RA Meeting Agenda for Saturday, July 10, 10:00 AM SLT

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Almut Brunswick
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Joined: Mon Dec 16, 2019 6:49 pm

RA Meeting Agenda for Saturday, July 10, 10:00 AM SLT

Post by Almut Brunswick »

Second RA Meeting of the 35th Term, Saturday, July 10, 10:00 AM SLT

1. Administrative Business

1.1 Approval of the Agenda

1.2 Review and approve the Summary and Transcript of the First RA Meeting

2. Executive Report

2.1 Common review of the revised Chancellor's Budget

3. Land-Use Commission Report (Rosie)

4. Citizen Concerns

5. RA member concerns

6. Old Business

6.1. Approval of the Volunteering Citizens

6.1.1 RA LUC Citizen Delegates and the MoCA Curator

We have received two applications:

  • Delia Lake

  • Laura Azalee

6.1.2 Approval of the MoCA Curator

We have received one application:

  • Kyoko Furse-Barzane

UPDATE: Kyoko has withdrawn her application on July 9, 2021, so a new candidate needs to be found.

6.2 Artists in Residence (Kyoko and Rosie)
- Status update

6.3 Reform of the CDS Land Use Commission (LUC)
To start working off the pending SC SECOND recommendation from the 34th Term, proposal is made to focus on the CDSL 17-01 Citizen Notification Act first in order to define the duration of time for public notice (see Annex below).

7. New Business

8. Announcements:

Calendar: https://cdsdemocracy.org/

9. Next RA meeting

10. Adjourn

Annex: SECOND recommendation of the SC

Revised CDSL 21-01 states that

4 Public Information and Discourse Policy

(A) Permanent changes to public land, outside of the seasonal tree and ground texture changes and official CDS temporary structures for events, have to be announced in the CDS Forum and allow a sufficient comment period to make sure the interests and concerns of all interested citizens can be taken into account by the RA. Public spaces have to be developed in accordance with policy and changes need to be subject to public comment and review.

(B) The duration of comment periods in the CDS Forums is defined in a separate law by the RA.

The relevant separate law is CDSL 17-01 Citizen Notification Act. That law however does not specify any duration of time for public notice other than for the proposed budget and proposed laws and amendments.

It is the recommendation of the SC that the RA amend CDSL 17-01 to specify public notice duration and comment period for proposed changes to public land in accord with the revised CDSL 21-01 requirement to post notice.

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