SPC Meeting Notice and Agenda - Sunday 16th July, 9 AM SLT

For planning and discussing issues related to Colonia Nova, Neufreistadt's second sim under the Confederation of the Democratic Simulators.

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Moon Adamant
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SPC Meeting Notice and Agenda - Sunday 16th July, 9 AM SLT

Post by Moon Adamant »

Hello all :)

The second meeting of the Sim Planning Committee will be held on Sunday 16th July, 9 AM SLT, at the Rathaus.

Agenda is:
1. Reports by workgroups
2. Survey
3. Webcollab and logins
4. CN site editor

This meeting is fully public.

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Moon Adamant
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SPC Meeting Transcript - Sunday 16th July, 9 AM SLT

Post by Moon Adamant »

Object-Name: notetaker 2.0.1 Sudane's
Region: Neufreistadt (246528, 249600)
Local-Position: (197, 185, 178)

Meeting on 2006-07-16
Those present:
Dnate Mars is in the chair.
Sudane Erato: i have the recorder set up on the table
Moon Adamant: thanks . 9
Jon Seattle has indicated consent to be recorded.
Moon Adamant has indicated consent to be recorded.
Sudane Erato: np :)
Moon Adamant: brb, let me go get a mouse
Sudane Erato: hehe
Sudane Erato: bring the cat too :)
Jon Seattle laughs
Dnate Mars: then you need the dog too
Sudane Erato: haha
Moon Adamant: lol, how many cats do you want? 5 here to pick from... :)
Sudane Erato: oh dear!
Jon Seattle smiles
Stefan Fermi: hmmm..
Moon Adamant: hi Stefan
Sudane Erato: hi :)
Stefan Fermi: Saluton... may we join you?
Dnate Mars: hmm... that is something that SL needs, no chat through walls
Stefan Fermi: or is this a private meeting?
Sudane Erato: sure!
Sudane Erato: come in
Dnate Mars: it is public, sit in if you would like
Bergino Dale: hi everyone
Sudane Erato: it is being recorded
Stefan Fermi: Saluton ciuj.. Nice to meet you.
Moon Adamant: hello Bergino
Bergino Dale: hello
Moon Adamant: hmmm, shall we wait till 17.15 before we start?
Sudane Erato: whatever
Sudane Erato: it will be on the transcript
Sudane Erato: in case someone misses something
Dnate Mars: 17:15??? that is like 8 hours from now!
Sudane Erato: hehe
Moon Adamant: sorry lol
Sudane Erato: in Porugal, no :))
Moon Adamant: 9.15 am SLT
Dnate Mars: oh, sure :P
Stefan Fermi: Kio estas temo?/What is the topic?
Moon Adamant: well, this is a meeting of the Sim Planning Committee
Stefan Fermi: dankoj
Moon Adamant: we are preparing issues relative to the new sim, Colonia Nova
Moon Adamant: the committee has several workgroups on several distinct areas, sucha as building, finantial, promotion and bureaucratic/legal
Moon Adamant: all citizens can join one or more of the WGs if they're interested
Dnate Mars: do we have someone from all the WG here?
Moon Adamant: no
Moon Adamant: btw, the bureaucratic wg had a meeting scheduled for yesterday that did't happen because of the downtime
Sudane Erato: ahh... yes
Sudane Erato: saw Gwyn's post
Moon Adamant: so hmmm
Moon Adamant: i'll get teh agenda and we'll begin
Stefan Fermi: I don'tknow if I can contribute. Thanks for allowing me to participate, but I need to work on other issues.
Moon Adamant: btw, there is a topic at the N'stadt forums for SPC issues:
Stefan Fermi: Bontagon ciuj! / Good day all!
Moon Adamant: http://forums.neufreistadt.info/viewfor ... a6b528051c
Bergino Dale: bye
Sudane Erato: bye now :)
Moon Adamant: have fun! bye ;)
Jon Seattle: Bye
Jon Seattle smiels
Jon Seattle: /e smiles rather
Sudane Erato: hehe
Sudane Erato: Salzie!
Dnate Mars: No Gwyn today?
Moon Adamant: Salzie, hi!
Jon Seattle: Hi Salzie!
Dnate Mars: hello Salzie
Moon Adamant: No, Gwyn can't login
Jon Seattle smiles
Salzie Sachertorte: Blew off a RL obliaton to come here!
Sudane Erato: hehe... great!
Salzie Sachertorte: isn't tht terrible?
Sudane Erato: awful!!
Dnate Mars: no, not really :)

