My Final Report for the term

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My Final Report for the term

Post by Coop »

As the end of the term approaches, I wanted to reflect a moment on what the Executive team was able to accomplish. Nothing happens in a vacuum, and I was not alone making things happen and getting things done.

This term saw the acquisition and completion of a new sim. Friedsee is on the ground and open for business, and while it was not quite as seamless and smooth as I had hoped, the team pulled it together and got the job done.

The Executive team set out some standardized guidelines for land information. One thing I wanted to accomplish was putting out some guidance for making the land information more uniform, and now someone seeking to rent sees the same information wherever they go inside the estate. We also set up some standardized markings for available land, so that it would be easier for a prospective renter to see what they need to do.

I continued some of the work I began in Law Review and advocated for new and needed laws. The RA passed the new Social Media, Forum, and Website laws which went a long way in clarifying how those valuable communication channels will be operated.

We made progress on updating the infrastructure of the estate. Rosie Gray completed the new Praetorium in Colonia Nova, and several builds were either replaced or chosen for updates. There were also new lower LI builds placed estate-wide that helped improve the looks and lower the land impact over their older counterparts.

With all this in mind, I want to make sure I thank those individuals who contributed to the smooth operation of the Executive branch this term.

For starters, I would like to thank Josie Cooperstone for accepting the position of PIO. She did a lot of work this term, in setting up the new For Sale signs for parcels, organizing a weekly music event, coordinating Oktoberfest, advertising events, and being one of my go-to team members when I had something that needed to get done.

Josie has been my sounding board, proofreader, and helper, and I attribute many of our successes this term to her hard work. Josie knows that while she was one of the best choices, she was not the first only because I was worried that someone might say something. However, when my other options declined she did what she always does and stepped up. My greatest regret is that she was unable to complete the term along with me, but her welfare in the real world is far more important to me than anything in the digital.

I would be remiss in not thanking the Estate Management team for the hard work they do every day to make sure the residents get what they need and the new folks have a smooth transition to citizenship. A lot of work goes into the daily things that many of you might not think about, and the EM team does their thing without much recognition. I especially would like to thank Lilith Ivory and Widget Whiteberry for their ongoing daily efforts to deal with tier and meters. The two of them do a lot of the day to day work around the estate, resetting parcels and other things to assist in making the estate function properly. I appreciate all the effort they put in to keep things up to date both for the rental meters and for the Master Parcel list.

I’d like to thank all the members of the LUC and the build team who put Friedsee on the map. The Land Use Committee, under the capable control of their chair Delia Lake did a great job making the sim come together. The LUC members Delia Lake, Cadence Theas, Em Warden, Mizou Vavoom and Tor Karlsvalt helped fulfill their legal mandate and showed that a solid team can function as the law intended them to.

The team of builders that made Friedsee come to life were Delia Lake, Widget Whiteberry, Mizou Vavoom, Nick Mammoth, Lilith Ivory, Tanoujin Milestone, Cadence Theas, and Sudane Erato. They stepped in and did an amazing job on the sim. It was not without its share of controversy, discussion, missteps, revisions, and corrections. In the end however, I am pleased with how it turned out, and especially pleased at what a talented team can accomplish when they are empowered to work. Many thanks to all of you who helped make this a reality.

Finally I want to thank the quiet majority of citizens in CDS. There are a number of you who go about your Second Life in an unassuming fashion living your virtual lives in the manner in which you see fit. All of what we do should keep you in mind, that for whatever laws or committees or processes we undertake, it is for you. Thank you for choosing to be a part of CDS.

RG Cooperstone

I now lay down the command of my legions and retire to private life. Marcus Licinius Crassus
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