Transcript RA Meeting February 11, 2024

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jerry McNally
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
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Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:35 am

Transcript RA Meeting February 11, 2024

Post by Jerry McNally »

[2024/02/11 10:38] Rosie Gray: well, since Almut isn't here, and she has posted the Agenda
[2024/02/11 10:38] Rosie Gray: I can start us off.
[2024/02/11 10:38] Rosie Gray:
[2024/02/11 10:38] Rosie Gray: there's the Agenda
[2024/02/11 10:38] Rosie Gray: 1 Administrative Business

1.1 Approval of the Agenda

1.2 Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Third RA Meeting on January 21, 2023


2 Executive Report (Tor)

3 Artisan Guild Report (Rosie)

4 New Business

4.1 Proposed revised CDS General Covenants

Draft and public discussion here: viewtopic.php?p=51846#p51846

4.2 Review of revised Locus Amoenus Covenant

4.3 Website Refresh Project

5 Citizen Concerns

6 RA Member Concerns

7 Announcements


8 Next RA meeting (to be discussed)

Proposal: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 10 AM SLT

9 Adjourn
[2024/02/11 10:38] Sandy Burgess: Yeah, lets get started and she can take over when she arrives
[2024/02/11 10:39] Jerry McNally: I move to accept the agenda as presented
[2024/02/11 10:39] Rosie Gray: thank you Jerry
[2024/02/11 10:39] Rosie Gray: do we have a second?
[2024/02/11 10:39] Agatha Macbeth: Here she is
[2024/02/11 10:39] Rosie Gray: ah!, great, hi Almut
[2024/02/11 10:39] Tor Karlsvalt: ta da
[2024/02/11 10:40] Agatha Macbeth: Nabend Almi
[2024/02/11 10:40] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Almut
[2024/02/11 10:40] Rosie Gray: hope all is well with you!
[2024/02/11 10:40] Almut Brunswick: Hi everybody. SL is playing tricks on me
[2024/02/11 10:40] Agatha Macbeth: Oh it does that
[2024/02/11 10:40] Rosie Gray: aha!
[2024/02/11 10:40] Rosie Gray: well we just started with your Agenda
[2024/02/11 10:40] Rosie Gray: /me hands over the paperwork
[2024/02/11 10:41] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Th eagenda is in the box now
[2024/02/11 10:41] Jerry McNally: I guess I can move to accept the agenda, again?
[2024/02/11 10:42] Rosie Gray: second
[2024/02/11 10:42] Sandy Burgess: Aye
[2024/02/11 10:42] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2024/02/11 10:42] Rosie Gray: aye
[2024/02/11 10:42] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): Aye
[2024/02/11 10:42] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2024/02/11 10:43] Almut Brunswick: May I continue?
[2024/02/11 10:43] Almut Brunswick: 1.2 Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Third RA Meeting on January 21, 2023
[2024/02/11 10:43] Rosie Gray: Motion to accept the Minutes as presented.
[2024/02/11 10:43] Almut Brunswick: Second
[2024/02/11 10:44] Almut Brunswick: Let's vote
[2024/02/11 10:44] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2024/02/11 10:44] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2024/02/11 10:44] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): Aye
[2024/02/11 10:44] Sandy Burgess: Oh aye
[2024/02/11 10:44] Almut Brunswick: Thank you
[2024/02/11 10:45] Almut Brunswick: 2 Executive Report (Tor)
[2024/02/11 10:45] Almut Brunswick: Mr. Chancellor, you have the stage
[2024/02/11 10:45] Tor Karlsvalt: Thank you
[2024/02/11 10:45] Agatha Macbeth: /me starts knitting
[2024/02/11 10:45] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2024/02/11 10:45] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2024/02/11 10:45] Tor Karlsvalt: I can keep it short.
[2024/02/11 10:46] Tor Karlsvalt: Today we are up to 87 citizens
[2024/02/11 10:46] Tor Karlsvalt: Highest number in a long time.
[2024/02/11 10:46] Agatha Macbeth: Woot
[2024/02/11 10:46] Almut Brunswick: (Just a scarf, Agatha)
[2024/02/11 10:46] Almut Brunswick: YAY
[2024/02/11 10:46] Agatha Macbeth: :P
[2024/02/11 10:46] Jerry McNally: Because of the Welcome Hub stuff maybe?
[2024/02/11 10:46] Tor Karlsvalt: And we are at 111% of tier.
[2024/02/11 10:46] Ais Aeon: Oh is anything in second life growing for a change? (sorry for the sarcasm, I obviously like SL
[2024/02/11 10:47] Tor Karlsvalt: Possibly Jerry. We did have tow former citizens return.
[2024/02/11 10:47] Sandy Burgess: Whoot
[2024/02/11 10:47] Rosie Gray: :D
[2024/02/11 10:47] Tor Karlsvalt: And of course in the last month Bromo returned after a long absence from SL.
[2024/02/11 10:48] Tor Karlsvalt: He and Oona kindly boosted our Discord server, btw.
[2024/02/11 10:48] Tor Karlsvalt: Very nice of them both.
[2024/02/11 10:48] Rosie Gray: what does that mean, Tor?
[2024/02/11 10:48] Rosie Gray: what is a boost on Discord?
[2024/02/11 10:48] Tor Karlsvalt: Oh it opens up a few features.
[2024/02/11 10:49] Tor Karlsvalt: More tickers and GIF files are active. Mostly fun stuff.
[2024/02/11 10:49] Rosie Gray: ah!
[2024/02/11 10:49] Jerry McNally: It's a financial contribution isn't it? Real $ ?
[2024/02/11 10:49] Sandy Burgess: Me groans ... even more stickers
[2024/02/11 10:49] Almut Brunswick: Sounds like a return to Internet 1.0 :D
