CN Covenant

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Cathy Sabre
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CN Covenant

Post by Cathy Sabre »

Lyubov, Sudane and I have been charged with updating the Colonia Nova Covenant, seen here:
It was founded in a time when citizens dressed in togas and greeted each other with obscure Latin expressions and has, since, been modified in a piece meal manner. Since some of these changes have often been neither succinct nor abreast of current fashion, we have started over with a leaner text – one that should lend itself to modification with a cosmetic case rather than a surgical kit.
You will find a few notes on the alterations and the reasoning behind them following the work-in-progress text, and we look forward to your comments and suggestions.

COLONIA NOVA specific covenant
Colonia Nova is a southern-European themed sim, featuring: A fishing village; An old walled town; The Amphitheatre; The public thermae; And, The Praetorium, seat of the CDS government.

1. All buildings shall reflect a historical style.
2. Although all zones are mixed use, overt merchandising is restricted to zone S.
3. Building exteriors shall use pre-industrial materials

a. Structural elements: stone, brick or wood
b. Roofing elements: wood, slate or terracotta shingles.
c. Exterior flooring elements: brick, ceramic, stone or wood.
d. Wall elements: stone, brick, wood or stucco.
e. Door and window elements: wood or metals, raw or painted.
f. Large panes of glass must be partitioned by appropriate framing.

Zones and Typologies

Zone L (Plots south of the river).
1. Rural architecture
2. Structures may be no taller than 20 m
3. Buildings must have a 5 m distance from adjoining parcels
4. Minimum of 3 trees per 512m2 of plot area.
5. Plots in Zone L are named L.XX.

Zone R, (Prim Plots)
1. Plots R 01-1 through R01-5 are reserved to supplement the prims on the inner town and the fishing village single-parcel owners
2. A CN owner may request an available parcel from the Estate Managers.

Zone C (Inner City).
Structures shall be provided by the CDS estate and anchored to common land.
1. Urban architecture
2. Structures must be immediately adjacent to a street.
3. No one may hold more than 2 lots or more than 1024m2 in zone C.
4. Plots in zone C are named C.XX.
(This area is in transition, with a scattering of non-anchored parcels. Structures on parcels which are not converted to CDS ownership may be replaced,
1. with the approval of the Chancellor
2. with adherence to covenant guidelines.)

Zone S (Stalls).
1. Commercial use on ground floor, residential allowed upstairs.
2. Urban architecture
3. Structures must be placed immediately adjacent to a street
4. No one may hold more than 2 lots or more than 256m2 in Zone S
5. Plots in zone S are named S.XX

Zone E (Cardo Plots)
1. Urban architecture
2. Structures must be no taller than 20 meters.
3. All structures must be placed immediately adjacent to the Cardo
4. Plots in zone E are named E.XX.

Zone FV.
1. Builds are permanent and anchored on public property
2. Plots in this zone are named FV.XX

Public Buildings, Structures and Lands:
Public buildings are not subject to specific zone or typology guidelines. Buildings and structures are directly administered by the Executive Branch of the CDS.

A. Re general description: 1. South Europe and Northern Mediterranean are virtually the same thing, (as well as theme and style, and only need to be mentioned once. 2. Blending styles with AM and LA is understandable as a design concept, but as code it is vague. Perhaps, if it is needed, it could be clarified, but we might be able too get along without it.

B. Re Zones L and B: This area is limited and contiguous. The zones could, in a nod to simplicity, be combined.

C. Re Zone R. While we are at it, zone R: holds 7 prim parcels, and only one is rented at this time (to Sudane). IMO, this area would make more income if it were part of the fishing village, while, as is common in LA, some of the L (and B) lots could be used by residents to farm prims. The sizes of these (presently vacant) parcels might be adjusted to allow for a mix of small “vineyards” or cottages and larger “villas.”

D Re Zone C, item 3 and S, item 4. Cathy asks, Why limit citizens to 2 plots? Is there a Roman ghost hiding in the catacombs?

E. Re Zone S: There are 8 parcels which could be included along with the 20 C parcels for anchoring to CDS common land. The builds seem to average well less than 100 prims each, so the total budget for anchoring would be less than 2,800 prims out of an available 8743.