Salzie Sachertorte: Well, its 102 outside - no way I'm going horseback riding in this heat
Salzie Sachertorte: Thansk moon
Sudane Erato: hehe... same here in NY!
Moon Adamant: ok, you all have agenda
Sudane Erato: yes... thx!
Jon Seattle checks thinking it must be the same temp here.
Sudane Erato: hehe
Moon Adamant: i wonder what we can do from this agenda... with no one from Bureau and Financial groups here
Sudane Erato: well, I'm from Fianacial
Sudane Erato: but there has been no meeting
Salzie Sachertorte: Claude's on vacation - so he'll be gone fo a week
Sudane Erato: yes
Jon Seattle: This is one of the few times that it is actually a little cooler near Lisbon than the middle-west US
Moon Adamant: ah, so you are, sorry!
Moon Adamant: but ok
Moon Adamant: hmmmm
Moon Adamant: then shall we briefly report on Building WG?
Sudane Erato: sure!
Sudane Erato: and... thx for publishing the transcript
Moon Adamant: and then move on to Promotion issues
Salzie Sachertorte: Please do
Moon Adamant: oh, lol, np at all - i am sorry only it took so long
Moon Adamant: ok
Moon Adamant: the buiding wg has met and discussed some of teh tasks
Moon Adamant: namely, it was decided:)
Moon Adamant: to provide content for archaelogical dig
Sudane Erato: yes
Moon Adamant: to talk to bureuau wg on issues relating to the construction of knowledge base
Moon Adamant: which will have to be adjourned
Moon Adamant: as for the reviewing of teh Colonia Nova Plan
Moon Adamant: there was a very useful discussion
Sudane Erato: yes
Moon Adamant: that focused on the altitude issues
Moon Adamant: from this discussion, and very very briefly
Moon Adamant: two possible solutions arise
Moon Adamant: 1. to lower down the NW corner of Stadt, which wll allow the CN slope to be smoother, and will avoid fog in amphitheatre zone
Moon Adamant: this solution implies, at first glance, the buying by the city of one plot there, terraforming of the plot and slope
Moon Adamant: and some rebuilding of roads
Sudane Erato: and also... the placing of the CN sim at still a high level
Moon Adamant: yes, exactly
Sudane Erato: altho... lower than NStadt
Moon Adamant: we realized that this solution will make chasms in borders
Moon Adamant: and that the sea level will only be reached on an eventual 3rd sim
Salzie Sachertorte: Hi Claude, Still here?
Sudane Erato: Hi Claude!
Moon Adamant: hello CLaude
Claude Desmoulins: Just got here.
Moon Adamant: :)
Jon Seattle: So this means no Lindon water?
Claude Desmoulins: In and out.
Claude Desmoulins: Packing
Jon Seattle: Hi Claude
Jon Seattle smiles at Claude
Moon Adamant: exactly Jon, no Linden water in solution 1
Claude Desmoulins: Are we still talking about making Cn noncontiguous?
Sudane Erato: well, Linden water *could* be as high as 100m
Sudane Erato: but
Salzie Sachertorte: Moon is reporting on the building WG'smeeitng
Moon Adamant: yes exactly Sudane
Sudane Erato: it produces huge water cliffs at the edge of the sim
Moon Adamant: ye
Moon Adamant: yes

