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Guild Meeting Minutes Jan 27, 2024

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:47 am
by Lilith Ivory

Attending: Tori Landau, Rosie Gray, Moon Adamant, Sudane Erato, Lilith Ivory, Sandy Burgess, Agatha Macbeth,

Rosie called the meeting to order at 10:32 am slt
Sudane moved to accept the agenda: viewtopic.php?t=10523
Lilith seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

Rosie moved to accept the minutes of last meeting viewtopic.php?t=10521
Sudane moved , Lilith seconded, all in favor, motion carried

Old business:
3.1. Locus Ameonus covenant update review
(Lilith) ... f6p3hzi6xc
Lilith had added to 4. Zone F (Boat Parcels F01-F07): Parcels for watercraft, marina buildings and underwater gardens: All permanent buildings must fit the Mediterranean theme and need to be approved by the chancellor.
Sudane moved to post this to the forum and send to the RA, Lilith seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

3.2. General Covenant review ... obmj1p9e0e
And as posted on the forums: viewtopic.php?p=51825#p51825
It was discussed whether there need to be instructions for restricting sound to a parcel or not.
Moon made a motion to add the line about must having MOAP restricted, but leave the rest of sound text as is. Rosie seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

3.3 Colonia Nova review
got tabled on Moons request

3.4 Historical signs to make
Rosie made one more sign for the bridge in NFS. She has a list of places and will plot through them.

3.5 Request to the Scientific Council to move the guild forums to the correct place
Lilith offered to mention this topic at the next SC meeting if it is still necessary.
Perhaps it should get its own category instead of being included to the govt part.

Anything else got tabled

New business
Tori has created a sandbox area for Landverwaltung members at Ferny Nook (197,5,2701)

It was decided to meet again at Feb 10, 10:30 am slt