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Rosie Gray
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Re: CN Covenant

Post by Rosie Gray »

Cathy Sabre wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:36 pm

COLONIA NOVA specific covenant
Colonia Nova is a southern-European themed sim, featuring: A fishing village; An old walled town; The Amphitheatre; The public thermae; And, The Praetorium, seat of the CDS government.

I think that we need to keep some of the original wording of the first descriptor paragraph of the existing covenant. Currently it reads:
"Colonia Nova is an a historical (sic) (link:, southern-European themed sim (Italian/Greek/Spanish or generically northern-Mediterranean) featuring a shopping district, an amphitheatre, the public thermae and the seat of the CDS government, the Praetorium. Buildings in this region resemble styles of southern-Europe and should aim to link visually with the styles of Locus Amoenus and Alpine Meadows at those regional borders."

The reason that it was specified as 'ahistorical' is that there are some citizens who have still the ancient Roman-themed buildings, who have been there since Colonia Nova was first created. We didn't want to force them to change them, and I should think this reasoning still stands. I'd propose to amend the proposed changes to include this.

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Re: CN Covenant

Post by Cathy Sabre »

It may be a small point, but I am confused as to what including the word, historical, here, would mean to citizens trying to follow this code. If it means that structures have to be ancient Roman, then most of what you see from Via Tita (street lamp, life preserver, kiosk the Little Mermaid .....) would not comply. Who wants that? If we omit the word, certainly structures from ancient Rome would not be excluded, as ancient structures obviously (and prominently) stand in contemporary Italy. LUC is, imo, charged with the visual sensation promoted by the environment, not the social scene occupying it. If the Latin speaking citizens who still remain among us can ignore a tattoo parlor, they will probably not squawk at the omission of a word that adds little more than a burden to the regulatory process

Further,, the word historical does, still, appear in the following notes-on-buildings. I would suggest, using the preceding logic, that it should be defined. Bombed-out ruins during/after WWII are historical, art deco subway stations are historical, the time before Romulus and Remus is historical. It seems to me that SL inhabitants (at least those we are interested in) are drawn to cozy, simple, gently used, coherent and realistic settings -- something they might find on a vacation to Cinque Terre, perhaps, or Monteriggioni. I am not sure how best to define that look-and-feel, so, jump in. Give me a hand here. Rosie has brought up an {perhaps the most} important point of this exercise: Where do we want to slive?

Last edited by Cathy Sabre on Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Rosie Gray
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Re: CN Covenant

Post by Rosie Gray »

Cathy Sabre wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:30 am

It may be a small point, but I am confused as to what including the word, historical, would mean to citizens trying to follow this code. If it means that structures have to be ancient Roman, then most of what you see from Via Tita (street lamp, life preserver, kiosk the Little Mermaid .....) would not comply. Who wants that? If we omit the word, certainly structures from ancient Rome would not be excluded, as ancient structures obviously (and prominently) stand in contemporary Italy. LUC is, imo, charged with the visual sensation promoted by the environment, not the social scene occupying it. If the Latin speaking citizens who still remain among us can ignore a tattoo parlor, they will probably not squawk at the omission of a word that adds little more than a burden to the regulatory process.

It's the word ahistorical that needs to be included. (It was inaccurately written as 'a historical' in the existing covenant.) It means 'out of history', thus no time frame of history. The link provided goes to the wikipedia entry description, but a better one might be from the Merriam-Webster dictionary: "not concerned with or related to history, historical development, or tradition", also "historically inaccurate or ignorant".

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Re: CN Covenant

Post by Cathy Sabre »

Well, Rosie. Sorry I misread your original comment. Yes, ahistorical does work, but since you have to define it for us, perhaps it is too esoteric for the general public. You replied while I was editing my comment, so you might re read what I posted. This is an important point, so I look forward to getting it straight

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Re: CN Covenant

Post by Rosie Gray »

Other than the discussion about ahistorical (Cathy I do agree that it's esoteric, but either we come up with another description or we have the entire conversation again as to what time period it should be) I have taken out comments and reduced some wording of your text to simplify further:

COLONIA NOVA specific covenant
Colonia Nova is an ahistorical, southern-European themed sim (Italian/Greek/Spanish or generically northern-Mediterranean) featuring a shopping district, an amphitheatre, the public thermae and the seat of the CDS government, the Praetorium. Buildings in this region resemble styles of southern-Europe and should aim to link visually with the styles of Locus Amoenus and Alpine Meadows at those regional borders.