Moon Adamant: so we discussed solution 2 instead
Moon Adamant: solution 2 is, as you said, Claude, to make CN and Stadt non-contiguous
Sudane Erato: yes
Moon Adamant: and fill the empty space later on with a void sim
Claude Desmoulins: If we expand long term we'll have to move everything at some point.
Sudane Erato: yes... we can certainly move everything around in the future
Moon Adamant: we also realized that due to teh constraints of im placing around us in map, expansion would be then to north and Stadt would link to cn from valley road, that would eventually meet the decumanum axis of CN
Claude Desmoulins: The question is, do it now and expose us to the land store right away.
Moon Adamant: the discussion stands at this point
Claude Desmoulins: If Cn is north of NFS doesn't that change the topo completely?
Moon Adamant: Claude, the building WG is aware that this is a more expensive solution
Sudane Erato: not if is disconnected
Sudane Erato: ?
Sudane Erato: how is this more expensive
Sudane Erato: only if we add void sims
Moon Adamant: yes, topo is not longer a pressing issue if disconnected and we can revise teh topo as we like best
Sudane Erato: is it more expensive
Claude Desmoulins: Paying for the voids to fill in is expensive.
Moon Adamant: yes,Sudane, in that case it will be
Dnate Mars: long term, with the voids
Sudane Erato: and we would not do that now
Sudane Erato: right
Salzie Sachertorte: well, has anyone anaylzied the costing?
Sudane Erato: conceivably, we would never need the void sims
Claude Desmoulins: I always thought the goal was to end up contiguous.
Moon Adamant: that could happen , yes
Sudane Erato: sure... perhaps
Dnate Mars: long term, I would think so, Claude
Moon Adamant: in any way
Sudane Erato: but if the future called for one or more slopinbg sims
Sudane Erato: they could eventually connect the two first ones
Moon Adamant: this demands that a plan for expansion be made that regards topological fetures
Salzie Sachertorte: perhaps we need a long term expansion plan?
Moon Adamant: features*
Sudane Erato: i don't feel it *demands* that the plan be made yet
Sudane Erato: only that it needs to tyake shape at some pojnt
Dnate Mars: we could, but then we will still have the problem of 2 themes sitting right next to each other
Sudane Erato: IF... we feel the future is contiguous sims
Salzie Sachertorte: just looking at a checkerboard of possile sims nd voids?
Moon Adamant: Sudane, i think at least topographically you have interest in predicting now the way the space flows along the sims
Claude Desmoulins: So is option 2 putting CN north of NFS and disconnected?
Sudane Erato: hmmmm
Moon Adamant: either if they+re void or regular sims
Dnate Mars: we can still place CN west and disconnected, correct?
Sudane Erato: yes... option two is disconnected sims
Sudane Erato: the location right now is not important
Moon Adamant: yes Claude
Sudane Erato: we can always move them around

Moon Adamant: 1 sim apart, so that river level at CN can be set down at normal water level
Sudane Erato: yes!
Sudane Erato: that's what I feel is important
Dnate Mars: I agree
Salzie Sachertorte: but doesn't the placement affect the "hold" on spots on the map?
Sudane Erato: perhaps it does...
Moon Adamant: well, i have looked at both situations with pencil and you can place CN where you want with no major alterations to its plan, if we hae space
Sudane Erato: but there are so many uncertainities
Sudane Erato: better to plan on moving everything... when we get to joining them
Dnate Mars: just an FYI, if we do move when we expand, and we do place CN 1 sim apart, we won't need to hold anything between the 2 sims
Sudane Erato: true
Moon Adamant: well, the moving has costs too anyway
Sudane Erato: it does... but not a lot
Claude Desmoulins: Hmmm.
Moon Adamant: yes i kno, but not for us to decide - though of course we can reccommend it if come to that conclusion
Salzie Sachertorte: true
Sudane Erato: ok
Moon Adamant: if it comes*
Salzie Sachertorte: I thnk the finance WG needs to work up the costs of he various options
Moon Adamant: yes indeed
Salzie Sachertorte: and how those could be spread over the various sims
Sudane Erato: in the next 12 months, I don't see any cost differential
Moon Adamant: building wg should move up in the sense to provide sketches so that Financial can do that work
Salzie Sachertorte: maybe add a question to the survey about willingness to pay orvoid sims
Sudane Erato: hmmm
Sudane Erato: ok
Sudane Erato: I feel that when we are a t 5 sims
Salzie Sachertorte: I myself wouldn't mind paying for it - but others might not want to
Sudane Erato: then a set of void sims will be a good investment
Moon Adamant: ok udane
Moon Adamant: Sudane*
Claude Desmoulins: At some point we need to decide what the long term goal for sim locations is.
Moon Adamant: yes exactly
Moon Adamant: that is why i think that it is important at this point to think what could be a territory at diverse points in future
Sudane Erato: well... that might be interesting
Moon Adamant: to shape the land... regardless of what it will hold
Sudane Erato: yes... perhaps that would be a good idea
Jon Seattle: The beginnings of a long term plan in any case
Dnate Mars: something else that does need to be thought of if we do want to move to the more open area, we should do it before we grow too much, it will cost $150 per move, per island.
Sudane Erato: although, remember....planned coommunities have not such a good track record as coomunities which have evolved organical;ly
Moon Adamant: yes Sudane
Salzie Sachertorte: Well, I'm thinking more n terms of placing regular wims with the voids inbetween
Moon Adamant: but no planning of communities here, just a definition of max and minimal heights
Salzie Sachertorte: and planning so that rivers and such would flow naturally between sims or voids
Sudane Erato: hehe... well, I think we've already defined our max and min heights :)