[2024/02/11 10:49] Agatha Macbeth: Erk
[2024/02/11 10:49] Tor Karlsvalt: Discord continues to expand in usage. I think we have almost 50 members.
[2024/02/11 10:49] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[2024/02/11 10:50] Sandy Burgess: Its one of the ways discord is financed
[2024/02/11 10:50] Rosie Gray: so how are we paying Discord?
[2024/02/11 10:50] Rosie Gray: sorry... too many marketing type questions :D
[2024/02/11 10:51] Sandy Burgess: Its basically a free service but the somehow need to finance themselves and part of it is boosters that you pay money for ... I don't think CDS is spending money on discored
[2024/02/11 10:51] Tor Karlsvalt: We don't. Onna and Bromo, however subscribed for a monthly fee. I think a boost is about $5. Our exhibit at the SL Community Exposition
[2024/02/11 10:52] Tor Karlsvalt: Our exhibit at the SL Community Exposition opened to great fanfare.
[2024/02/11 10:52] Tor Karlsvalt: Strawberry Linden had us on the LL Lab Gab.
[2024/02/11 10:52] Tor Karlsvalt: That went well.
[2024/02/11 10:53] Tor Karlsvalt: Most of you probably saw it on YouTube.
[2024/02/11 10:53] Sandy Burgess: Is it still up? I have yet to go there
[2024/02/11 10:53] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, it will be up indefinitely at this point.
[2024/02/11 10:53] Jerry McNally: Here's the link to the YouTube
[2024/02/11 10:54] Jerry McNally: /me thought the whole thing was great
[2024/02/11 10:54] Tor Karlsvalt: The idea is for new residents to explore the various community exhibits in the hope the see where they might like to find a community
[2024/02/11 10:54] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes it is a super idea.
[2024/02/11 10:55] Tor Karlsvalt: Another round of exhibits are planned for the end of this month.
[2024/02/11 10:55] Ais Aeon: Oh that sounds cool.
[2024/02/11 10:55] Tor Karlsvalt: If you know of any groups that might be interested, there are applications at the Exposition
[2024/02/11 10:56] Tor Karlsvalt: There could be a rotation of exhibits. No schedule has been set down at this time.
[2024/02/11 10:56] Rosie Gray: there's some really nice exhibits, if you haven't seen them yet
[2024/02/11 10:56] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes, I would encourage all to check it out.
[2024/02/11 10:56] Sandy Burgess: Can you post a LM in the groups please, Tor?
[2024/02/11 10:56] Tor Karlsvalt: If you can stick around and answer questions if any newbies show interest.
[2024/02/11 10:57] Almut Brunswick: Good point, Sandy
[2024/02/11 10:57] Tor Karlsvalt: Sure.
[2024/02/11 10:57] Tor Karlsvalt: There is a TP to the exhibit on the Platz btw.
[2024/02/11 10:58] Tor Karlsvalt: Shout out to Joanne for hosting that Brazilian Street Carnival last weekend.
[2024/02/11 10:58] Agatha Macbeth: Yay
[2024/02/11 10:58] Tor Karlsvalt: It was really well attended and a great deal of fun.
[2024/02/11 10:58] Agatha Macbeth: Indeed
[2024/02/11 10:58] Tor Karlsvalt: Joanne and Moon really outdid themselves on the decorations.
[2024/02/11 10:58] Rosie Gray: clap clap clap
[2024/02/11 10:59] Tor Karlsvalt: So party today in the Thermae.
[2024/02/11 10:59] Tor Karlsvalt: Other than that things are running well.
[2024/02/11 11:00] Ais Aeon: Party, thermae? Do we need to show up in towels? ;)
[2024/02/11 11:00] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Tor. Any questions?
[2024/02/11 11:00] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe, no, it is formal.
[2024/02/11 11:00] Agatha Macbeth: Formal towels?
[2024/02/11 11:00] Ais Aeon: Like nice, silky red towels? ;)
[2024/02/11 11:00] Tor Karlsvalt: Maybe the big terry ones
[2024/02/11 11:00] Sandy Burgess: But nobody will stop you if you turn up in a towel
[2024/02/11 11:01] Almut Brunswick: yes, no ridiculous cartoon towels today
[2024/02/11 11:01] Ais Aeon: Sandy, don't tempt me! :P
[2024/02/11 11:01] Agatha Macbeth: Towel wearers are people too after all
[2024/02/11 11:01] Tor Karlsvalt: There is still a pool open. One is covered so you don't fall in
[2024/02/11 11:01] Tor Karlsvalt: I agree Agatha.
[2024/02/11 11:01] Sandy Burgess: Did you make a cocktail skying dress Almut?
[2024/02/11 11:01] Rosie Gray: it's meant to be cocktail attire, I believe
[2024/02/11 11:01] Rosie Gray: in red ;)
[2024/02/11 11:01] Almut Brunswick: At least something shoulder-free
[2024/02/11 11:01] Tor Karlsvalt: Right Rosie
[2024/02/11 11:01] Almut Brunswick: in red
[2024/02/11 11:02] Agatha Macbeth: /me doesn't even know what that is
[2024/02/11 11:02] Almut Brunswick: Anyway...let's proceed
[2024/02/11 11:02] Rosie Gray: lol, Agatha
[2024/02/11 11:02] Almut Brunswick: 3 Artisan Guild Report (Rosie)
[2024/02/11 11:02] Rosie Gray: errrrmmm
[2024/02/11 11:02] Rosie Gray: the Artisan Guild held a meeting yesterday
[2024/02/11 11:03] Rosie Gray: and discussed the Locus Amoenus covenant update that is here for review
[2024/02/11 11:03] Rosie Gray: (here being this RA meeting)
[2024/02/11 11:03] Rosie Gray: and also the General Covenants that are also ready for review
[2024/02/11 11:03] Rosie Gray: 3.1. Locus Ameonus covenant update review (Lilith) ... sp=sharing
For RA review now.