1. All building styles to resemble traditional southern European styles
2. Although all zones are mixed-use, overt merchandising is restricted to zones C and S.
3. Building exteriors shall use pre-industrial materials
a. Structural elements: stone, brick or wood
b. Roofing elements: wood, slate or terracotta shingles.
c. Exterior flooring elements: brick, ceramic, stone or wood.
d. Wall elements: stone, brick, wood or stucco.
e. Door and window elements: wood or metals, raw or painted.
f. Large panes of glass must be partitioned by appropriate framing.

Zones and Typologies

Zone L (Plots south of the river).
1. Rural architecture
2. Structures may be no taller than 20 m
3. Buildings must have a 5 m distance from adjoining parcels
4. Minimum of 3 trees per 512m2 of plot area.
5. Plots in Zone L are named L.XX.

Zone R, (Prim Plots)
1. Plots R 01-1 through R01-5 are reserved to supplement the prims of the inner town and the fishing village single-parcel owners
2. A CN owner may request an available prim parcel from the Estate Managers.

Zone C (Inner City).
Structures shall be provided by the CDS estate and anchored to common land.*
1. Urban architecture
2. Plots in zone C are named C.XX.

Zone S (Stalls).
1. Builds are permanent and anchored on public property**
2. Commercial use on ground floor, residential allowed upstairs.
3. Plots in zone S are named S.XX

Zone E (Cardo Plots)
1. Builds are permanent and anchored on public property**
2. Plots in zone E are named E.XX.

Zone FV.
1. Builds are permanent and anchored on public property*
2. Plots in this zone are named FV.XX

Public Buildings, Structures and Lands:
Public buildings are not subject to specific zone or typology guidelines. Public buildings and structures are directly administered by the Executive Branch of the CDS.

* Was approved by the RA and Chancellor some time ago.
** To be brought to the RA and Chancellor for approval. Re Zone S: There are 8 parcels which could be included along with the 20 C parcels for anchoring to CDS common land. The builds seem to average well less than 100 prims each, so the total budget for anchoring would be less than 2,800 prims out of an available 8743.

Cathy Sabre
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Re: CN Covenant

Post by Cathy Sabre »

It will work, though there are still some examples of clumsy prose style, like "building styles to resemble traditional southern European styles." Can we fix minor details like that outside the forum -- as architecture shall conform to a traditional southern- European template? Or, does it matter?
Anyway, Yay.

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Re: CN Covenant

Post by Rosie Gray »

Another stab at updating the language for this covenant to incorporate suggestions from the last meeting:

COLONIA NOVA specific covenant
Colonia Nova is an ahistorical, southern-European themed sim (Italian/Greek/Spanish or generically northern-Mediterranean) featuring a shopping district, an amphitheatre, the public thermae and the seat of the CDS government, the Praetorium. Buildings in this region resemble styles of southern-Europe and should aim to link visually with the styles of Locus Amoenus and Alpine Meadows at those regional borders.

1. All building styles to resemble traditional southern European styles
2. Although all zones are mixed-use, overt merchandising is restricted to zones C and S.
3. Building exteriors shall use pre-industrial materials
a. Structural elements: stone, brick or wood
b. Roofing elements: wood, slate or terracotta shingles.
c. Exterior flooring elements: brick, ceramic, stone or wood.
d. Wall elements: stone, brick, wood or stucco.
e. Door and window elements: wood or metals, raw or painted.
f. Large panes of glass must be partitioned by appropriate framing.

Zones and Typologies

Zone L (Plots either side of the river, outside of the walls)***
1. Rural architecture
2. Structures may be no taller than 20 m
3. Buildings must have a 5 m distance from adjoining parcels
4. Minimum of 3 trees per 512m2 of plot area.
5. Plots in Zone L are named L.XX.

Zone R, (Prim Plots and riverfront plots)
1. Plots R 01-1 through R01-5 are reserved to supplement the prims of the inner town and the fishing village single-parcel owners
2. A CN owner may request an available prim parcel from the Estate Managers.
3. Residential only
4. Commercial activity is prohibited.
5. Rural architecture
6. Structures may be no taller than 20m
7. Buildings must have a 5 m distance from adjoining parcels
8. Minimum of 3 trees per 512m2 of plot area.
9. Plots in Zone R are named R.XX.