Sudane Erato: wouldn't want to be much higher than here! :)
Moon Adamant: lol, yes
Moon Adamant: but you see that by considering a sim between CN and stadt already we managed to actually lower all of CN and eventually make it smoother
Sudane Erato: hmmm...
Jon Seattle notes that Chicago is a planned city and the midwest uses Jefferson's settlement plan extensively
Sudane Erato: which is a desireable result, I think
Sudane Erato: oh!
Salzie Sachertorte: if you plan the major topographical features you can develop different sims more easily and not continguously as you know where the rivers run, the moutains range,d etc.
Moon Adamant: well, we can do that by solution 1 too, but it generates more problems
Sudane Erato: yes..
Moon Adamant: yes salzie
Moon Adamant: it is that exactly
Jon Seattle agrees
Moon Adamant: we can say that an eventual Stadt Cluster is a moutain , max height 200, sloping down to 0 in 2 sms, say
Salzie Sachertorte: so you wouldn't need to decide upon a theme or the exact topography now - just the general connecting features
Sudane Erato: yes
Moon Adamant: but the details of that sloping down and whatever you place on it can be defined later on
Moon Adamant: exactly :)
Sudane Erato: well, I'm sure I'll contribute a sketch...
Sudane Erato: it would be fun :)
Moon Adamant: please!
Moon Adamant: it will indeed
Moon Adamant: ok
Moon Adamant: ths was the report of building WG
Dnate Mars: would it be possible to get the current .raw file of this sim?
Sudane Erato: oh... yes!
Sudane Erato: I'll have Rudeen extract it
Sudane Erato: and send it to you
Moon Adamant: oh, good
Dnate Mars: great, I would love to have it
Sudane Erato: sure!
Moon Adamant: thanks Sudane (nd Rudeen ;)
Sudane Erato: hehe
Sudane Erato: i'll convery the thx :)
Moon Adamant: ok
Moon Adamant: any question, or can we move on to other wg?
Salzie Sachertorte: no questions
Moon Adamant: ok
Moon Adamant: Dnate?
Dnate Mars: ?
Moon Adamant: oh, sorry, i saw you typing :)
Dnate Mars: next WG is fine
Moon Adamant: ok
Moon Adamant: promotion then, Salzie?
Salzie Sachertorte: Okay = Brian andI are the committee
Moon Adamant: or does any of yu like to propose any other order?
Moon Adamant: ok
Salzie Sachertorte: We met and talked in the street, though I didn't keep a transcript -sorry :(
Sudane Erato: tsk!! :)
Salzie Sachertorte: Didn't think it would be the meeting
Moon Adamant: lol
Salzie Sachertorte: Anyways
Sudane Erato: hehe
Salzie Sachertorte: I put the link to the CN website on the front page of the NFS website
Salzie Sachertorte: And I'm thinking perhaps we should have it put on the top of the NFS forums?
Salzie Sachertorte: Under the link tothe NFS website?
Sudane Erato: sure
Moon Adamant: please, it's a good idea
Salzie Sachertorte: I think Gwyn would have to do that
Moon Adamant: hmmm, possibly
Salzie Sachertorte: Brian & talked mainly about the survey
Salzie Sachertorte: which I'll distrubte soon
Moon Adamant: ok