3.2. General Covenant review
As posted on the forums:
[2024/02/11 11:04] Rosie Gray: other things later in the Agenda
[2024/02/11 11:04] Rosie Gray: 3.3. Colonia Nova review of Moon’s plan (Moon)

tabled for next time

3.4. Historical signs (Rosie)

3.5 Request to the Scientific Council to move the guild forums to the correct place*******
The LRA has sent another request to the SC to move the guild forums.

4) New Business:

4.1. Sim Improvements

4.2. Staging of parcels (Tor)
[2024/02/11 11:05] Rosie Gray: I gave a brief update on the historical signs... two new ones recently
[2024/02/11 11:05] Rosie Gray: one on the forum here in Colonia Nova
[2024/02/11 11:05] Rosie Gray: and the other in Monastery, at the intersection that goes up to the Monastery itself
[2024/02/11 11:05] Rosie Gray: lots more to do ㋡
[2024/02/11 11:06] Almut Brunswick: We should state that 3.5 has meanwhile taken place.
[2024/02/11 11:06] Rosie Gray: we discussed a few ideas about sim improvements but mostly talked about parcel stagings
[2024/02/11 11:06] Rosie Gray: sorry the Minutes aren't done yet since it was just yesterday, so I'm going on memory
[2024/02/11 11:07] Rosie Gray: concensus was that some signage to place inside a house that is there for staging, explaining that you can use it or return it, as desired
[2024/02/11 11:07] Rosie Gray: and also the idea that filling up vacant houses isn't a good idea because it doesn't seem so inviting for someone new
[2024/02/11 11:08] Rosie Gray: Lilith volunteered to draft up some wording for the sign
[2024/02/11 11:08] Rosie Gray: that's about it as the rest of the items were tabled
[2024/02/11 11:08] Rosie Gray: done
[2024/02/11 11:08] Rosie Gray: apologies if I missed something
[2024/02/11 11:09] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Rosie. Just the addition to 3.5: The Guild section has been moved to the governmental branch in the Forum.
[2024/02/11 11:09] Rosie Gray: right
[2024/02/11 11:10] Almut Brunswick: And another addition about the question if and how we should add overview maps to the respective local covenants.
[2024/02/11 11:10] Rosie Gray: ah, that's right
[2024/02/11 11:10] Jerry McNally: That would be interesting, maps are cool
[2024/02/11 11:11] Tor Karlsvalt: Maybe those can be added to the nc Casper hands out.
[2024/02/11 11:11] Rosie Gray: the maps we were talking about were more for EMs to use and land planners
[2024/02/11 11:11] Jerry McNally: /me was just looking at CDS maps today coincidentally
[2024/02/11 11:11] Almut Brunswick: They would be of multiple purpose, but we need to clarify yet who of us is willing and able to create them.
[2024/02/11 11:12] Rosie Gray: Lilith said she would work on Monastery and Friedsee, I think
[2024/02/11 11:12] Almut Brunswick: And ideally we should store them somewhere as editable files in a non-proprietary format. Yes, Lilith said so, but she will use the tool she is most familiar with, and will provide PDFs.
[2024/02/11 11:13] Almut Brunswick: This is good, but not ideal.
[2024/02/11 11:13] Rosie Gray: from PDF you can save to anything else
[2024/02/11 11:13] Rosie Gray: they would be layered PDFs
[2024/02/11 11:13] Tor Karlsvalt: Years ago, the Guild had a classroom full of maps and such
[2024/02/11 11:13] Almut Brunswick: For further processing, I don't know if that works. But we don't need to go too deep into details here.
[2024/02/11 11:14] Rosie Gray: I think some of those are still there, up in the sky over the school
[2024/02/11 11:14] Sandy Burgess: The guild classroom still is there - seems to date back to 2014
[2024/02/11 11:14] Almut Brunswick: ...
[2024/02/11 11:15] Almut Brunswick: Any further questions before we continue with the covenant reviews?
[2024/02/11 11:15] Tor Karlsvalt: ok, been a long time. It was there back in 2009 when I arrived.
[2024/02/11 11:15] Jerry McNally: No questions from me, just great to hear things progressing
[2024/02/11 11:16] Almut Brunswick: Yes, and we will hear even more from the AG's work in the next two topics
[2024/02/11 11:16] Almut Brunswick: 4 New Business

