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LUC Meeting October 22 2022 - Transcript

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 10:31 am
by Agatha Macbeth

Lilith Ivory: ok I call the meeting to order now so we get something done
Sudane Erato: great!!
Moon Adamant: w00t!
Lilith Ivory: did you all find the agenda in my nifty new box?
Agatha Macbeth nods
Agatha Macbeth: Yes
Sudane Erato: yep!... i did now... very nifty! :)
Lilith Ivory: hehe
Moon Adamant: yes
Second Life: LUC Agenda Giver owned by Lilith Ivory gave you 'LUC Agenda, Oct 22' ( Neufreistadt (199,187,182) ).
Moon Adamant: indeed ㋡
Moon Adamant: move to approve agenda
Sudane Erato: second
Lilith Ivory: all in favour vote aye please
Moon Adamant: aye
Agatha Macbeth: Aye
Sudane Erato: aye
Lilith Ivory: aye
Lilith Ivory: great
Moon Adamant: vote too to approve minutes ㋡
Sudane Erato: first item... didn't we approve that?
Moon Adamant: move*
Sudane Erato: oh
Sudane Erato: sorry
Lilith Ivory: hehe
Lilith Ivory: we approved the agenda
Sudane Erato: i get muddled :)
Lilith Ivory: and I second we approve Agatha's minutes
Sudane Erato: yes
Moon Adamant: aye
Sudane Erato: aye
Lilith Ivory: aye
Agatha Macbeth: Aye
Lilith Ivory: motion carried :)
Moon Adamant: eheheh playing these two points at high speed ㋡
Lilith Ivory: I am all with you on that :)
Lilith Ivory: first agenda item is Kyoko's heritage sign proposal
Lilith Ivory: ... gn839fmhs6
Sudane Erato: thats what i thought was approved
Agatha Macbeth: Me too
Sudane Erato: we selected the image
Lilith Ivory: we agreed to use the signs Rosie has already placed at a few locations in CDS
Sudane Erato: and Rosie provided the text for it
Sudane Erato: yes
Lilith Ivory: what we have to do now is to decide which other places we want to use and to create texts for them
Lilith Ivory: yes she did
Sudane Erato: ahhhh
Moon Adamant: can we break this task in two?
Lilith Ivory: the link which hopefully works leads to a document Tor has created and that already has some places on it
Moon Adamant: a) the places and b) the texts?
Agatha Macbeth gets a hammer
Lilith Ivory: yes that sounds logical
Moon Adamant: because text discussions take a really long time
Agatha Macbeth: Agreed
Sudane Erato: can someone simply draft the texts...?
Sudane Erato: and actually, it could be Tor that approves them
Moon Adamant: some are already drafted, in fact Tor has a knack for writing them
Sudane Erato: the LUC is supposed to be "recommending only
Lilith Ivory: and we (one of us who hopefully is not me) will have to talk with that guy from VWEC about making the NCs post in chat for those whow need it
Sudane Erato: yes, Tor is good at that
Lilith Ivory: I agree
Moon Adamant: my point here is that we can start by having as complete a list as we can
Sudane Erato: which is the Owl and Rabbit?
Moon Adamant: my question too lol
Agatha Macbeth: Pub?
Sudane Erato: hehe
Lilith Ivory: and I guess the LUC members are the ones who have to create the signs ...or the LUC has to ask the guild to do it
Moon Adamant: is it Brian's?
Agatha Macbeth: Or bar
Sudane Erato: yeah... which one is it?
Lilith Ivory: we did agree tho that we won't have those signs at private parcels like Brian's as owners come and go
Lilith Ivory: the Owl and rabbit is the taverna next to the praetorium
Sudane Erato: well
Sudane Erato: ahhh
Sudane Erato: some of the items on the list are private
Sudane Erato: like the Monaste4ry
Lilith Ivory: right but the Monastery has your wonderful sign already
Agatha Macbeth: :)
Lilith Ivory: which I will no one allow to change lol
Lilith Ivory: (speaking in Tans name here) ;-)
Sudane Erato: hehe
Sudane Erato: ok... but the last 4 items on Kyoko's list are private
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne) entered chat range (3.75 m).