Salzie Sachertorte: I haven't done anything about the dig yet
Salzie Sachertorte: 've been talking with some land barons on marketing w/in SL
Moon Adamant: btw, another thing (for the record) - we need a list of who does these technical thingies, like changing things at sites, forums, etc
Salzie Sachertorte: and trying to gather others' rules and covenants - though that might be a beaucratic funciton
Moon Adamant: ok Salzie, that is a very good idea
Moon Adamant: industrial esionnag ;)
Moon Adamant: espionnage*
Sudane Erato: hehe
Salzie Sachertorte: hee, no just helping each other out
Salzie Sachertorte: I really think that an assocation of landowners/developers woudl be a good thing in SL
Salzie Sachertorte: just as in RL
Sudane Erato: hmmm... yes... interesting
Salzie Sachertorte: but that is a different issue
Moon Adamant: yes... it has been tried several times i think
Salzie Sachertorte: So I'm gathering information for a marketing plan
Salzie Sachertorte: for the whole of what we have - and also to give to the businesses within NFS
Moon Adamant: ah, indeed
Sudane Erato: great!
Moon Adamant: ok, good work!
Salzie Sachertorte: okay any questions before we get tot he survey?
Moon Adamant: hmm, none here
Moon Adamant: anyone?
Moon Adamant: oops, Salzie, please... sorry, busy mode
Salzie Sachertorte: Moon & Dnate - did you get it?
Jon Seattle: Thanks much Salize!
Sudane Erato: i got it
Moon Adamant: thanks!
Salzie Sachertorte: k - Dnate?
Claude Desmoulins: Romanesque is confusing
Claude Desmoulins: makes me think early medieval
Moon Adamant: and it is
Sudane Erato: :)
Dnate Mars: sorry, didn't get it
Moon Adamant: Salze, please change it to Roman
Sudane Erato: yes... more clear
Salzie Sachertorte: okay
Sudane Erato: Salzie... looks great!
Salzie Sachertorte: well does that covery everything?
Sudane Erato: wonder how much response we can get
Salzie Sachertorte: I don't want it to be too long, but I don't want to bombard foks with surverys
Moon Adamant: very good survey Salzie!
Salzie Sachertorte: Brain did most of it - so kudos to him
Moon Adamant: this will help us indeed in revising teh plan
Salzie Sachertorte: *Brian
Jon Seattle: Yes, very nice survey
Moon Adamant: kudos to Brian, then!
Dnate Mars: the only thing I can see, is where you have the L10/m change it to L10+/m
Salzie Sachertorte: okay - we didn't know the going rates forland in SL
Sudane Erato: you've given a good range
Moon Adamant: yup, i agree
Dnate Mars: waterfront can go for upto 15l/m
Salzie Sachertorte: hmm
Sudane Erato: hmm... i guess thats true
Salzie Sachertorte: Did I cover all of the various types of plots?
Moon Adamant: yup, you did
Moon Adamant: when are you thinking that it can be published?
Salzie Sachertorte: okay - the other question I'd like to add, but I wasn'tsure how to word it is surveying interesting in running one of the quasi-public features
Moon Adamant: wiat Dnate