4.1 Proposed revised CDS General Covenants
[2024/02/11 11:17] Almut Brunswick: * Draft and public discussion here:
[2024/02/11 11:17] Almut Brunswick: Rosie, would you like to state something about it or shall we dive into reading now?
[2024/02/11 11:18] Rosie Gray: just dive in, I think!
[2024/02/11 11:20] Almut Brunswick: So mainly the yellow highlighted sections could be focused
[2024/02/11 11:20] Jerry McNally: I'm happy with the yellow highlighted amendments, I don't think they're too controversial. It will be interesting if 7. Subleasing starts some new projects.
[2024/02/11 11:21] Jerry McNally: I'm imagining little AirB&Bs and so on...
[2024/02/11 11:21] Almut Brunswick: giggles
[2024/02/11 11:21] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2024/02/11 11:21] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2024/02/11 11:21] Tor Karlsvalt: /me (party houses)
[2024/02/11 11:22] Almut Brunswick: Do you all come to the conclusion that the revised General Covenant is matured enough to become enacted by the RA?
[2024/02/11 11:22] Rosie Gray: It's good for me ㋡
[2024/02/11 11:22] Sandy Burgess: Didn't see the subleasing bit
[2024/02/11 11:23] Almut Brunswick: 7.
[2024/02/11 11:23] Jerry McNally: I think it's good, and I think the line "The 'Restrict MOAP to this Parcel' setting must be enabled" is sufficient too
[2024/02/11 11:23] Sandy Burgess: Ah - was on the wrong link
[2024/02/11 11:23] Almut Brunswick: What is MOAP?
[2024/02/11 11:24] Jerry McNally: Media on a parcel?
[2024/02/11 11:24] Sandy Burgess: Media on Prim
[2024/02/11 11:24] Rosie Gray: MOAP is where you disallow or allow media from a parcel
[2024/02/11 11:24] Rosie Gray: we want it always to be disallowed, because otherwise people's media can spam an entire region
[2024/02/11 11:24] Almut Brunswick: Then I suggest to say that in the final version in plain text even when this is originally a Linden abbreviation.
[2024/02/11 11:24] Jerry McNally: A way of cutting down the number of noisy neighbours
[2024/02/11 11:25] Sandy Burgess: You can restrict the sound of Media on a Prim to the parcel so your neighbours don't have to hear your TV
[2024/02/11 11:25] Rosie Gray: yes, you can have them on for yourself
[2024/02/11 11:25] Tor Karlsvalt: Probably we should mention TVs
[2024/02/11 11:26] Rosie Gray: yes, it's the same thing really
[2024/02/11 11:26] Almut Brunswick: Technically yes
[2024/02/11 11:26] Rosie Gray: but this is for the General Covenant... I thought we were on the Locus Amoenus covenant
[2024/02/11 11:26] Almut Brunswick: No, we are currently talking about the General Covenant
[2024/02/11 11:27] Rosie Gray: sorry!
[2024/02/11 11:27] Rosie Gray: eek
[2024/02/11 11:27] Jerry McNally: I move to accept the revised CDS General Covenants
[2024/02/11 11:27] Rosie Gray: second
[2024/02/11 11:27] Sandy Burgess: I also got on the LA covenant first
[2024/02/11 11:27] Sandy Burgess: Aye to the general covenant
[2024/02/11 11:27] Almut Brunswick: When there are no further questions, let's vote
[2024/02/11 11:28] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2024/02/11 11:28] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): Aye
[2024/02/11 11:28] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2024/02/11 11:28] Rosie Gray: aye
[2024/02/11 11:29] Almut Brunswick: Thank you. The General Covenant revision is enacted.
[2024/02/11 11:29] Almut Brunswick: 4.2 Review of revised Locus Amoenus Covenant
[2024/02/11 11:29] Almut Brunswick:
[2024/02/11 11:29] Jerry McNally: (Sorry, is there a link to that, have I missed it?)
[2024/02/11 11:30] Almut Brunswick: I posted it in the chat
[2024/02/11 11:30] Jerry McNally: The revision?
[2024/02/11 11:31] Rosie Gray:
[2024/02/11 11:31] Almut Brunswick: Rosie?
[2024/02/11 11:31] Jerry McNally: Thanks
[2024/02/11 11:31] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): thanks
[2024/02/11 11:31] Rosie Gray: that page looks really nice, Jerry
[2024/02/11 11:32] Rosie Gray: great photo showing off Locus Amoenus
[2024/02/11 11:32] Almut Brunswick: There is just a paragraph missing for 1.
[2024/02/11 11:32] Almut Brunswick: Or is it on purpose?
[2024/02/11 11:32] Jerry McNally: (thanks Rosie, but that photo was already there)
[2024/02/11 11:32] Tor Karlsvalt: /me loves that pic too.
[2024/02/11 11:33] Rosie Gray: well this is the proposed revised covenant
[2024/02/11 11:33] Rosie Gray: which paragraph were you referring to?
[2024/02/11 11:34] Almut Brunswick: In the already released covenant:
[2024/02/11 11:34] Almut Brunswick: Locus Amoenus is inspired by and modeled after rural Tuscany with a large area of surrounding countryside.1. Building style that is consistent with those of rural, timeless, pre-modern Tuscany; from post-Roman (this means Roman builds can exist, but would be ... There is no paragraph between "countryside" and "1."
[2024/02/11 11:35] Rosie Gray: if you look at that... it's an error on the website
[2024/02/11 11:35] Rosie Gray: typo
[2024/02/11 11:35] Almut Brunswick: Yes, I thought so. Was just a side note
[2024/02/11 11:35] Rosie Gray: it should have had a paragraph return between 'countryside.' and '1....'
[2024/02/11 11:35] Almut Brunswick: Let's look into the revised version.,..