Moon Adamant: well, we have Rosie's templates in any case so we can always make new signs as needed
Sudane Erato: should those be excluded?
Lilith Ivory: yes but we do not have to stick with Kyoko's suggestions
Sudane Erato: ok
Lilith Ivory: HI Brightly :)
Lilith Ivory: welcome to our LUC meeting
Moon Adamant: for example, I'd like to include the Red House Chapel Ruins in NFS as the historic HQ of the CSDF
Sudane Erato: hi! :)
Moon Adamant: hi Brightly ㋡
Agatha Macbeth: Hello
Lilith Ivory: Brightly is a relatively new citizen in NFS who has a gallery here
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): Hi
Sudane Erato: Moon, yeah... and that's private too
Agatha Macbeth: Great
Lilith Ivory: I fully agree with Moon on that
Sudane Erato: :)
Lilith Ivory: didn*t know it is still here
Moon Adamant: it is, and it is staying ㋡
Lilith Ivory: yay
Moon Adamant: maybe not the primmy furniture :-)´
Lilith Ivory: I would say that all owners of private parcels who want to have a sign pretty please put one up themselves
Sudane Erato: so.... shall we say that IN GENERAL, the signs shall be on public places... publicly owned
Sudane Erato: but
Sudane Erato: they can also be on privately owned places of public interest
Moon Adamant: we can consider exceptions
Lilith Ivory: I agree with that
Moon Adamant: yes, I would agree with that precise wording
Agatha Macbeth nods
Lilith Ivory: shall we vote on this wording?
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): I hope that mine are acceptable that we put up outside of the doors on each side of our gallery shop
Sudane Erato: sure :)
Moon Adamant: move to agree to wording
Sudane Erato: second
Lilith Ivory: can you please write your motion down again?
Moon Adamant: uh just a sec
Sudane Erato: so.... shall we say that IN GENERAL, the signs shall be on public places... publicly owned
[08:56] Sudane Erato: but
[08:56] Sudane Erato: they can also be on privately owned places of public interest
Moon Adamant: what Sudane said lol
Lilith Ivory: thank you :)
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): thanks
Lilith Ivory: all in favour vote aye please
Moon Adamant: aye
Agatha Macbeth: Aye
Sudane Erato: aye
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): aye
Sudane Erato: hehe... only LUC members vote :)
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): what are LUC members
Lilith Ivory: Brightly, we are talking about heritage signs here at the moment to be placed at mostly public places for our visitors
Agatha Macbeth: Maybe Brightly can replace Breila ;-)
Sudane Erato: that would be great!
Lilith Ivory: yes :)
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): what were her duties
Agatha Macbeth: She was basically the recorder but I took over that
Agatha Macbeth: So no prob
Lilith Ivory: come every three weeks to our LUC meetings here and sometimes get some tasks :)
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): ok can you explain the difference between CDS and LUC?
Sudane Erato: she'd have to be appointed by whoever appoinred Breila, right?
Lilith Ivory: the CDS is the confederation of Democratic Simulators, which is our Community
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): and the LUC?
Sudane Erato: thats just this committee
Lilith Ivory: the LUC is the Land use commission of the CDS
Sudane Erato: the Land Use Committee
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): oh ok that makes sense
Sudane Erato: Commission :)
Moon Adamant: the LUC is a planning committee, Lil chairing
Agatha Macbeth: At the moment we are four
Sudane Erato: Delia is a member, but absent
Agatha Macbeth nods
Moon Adamant: members of the LUC are appointed by the several gov branches,; for example, I am RA-appointed
Agatha Macbeth: As am I
Sudane Erato: I'm Guild appointed
Sudane Erato: I think Delia is too?
