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LUC Meeting Minutes - 1 April 2023

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:00 am
by Mizou Vavoom

Land Use Commission – Meeting Minutes
Saturday April 1, 2023, 09:00 am SLT

In the Rathaus of Neufreistadt ... 98/181/182
RA representative: Sandy Burgess
Chancellor representative: Rosie Gray
RA citizen appointments: Leslie Allandale – LUC Chair
CDS Artisan Guild appointments: Mizou Vavoom – Archivist , Sudane Erato
Guests: Lilith
Absent: Delia Lake - RA citizen appointments

  1. Call to order: 09:10

  2. Discussion and approval of today's agenda: approved by all at 09:15 PM SLT

  3. Mizou had a question about the various LUC roles, the roles as per CDS website were updated thereupon by Rosie.

  4. Old business:
    a. Pro Tempore: Question raised by Leslie, do we need to address Pro Temp? As there were no volunteers, and Leslie said that he can make future meetings, there seems to be no need for a Pro Tempore.

b. Committees proposed by Leslie:

o Signage: Rosie volunteered for Signage since she was doing it anyway.

o Public Transit: Sandy has been working on this, she started on the script but did not get very far - some things came in the way ... and she still need to ambush Almut about doing the mesh work. Since Almut has very little time, Mizou has volunteered to work on the mesh building of the cabin and the pylons.

o Zoning or Covenant Upgrades: Leslie will look after the zoning. Sandy raised the point about sub-letting from the previous LUC meeting and said that there was no objection against subletting if it does not grant citizenship in the last RA meeting.

  1. New Business:
    • No new business.
    • Rosie brought up this point which was discussed at a previous meeting:
    “I just wanted to say that I do think the LUC is valuable when we don't have a Chancellor that is graphically detail oriented and when we have citizens that are interested in participating in the designs but aren't builders or designers... as a way to give input so, the LUC is in a lull right now, but it might become more important at another time.”

  2. AO: None

  3. Next Meeting is set for 29 April 2023 at 9:30.