[2024/02/11 11:36] Rosie Gray: not a major change ㋡
[2024/02/11 11:36] Jerry McNally: Ok i've corrected the numbering
[2024/02/11 11:36] Rosie Gray: thanks Jerry
[2024/02/11 11:36] Sandy Burgess: Looks good to me.
[2024/02/11 11:37] Rosie Gray: one major change is the max height of buildings
[2024/02/11 11:37] Rosie Gray: as that is coming down from 20m to 15m
[2024/02/11 11:37] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I'm glad someone takes care of the numbers
[2024/02/11 11:37] Almut Brunswick: I have a comment or addition proposal for the last yellow addition:
[2024/02/11 11:37] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2024/02/11 11:38] Rosie Gray: for Zone F, Almut?
[2024/02/11 11:38] Almut Brunswick: Yes. "All permanent buildings must fit the Mediterranean theme AND ERAS OUTLINED ABOVE and need to be approved by the Chancellor."
[2024/02/11 11:39] Almut Brunswick: Otherwise, somebody could have the idea to build a contemporary concrete hotel in mediterranean style :D
[2024/02/11 11:39] Rosie Gray: sounds fine to me
[2024/02/11 11:40] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): me too
[2024/02/11 11:40] Jerry McNally: Yep
[2024/02/11 11:40] Almut Brunswick: The original text or the addition?
[2024/02/11 11:40] Sandy Burgess: Its right but 1qestion is if its necessary because it is already stated above
[2024/02/11 11:40] Rosie Gray: oh the addition, but it doesn't need to be capitalized
[2024/02/11 11:40] Rosie Gray: that's true, Sandy
[2024/02/11 11:40] Almut Brunswick: The caps was just to highlight her ein the chat text
[2024/02/11 11:41] Almut Brunswick: it was not meant for the cavenant as such
[2024/02/11 11:41] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2024/02/11 11:41] Almut Brunswick: covenant*
[2024/02/11 11:41] Jerry McNally: The addition of era is fine, though it is stated in number 1, as has been said
[2024/02/11 11:42] Almut Brunswick: It is just to assure everybody has understood it
[2024/02/11 11:42] Sandy Burgess: /me nods. Thats what I mean. We can add it but I think it already results from §1
[2024/02/11 11:42] Almut Brunswick: It does
[2024/02/11 11:42] Rosie Gray: a reinforcement is fine with me
[2024/02/11 11:43] Almut Brunswick: §1 provides the details a builder shall heed when setting up permanent buildings.
[2024/02/11 11:43] Almut Brunswick: Any further comments?
[2024/02/11 11:43] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): none from me
[2024/02/11 11:44] Jerry McNally: I'm happy to move forward too
[2024/02/11 11:44] Rosie Gray: I was wondering if our Chancellor has anything to say about it?
[2024/02/11 11:44] Casdetra: Excuse me please, I have to leave, thank you for allowing me to be here
[2024/02/11 11:45] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2024/02/11 11:45] Rosie Gray: good by Casdetra
[2024/02/11 11:45] Rosie Gray: thanks for coming
[2024/02/11 11:45] Almut Brunswick: You are always welcome!.
[2024/02/11 11:45] Almut Brunswick: Tor?
[2024/02/11 11:46] Rosie Gray: must be afk
[2024/02/11 11:46] Agatha Macbeth: Maybe knitting
[2024/02/11 11:46] Almut Brunswick: We should use a signal word to reach him ... like NAVY ACADEMY! :D
[2024/02/11 11:46] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2024/02/11 11:46] Agatha Macbeth: Fire a flare
[2024/02/11 11:46] Rosie Gray: oh well, I guess he doesn't
[2024/02/11 11:47] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): poke him with a knitting needle
[2024/02/11 11:47] Almut Brunswick: So..motion to accept the revised Locus Amoenus covenant as presented with the minor additon?
[2024/02/11 11:47] Almut Brunswick: Aww Kyoko ^^
[2024/02/11 11:47] Tor Karlsvalt: Sorry
[2024/02/11 11:47] Rosie Gray: oh there he is
[2024/02/11 11:47] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2024/02/11 11:48] Tor Karlsvalt: Um, looks ok to me.
[2024/02/11 11:48] Almut Brunswick: We wanted you to say something about the revised LA covenant before we are going to vote
[2024/02/11 11:48] Tor Karlsvalt: Oh it is fine.
[2024/02/11 11:48] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Yan
[2024/02/11 11:48] Agatha Macbeth: Buonasera Yan
[2024/02/11 11:49] Yan (yanashvaniva): hello Tor
[2024/02/11 11:49] Yan (yanashvaniva): ciao Sandy
[2024/02/11 11:49] Sandy Burgess: Hello Yan, Bounasera
[2024/02/11 11:49] Rosie Gray: hi Yan
[2024/02/11 11:49] Yan (yanashvaniva): buona sera a tutti
[2024/02/11 11:49] Almut Brunswick: Motion to accept the revised Locus Amoenus covenant as presented with the minor addition in the last paragraph as discussed.
[2024/02/11 11:49] Yan (yanashvaniva): hi Rosie
[2024/02/11 11:49] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): hello Yan
[2024/02/11 11:49] Sandy Burgess: second
[2024/02/11 11:49] Almut Brunswick: Buonasera, Yan
[2024/02/11 11:49] Yan (yanashvaniva): Almut evening
[2024/02/11 11:49] Almut Brunswick: No further questions? Then let's vote
[2024/02/11 11:49] Sandy Burgess: Aye
[2024/02/11 11:49] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2024/02/11 11:49] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2024/02/11 11:49] Rosie Gray: aye
[2024/02/11 11:50] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): aye