Sudane Erato: I forget
Moon Adamant: ah, don't ask
Sudane Erato: hehe
Agatha Macbeth: :P
Moon Adamant: i never know those things ㋡
Sudane Erato: me neither! :)
Lilith Ivory: I think I am a citizen appointed by the RA
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): maybe I should be in the community a little longer first?
Leslie Allandale: That leaves Tor's appointment?
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): to get a better understanding of how things work
Lilith Ivory: not to mistake by the RA member that gets appointed by the RA ;-)
Sudane Erato: lol... we hope you stay a long time! :)
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): yes i hope to also
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): but maybe I should be in the community a little longer and understand better how things work first
Lilith Ivory: I think Breila was one of the appointed citizens
Lilith Ivory: well, till the RA meets next and calls for a new LUC member you will be in the CDS long enough I think lol
Moon Adamant: oh Brightly, you'll soon get the hang of it ㋡
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): thank you
Lilith Ivory smiles

Lilith Ivory: where have we been?
Sudane Erato: ahhh the list
Lilith Ivory: hehe
Moon Adamant: yeah
Agatha Macbeth: Right
Lilith Ivory: did you all have a look at Tor's document?
Agatha Macbeth: Remind me?
Sudane Erato: is that the notecard in the box?
Lilith Ivory: ... gn839fmhs6
Agatha Macbeth looks
Lilith Ivory: Tor has nice texts there already but some of our regions are still missing
Moon Adamant: yup
Agatha Macbeth: Oh right...yes it looks great
Moon Adamant: and I think it's really important that all regions are featured
Lilith Ivory: I agree
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): I needed to request access to view the document
Moon Adamant: obviously that NFS, as the oldest sim, will be overrepresented, but that's ok
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): sent request - if needed
Agatha Macbeth: Oh dear, I had that trouble to to begin with
Lilith Ivory: I am not sure who can give access besides Rosie
Moon Adamant: uh let me see
Lilith Ivory: we need at least one or two good locations for the other regions
Second Life: Select residents to share with.
Second Life: Items successfully shared.
Sudane Erato: oh :(,... she has the share set wrong :(
Sudane Erato: it should be that anyone with link can View
Sudane Erato: I can't change it either
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): no problem
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): I'm new anyway lol
Agatha Macbeth: I sent Brightly a NC with Tor's text
Sudane Erato: Tor is so good at this... those descriptions are fantastic
Lilith Ivory: I agree
Sudane Erato: hire that fellow!
Moon Adamant: Brightly, shared!
Lilith Ivory: I do like Kyokos suggestion tho to include the rhenus
Agatha Macbeth: He's good
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): I like him too he bought one of my paintings : }
Sudane Erato: hehe
Lilith Ivory: she gave me as reason that the river banks are modeled (by Delia) after the river Po in Italy
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): seems very professional when I contacted him to thank him
Agatha Macbeth: Oh he is
Moon Adamant: wait... I think I shared the listings doc
Sudane Erato: Friedsee could be the lake
Lilith Ivory: and the air filed perhaps
Sudane Erato: and AM could be the river system
Moon Adamant: Brightly, sorry, let me sort this out
Lilith Ivory: it seems to be important for Delia
Sudane Erato: and the Community Center
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): may I share the Welcome to Neufreistadt note's text with guests at the gallery via a poster of some sort that I create?
Sudane Erato: and the Mexana
Lilith Ivory: yes of course Brightly
Sudane Erato: FDS is the only one a bit spare, unless you want to sign my Grail Castle
Lilith Ivory: I do love that castle
Moon Adamant: i would sign it, yes
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): sounds like I need to get out and do some more exploring!
Lilith Ivory: yes you should :)
Sudane Erato: YES!!
Agatha Macbeth: Six sims is a lot to cover
Sudane Erato: but beware the tunnels and catacombs!
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): Wow
Lilith Ivory: do we have the omphalus in LA on the list already?
Sudane Erato: you might never return :(
Moon Adamant: hmm no
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): lol yes I have fallen down below the streets between buildings near my place so far already lol
Agatha Macbeth: Just don't mention the zombies...
