Transcript of RA Candidate Debate Nov 7

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Transcript of RA Candidate Debate Nov 7

Post by Callipygian »

[18:06] Callipygian Christensen: Welcome to the final debate - the candidates will begin by presenting their platform
[18:06] Callipygian Christensen: Kazz will begin with 2 minutes
[18:07] Kazz Loordes: Thank you Calipygian
[18:07] Kazz Loordes: I am reletively new to this community and fel it an interesting concept
[18:08] Kazz Loordes: having been exposed to the idea of govt grp curing a you tubf presentation by Philip Rosen
[18:09] Kazz Loordes: So when my friend told me I was ready to see for myself
[18:09] Kazz Loordes: I found that these groups felt the same pains that the rest of the grip did
[18:10] Kazz Loordes: developing a collecting platform by which to flourish
[18:10] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Kazz - please feel free to elaborate during the question time - thank you
[18:10] Kazz Loordes: I o operate a multi cultural venue and deal with these issues everyday
[18:10] Kazz Loordes: ok
[18:10] Callipygian Christensen: Cleo - 2 minutes to you
[18:11] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: What’s the NUMBER ONE about? … …………..CITIZENS ! ……………. the C in CDS might technically stand for confederation, but I suggest it be a reminder to us all how important citizens are to us, in fact, I believe they are and should always be NUMBER ONE . This means that when we measure the success of anything regarding CDS, that first measure should be on the impact on current citizens as well as how the draw of new citizens and their desire to participate will be impacted. These two issues should always prevail.
[18:11] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: NUMBER TWO.. DEMOCRACY.. 1. Rule of Law, 2. Human Dignity, 3. Political equality ( everyone should have the same right and number of votes) , 4. Freedom of Speech and to express political opinions and to vote, 5. Common Good , 6. Being informed and involved 7. Personal Freedom 8. RESPECT the rights of others.
[18:12] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: NUMBER THREE.. yes ,the S is for Simulators.. beautiful sims. They are always important, way up toward the top of the list, but they should never take priority over the people of the CDS or its potential citizens and our long term growth. The citizens are NUMBER ONE
[18:12] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Poised to enter our second decade, this is a very exciting time in CDS! As we celebrate our 10th year the most important thing I think we can do is to make sure we secure our 20th Anniversary.
[18:12] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ty
[18:12] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done
[18:13] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Cleo - there is a minute of your time left , so we'll let people use it to read through :)
[18:13] Callipygian Christensen: Tor..2 minutes to you
[18:14] Tor Karlsvalt: Thank you
[18:14] Tor Karlsvalt: Citizens CDS,

I am honored to stand for election to the 20th Representative Assembly.

I end a good year as your Chancellor, confident that I and the people working with me have moved CDS forward.

Successes such as the new fine Schloss, numerous upgrades to the to walls of Neufreistadt and Colonia Nova, massive reductions in prims used by fachwerk, alpine mews row houses and public builds.

Neufreistadt actually has a nice prim buffer now which aids in events on the platz. Many thanks to all who contributed a great deal of time and treasure to keep our sims interesting and magical places for everyone to visit.
[18:14] Tor Karlsvalt: Granted I am not an outstanding builder, more a proficient modifier. Yet, I know the Chancellor in particular and any of those who serve CDS, can encourage great efforts from people and unfortunately discourage normally willing contributors.

The record shows, from the Schloss, NFS walls, CN walls, new houses in Colonia Nova, reduced prims counts in NFS and a wonderful Greco-Roman theater that

I have succeeded in encouraging renewal in CDS and supported those who are so willing to improve the commonwealth.
[18:14] Tor Karlsvalt: But what of the next term? Much work remains to be done. Locus Amoenus a huge project may yet be unfinished by the end of the 19th term.

I am resolved that as an RA member I will work within the RA to further the renewal of Locus Amoenus into a region where people want to live and join CDS in our experiment in Democracy.

Renewal of Locus Amoenus should be our primary objective.
[18:15] Tor Karlsvalt: This January, I will have been a continuous citizen of CDS for four years. Since at least April 2010, I have had a winery in Locus Amoenus.

It has long been a sim held in some favor by me and I have long wished to have it succeed and evidenced by my consistent devotion to keeping it a living sim.

