Q&A in the Gov Hours session 15 Jan 2023

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Moon Adamant
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Q&A in the Gov Hours session 15 Jan 2023

Post by Moon Adamant »

Hello everyone,
This is a summary of the Gov Hours held last Jan 15 2023.
The procedure is that only questions from the public, and the replies by CDS officers from the three branches of Gov'ment are transcribed.
If possible, a more concise answer will be transcribed, but sometimes answers are given in a flowing conversation (conversation detours removed!), so the transcript will reflect that.

Question: okay here's a question... where are the public allotments?
[2023/01/15 13:56] Moon Adamant: funny you should ask that ㋡ we are planning a collaborative garden celebration for teh spring :-)
[2023/01/15 13:57] Moon Adamant: around the March equinox, still a long way to go for details
[2023/01/15 13:57] Moon Adamant: it will be an event similar to the Nights of Lights parcel -- everyone is invited to come and add to the communal garden
[2023/01/15 13:58] Moon Adamant: so more details as we move closer to teh date

Question: Why is it important to us that the CDS be a democracy?" There are many places people can live in SL? What is it about the CDS that makes it special and democracy important?
[2023/01/15 14:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Delia will probably remember that at the beginning, we in the CDS didn't *really* think we'd be around for 10 years.
[2023/01/15 14:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We'd make jokes about it.
[2023/01/15 14:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Actually, in the beginning, a *lot* of people laughed at us publicly, on the SL community forums, etc.
[2023/01/15 14:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Measuring our longevity in weeks or months
[2023/01/15 14:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well
[2023/01/15 14:01] Delia Lake: well, we've had our contentious moments in the CDS
[2023/01/15 14:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We're here for almost two decades now,
[2023/01/15 14:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oh sure we did
[2023/01/15 14:02] Sandy Burgess: It seems CDS outlived many of those communities
[2023/01/15 14:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sandy: totally so.
[2023/01/15 14:02] Moon Adamant: countdown to #CDS20B ㋡
[2023/01/15 14:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (nice segue, Moon :-) )
[2023/01/15 14:02] Moon Adamant: always :-D
[2023/01/15 14:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Almost all of those who didn't believe in the CDS back then have left SL years and years ago.
[2023/01/15 14:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So... it's not been an easy ride
[2023/01/15 14:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ups and downs
[2023/01/15 14:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: /me remembers at some point we only had 4 paying citizens and no clue what to do to pay LL's tier
[2023/01/15 14:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol Rosie, sorry, I'm just rambling on
[2023/01/15 14:04] Agatha Macbeth: Rob a bank?
[2023/01/15 14:04] Delia Lake: yes, and I was just thinking that one of the valuable aspects for me is that I have now been friends with some of the people sitting here in this room for over 15 year!
[2023/01/15 14:04] Moon Adamant: indeed Delia!
[2023/01/15 14:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Delia: it's uncanny but so true!
[2023/01/15 14:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: /me feels old
[2023/01/15 14:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I mean hmm
[2023/01/15 14:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I *dream* about some of you guys
[2023/01/15 14:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
[2023/01/15 14:05] Delia Lake: That to me is pretty amazing. And in that time we've built together, changed direction a few times and created a lasting community
[2023/01/15 14:05] Agatha Macbeth: /me wonders which
[2023/01/15 14:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Agatha: I'm not telling :) My point is that some people around here, well, have been friends for far longer than many of my dearest RL friends :)
[2023/01/15 14:05] Almut Brunswick: Nightmares, Gwyn? Austere Germans with weird accent?
[2023/01/15 14:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Almut: it's a terrible nightmare when I actually dream in German lol
[2023/01/15 14:06] Delia Lake: The CDS is not the only place where I've had a house during my time in SL but the CDS is the place where I live, where my home is
[2023/01/15 14:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Change is good. :) Actually, if my memory doesn't fail me, the original 'plan' for NFS was to give the idea of a living city — not a museum — where things get changed, upgraded, updated, even demolished
[2023/01/15 14:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yan: we have lots of history lol
[2023/01/15 14:12] Agatha Macbeth: Well they certainly got demolished from what I hear
[2023/01/15 14:12] Almut Brunswick: But to have a future, we also need new impulses
[2023/01/15 14:12] Moon Adamant: indeed
[2023/01/15 14:12] Sandy Burgess: Colonia Nova in flames?
[2023/01/15 14:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Indeed, Almut, so true! Sticking to the past is not our goal
[2023/01/15 14:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha Sandy
[2023/01/15 14:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and why not? :)
[2023/01/15 14:12] Agatha Macbeth: Too primmy
[2023/01/15 14:12] Moon Adamant: no, not at all
[2023/01/15 14:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: /me *nods* @ Agatha
[2023/01/15 14:13] Delia Lake: Another thing here and it's coming out in our conversation is that we actually do work together. Because we are organized and run as a democracy, each of us has a say in any major changes and we are represented in government by our friends and neighbors. When the walls were destroyed, we as a community rebuilt them. Because we are a democracy, we could have chosen to remove the walls entirely. We all have a say in what our community is and does
[2023/01/15 14:13] Moon Adamant: we stay the same community because we can adapt and change
[2023/01/15 14:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: /me claps!
[2023/01/15 14:13] Moon Adamant: and yes Delia!

Question: Are you considering changes CN?
[2023/01/15 14:14] Moon Adamant: yes, we are looking into parcels that haven't been rented for long
[2023/01/15 14:15] Moon Adamant: some are in CN, and others in other sims
[2023/01/15 14:16] Moon Adamant: we will bring this matter up to the Guild next week
[2023/01/15 14:16] Moon Adamant: you see Breila, and everyone
[2023/01/15 14:17] Moon Adamant: we are constantly rebuilding so that everything keeps looking good and fresh

Eudaimonia now!
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