CDS Artisan Guild Minutes Sunday Jan. 29, 2023

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CDS Artisan Guild Minutes Sunday Jan. 29, 2023

Post by Rosie Gray »

CDS Artisan Guild
January 29, 2023
1:00 pm SLT
The Neufreistadt School

Attending: Almut Brunswick, Moon Adamant, Sandy Burgess, Sudane Erato, Agatha Macbeth, Lilith Ivory, Rosie Gray, Delia Lake, Mizou Vavoom

There was only one item on the Agenda; Moon's presentation of the 3 years of data collection and analysis, of Colonia Nova parcels and discussion on what to do to improve specific areas.

Moon will make a separate posting of her presentation on this thread.

There was a good discussion with questions and thoughts shared amongst the group. An immediate action item was for everyone participating to walk around the specified areas in Colonia Nova and write down their thoughts about their impressions on what is there now.

Sudane assured everyone that we have enough prims/LI available to accomplish the anchoring of buildings, the new amphitheatre, tunnels, and landscaping.

Next meeting: February 5, 2023, 1:00 pm slt.

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Moon Adamant
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Re: CDS Artisan Guild Minutes Sunday Jan. 29, 2023

Post by Moon Adamant »

This post presents the CN data analysis model that was shown at the Guild on Jan29 2023.
Many thanks to Rosie for publishing the link for the model’s Gsheet in the Minutes post !

When going about the CDS in the last two years, I have noticed that parts of our territory are unoccupied for long. When I became a Chancellor, I asked if it would possible to have a history on our parcels’ rentals. Sudane looked in the data and has found a consistent collection of data dating back to May 2020, making for a period of almost three years.
With that data, we were able to start putting up a model of analysis, using CN as the case study. This model is now ready and it proves to be a very powerful tool, especially when made to relate to the spatial layout of the sim.

Therefore, we start by presenting the rental status for CN as of Jan19 2023. Available parcels (unrented) are marked in purple.

Colonia Nova: Map of Occupancy 19 Jan 2023
Colonia Nova: Map of Occupancy 19 Jan 2023

The data analysis for three years has returned this set of numbers (from the gsheet CN Tierbox Analysis|Mining):

Colonia Nova: Occupancy Data 2020-2023
Colonia Nova: Occupancy Data 2020-2023

We can also calculate both the sim average history of occupancy, and the sim median average history of occupancy (bottom left) and similarly, the average and median histories for each zone (which in CN maps rather nicely to the parcels’ codes) – that is displayed in the bottom right, with a conditional formatting relating those values to the 38th Term Budget occupancy target for CN, which is defined as 65%. Therefore that table marks in red the numbers that are falling short of that target, signalling that we must look more carefully at zones B, C, E, and R.
In what regards zone FV, I’ll just mention here that we discussed at the Guild why we are presenting averages and medians. Our take is that medians are more significative if we are considering a one-shot number to qualify a series. And actually FV is a good example for that: FV average is shown at 61.04% (falling short of the reference target) but the median shows 71.97% (exceeding target). If we map the data on the sim’s layout (the next image), we will see that in fact the median corresponds better to FV as a zone: for its 18 parcels, 11 have a positive history of occupancy, and 9 have a very positive history of occupancy.

Colonia Nova: Map of Occupancy 2020-2023
Colonia Nova: Map of Occupancy 2020-2023

The colours displayed on both Occupancy Data 2020-2023 and Map of Occupancy 2020-2023 relate to percentiles, and go like this:

  • red marks <25% of occupancy in the period
  • yellow marks 25-50%
  • light green marks 25%-75%
  • dark green marks >75%

Carrying on with the FV example, we can see in the table that FV.01 was occupied 88.38% of the time, and therefore is marked on the map in the dark green percentile.