Other initiatives pale in importance to the issue of the renewal of Locus Amoenus. Some have advanced efforts to re-write the constitiution in order to weaken the Office of Chancellor.
[18:15] Tor Karlsvalt: Or offered exasperating plans to redistribute the wealth of CDS among residents. Or belong to groups suggesting that the International Declaration of Human Rights be removed from our Founding Documents.

All these issues sidetrack us form our main duty and do nothing to keep our democracy strong and keep it resilient.

Our main goal should be the transformation and renewal of Locus Amoenus into a Tuscan themed region which will be an attraction for current and future citizens of CDS.

Vote for me, Tor Karlsvalt, to support this effort and for the maintenance of good democratic government.
[18:15] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Tor - time is up
[18:16] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks
[18:16] Callipygian Christensen: Stephen - 2 minutes to you
[18:16] Stephen Xootfly: Greetings everyone. Thank you for your attendance and attention for this debate. I have a 3 paragraph platform I'll paste in for everyone to read and let the moderators move us along.
[18:16] Stephen Xootfly: I would like to be your RA to enhance the CDS community as a group interested in social and economic wellbeing of SL citizens. The CDS fulfills a mission of creating a community with all the "moving parts" of a real democracy. Politics, markets, real estate, social events, and internal social communities are those components of a real community. The government of the CDS needs, IMHO, to maintain and support those aspects of the community by maintaining a reasonable, unobtrusive, consistent, and most importantly, transparent set of laws and process of creating those laws.
[18:17] Stephen Xootfly: My platform is to make sure citizens know where they stand within the bylaws of the community and to have an expectation that his or her standing (be it merchant, renter, builder, community activists) will be consistently understood and maintained. And, if any conflict comes to pass, he or she can engage me, or any RA, in a reasonable adjudication of grievances.
[18:17] Stephen Xootfly: The other important role of the government is to engage the wider SL community and market the benefits of being associated with the CDS. To that end, I, as RA, will seek out opportunities for the CDS to represent itself to SL communities and to invite groups of builders/merchants/educators/etc. to work within the CDS lands and community. A steady engagement with the wider SL communities can slowly build interest in our group and bring in more like-minded citizens.
[18:18] Stephen Xootfly: Thank you. And, I'll let you read and be done.
[18:18] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Stephen
[18:18] Callipygian Christensen: We will wait 2 minute to give the audience time to catch up :)
[18:20] Callipygian Christensen: the moderator's questions were gathered from citizens of CDS and were provided to the candidates ahead of time, so that they could prepare
[18:20] CLEOPATRA Xigalia smiles for the camera
[18:21] Callipygian Christensen: the format is as follows:
[18:21] Callipygian Christensen: For each question: 2 minutes per candidate to answer the question, followed by 2 minutes each candidate to rebut or provide additional information.
-Candidate A will have 2 minutes to address Question 1.
-Candidate B will then have 2 mins to rebut, plus 2 mins to expand on his or her own answer ( a total of 4 minutes)
-Candidate C will then have 2 mins of rebuttal time plus 2 mins to expand and answer ( a total of 4 minutes)
(repeat for however many candidates are participating)
-Finally candidate A will have 2 minutes of rebuttal time.
[18:21] Callipygian Christensen: So we move to Cleo to begin
[18:22] Callipygian Christensen: 1) Many citizens of CDS indicate they have no interest in politics.
How do you plan to engage those citizens to ensure that you represent the 'silent majority', as well as those who are very vocal about their needs and wants.
[18:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: First of all, it’s okay if citizens have no interest in politics!
[18:22] Callipygian Christensen: 2 minutes Cleo
[18:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: The more people in CDS the merrier, and diversity of every sort is desired.
[18:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: A vibrant diverse community should be able to embrace people with all levels of desire to participate in “politics”.
[18:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I do have a proven method of engaging citizens to ensure I represent the silent majority.. I engage them in conversation.
[18:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I ping them myself in IM or talk to them when I see them in world, and I ask them questions and then I LISTEN
[18:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I do not wait for them to call me. I actually “knock on the door” of each citizen one by one and ask them what they think as often as possible and personally invite each individual engage at any level they desire. It takes time. One must actually listen to the answer given.
[18:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I also believe in any other method to gather input that is available, this is great to get at what the group who will respond want. But when it comes to engaging the silent majority and getting volunteers for that matter, nothing beats a personal one on one invitation to engage
[18:24] Callipygian Christensen: Time is up Cleo..thank you
[18:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: thank you very much !
[18:24] Callipygian Christensen: Tor - 4 minutes total time to you
[18:25] Tor Karlsvalt: First and foremost I will be in world. As most of you know, I favor the in-world experience and feel that we create this community to join together to create a virtual democratic simulation.

