Government Question Hour Transcript 30 March 2015

For the Chancellor to make important announcements regarding executive actions.

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Patroklus Murakami
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Government Question Hour Transcript 30 March 2015

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

[11:05] Callipygian Christensen: So I will keep a transcript of the meeting - and I will try to answer any questions you may have, but of course, cannot speak for the RA or the Executive.
[11:06] Callipygian Christensen: So, are there any questions I can try to address?
[11:06] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): Is there an inworld place that shows whose on the RA?
[11:07] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): and/or the SC?
[11:07] Callipygian Christensen: In the platz in NFS there are posters shwing who is on RA and if they are online
[11:07] Rosie Gray: right above us too
[11:07] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): Ok, I've seen that; what about for the SC?
[11:07] Callipygian Christensen: I dont believe they've ever had onesfor the SC, but certainly could
[11:07] Rosie Gray: on the praetorium landing
[11:08] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): ok, I'd like to see that.
[11:08] Callipygian Christensen: oh thank you Rosie..I always forget that one
[11:08] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): I also need to find something that shows the relationship between the branches of government; I'm assuming that's an oversight of mine; that there's one out there somewhere
[11:08] Callipygian Christensen: I'll suggest it be added Hannah
[11:08] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): I was told in IM, but I've long forgot
[11:08] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): Thanks
[11:09] Callipygian Christensen: well the realtionships in general are laid out in the Consitution..who does what
[11:09] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): I'll read that over and post any questions in the forum
[11:09] Callipygian Christensen: in a nutshell, the RA creates the laws and are tasked with the long term planning of CDS..
[11:10] Callipygian Christensen: the Executive is the administrative arm that carries out the day to fday management of CDS re land, brand etc
[11:11] Callipygian Christensen: and the SC is the arm that is tasked with ensuring that laws are upheld, the Consitution is upheld and that citizens have recourse if they feel their gov't has misstepped
[11:11] Callipygian Christensen: Does that help?
[11:11] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): It's a great starting point, thank you
[11:13] Callipygian Christensen: good :)
[11:13] Callipygian Christensen: anyone else..or anything else?
[11:13] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): Speaking of the forum, has there been any word about it getting upgraded?
[11:13] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): I have a question, but it's rather specific.
[11:13] Rosie Gray listens
[11:13] Callipygian Christensen: I heard form Gwyn that she had seen the notice but not had time yet but would get to it..I can actually check now and see if its done
[11:15] Callipygian Christensen: its still showing as not done yet..usuallyonce she completes things she posts
[11:15] Callipygian Christensen: it may only be down for a few minutes..but I dont know enough to be sure lol
[11:15] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): ok, thanks.
[11:15] Callipygian Christensen: Josie?
[11:16] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): This is sort of SC-specific and about procedures.
[11:16] Callipygian Christensen: ok
[11:16] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): This is a follow up to something that was on everyone's minds a few months ago. That being Cleo's ban from the estate.
[11:16] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): At the end of the last term, there was at least one petition sent to the SC asking for a permanent ban.
[11:16] Callipygian Christensen nods
[11:17] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): The SC did go over procedures at the beginning of this term on how to hold a hearing about it. And Pat made a decision as Chancellor to ban her from the estate this term.
[11:17] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): Does this mean her ban is permanent? Or are there still steps that need to be taken to make the ban permanent? And what would those step be?
[11:17] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): (done)
[11:17] Callipygian Christensen: well there are multiple parts to that
[11:17] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): I figured :-)
[11:17] Rosie Gray: good question Josie!
[11:18] Callipygian Christensen: first, any estate ban of a non-citizen remains in place unless that avatar petitons the SC to have it lifted
[11:18] Callipygian Christensen: at that point the SC would again review the reason for it and rule whether it should be lifted
[11:19] Callipygian Christensen: in the case of Cleopatra, there is also an authorized hearing to be held regarding her activity proor to leaving..
[11:20] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): So she'd have to act first. Send a petition to have it lifted. If lifted she could then lease land again. IF it were lifted.