Moon Adamant: the commerical plots can be residential always... they have added the commercial function too
Moon Adamant: hmmm
Dnate Mars: ah, that I did not know
Moon Adamant: well, you can list them for a start... therame, amphitheatre, etc
Moon Adamant: thermae*
Salzie Sachertorte: I wasn't sure what facilities are open for that
Moon Adamant: and ask simply hmm
Salzie Sachertorte: Hi Ranma
Moon Adamant: ah, i'll give you a list later on, please remeber me
Claude Desmoulins: I'll probably have to catch the rest later.
Sudane Erato: hi Ranma :)
Claude Desmoulins: Lunch
Moon Adamant: hello Ranma :) have a seat
Jon Seattle: Hi Ranma :)
Dnate Mars: hiya ranma
Ranma Tardis: Hi
Ranma Tardis: baka me forgot about meeting!
Ranma Tardis has indicated consent to be recorded.
Sudane Erato: :)
Salzie Sachertorte: Let me give you the notecard we are discussing - er darn inventory
Sudane Erato has indicated consent to be recorded.
Salzie Sachertorte: Okay Moon, I'll just ask "Are you interested in running the (insert list) with a link to the Website page which outlines the quasi-public natureof those businesses
Salzie Sachertorte: There is a page with that? Right?
Moon Adamant: would have to check, i think so
Salzie Sachertorte: I'm pretty sure there is
Moon Adamant: if not it can be rephrased like, CN gives you the opportunity to run your business in etc... would you be interested?
Moon Adamant: ok
Salzie Sachertorte: ok
Salzie Sachertorte: I'll clean it up and run it by you before sending it out to the citizens
Moon Adamant: ok, thanks
Salzie Sachertorte: and post it at the forums, for non-citizen to respond to as well, if they want
Moon Adamant: ah, ok
Moon Adamant: moving on?
Salzie Sachertorte: yes, that's it for me
Moon Adamant: 3. Webcollab and logins
Sudane Erato: looks like a neat program
Moon Adamant: it does indeed
Salzie Sachertorte: it does, from what I've played with it
Salzie Sachertorte: I've added the NFS stuff as well, it owudl be useful for both sims
Moon Adamant: ok
Salzie Sachertorte: and all in one place
Moon Adamant: and what about logins?
Sudane Erato: i.e. should everyone be able to login?
Salzie Sachertorte: We coudl have it opt in?
Sudane Erato: well, it should be every citizen
Salzie Sachertorte: Let folks know its there and let them opt in?
Sudane Erato: like the forum?
Salzie Sachertorte: Or just invite all citizens?
Salzie Sachertorte: or, if you want to get beaurocritc, just theSPC members now
Moon Adamant: tht would make teh progression of work in this committee completely clear, so i would agree
Salzie Sachertorte: and wait fo rthe new RA to decide on the use and rules, etc.
Moon Adamant: as for th NFS art, that would be for teh RA to decide
Moon Adamant: part*
Salzie Sachertorte: Okay - shall I send out an invitation to all current citizens? for transparnecy reasons?
Moon Adamant: opinions?
Salzie Sachertorte: and if someone leaves, I will close out there acct
Sudane Erato: does it work like the forums?