Sudane Erato: shivver
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): zomies? : O
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): Zombies
Agatha Macbeth: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Agatha Macbeth: :P
Lilith Ivory: hehe
Sudane Erato: !!!!!!
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): having second thoughts
Sudane Erato: hehe
Lilith Ivory: you should come to our party tomorrow in Colonia Nova to meet the Zombies ;-)
Lilith Ivory: all of you
Moon Adamant: yes!
Sudane Erato: hehe... if you dare :)
Sudane Erato: ok... on this topic
Sudane Erato: may I ask
Sudane Erato: could someone just draft a complete list?
Sudane Erato: and then we can vote next mtg to approve... or not
Lilith Ivory: good idea
Sudane Erato: I'll volunteer if no one else will
Sudane Erato: but whoever... should check with Tor
Sudane Erato: he's got good ideas
Lilith Ivory: we make the draft, vote on it and give it to Tor for approval
Lilith Ivory: how does that sound?
Moon Adamant: I propose that we send you suggestions
Sudane Erato: yes!
Moon Adamant: and agree with Lil
Agatha Macbeth: Sounds good
Sudane Erato: I so move
Moon Adamant: second
Sudane Erato: aye
Lilith Ivory: aye
Agatha Macbeth: Aye
Sudane Erato: so approved...
Lilith Ivory: great

Sudane Erato: next is classifieds?
Lilith Ivory: yes indeed
Moon Adamant: aye
Sudane Erato: oh oh oh!
Lilith Ivory: Tor did something there but to be honest I have no clue what all he did and if there is still our work needed - and if so in what way
Sudane Erato: I spoke with him about this
Sudane Erato: he worked extensively on this
Moon Adamant: yes, he did
Sudane Erato: and has now reset all the landing places on parcels for which we pay for classifieds
Sudane Erato: so... as far as Tor knows... and perhaps we should test
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): cool
Sudane Erato: this project is done
Moon Adamant: actually, he started immediately and then redid some stuff as the doc was still being edited
Lilith Ivory: ok
Sudane Erato: he worked from a list... I presume it was this one... not sure
Lilith Ivory: I will go through the list till next meeting and check this out
Sudane Erato: perfect
Sudane Erato: I think the project is complete
Lilith Ivory: btw, one of the paid classifieds still seems to be missing as Anzere can't be one of the ten
Sudane Erato: but... please everyone... test it
Agatha Macbeth: Oh one missing?
Sudane Erato: oh... I will check in Rudeen's payment list
Sudane Erato: to see how many she is paying for
Agatha Macbeth: Good plan
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): are these the landing places for each sim community?
Sudane Erato: it doesn't ID them... but we can get a count
Moon Adamant: ah great idea, yes
Moon Adamant: Brightly, yes and also landmarks
Lilith Ivory: several terms ago we foound out we pay for ten
Sudane Erato: Brightly, they are parcels for which we pay a Search fee
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): yes
Sudane Erato: and the need to have landing spots properly set
Sudane Erato: or else the money is wasted
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): yes
Lilith Ivory: exactly
Moon Adamant: and they didn't , or some did not
Sudane Erato: also... having the descriptions setb too
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): good idea
Sudane Erato: Tor did all this... he told me in great detail! :)
Lilith Ivory: hehe
Moon Adamant: when I am a bit less busy I can test them all again systematically
Sudane Erato: perfect
Sudane Erato: i'll work on the count
Moon Adamant: namely too: where do you land if you go through map, through Search, etc
Lilith Ivory: great :)
Agatha Macbeth: Yay
Lilith Ivory: ok, I think we are done with this topic for the moment and can move on
Lilith Ivory: ok?
Moon Adamant: it's a good thing for 3 AM :-P
Sudane Erato: yes!!
Moon Adamant: sure!
Sudane Erato: so CN
Agatha Macbeth: 3AM?
Sudane Erato: and Moon's theater
Moon Adamant: that's when I do those things :-D
Agatha Macbeth: Oh right
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): :D
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): sounds like me
Agatha Macbeth: Good idea
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): hence your first name?