[2024/02/11 11:50] Almut Brunswick: Thank you. The revised LA covenant is enacted.
[2024/02/11 11:50] Almut Brunswick: 4.3 Website Refresh Project
[2024/02/11 11:50] Jerry McNally: /me shuffles his papers
[2024/02/11 11:50] Rosie Gray: :D
[2024/02/11 11:51] Sandy Burgess: Oh - don't shuffle them - you they completely get in the wrong order
[2024/02/11 11:51] Jerry McNally: I wanted the refresh project to highlight to potential visitors the two things I think make CDS special - the amazing landscape and the great community
[2024/02/11 11:51] Jerry McNally: so the first two sections on the homepage are and
[2024/02/11 11:51] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): will you return the calender. I'm lost without that
[2024/02/11 11:52] Jerry McNally: You could say everything else on the website is either about the place or the people
[2024/02/11 11:52] Jerry McNally: (The calendar's here )
[2024/02/11 11:52] Rosie Gray: click on the What's On button on the main page, Kyoko
[2024/02/11 11:53] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): Thanks
[2024/02/11 11:53] Jerry McNally: Hopefully people are finding it easy to navigate around the new menu, now with links to the Forum, Flickr, Discord etc (as well as Events, Kyoko). And there are breadcrumbs on all the pages too.
[2024/02/11 11:53] Jerry McNally: I still have some layout inconsistencies to look at, but the main thing that's missing now are the images, especially for pages like with all the SLURLs to the 'points of interest'
[2024/02/11 11:53] Jerry McNally: I think it would be a bit presumptuous to use many of my own images, so I'm on the hunt for others. I've already had a few but need more
[2024/02/11 11:53] Jerry McNally: done
[2024/02/11 11:53] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I preferred the more compact format
[2024/02/11 11:54] Almut Brunswick: The art is to keep all essential and attracting information on the first few pages.
[2024/02/11 11:54] Rosie Gray: Jerry, you can use any of mine on Flickr, if you would like to
[2024/02/11 11:54] Jerry McNally: Thanks Rosie
[2024/02/11 11:54] Sandy Burgess: You can use mine too
[2024/02/11 11:54] Almut Brunswick: and let us know what kind of pictures you would like to take.
[2024/02/11 11:54] Jerry McNally: Cheers Sandy
[2024/02/11 11:54] Almut Brunswick: I mean: to use
[2024/02/11 11:55] Jerry McNally: Pictures of places Almut, go to and see where you fancy going
[2024/02/11 11:55] Yan (yanashvaniva): my photos are also at your disposal
[2024/02/11 11:55] Jerry McNally: Thanks Yan
[2024/02/11 11:55] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2024/02/11 11:56] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I have no recent ones
[2024/02/11 11:56] Rosie Gray: looks like you need some specific ones
[2024/02/11 11:56] Almut Brunswick: Yes, you may post a list in the forum
[2024/02/11 11:56] Jerry McNally: I just thought it would be good to show off the place more
[2024/02/11 11:56] Rosie Gray: I've just taken some of the Praetorium, today, which I'll upload in a while
[2024/02/11 11:57] Rosie Gray: yes, I love the new design, so full of images!
[2024/02/11 11:57] Jerry McNally: thanks
[2024/02/11 11:57] Almut Brunswick: Images are the key to attract people initially
[2024/02/11 11:57] Sandy Burgess: Yeah - give us a list of places you want and we can give you some to choose from
[2024/02/11 11:57] Rosie Gray: Jerry I like the way you are displaying the little owl from our shield
[2024/02/11 11:58] Jerry McNally: Thanks, it looks pretty cute I thought
[2024/02/11 11:58] Almut Brunswick: Yes, the owl looks curious
[2024/02/11 11:58] Sandy Burgess: Well - actually I see: The ist is on the webpage ... all pictures that are missing
[2024/02/11 11:59] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2024/02/11 11:59] Almut Brunswick: Sandy, but then you need to go through all pages individually
[2024/02/11 11:59] Jerry McNally: /me wonders if owls really have eyelashes like that though
[2024/02/11 11:59] Sandy Burgess: We could call for a citizens competition and give out little prices.
[2024/02/11 11:59] Almut Brunswick: hmm
[2024/02/11 12:00] Yan (yanashvaniva): you right Jerry nice owl make up:)
[2024/02/11 12:00] Jerry McNally: haha Yan
[2024/02/11 12:00] Rosie Gray: ooo, the keep in touch takes you right to the Discord channel
[2024/02/11 12:00] Almut Brunswick: So what do you need most from us in the CDS right now? Further pictures? More content?
[2024/02/11 12:01] Jerry McNally: Well, I'm happy to source more pictures but I'd like some input specifically on the page maybe?
[2024/02/11 12:01] Jerry McNally: Ideas for FAQs and so on
[2024/02/11 12:02] Rosie Gray: should have the link to the New Citizens document
[2024/02/11 12:02] Almut Brunswick: Well, what about linking to the New Citizen's Guide?
[2024/02/11 12:02] Almut Brunswick: Yes
[2024/02/11 12:02] Jerry McNally: Yes I should have thought of that, but there must be other things we could share there?
[2024/02/11 12:03] Almut Brunswick: And what I also stated in the AG meeting: to provide information for land owners to set up their parcels properly.
[2024/02/11 12:03] Rosie Gray: yes
[2024/02/11 12:03] Jerry McNally: That would be great - something I'm not too sure about myself to be honest