Sudane Erato: where you sign up?
Moon Adamant: or should we adjourn this question for when we have all groups represented?
Salzie Sachertorte: howso?
Salzie Sachertorte: no, you have to beinvited
Salzie Sachertorte: you cna't jsut sign up
Sudane Erato: I see
Sudane Erato: I think everyone should be invited
Sudane Erato: altho... if they leave...
Jon Seattle: It seems like a very good idea for all citizens, but perhaps we should run that by the RA
Sudane Erato: need you go thru the trouble of closing them?
Salzie Sachertorte: Well, we can'tdo that till August 1st
Sudane Erato: right
Jon Seattle nods
Sudane Erato: so... for now
Sudane Erato: just the SPC members
Salzie Sachertorte: okay
Sudane Erato: with our reccommendation to the RA that it be everyone
Salzie Sachertorte: okay - let them decide what to do about citizens who leave
Sudane Erato: sure
Sudane Erato: we'll have to draft a bill, tho
Salzie Sachertorte: I'll delete the NFS stuff that I set up in there
Moon Adamant: ok, does everyone agree?
Salzie Sachertorte: I just did that to see how we could run two seperate projects - how it would work
Jon Seattle: I would presume that the RA would be interested.. perhaps leave the NFS stuff for now?
Dnate Mars: yep
Jon Seattle: yes
Sudane Erato: sure
Moon Adamant: ok
Salzie Sachertorte: okay - I'll leave it
Salzie Sachertorte: tat way you can see how its structures, I'm sure the RA wouldn't be against using it
Moon Adamant: so this committeee will issue a reccommendation to RA to open logins at webcollab to all citizens
Moon Adamant: ok
Sudane Erato: yes
Salzie Sachertorte: all right so I'llissue invitations to the SPC members
Moon Adamant: thanks Salzie :)
Salzie Sachertorte: and draft a bill for the committee to forward tothe RA, once they are seated
Moon Adamant: ok
Dnate Mars: hey, I got to run. I will read the transcript later
Ranma Tardis: ok
Moon Adamant: sure Dnate, thnaks for coming by!
Salzie Sachertorte: okay - see you Dnate
Sudane Erato: bye
Jon Seattle: See you dnate!
Ranma Tardis: too late
Sudane Erato: :)
Salzie Sachertorte: I'll get it done tonight or tomorrow
Moon Adamant: ok, point 4 - CN site editor - is something i feel must be adjourned
Moon Adamant: since teh bureau wg hasn't met yet
Salzie Sachertorte: I agree
Moon Adamant: everyone?
Sudane Erato: sure
Jon Seattle: Yes.
Moon Adamant: ok
Ranma Tardis: ok
Moon Adamant: so we reach teh end of agenda
Salzie Sachertorte: I think you, Moon, need to poke the finance committee as well
Moon Adamant: would anyone like to suggest other point?
Sudane Erato: yes... we do need to meet
Moon Adamant: lol, ok, i will
Moon Adamant: exactly, we have to set the next meeting
Sudane Erato: 2 weeks is good
Salzie Sachertorte: also add the task of looking at the fiscal impacts of void sims to their agenda
Salzie Sachertorte: so we can make an informed decision on that
Moon Adamant: ok, i will reply to my own post of tasks for wg with new tasks
Sudane Erato: :)
Sudane Erato: keeping us busy! :)

Salzie Sachertorte: indeed
Moon Adamant: yes lol, i love to hand work around :D
Sudane Erato: haha
Salzie Sachertorte: hee
Ranma Tardis: :)
Jon Seattle laughs
Moon Adamant: ok... suggestions for date of nest meting?
Salzie Sachertorte: Well, we have two weeks or so befoe the new RA seats and starts handing out their tasks - so let's use it
Moon Adamant: oh, Sudane, sorry
Moon Adamant: just read your suggestion
Sudane Erato: :))
Sudane Erato: np :)
Moon Adamant: let open a calenda
Sudane Erato: July 31
Moon Adamant: calendar*
Salzie Sachertorte: Is hat a Sunda?
Sudane Erato: 30th
Sudane Erato: sorry
Moon Adamant: no, sun is 30
Salzie Sachertorte: Weekends work best it seems
Sudane Erato: oh yes
Moon Adamant: lol, yes
Ranma Tardis: as long as I remember
Sudane Erato: hehe
Salzie Sachertorte: haha
Moon Adamant: ok, same hour same place*
Moon Adamant: ?
Salzie Sachertorte: That is fine with me
Sudane Erato: sure!
Jon Seattle nods
Ranma Tardis: yes me too
Moon Adamant: ok
Moon Adamant: then next meeting is set for July the 30th, 9 AM SLT , here at the Rathaus
Sudane Erato: ok!
Salzie Sachertorte: cool - you'll post that and put it in the calendar?
Moon Adamant: i'll call again for extraordinary points no; if none, i'll close this meeting
Moon Adamant: yes, i will salzie, no worries :)
Salzie Sachertorte: none here
Ranma Tardis: none
Sudane Erato: i'm fine
Moon Adamant: ok... Jon?
Jon Seattle: none
Jon Seattle smiles
Moon Adamant: and Claud, i think is afk
Moon Adamant: so... meeting closed
The meeting closed at 10:44 Linden time.


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