[11:20] Callipygian Christensen: which brings us to hearing procedure - there really is none - old wording speaks of a judiciary that does not exist, and just says, pretty much, peopel are enittled to ahearing
[11:21] Callipygian Christensen: which is why I've brought a draft before the members of the SC, trying to establish a procedure that is practical - by which I mean actually doable!- and that will come back to the SC again at the next meeting. Some mebers were not happy with areas of y draft.
[11:21] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): So if she petitioned there would have to be a hearing to get the ban lifted?
[11:22] Callipygian Christensen: Yes, there would
[11:22] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): Ok! ty - I understand the process that would need to happen.
[11:23] Callipygian Christensen: Once hearing procedure exists, there is also the possibility of calling a hearing about prior behaviours - such ahearing might then establish the ban under additional reasons, depending on its outcome.
[11:23] Callipygian Christensen: I am realy hoping to get the hearing procedure settled at the coming meeting
[11:23] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington) nods - so getting a hearing process in place is key
[11:24] Callipygian Christensen: because then Ihave to draft impeachment procedures..again..there are none.
[11:24] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington) grins - more fun!
[11:24] Callipygian Christensen: But, contrary to the beliefs of somen, I am only one vote on the SC and until there is a majority in support, the hearing material remains a draft.
[11:24] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington) chuckles
[11:25] Callipygian Christensen: I think thats the best I can do in answer :)
[11:25] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): thank you! that is exactly what I needed
[11:25] Callipygian Christensen: An addendum..
[11:26] Callipygian Christensen: one of the challenges of creating ahearing procedure is whether there should be a right to appeal
[11:26] Callipygian Christensen: and if so, who hears that appeal or decides if there should be one.that is the stumbling block with the current draft.
[11:27] Callipygian Christensen: ok..other questions?
[11:27] Rosie Gray: Calli... maybe there could be a way to expand the hearing procedure for an appeal by involving the RA. Just a thought.
[11:27] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): I don't have any, I'd comment that timezones seem to be hindering the effectiveness of meetings, etc, but that's about it.
[11:28] Rosie Gray: Yeah that's always a problem for sure.
[11:28] Callipygian Christensen: might want to take a look at the meeting transcript form Jan.that IS thestumbling block lol
[11:28] Rosie Gray: oh okay ㋡
[11:29] Callipygian Christensen: I suggested involvement of RA and Exec..and will again for impeachment.its hammering out what form that takes, without allowing itto blur the separation of powers.
[11:29] Rosie Gray nods
[11:29] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): My perception is that it's keeping things from being able to be moved forward and something (what, I don't know) might need to be done to fix that
[11:29] Callipygian Christensen: Hannah..time zoens are an issue..but in a community spanning the globe..its a given.
[11:30] Rosie Gray: Personally, I find the 'commitment' part of the issue more of a problem
[11:30] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): sure, I understand that, which would make devising a mechanism to work with that important...since that's the nature of SL and virtual communities
[11:30] Callipygian Christensen: it hasnt been SO much an issue in the past, and to be honest,I am not sure why it is so much one this term. That is something I can direct to the LRA though.
[11:30] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): and connected to what Hannah is asking - this is a question for those of you that have been around receptive do you think the CDS oldbie community would be to asynchronous meetings?
[11:31] Callipygian Christensen: Josie..the main concern I see with that is that it removes 'the people have a right to show up and beheard'
[11:32] Callipygian Christensen: If meetings becme a google document, or an e-mail or website exchange - how do you ensure the people have input..adnd how do you establish timeframes..I am not saying it cant or shouldnt be done..just pondering the 'how' of it
[11:32] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): There HAS to be some sort of tool that would allow for that. Like comments.
[11:33] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): There would have to be a very clear procedure as to how to use it. Both for Govt and citizens.
[11:33] Rosie Gray: it could turn into an endless turn of comments though. You know it's not the same, making comments after a discussion, as being there for it.
[11:34] Rosie Gray: I can imagine the RA debating something and coming to a conclusion, and then people who weren't there and perhaps don't really understand all the ramifications going on and on... like the forums now.