I am always open to visitors and IM from all corners of CDS. As most of you know, I often say hello to check in with people and ask their opinions.

Any ideas I feel are worthy of a hearing will be presented for discussion in the RA. I would hope that I could encourage some of the Silent Majority to work with me, in private or in public, to refine any ideas they have which could improve CDS as a community and that I could present to the wider group.

I also would like to encourage “non political’ activities. We should encourage these quieter citizens to see CDS not only as a debating society but also a place where they can express their art, social goals or any other interests.
[18:28] Callipygian Christensen: Tor..are you finished?
[18:29] Callipygian Christensen: I believe Tor may be experiencing freeze ups again
[18:29] Callipygian Christensen: time is u p though
[18:29] Callipygian Christensen: Stephen - 4 minutes total to you
[18:29] Tor Karlsvalt: no sorry
[18:29] Tor Karlsvalt: I am finished.
[18:29] Stephen Xootfly: I believe that politics is not for everyone. And, just like in real life, one can be an engaged citizen without necessarily being engaged in political activities. So, I think the question raises a false premise that all citizens should be politically engaged. Politicians, beyond taking care of the needs of its citizens, should not expect all citizens to be politicians. However, we in the government can hopefully encourage all people in the CDS to be engaged citizens in our markets, renter communities, and social events. As we plan and market events, we need to be more direct and obvious in getting the message out. As to the more highly engaged and outspoken citizens, I think would like to make sure they are aware and come to regular RA meetings. Having an occasional citizens' forum with RA and chancellor participation would be something I'd like to see.
[18:30] Stephen Xootfly: in addition, while I appreciate my fellow candidates' position on the matter, I would challenge them to specify HOW they would create a sense of community beyond engaging in conversation.
[18:31] Stephen Xootfly: I specifically want to have RA/Chancellor forums staged for public participation.
[18:31] Stephen Xootfly: and a regular court for public petitions to the standing officials.
[18:32] Stephen Xootfly: And, I have not heard any note about addressing the "overly" active citizens that tend to put a damper on political conversation by being "overly" active.
[18:32] Stephen Xootfly: Thank you. I will concede the rest of my time.
[18:33] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Stephen - I ask Abbyroe to addd your question about spcifying how to the question list, so that each candidate has an opportunity to reply
[18:34] Callipygian Christensen: Kaz - 4 minutes to you
[18:34] Kazz Loordes: ty
[18:35] Kazz Loordes: I find it interesting the the question is about inclusion and the responses are about compartmentalizing teh active populus
[18:35] Kazz Loordes: It's been my experience that no one wants to feel like they are being patronized. Told what to do just because they are new or unfamiliar with protocol. The reality is that people attract people. I new nothing about CDS until one of my freinds told me about it. Granted the idea of democratic organizations and govt groups had been floated before. However I never heard of CDS.

Ihave visited some of your homes and entertained chats regarding prominant issues and found a number of discrepencies. Robert Polk edited an expository forum once where he quoted 'groups are ok as long as the focus of the group is not solely to exist.
At CDS, you have an amzing opportunity not only to realize a democracy , but to change it..
[18:35] Kazz Loordes: To view the world past the hypocracies of real world careerism.. and envision the world in a different light.

