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Land Use Commission – Meeting Minutes Saturday March 4, 2023

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 10:43 am
by Mizou Vavoom

Land Use Commission – Meeting Minutes
Saturday March 4, 2023, 11:00 am SLT
In the Rathaus of Neufreistadt ... 98/181/182

LUC members: Leslie Allande - Chairperson,
Guild Rep - Sudane, Rosie – Chancellor Rep, Mizou – Secretary and Guild Rep,
Sandy Burgess - , Delia -.
Guests: Lilith

  1. Call to order: 11:04
  2. Discussion and approval of today's agenda: approved by all at 11:06PM SLT
  3. No previous meeting minutes, Leslie will make brief ones for next meeting, motion approved by all.
  4. Election of Pro Tempore was moved to table. Mizou volunteered to be the secretary and this was approved by all.

Old Business

  1. Educational signage (Description of landmarks and historical items, places of interest.
    a. Lots more descriptions have been added to the online document ... sp=sharing
    b. Luna Marina and Locus Amoenus needs descriptions.
    c. A name for the Schloss was discussed.
  2. Review of the covenants, especially in LA - tabled
    a. Lilith had a suggestion which is to add that citizens have to restrict media to their own parcels. This topic brought the attendants to discuss if CDS citizens could sublet to a non-citizen and that there has been and is subletting in the recent past without our knowledge.
    b. Sudane suggested that new covenant ideas get submitted to the RA.
  3. CDS Transit System-
    a. Sandy shows a diagram for an air-borne route: about the route, there are a few problems like crossing private parcels and reasonable pathway, The possible thing I thought up is we could start at the gates of CN and end in front of the Cabaret.
    We would only cross one or two private parcels which we certainly would need to discuss with the owners. I set out some pillars along the route so if you wish we can go make a little field trip after the meeting. We have to consider terrain and not only parcels. We need spots that are in line of sight from the previous pillar.
    A field trip to the locations discussed followed this meeting.

New Business

  1. Guild absorbing LUC business:
    a. Leslie proudly reminded us that he set up the LUC years ago and that it would be ironic if he was the last one.
    b. The decision is up to the RA but the LUC can make a statement either way. viewtopic.php?t=10254&sid=db8aeb17e9f4e ... 56bbdca3b8
    c. Sandy Burgess: You could call them committee or work group. Nobody will be stopped to help in CDS but Chancellor Moon's question is: Do we need LUC. And the founding history shows its not necessary all the time.
    d. Rosie Gray: I think that since we are almost all the same people as in the guild, and anyone interested can join the guild, that the LUC is redundant. Also, for the times that a special committee/workgroup is needed for something, that it might feel less of a commitment for people to just take one specific project instead of endless ones. I think the LUC served its purpose over the years, but things change.

Next meeting is on the 1st of April