[11:34] Callipygian Christensen nods..I'd be concerned that a meeting might become a week long exchange and it not be clear when actual laws are motioned and voted etc.
[11:34] Rosie Gray: exactly
[11:34] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): There would have to be start and end times for topics.
[11:35] Callipygian Christensen: So I think any proposal should take those things into account as a starting point :)
[11:35] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): I will ponder it. There HAS to be a tool that could be used to get over the hurdles.
[11:35] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): If there isn't, then there isn't.
[11:36] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): on one hand there has to be a way to extend the scope and time of meetings, on the other hand, any solution I can think of would be prone to being gamed or decaying into extended bikeshedding
[11:36] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington) nods
[11:36] Callipygian Christensen nods - so I'd say look into posibilites then figure out the options
[11:37] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): I know. I'm just going to ponder it.
[11:37] Rosie Gray: in some ways
[11:37] Rosie Gray: with RL groups... those who show up are the ones that have the say
[11:37] Rosie Gray: and that is a kind of weeding out of those that only want to second-guess
[11:37] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): This is one of those things that I set on the back burner of my mind until I stumble across a solution. Then the lightning hits me.
[11:37] Callipygian Christensen: there are some online voting tools that allow you to set voting times, that email those who can vote etc..
[11:38] Callipygian Christensen: so it would be possible to make 'this is a vote on this motion' clear..but it then depends on having someone willing to create the vote
[11:38] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): That doesn't address getting feedback, or exchanging ideas and suggestions
[11:38] Callipygian Christensen: ok..toher questions or topics?
[11:38] Rosie Gray: there is resistance to using tools such as that by a few people, I've found
[11:39] Callipygian Christensen: No would be a tool to assist alongside some other methods I think
[11:39] Lilith Ivory entered chat range (18.61 m).
[11:39] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): I don't have anything else
[11:39] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): That's what I wondered Rosie. :-(
[11:39] Rosie Gray: :(
[11:40] Lilith Ivory: Hi all
[11:40] Callipygian Christensen: Hi Lilith
[11:40] AbbyRose Abbot: Hi Lilith
[11:40] Rosie Gray: for instance, I can think of 2 people off the top that won't use Doodle to help schedule meeting times
[11:40] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): Hi, Lilith
[11:40] Rosie Gray: hi Lilith!
[11:40] Callipygian Christensen: ok..if there arent any other questions, Id just like to give a few comments that I'll also be posting later
[11:40] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): Hi Lilith :-)
[11:40] Callipygian Christensen: Tomorrow the census is taken to establish qualification to run for office
[11:41] Callipygian Christensen: to qualify, one must own a parcel in CDS AND be current in tier on that parcel AND the tier box must be in your name..
[11:42] Callipygian Christensen: Group owned land does not confer citizenship
[11:42] Callipygian Christensen: the census to qualify to vote will be taken on April 10. The requirements to qualify are the same.
[11:43] Callipygian Christensen: In addition, the citizen must maintain the ownership and the current tier etc throught the election cycle
[11:44] Callipygian Christensen: I post reminders of imprtant dates like that in the forusm and in the CDS group notices
[11:44] Rosie Gray quietly waves bye and poofs
[11:44] Callipygian Christensen: I sent out a notice of all the relevantdates a few days ago in a if you didnt grab it, it's still there and can be kept for reference.
[11:44] Rosie Gray left chat range.
[11:45] Callipygian Christensen: Were there any questions relate d to that?
[11:46] Callipygian Christensen: Or have I put everyone to sleep :)
[11:46] Josie Cooperstone (josephine.fotherington): Nope!
[11:46] Lilith Ivory smiles
[11:46] AbbyRose Abbot: no questions
[11:47] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): me either
[11:47] Callipygian Christensen: There are still posters in the room behind the SC chambers of a smaple STV election
[11:47] Callipygian Christensen: *sample
[11:47] Callipygian Christensen: There is also a lot of information out there on the web about how STV works.
[11:49] Callipygian Christensen considers doing a little soft shoe in the funtain to fill the last part of our time
[11:50] ℋaŋŋaɧ βℓøødωøℓƒ (han.held): heheh..well, I'm going to log. It was a good meeting, thanks for answering my questions :)
[11:50] Callipygian Christensen: happy to do that anytime Hannah..not just at meetings!
[11:50] AbbyRose Abbot: Tc Hannah
[11:50] Lilith Ivory: bye Hannah
[11:51] AbbyRose Abbot: I must head back to r/l myself.
[11:51] AbbyRose Abbot: TC everyone
[11:51] Callipygian Christensen: everyone..feel free to head out..I will stay until 12 because its advertised as an hour :)

Honi soit qui mal y pense
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