns
[2024/04/13 12:05] Almut Brunswick: turns around
[2024/04/13 12:05] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2024/04/13 12:06] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2024/04/13 12:06] Jerry McNally: All good here
[2024/04/13 12:06] Almut Brunswick: I concerns today
[2024/04/13 12:06] Almut Brunswick: 8 Announcements
* Calendar:
[2024/04/13 12:06] Sandy Burgess: /me looks completely unconcerned
[2024/04/13 12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2024/04/13 12:06] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): so does Kyoko
[2024/04/13 12:07] Almut Brunswick: and Tori's MoCA announcements (Jerry will get the NC in a moment for the records)
[2024/04/13 12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: I have some eggs
[2024/04/13 12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: but I haven't found them all.
[2024/04/13 12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2024/04/13 12:07] Almut Brunswick: /me coughs and strives for emulating Tori's way of speaking:
[2024/04/13 12:07] Almut Brunswick: "Hi everyone,
1) The next community exhibition at MoCA will be Elements to tie in with SL21B. The only difference is that for our exhibition the chemical elements may be used too in order to keep the theme as broad as possible for people to participate. Final submission date is Friday 3rd May with the opening party on Saturday 18th May. It is hoped that participation in this exhibition may also whet people's appetite to apply for SL21B. Applications for SL21B close on 12th May.
[2024/04/13 12:08] Almut Brunswick: 2) The CDS Galleries Egg hunt will finish officially at Noon on Monday 15th April. I hope that everyone has enjoyed taking part and hopefully learning some new facts about art along with receiving the gifts. Many thanks must go to all of the participating gallery owners and to Moon for advertising and Sandy and Dave for putting the hunt into the Gazette and yes there is a stamp so get it while you can (along with your souvenir egg) at the museum.
[2024/04/13 12:08] Almut Brunswick: 3) The exhibition I was asked to create in the Public Information Office which features art from CDS artists will be staying after the egg hunt ends and there will be future exhibitions in this gallery. If you haven't already visited then be prepared to see some familiar faces from the museum - using the same characters, but in different poses, provides continuity and a 'friendly' face. I've been asked about the characters by several people and they are William, Erin and Finn from DisturbeD by Tal Ram (talram) and are available on the Marketplace. I picked them due to their clothing being similar, business attire and muted in colour so that they do not distract from the art but are appropriately attired for their settings.
[2024/04/13 12:08] Almut Brunswick: 4) The International Women's Day exhibition in the garden at the museum will be replaced in a few days time by a tribute to Fantasy Faire. Fantasy Faire opens on 18th April and ends on the 5th May.
[2024/04/13 12:09] Almut Brunswick: 5) If anyone would like to have items from the museum's collection in other public locations please let me know.
Done :)"
[2024/04/13 12:09] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): /me imagines Tor laying an egg
[2024/04/13 12:09] Almut Brunswick: /me switches back from the Northern Irish accent to her austere German accent.
[2024/04/13 12:09] Rosie Gray: wowsa
[2024/04/13 12:09] Almut Brunswick: Tori is a busy bee!
[2024/04/13 12:10] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): brb
[2024/04/13 12:10] Almut Brunswick: We are almost at the end now.
[2024/04/13 12:10] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes, I hoped MoCA could actually have its own exhibit at SLB
[2024/04/13 12:10] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe, CDS will own SLB
[2024/04/13 12:11] Almut Brunswick: In fact, MoCA is currently one of our "hot spots" in this respect, so I do agree.
[2024/04/13 12:11] Almut Brunswick: 9 Next RA meeting (to be discussed)
* Proposal: Saturday, May 4, 2024, 10:30 AM SLT
[2024/04/13 12:11] Almut Brunswick: This is the Saturday after the AG meeting
[2024/04/13 12:12] Almut Brunswick: What do you think?
[2024/04/13 12:12] Sandy Burgess: Suits me
[2024/04/13 12:12] Jerry McNally: Good with me (would prefer a slightly later start time though)
[2024/04/13 12:12] Rosie Gray: works for me too
[2024/04/13 12:13] Almut Brunswick: Well, that early start is because of Rosie
[2024/04/13 12:13] Tor Karlsvalt: I get my lunch and sit down for the meeting. :)
[2024/04/13 12:13] Jerry McNally: Maybe it could alternate?
[2024/04/13 12:13] Rosie Gray: would half an hour work for you, Jerry?
[2024/04/13 12:13] Sandy Burgess: Do we have anything more? I need to poof
[2024/04/13 12:13] Rosie Gray: 11:00 am?
[2024/04/13 12:13] Almut Brunswick: Tor will speak with full mouth then
[2024/04/13 12:13] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2024/04/13 12:13] Jerry McNally: That would be better, yes
[2024/04/13 12:13] Almut Brunswick: No Sandy, we are done.
[2024/04/13 12:13] Jerry McNally: thanks
[2024/04/13 12:14] Almut Brunswick: Ok, May 4, 11 AM SLT
[2024/04/13 12:14] Rosie Gray: what about everyone else for 11:00?
[2024/04/13 12:14] Tor Karlsvalt: 11 is good
[2024/04/13 12:14] Sandy Burgess: /me is more concerned that he will type with greasy fingers ...
[2024/04/13 12:14] Almut Brunswick: That is my 20:00 (8 PM)
[2024/04/13 12:14] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe, lately I have been having these super food shakes.
[2024/04/13 12:14] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): Back
[2024/04/13 12:14] Sandy Burgess: /me waves as she vanishes into the Aether.
[2024/04/13 12:14] Tor Karlsvalt: wb
[2024/04/13 12:14] Rosie Gray: Kyoko... your mic
[2024/04/13 12:15] Almut Brunswick: Kyoko, are you ok with May 4, 11 AM?
[2024/04/13 12:15] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): dance mic
[2024/04/13 12:16] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): *damn
[2024/04/13 12:16] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): sure
[2024/04/13 12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: /me turns voice off as FS seems to work better.
[2024/04/13 12:16] Almut Brunswick: Very good, since we will have to change some laws then:D
[2024/04/13 12:16] Almut Brunswick: So when there aren't any other topics to discuss, I propose to adjourn this meeting.
[2024/04/13 12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: (`'•.¸¸(`'•.¸ ♬ ¸.•'´)¸.•'´)
[2024/04/13 12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫(`'•.¸:•.•:*¨*☆☆*¨*:•.•:¸.•'´)♫
[2024/04/13 12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: ,.´:* APPLAUSE !!!! *:´.,
[2024/04/13 12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: ☆ (¸.•'´:•.•:*¨*☆☆*¨*:•.•:`'•.¸) ☆
[2024/04/13 12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: (¸.•'´(¸.•'´ ♬ ´`'•.¸)`'•.¸)
[2024/04/13 12:17] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): sounds good
[2024/04/13 12:17] Almut Brunswick: 3...2...1....Meeting adjourned :D