[2024/02/11 12:03] Rosie Gray: well that would be a part of the document
[2024/02/11 12:03] Rosie Gray: as it's being updated
[2024/02/11 12:03] Almut Brunswick: me neither
[2024/02/11 12:04] Rosie Gray: I can add that
[2024/02/11 12:04] Almut Brunswick: Yes, we had the idea to add it to the New Citizen's Guide
[2024/02/11 12:05] Jerry McNally: So that's all I wanted to update you with really, happy to move on
[2024/02/11 12:05] Almut Brunswick: The FAQ chapter could be widely identical with the guide
[2024/02/11 12:05] Almut Brunswick: Yes, please do!
[2024/02/11 12:05] Rosie Gray: we are diverging ㋡
[2024/02/11 12:06] Almut Brunswick: Before that really happens, let's continue
[2024/02/11 12:06] Rosie Gray: but I want to thank Jerry for all this hard work on the website!
[2024/02/11 12:06] Rosie Gray: it's looking fabulous
[2024/02/11 12:06] Agatha Macbeth: Woot
[2024/02/11 12:06] Almut Brunswick: Yes, very good work!
[2024/02/11 12:06] Agatha Macbeth: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSeeee***********
[2024/02/11 12:06] Almut Brunswick: 5 Citizen Concerns
[2024/02/11 12:07] Almut Brunswick: Any citizen concerns?
[2024/02/11 12:07] Agatha Macbeth: i was sorry to hear Tori only has 5 MoCA submissions
[2024/02/11 12:07] Agatha Macbeth: Maybe I'll have to toss some sad creation into the hat
[2024/02/11 12:07] Rosie Gray: awh!
[2024/02/11 12:08] Rosie Gray: she has mine!
[2024/02/11 12:08] Rosie Gray: it was rather fun to do
[2024/02/11 12:08] Jerry McNally: And I'm working on a second
[2024/02/11 12:08] Almut Brunswick: Ah, I will have a message from Tori to be published here, but I wanted to cover it in the announcements
[2024/02/11 12:08] Agatha Macbeth: Cathy :)
[2024/02/11 12:08] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL, I am exceedingly untalented
[2024/02/11 12:08] Almut Brunswick: I don't touch AI, so nothing to be expected from me :D
[2024/02/11 12:08] Agatha Macbeth: Well, me too but needs must
[2024/02/11 12:09] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I will have something to say about that in announcements
[2024/02/11 12:09] Rosie Gray: hi Cathy
[2024/02/11 12:09] Tor Karlsvalt: I could rez a prim and call it, "Aspirations"
[2024/02/11 12:09] Jerry McNally: Hi Cathy!
[2024/02/11 12:09] Sandy Burgess: I made one an it was fun. But you could make an analogue picture Almut ...
[2024/02/11 12:09] Almut Brunswick: that won't meet the specification
[2024/02/11 12:09] Rosie Gray: I made a slightly different interpretation
[2024/02/11 12:10] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I will also post some suggestions on CDS group about how to make the most successful ones
[2024/02/11 12:11] Almut Brunswick: I have a certain concern about the Blendarian classes scheduled at the same time like the AG and - at times - RA meetings.
[2024/02/11 12:11] Agatha Macbeth: Thanks Kyoko
[2024/02/11 12:12] Agatha Macbeth: And yes Almi, I agree
[2024/02/11 12:12] Almut Brunswick: We experienced yesterday that Moon left the AG meeting before the time, and that Mizou who is an AG member as well, won't find *any* opportunity to attend AG meetings at all anymore.
[2024/02/11 12:12] Agatha Macbeth: /me nods
[2024/02/11 12:13] Almut Brunswick: I already have talked to Mizou because this is an unpleasant situation not only for her, but for all who are potentially interested in her classes.
[2024/02/11 12:13] Rosie Gray: indeed
[2024/02/11 12:13] Cathy Sabre: Yes
[2024/02/11 12:14] Almut Brunswick: She offered to repeat the classes privately for AG members (which would solve Moon's problem), but Mizou will be still absent on Saturdays regardless of the time.
[2024/02/11 12:16] Almut Brunswick: I think everybody has to set their priorities, and even though I'm happy that the Blendarians in the skies of the CDS have finally started teaching, it is a nuisance that it takes place during our common meeting times. Done.
[2024/02/11 12:16] Rosie Gray: difficult to find a solution though
[2024/02/11 12:16] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): Did someone private message me? If so please repeat
[2024/02/11 12:17] Almut Brunswick: Not me, Kyoko
[2024/02/11 12:17] Almut Brunswick: Any further concerns?
[2024/02/11 12:18] Almut Brunswick: When this is not the case, let's move on
[2024/02/11 12:18] Almut Brunswick: 6 RA Member Concerns
[2024/02/11 12:18] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): none from me
[2024/02/11 12:18] Almut Brunswick: Any RA member concerns?
[2024/02/11 12:18] Jerry McNally: I'm generally unconcerned
[2024/02/11 12:18] Almut Brunswick: Ok :D
[2024/02/11 12:18] Rosie Gray: sometimes I'm concerned, but today I'm not ㋡
[2024/02/11 12:19] Jerry McNally: a win, Rosie
[2024/02/11 12:19] Agatha Macbeth: 'To whom it may concern'
[2024/02/11 12:19] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): giggles @Rosie
[2024/02/11 12:19] Almut Brunswick: 7 Announcements
Kyoko first, then I can publish the NC from Tori.
[2024/02/11 12:19] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): Since Tori is inworld just do the notecard
[2024/02/11 12:19] Almut Brunswick: good
[2024/02/11 12:20] Almut Brunswick: Update on MoCA

