Kate stepping down from the RA

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Kate Amdahl
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Kate stepping down from the RA

Post by Kate Amdahl »

I've been wrestling with this concern for several weeks now, and I've come to the sad conclusion that I must step down from my position on the RA and from my role as Archivist, effective once I've attended and posted the transcript and minutes for the 2/9 meeting.

Not long after the elections, my First Life went through some drastic changes. It's all good things, but they've completely consumed my discretionary time, with no likelihood of that changing any time soon. Since then, I've basically only been in Second Life to attend RA meetings, and even those have been very problematic to shoehorn into my schedule. Along with the fact that the time for the meetings and for handling the archives is now coming out of First Life obligations that can't spare it, there's the concern that I'm really not actively involved in the CDS at all in any capacity other than showing up for RA meetings, and in fact that's true of Second Life as well as much else in my First Life.

I'm saddened and disappointed that this has developed just when I had a chance to contribute to the CDS. I think the CDS is wonderful and wish I had known how wonderful it was long ago and moved here then. As it is, I'll keep my house in Alpine Meadow and my citizenship for at least a few months in hopes that counter to expectations I might be able to stop in and see friends occasionally. If I do give up my house, I would expect to rent an inexpensive apartment in the CDS just to keep a toe in this wonderful place.

^^^\ Kate /^^^

^^^\ Kate /^^^

http://kateamdahl.wordpress.com - The Winged Girl Blog (lots of CDS-related posts)
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Rosie Gray
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Re: Kate stepping down from the RA

Post by Rosie Gray »

So sorry to hear that you have to step down Kate - but at least it is because you have good things going on in RL. I think that our lives... both 'real' and 'virtual' have ebbs and flows to them. Keep your toe in the CDS and in SL generally, as you've said, and you'll have this little wondrous world to dip into for a time now and then. All the best to you!

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Lilith Ivory
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Re: Kate stepping down from the RA

Post by Lilith Ivory »

Hi Kate

I´m sorry to hear you want to step down too but glad you have a lot of good things going on in RL.

To make your resignment official it is necessary to send me a notecard in SL so I can start acting as dean and organize a by-election.


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Widget Whiteberry
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Re: Kate stepping down from the RA

Post by Widget Whiteberry »

Know that whenever you can return, you'll be most welcome.

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