Relating the data to the sim layout gives us information of another order.
It is very visible, for example, that proximity to water (both Rhenus River and the open sea) has a strong correlation to better parcel rental performances – consider the performances of the L zone.
But we can also see the effect of something which I will call centrality, or proximity to a centre. The map is showing at least 2 centres in CN, marked by a radiality of dark green parcels fading to light green, and then to yellow. Those centres are the Centro Storico for the C and S zones; and the crossing of the quay with the road going up in FV zone. Possibly centrality is also acting on the crossing Cardo-Via Luna on the south of the sim, but fewer parcels there and so harder to judge.
It makes total sense that if we correctly simulate a real space layout we get similar virtual effects. Water views and centrality are very powerful determinants in RL space – centrality makes real estate in city centres more valuable, and that which is close to landmarks, and also crossings (as an ellipse: at a crossing, you have more degrees of liberty in space than if you are mid-length a stretch of street).
Of course, when looking at the map we see the full R zone (prim parcels) in red right along the river shore. If we look at the tables, we see that R zone median occupancy is 0%, therefore causing the question: do we need prim parcels in CN as almost none were rented in three years? And looking at the map, we can question if that bit of prime rivershore land wouldn’t be better used to have regular parcels for rent.

The visual data is also helpful to analyse the worst performing zones other than R zone. B parcels fare badly – we can suppose it is because most do not have centrality, nor do they have water views. My take too is that we have an effect which is a mirror of the radiating effect of centrality – I am speculating two agents there, which I will call liminarity , the feeling that you are in the periphery, away from centre, and encirclement, the feeling that the space is closing up on you. Something similar may be happening on FV zone, on the parcels that are close to the city walls, and those that are backed by the incline of the E zone – those parcels fare worse than the FV zone per se. Finally E parcels fare badly too, and they may be hurting FV below.
Besides space agents and effects taking place, we should obviously consider that some parcels may have buildings that are unsuitable. That is surely the case of the E parcels, whose buildings still belong to the former Roman theme and which should be removed.

And this brings us to our final map, Possible Re-deployment.
First of all, a caveat: according to the CDS code of laws, the Executive branch has jurisdiction on what is built on our territory (more on that later), but not on re-deployment for remediation of space, which needs to be approved elsewhere. The following map is a proposal stemming from the analysis above with the purpose to take the discussion to the appropriate jurisdiction.

Colonia Nova: Possible Redeployment
Colonia Nova: Possible Redeployment

Blue marks possible actions for remediation of space.
First of all, we are proposing the removal of the current R zone parcels layout, and their replacement with 3 new FV parcels, 4 smaller prim parcels to create a buffer to the CN bridge, and eventually a strip of land buffer to allow riverine landscaping or the continuation of the Stella Marina quay, whatever is decided.
Then we propose to move the PIO Office from its prime central location (parcel C.12) to parcel C.02 by the North wall, which is available but performing on the lowest percentile. C.02 has a stately Neo-classical façade, a deep porch which can accommodate the items that need immediate visibility, and plenty of wall space inside. It will just need some work on the inside to change the character of the space from residential to official.
Finally, we propose to move the contents of the CDS museum exhibit to the Praetorium basement.

This will allow the possibility that C.12 and C.13 can be later redesigned together, looking for a solution that addresses the liminarity and closeness in C.13.
As for the Praetorium, it has a very large basement which is mainly unoccupied now. We propose that that space be used for a Centre of Interpretation of the CDS, composed of the CDS Museum exhibition; of a CDS Library, which has been in preliminary discussion; and of citizens’ projects relating to the CDS themes of Democracy and Community. The intervention at the Praetorium would be in the sense to prepare the basement space to receive these; and a small intervention on the façade to make the existing openings reach the floor of the docks, could integrate the interior and exterior spaces with great gain for the pleasantness of the interior space.
In terms of covenants, we also propose that the covenant for the E parcels be changed to specifically mandate that they feature gardens. What is there now is a good example of what we mean: parcel E.04, while a larger build than the FV houses, falls within the same scale as it can breathe in its garden; while the builds at the parcels E.02 and E.03, being ‘Roman Domus’, occupied fully the parcels’ footprints. This makes them break any scale consistency and demands looming containing walls on the south side against the FV backgardens.
The presentation at the Guild ended at this point, and the discussion on the direct intervention on the badly performing parcels – this falling fully within Executive decision -- was tabled for Sun 5 Feb.
For the record, we also touched some points which will be further discussed, namely:

  • The opportunity to make a better E zone slope if the current builds are returned.
  • How to use densification to make less straight roads in the FV and E zones
  • The character of the built zones of the sim, in which I advanced boho chic as the character for FV zone, and shabby chic for E zone and city centre. Shabby chic in E zone will enhance the contrast between the posh uphill land and the low-lying fishing village. I will try to post something related to these concepts.
  • Some hints on the good performing FV parcels – they always have a quality exterior space like a patio, a terrace, or a garden; and/or good-looking low windows and bow windows that foster the integration of outside and inside spaces.
  • Staging and the use of archetypal space was also mentioned. Also empty parcels in parcels with a city front.
  • First sketching on how to proceed about rebuilding, staging – to be continued!
  • A good thing to do: walk around CN and look at the space!
Eudaimonia now!
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Almut's field survey results of CN

Post by Almut Brunswick »

Dear all,

you all know my critical opinion about an overdose (!) of shabby and boho chic, but I try to suppress that personal view in my (of course still subjective) site survey. After this post, nobody can at least accuse me anymore just to hang around at NFS all the time :P In most points, I support Moon's analysis and proposals, while I see some further points I would change to increase the attractivity of CN:

In general, I don't see much need to perform excessive terraforming or re-routing of pathways. Placing some street names and arrows to ease orientation would be nonetheless an improvement.

Starting with Moon's map of rarely or never rented "red" parcels, I steered my steps to these locations first.

The small R zone plots ashore the river should really be retailored to achieve bigger ones. Honestly, I personally like this free space without dense building development between the CN bridge and the harbour quarter like it is right now. But this doesn't let us generate tier of course. Therefore, I fully support Moon's proposal.

E02-03 are the main "problem children": More a sort of a Roman open air museum than an inviting place to live, I personally don't wonder nobody wants to settle down there. E01 is apparently just a placeholder with the small gazebo-like temple close to the wall. E04 in its pseudo-oriental style is actually not that bad as mansion (when you like shabby chic), with the exception of some few things to improve. However and summarizing my impressions of the E zone: An actually attractive location currently blocked by more or less unsuitable buildings.

The central place with the column and the stores has too low houses for such a prominent location, like we used to have in many German cities after WWII when the previous buildings were damaged by air raids and replaced by simple sheds in the first post-war years. These blue bollards seem to be a bit unmotivated in a town without any car traffic. I propose to remove them or at least to replace them by some less "technical"-looking examples.

C07 has its main disadvantage because of the close position to the wall. That would need to be considered when refurbishing the house to become more attractive.

The - sorry - oppressive C02 is likely the most awful building in CN. It should be completely replaced by a more attractive and suitable building to become the new PIO office (thumb rule: More windows, less floors, higher rooms and in general more representative like a governmental building should be). Because it is not so much in the center, dare to make something more modern (and please less rotten...).

C01 is meanwhile in use as a gallery and in my humble opinion good for that use.

When considering their location, C19 and C20 are in fact not too bad as stores, restaurants or galleries. However, thier neo-venetian architecture could be updated or even replaced by something more inviting and eye-catching. Even when I'm not really a burning fan of mediterranean architecture, there should be something better possible with a nice storefront, shuttered windows, living colors, plants etc.

The B parcels should actually find their lovers because of their rural suburb location (Almut thought of a vintage 1950s diner or gas station on B02, but abandoned that naughty thought immediately ... ^^). Maybe removing or relocating trees that hinder a free view on the river should be considered.

Finally the Praetorium: A more reasonable use of space and LI, especially also to get rid of that SL-vintage "primmy chic" would be my wish for the future. The Praetorium should become more the official center of the CDS' political life, and that should be also reflected in the way the building is created. But I think the priorities should be set elsewhere for now.