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): Moon
Moon Adamant: I never thought about that, but yes lol
Moon Adamant: oh sorry
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): Im' sorry I keep getting everyone off of subject I will try to be a little mouse lol
Agatha Macbeth gives you cheese
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): chomp chomp
Moon Adamant: so Theatre: Sudane did a platform up at 1000m high
Agatha Macbeth: Ooh
Moon Adamant: atm there is a sketch of the theatre in prims which is being slowly turned to mesh ㋡
Moon Adamant: objective is to have something that can be lowered up and down as landscape work needs it
Moon Adamant: btw, I am incorporating in the sketch (and mesh) access points to the catacomb system which can be used if needed
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): you know what Sudane I like your building style I believe you renovated my shop
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): before I rented it
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): I saw something on google search about it for some reason
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): ran across it when searching info about the community
Agatha Macbeth: Good to know Google is good for something...
Sudane Erato: Brightly... the cheese! :)
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): oh ok oops chomp chomp
Moon Adamant: lol
Moon Adamant: so... what else
Sudane Erato: Once the theater is more or less done
Sudane Erato: we'll remake the terrain
Lilith Ivory: can't wait to see all in place :)
Sudane Erato: and place it for good
Agatha Macbeth nods
Moon Adamant: yes, at least it will need to be linked, and it's a rather complex system of links
Agatha Macbeth: Looks it
Sudane Erato: but anyone who hasn't seen the build... do look!
Sudane Erato: its really wonderful
Sudane Erato: i can drop an LM
Moon Adamant: it's all white yet! except for the travertino on columns
Agatha Macbeth catches it
Moon Adamant: white still*
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): can't wait to see it finished
Agatha Macbeth: Thanks Su

Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): are there acting groups in CDS?
Moon Adamant: me neither, as then there is MoCA ㋡
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): or dancing groups
Sudane Erato: no, we invite in groups
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): that perform
Moon Adamant: it would be great, though ㋡
Lilith Ivory: Leslie here had brave plans about that in the past but it didn't work out :(
Agatha Macbeth: We do have dances, not sure about performers
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): what type of events are held at the theater
Moon Adamant: plays, performative arts... in the past political events too
Lilith Ivory: we also have discussions in the theatre
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): nice
Moon Adamant: yup
Leslie Allandale: Maybe in the future?
Moon Adamant: hopefully, yes!
Lilith Ivory: it's all about finding vict ...erm interested people
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): lol
Moon Adamant: If Gwyn's Thinkers get really busy, people won't fit in the Pip Torok CC ㋡
Sudane Erato: hehe
Moon Adamant crosses fingers ㋡
Agatha Macbeth: :P
Sudane Erato: they'll move to the biergarten :)
Sudane Erato: no drink in the theater :)
Lilith Ivory: awwwww
Lilith Ivory: as we have only about 25 min left before I have to run
Lilith Ivory: can we move on please?
Moon Adamant: (btw, I need to move some furniture about in the Pip Torok CC, first floor ㋡ We will need more chairs)
Agatha Macbeth ties Lilith to the chair
Moon Adamant: sure!
Sudane Erato: yes!!
Lilith Ivory: needs to buy cigs so no chains will hold her
Moon Adamant: :-D
Lilith Ivory: next I have Moons MoCa proposal on the agenda ....
Agatha Macbeth nods
Lilith Ivory: but to be honest I don*'t think this is a LUC topic
Sudane Erato: is there a proposal to see?
Moon Adamant: oh, that's simple... I haven't done anything yet in that proposal
Lilith Ivory: I think it is something between Moon/the guild and the chancellor
Sudane Erato: ok :)
Moon Adamant: nothing that can be seen
Moon Adamant: i can only tell you so far
Moon Adamant: that I'll try to solve some issues that ar functional (lifts, changing textures on windows onna click so it's easier to place teh exhibits)
Moon Adamant: and an issue which is formal, which is the mediated access to the MoCA.