Raises hand (grins)

Due to the low number of submissions (five) for the upcoming exhibition an extra week has been granted in the hope that more people will participate. New items for the collection have been purchased that will be used in the exhibition along with some existing artworks from the collection.

Sandy has kindly created the BBB stamp for the exhibition and the kiosks provided to MoCAso.

The museum's storyteller historian is finished and has been given the name of Cedric. The other storytellers are Dietrich and Sabine.... CDS :)

A new desk and other items have been purchased for the museum, on MoCAso, and will be in place within the next fortnight.

Items that are currently in use at the museum that do not belong to MoCAso have also been purchased on this avatar as they form a part of the museum's history.

The talk by Rhiannon Chatnoir and Lyr Lobo will take place on 1st March at 1pm PST. Earlier on the same day at around 9am PST the Nonprofit
[2024/02/11 12:20] Almut Brunswick: Commons will tour the museum.

Done :)
[2024/02/11 12:20] Tor Karlsvalt: super
[2024/02/11 12:21] Jerry McNally: whispers: That's great!
[2024/02/11 12:21] Agatha Macbeth: Great
[2024/02/11 12:21] Almut Brunswick: yes, Tori is really active
[2024/02/11 12:21] Agatha Macbeth: She's an angel
[2024/02/11 12:21] Jerry McNally: /me didn't mean to whisper that, sorry
[2024/02/11 12:21] Agatha Macbeth: I heard you Jerry :)
[2024/02/11 12:21] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2024/02/11 12:21] Rosie Gray: she's got some great ideas for the MoCA
[2024/02/11 12:22] Rosie Gray: so nice to see some new energy
[2024/02/11 12:22] Rosie Gray: no disrespect to those that came before!
[2024/02/11 12:22] Agatha Macbeth: Of course
[2024/02/11 12:23] Almut Brunswick: * Calendar:
[2024/02/11 12:23] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I had been helping Tori and Loaned an AI artwork from my own collection
[2024/02/11 12:23] Jerry McNally: The calendar's now at , for info
[2024/02/11 12:23] Rosie Gray: thanks Almut, you'll want to update that link
[2024/02/11 12:24] Almut Brunswick: oh yes, thank you
[2024/02/11 12:24] Yan (yanashvaniva): thank you:)
[2024/02/11 12:24] Jerry McNally: Or you could even use its full address at[email protected]&ctz=Pacific/Los-Angeles
[2024/02/11 12:24] Jerry McNally: though that's less easy to remember!
[2024/02/11 12:25] Almut Brunswick: hmm
[2024/02/11 12:25] Almut Brunswick: 8 Next RA meeting (to be discussed)

* Proposal: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 10 AM SLT
[2024/02/11 12:25] Jerry McNally: /me checks his very busy calendar
[2024/02/11 12:25] Jerry McNally: Yep, I'm free...
[2024/02/11 12:26] Rosie Gray: I'll be out of town
[2024/02/11 12:26] Almut Brunswick: I have't seen any other CDS even there
[2024/02/11 12:26] Sandy Burgess: Looks good to me
[2024/02/11 12:26] Almut Brunswick: then make another proposal
[2024/02/11 12:26] Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): OK by me
[2024/02/11 12:26] Rosie Gray: well I'm away for a few weeks, so please have it then if it works for th rest of you
[2024/02/11 12:26] Almut Brunswick: Ah ok
[2024/02/11 12:27] Almut Brunswick: Then we should nail it down :D
[2024/02/11 12:27] Sandy Burgess: The week after is also good for me
[2024/02/11 12:27] Almut Brunswick: 10 AM is fine? Or 10:30?
[2024/02/11 12:27] Jerry McNally: We could do the seven-day vote thing if necessary
[2024/02/11 12:27] Rosie Gray: sure
[2024/02/11 12:27] Jerry McNally: I'd prefer 10:30 if possible...
[2024/02/11 12:28] Almut Brunswick: Since we have approved both pending covenants today, we shouldn't have any votes then
[2024/02/11 12:28] Almut Brunswick: ok, 10.30 Am then
[2024/02/11 12:28] Jerry McNally: Excellent, thanks
[2024/02/11 12:28] Almut Brunswick: It is in the Google Calendar
[2024/02/11 12:29] Almut Brunswick: When there aren't any further things to be discussed, I hereby adjourn the meeting.
[2024/02/11 12:29] Jerry McNally: Super, thanks Almut
[2024/02/11 12:29] Rosie Gray: thanks, Almut!
[2024/02/11 12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: yay
[2024/02/11 12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: good meeting
[2024/02/11 12:29] Almut Brunswick: Thank you for being here and your work!

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