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Gild Meeting Minutes March 9, 2024

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 6:14 pm
by Lilith Ivory

Attending: Mizou Vavoom, Agatha Macbeth, Rosie Gray, Sudane Erato, Moon Adamant, Lilith Ivory

Rosie called the meeting to order at 10:07 am slt
Sudane moved to approve the agenda viewtopic.php?t=10556
Moon seconded, all in favor, motion carried

Sudane moved to approve the minutes of last meeting viewtopic.php?t=10536
Moon seconded, all in favor, motion carried

Old Business
Item 3.1 Colonia Nova review of Moons Plan
Moon proposed to visit the mock-ups in the CN sky

First Location:
Colonia Nova Mock-up -- City SE Corner, Parcel C.12 and C.13 (old PIO office) ... 5/187/1043

Moon reported that CN’s performance in sales has been monitored and that it turned out some parcels could do with being updated/transformed, which has been happening to great success. The mock-ups show the more complicated bit as we are talking about built sets, not just isolated parcels.

Moon proposed to split the parcels C.12 and C.13 into four smaller parcels, which will all have a little garden or terrace. Also this will allow for a public staircase which will connect the Centro Stoico with the temple level below.

Moon mentioned that this proposal also mentions two other things. One is the closeness of walls. The wish is to make people feel less blocked in. Also CN ca do with a bit more green within the walls and these terraces and gardens can provide that.
It was also considered "ruining" the south eastern wall like it was done in the north west.

Second Location: Colonia Nova Mock-up -- Garden of Peace ... 40/76/1022

Moon reported that the Garden of Peace has a big issue: It is a very expensive parcel which also slopes a lot.
She proposed to make two parcels that are high at the level of the Via Luna (with houses that will be anchored on public land) and save some land for a Garden at the bank level and ... polemic bit now... the difference in height can be filled with a wall which can have niches... statues, fountain, murals, creepers... whatever
Or a very baroque grotto water garden like the Lisbon's major water reservoir in the 18th C, Mãe d'agua (Mother of Water) or the basilica cistern in Istanbul. ... -w680-h510 ... anbul.html

Sudane suggested there could also be a marina with slips that people could rent.

The guild was 100% certain about the top level while the bottom level needs more discussion.
It was also discussed if the river should be widened instead of keeping the straight edges.

Rosie made a motion that Moon post the plans for parcel development in CN onto the Forums for commenting.
Sudane seconded, all in favor, motion carried

The rest of the agenda got tabled until next meeting.

Next Meeting: Saturday March 30, 10:00 am slt