Moon Adamant: (=we can have a more imposing entrance)
Moon Adamant: but MoCA will stay pretty much the same
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): is this the art gallery you are speaking of?
Moon Adamant: down the street , yes
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): ok
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): I visited it and enjoyed it
Moon Adamant: currently featuring our CDS Coming of Age in the City art show ㋡
Moon Adamant: great! ㋡
Agatha Macbeth: Yay
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): City art show?
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): is that held in the public gallery?
Moon Adamant: SL photography, yes
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): ok
Lilith Ivory: do we have anything else to discuss or can we set a time and day for our next meeting?
Sudane Erato: next meeting!
Lilith Ivory: yay
Moon Adamant: btw, join our Flickr pool:
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): thank you
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): I do a lot of SL photography
Moon Adamant: yes, no other business ㋡
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): well Giselle does
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): my alt
Moon Adamant: great! :-))
Lilith Ivory: what about sat Nov 5th?
Lilith Ivory: which time?
Sudane Erato: works for me
Agatha Macbeth: 9AM?
Sudane Erato: 9 or 9:30
Moon Adamant: mind the Mar Biddle concert @ cabaret
Agatha Macbeth: Either work
Sudane Erato: better try 9:30 if we hope to get Delia
Agatha Macbeth: Ok
Lilith Ivory: oh drat
Sudane Erato: ??
Lilith Ivory: I was wanting to write Nov 12 but typed 5th
Moon Adamant: oh, so the 12Th
Sudane Erato: 12 works too for me
Agatha Macbeth: Also good
Lilith Ivory: better not to have two events at the same day I think
Moon Adamant: works for me
Sudane Erato: my rez day is shortly thereafter :)
Moon Adamant: awww we want animation! :-D
Lilith Ivory: ok, so sat, nov 12 9:30 am?
Sudane Erato: hehe
Sudane Erato: yes!
Moon Adamant: let's have a party!
Lilith Ivory: hehe
Moon Adamant: we can lend you some zombies ㋡
Agatha Macbeth: Check
Sudane Erato: haha
Sudane Erato: 18th rez day :)
Agatha Macbeth: Oh dear, my clocks go funny next week
Moon Adamant: fine by me that time ㋡
Moon Adamant: and mine grrr
Sudane Erato: actually the day before... the 11th
Lilith Ivory: awwwww
Agatha Macbeth: 11th in US?
Lilith Ivory: sounds like a Party Sudane
Moon Adamant: definetely ㋡
Agatha Macbeth: Should be OK then
Lilith Ivory: and here she runs
Agatha Macbeth: Oops
Agatha Macbeth: Bye Su :p
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): May I ask a question about the Flickr group
Leslie Allandale: See you all.
Sudane Erato entered chat range (11.89 m).
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): Giselle my other avi is the artist and photographer
Agatha Macbeth: We're an active lot here!
Agatha Macbeth: TC Les
Leslie Allandale: Take care.
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): can she join as well
Moon Adamant: sure, if I know!
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): since her art is exhibited here
Moon Adamant: see you Leslie ㋡
Agatha Macbeth: WB :)
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): in our shop
Sudane Erato: nasty SL!
Agatha Macbeth: Grrr
Moon Adamant: wb ㋡
Sudane Erato: ty!!
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): Can Giselle, my other avi who is the artist and photographer in SL and has her art exhibited here in our shop also join the Flickr group so that she can share her photos of CDS?
Lilith Ivory: yes of course
Brightly Shyne (BrightlyShyne): I was asking because I was told only one avi of each person in RL can join the CDS
Sudane Erato: have we adjourned?
Agatha Macbeth: Not yet I think
Agatha Macbeth: Lil?
Moon Adamant: move to adjourn?
Agatha Macbeth: Has she gone to the shop
Sudane Erato: Brightly, you can have as many alts as you like
Lilith Ivory: aww sorry yes
Sudane Erato: but only 1 can vote
Lilith Ivory: I call this meeting as adjourned