Zone C (all buildings inside the city walls).**
Structures shall be provided by the CDS estate and anchored to common land.**
1. Urban architecture
2. Plots in zone C are named C.XX.

Zone E (Cardo Plots outside the walls)
1. Mixed commercial and residential use
2. Urban architecture
3. Structures must be no taller than 20 meters.
4. All structures must be placed immediately adjacent to the Cardo
5. Plots in zone E are named E.XX.

Zone FV.
1. Builds are permanent and anchored on public property*
2. Plots in this zone are named FV.XX

Public Buildings, Structures and Lands:
Public buildings are not subject to specific zone or typology guidelines. Public buildings and structures are directly administered by the Executive Branch of the CDS.

* Was approved by the RA and Chancellor some time ago.
** To be brought to the RA and Chancellor for approval. This is a renaming of Zones S to combine with C, to simplify. Those buildings already zoned as C were approved for anchoring by the RA some time ago. Re current Zone S: There are 8 parcels which could be included along with the 20 C parcels for anchoring to CDS common land. The builds seem to average well less than 100 prims each, so the total budget for anchoring would be less than 2,800 prims out of an available 8743.
***To simplify by renaming to zone R, incorporating the prim plots and the parcels on both sides of the river.

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Rosie Gray
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Re: CN Covenant

Post by Rosie Gray »

More revisions!

COLONIA NOVA specific covenant
Colonia Nova is an ahistorical, southern-European themed sim (Italian/Greek/Spanish or generically northern-Mediterranean) featuring a shopping district, an amphitheatre, the public thermae and the seat of the CDS government, the Praetorium. Buildings in this region resemble styles of southern-Europe and should aim to link visually with the styles of Locus Amoenus and Alpine Meadows at those regional borders.

1. Architecture to follow a traditional southern European template. Contemporary styles prohibited.
2. Although all zones are mixed-use, overt merchandising is restricted to zone C.
3. Building exteriors shall use pre-industrial materials
a. Structural elements: stone, brick or wood
b. Roofing elements: wood, slate or terracotta shingles.
c. Exterior flooring elements: brick, ceramic, stone or wood.
d. Wall elements: stone, brick, wood or stucco.
e. Door and window elements: wood or metals, raw or painted.
f. Large panes of glass must be partitioned by appropriate framing.

Zones and Typologies

Zone C (all buildings inside the city walls).**
Structures shall be provided by the CDS estate and anchored to common land.**
1. Urban architecture
2. Plots in zone C are named C.XX.

Zone E (Cardo Plots outside the walls, opposite the ampthitheatre)
1. Urban architecture
2. Structures must be no taller than 20 meters.
3. All structures must be placed immediately adjacent to the Cardo
4. Plots in zone E are named E.XX.

Zone FV(Stella Marina fishing village)
1. Builds are permanent and anchored on public property*
2. Plots in this zone are named FV.XX

Zone R (Prim Plots, riverfront plots, and those bordering Alpine Meadow)***
1. Prim Plots R 01-1 through R01-5 are reserved to supplement those who own another regular parcel in CN. No buildings to be constructed but gardening is encouraged.
2. All other R plots: Rural architecture
3. Structures may be no taller than 20m
4. Buildings must have a 5 m distance from adjoining parcels
5. Minimum of 3 trees per 512m2 of plot area.
6. Plots in Zone R are named R.XX.

Public Buildings, Structures and Lands:
Public buildings are not subject to specific zone or typology guidelines. Public buildings and structures are directly administered by the Executive Branch of the CDS.

* Was approved by the RA and Chancellor some time ago.
** To be brought to the RA and Chancellor for approval. This is a renaming of Zones S to combine with C, to simplify. Those buildings already zoned as C were approved for anchoring by the RA some time ago. Regarding current Zone S: There are 8 parcels which could be included along with the 20 C parcels for anchoring to CDS common land. The builds seem to average well less than 100 prims each, so the total budget for anchoring would be less than 2,800 prims out of an available 8743.
***To simplify by renaming to zone R, incorporating the prim plots, those bordering Alpine Meadow and the parcels on both sides of the river excepting FV.

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