Introduced in that way CDS would thrive.
[18:36] Kazz Loordes: A small group of people ..changing the world.:)
And in the political environment we find ourselves in , how timely would that be?
[18:36] Kazz Loordes: done
[18:37] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Kaz - with a minute or so left, Ill wait a moment for the audience to read through
[18:37] Callipygian Christensen: Cleo - you hve 2 minutes for final comments on this question
[18:38] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: HOW DO WE MAXIMIZE PARTICIPATION? Nothing beats a good first impression. The chancellor’s office is responsible for making sure that the new citizens of CDS are welcomed and educated. The chancellor is responsible for the position of the Public Information Office
[18:38] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: we havent had a good one IMHO in a long time.
[18:38] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: if we had one at all, this decline in participation is evident in his asking to raise tiers, and us making laws to dumb us down preparing for decline. so
[18:39] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Having a welcome from a person who personally engages each new citizen and helps them navigate the steps of getting settled in CDS and understanding and informing them of opportunities for involvement is crucial to our long term success. Its absence beckons our decline.
[18:39] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: open the avenues of participation
[18:39] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: let new people get involved at their will
[18:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: stop the self fullfilling profecey of decline
[18:40] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Cleo..thank you
[18:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and lets get this party started ! .. CDS is a wonderfu
[18:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ty
[18:40] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Cleo..thank you
[18:40] Callipygian Christensen: 2) Is it your opinion that we wish to encourage particular types of people to settle in CDS, and, if so, what types are they?
[18:41] Callipygian Christensen: Tor, you have 2 minutes to begin
[18:41] Tor Karlsvalt: Preferably tier paying people. Our current residents are our best asset in attracting new members. We should encourage any citizen with certain groups or interests to have meetings or events here in CDS. This passive approach will advertise our brand and our sims mission in SL.

Our residents and sims our our resource. All should be used in attracting a diverse population.
For me one of the huge attractions of CDS is the wide variety of nations represented among its citizens. We should highlight this factor whenever possible.

I do believe the best citizen is one who is looking for a community. As such I believe we should always seek some association with community based sims. Democracy is what makes us unique in SL, but we share a desire for a community sim. We need to bring our brand if you will to those community minded sims.
[18:42] Tor Karlsvalt: Done
[18:43] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Tor
[18:43] Callipygian Christensen: Stephen - 4 minutes to you
[18:43] Stephen Xootfly: I think a group like the CDS should grow its citizenry organically. See how it blossoms via outreach and connections by active citizens. Having more builders and merchants would be nice if they were also citizens. Having building contracted to noncitizens to have our regions appeal to more visitors should be done. Encouraging citizens to do more outreach and attract further citizens by offering increased primitive allowances or parcel upgrades should be a part of that. I would like to see more delegation of these responsibilities to people working under the Chancellor.
[18:43] Stephen Xootfly: Visitors that are welcomed and like what they see will wish to join our community and hopefully be engaged and active.
[18:45] Stephen Xootfly: I think having a more organized welcoming committee that specifically engages new citizens and offers to help with any questions or navigating the by-laws or covenants would help that.
[18:46] Stephen Xootfly: I would like for other candidates to specify what they mean by encourage. Saying "please do this" without some sense of reward to benefit is just not useful.
[18:46] Stephen Xootfly: I would like for other candidates to specify what they mean by encourage. Saying "please do this" without some sense of reward to benefit is just not useful.
[18:47] Stephen Xootfly: I had 3 thing I wanted to say, but can only think of 2. oh well.
[18:47] Io (io.bechir): HAHAHAHA!
[18:47] Callipygian Christensen: Time is up..thank you Stephen
[18:47] Stephen Xootfly: So, I'm done.
[18:47] Callipygian Christensen: Kaz - 4 minutes to you
[18:48] Kazz Loordes: I would say the first problem you have is trying design your comunity as if you were a condo board. Let the worl d know
That you are here.
[18:49] Kazz Loordes: Let then know your are looking for creative minds to help design the solutions for a new maceo economy..
Let the crack pots and the fatics and the techies and gamers know..
there is a place for them to interact anfocus their energy into something positive and 'real'.
[18:49] Kazz Loordes: They are out there!
I Know because I have sought them out and worked with them. I employ some..
Awsome indifiduals with explosive imaginations..(some litterally )
[18:49] Kazz Loordes: Who are only looking for a place to call home..