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Re: CDS Artisan Guild Minutes Sunday Jan. 29, 2023

Post by Sudane Erato »

:)... Almut, I love your notes... even if I AM the creator of the "awful C02" :). They are perceptive and carefully thought. But on the large problem of the E parcels, and my suggestion of decayed former splendor (stated by others as shabby chic)(since they ARE located across the grand avenue from the "ancient" theater), do you have any proposals for what WOULD be appealing there? (and likely to sell)


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Re: CDS Artisan Guild Minutes Sunday Jan. 29, 2023

Post by Brian Livingston »

One thing we may want to consider is potentially splitting E.02 and E.03. I have to wonder if part of the challenge with renting out the E parcels is that they have a relatively high overall tier due to the size of the parcels. If we split those two parcels, you could feasibly have four smaller villas with kitchen gardens or whatnot with tiers in the range of ~$1,500L. That said, the slope might be a challenge in this case, so it might not be feasible without terraforming or adding in terraces.

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Re: CDS Artisan Guild Minutes Sunday Jan. 29, 2023

Post by Almut Brunswick »

@Sudane: Regarding my ruthless critic on your C02 building, please don't take it personal. In my typical steamroller manner, I would have stated it this way regardless who the builder is. - E parcels: I would follow the idea to create inviting fronts, not too complicated building footprints, and gardens behind the house. It may be considered to build them as raw houses instead of solitaire mansions to underline the urban character. The Roman heritage ("open air museum") should be preserved (and even could be cited in some architectural elements on the other houses), but maybe on the E04 plot to enframe the apartment buildings and on a smaller plot.

@Brian: That is a good thought and would match well with the concept outlined above: Affordable E plots as posh but not too showy architecture.


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Moon Adamant
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Re: CDS Artisan Guild Minutes Sunday Jan. 29, 2023

Post by Moon Adamant »

Thanks Almut and Brian for the comments!

Some more info on your comments:
@Almut, really thank for visiting and really looking closely at things!
On the R zone (prim parcels): the proposed new Stella Marina parcels for there do not reach the river, a 4m-wide riverine buffer is previewed and that can preserve the walking by the shore experience. Also, the relevant map is showing the max extents of the parcels: the buildings, which will be anchored, may not occupy the parcels' footprints fully.
On Zone E, E.01 is clearly a placeholder build. I have asked for the removal of E.02, E.03, and E.04. About this last one, it was left there by the last ownerr, and we don't have edit capacity.
On the Centro Storico low parcels (S parcels), they are all of then rented atm; our analysis and sim improvement efforts focus on the available, badly-performing parcels -- not the case of the S parcels, which are some of the best performing! I am sure that in due time there will be the chance to have a discussion about that. About the bollards, this is a discussion that for sure we can start right away, as they are in the commons.
About C.02, and indeed C.19 and C.20, the three buildings are already undergoing works, though not on site. Expect something new there soon! :-)
About the Praetorium, the proposal for a centre of interpretation of the CDS to occupy the almost empty basement will surely add to the perception of its centrality in what refers to our founding concept of democratic community!

@Brian, we talked about that during the analysis. The concept for Stella Marina was that it would be a contrasting area with smaller, more vernacular parcels under the posher uphill real estate :-D Keeping the plots their actual size namely allows them to have larger, imposing gardens, and larger, imposing builds.
Mind also that some of our best performing parcels in the sim are actually the large L parcels on the river shore. So, so far we cannot say that performance is inversely connected to the dimension of the parcels. I feel rather sure that the E parcels are not performing well due to other sort of matters (being dissonant theme-wise, being older builds, and so on).
BUT the way we are doing the collection of data will allow us to in a year, say, after new buildings and gardens are installed, look back at them and see how well they performed. And if necessary intervene again -- we may conclude then that the size of the parcels must be brought down, and we can do that experiment then, and later analyse again... rinse and repeat towards an optimal solution :-)

Eudaimonia now!
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