Dempocracy is not a need little package for the elite. It is a agrarian mix of peas and corn amd collard greens
[18:50] Kazz Loordes: peas cover the corn stalks until they are strong enough to stand
[18:50] Kazz Loordes: together they feed families and livestock
[18:50] Kazz Loordes: organically yes
[18:51] Kazz Loordes: but not at the cost of the farm
[18:51] Kazz Loordes: done
[18:51] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Kazz
[18:51] Kazz Loordes mods
[18:51] Callipygian Christensen: Cleo - 4 minutes to you
[18:51] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: 2) Is it your opinion that we wish to encourage particular types of people to settle in CDS, and, if so, what types are they?
[18:52] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I haveto say this ..
[18:52] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: NO!!!!
[18:52] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I don’t want to encourage particular types of people to come to CDS. The best thing for us as a community is diversity.
[18:52] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I stay here because I have met so many interesting people in CDS!
[18:53] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Its our number one asset. C is for citizens, our people !
[18:53] Tandra DarkMatter (tandra.jupiter) is offline.
[18:53] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I agree with Gwyn’s proposals that would in fact attempt to abolish any sort of system or action that show partiality by the Chancellor in how land is handled.
[18:53] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: A free market for land with an active outreach system is what we desire
[18:53] Lunette Kyomoon is offline.
[18:53] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: No typecasting please ! Spotted Leopards, travelers, quirky blue people, time lords, Little Red Riding Hood, shapeshifters
[18:54] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: curmudgeons, architects, doctors, DJ’s, party goers, artists, mermaids, lawyers, newbies, housewives, b

[18:54] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: bloggers, mothers, designers, artists, any race religion or creed, nationality…………, ideas from across the globe ……………….. this actually makes the community we have in CDS unique from any in the real world.
[18:54] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Let’s just open the gates and let them in! The more the merrier!
[18:54] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Stop the rogue chancellors who lock the gates.
[18:55] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: stop the citizens who harrass newbies,a nd the guild leaders who harrass builders who arent their "kind"
[18:55] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Let’s just open the gates and let them in! The more the merrier!
[18:55] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done
[18:55] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Cleo
[18:56] Callipygian Christensen: Tor - 2 minutes to you for final comments on this question
[18:56] Tor Karlsvalt: Thanks
[18:56] Tor Karlsvalt: I would like to suggest that Kazz look up Delia Lake our resident expert on organic sustainability. :)
[18:57] Tor Karlsvalt: I also enjoy diversity and welcome people to CDS
[18:57] Tor Karlsvalt: It has always been my goal to use twitter, FB and SL forums to boardcast CDS to a wide range of people.
[18:58] Tor Karlsvalt: I am so glad to see so many new people and have taken every opportunity to support their efforts at building a community.
[18:58] Callipygian Christensen: Time is up Tor..thank you
[18:58] Tor Karlsvalt: I would also add I encourage honest people to become membes of CDS.
[18:58] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks
[18:59] Callipygian Christensen: Question 3 we move to Stephen to start
[18:59] Callipygian Christensen: 3) How do you intend to build a more vibrant, active community in CDS?
[18:59] Callipygian Christensen: 2 minutes to open Stephen
[18:59] Stephen Xootfly: I'd like to have more direct outreach to active SL
communities. But, the CDS also has the resources to support building or social events that can attract people to our group and activities. But, a more active social media presence and inworld marketing to at least advertise what events we organize seems a prerequisite. Perhaps an official office under the Chancellor with committed citizens should be formed by appointment with common consent of the RAs and/or SC.
[19:00] Stephen Xootfly: And more Baths. Personal bathtubs, showers, and community baths. I am looking forward to the opening of the one Lam is building in Locus.
[19:01] Stephen Xootfly: Having a more active Chancellor's office (not necessarily one person) could help distribute these important responsibilities.
[19:01] Callipygian Christensen: time is up..thank you Stephen
[19:01] Stephen Xootfly: Thank you. Done.
[19:02] Callipygian Christensen: Kazz - 4 minutes to you
[19:02] Kazz Loordes: sorry yes ty
[19:02] Kazz Loordes: Iwould think publicized contests might work, maybe shoecasing art and inveting in experimentation possinly.. The IEEE searches for new methods to reward the creator . The Machinima grps have annual awards for the best films made ..Even the DOD have an annual prize given for the best solutions the every day real life questions.
[19:03] Kazz Loordes: Non profit events for real world issues like infrastructure in africa.
[19:03] Kazz Loordes: Branding CDS as the home of solutions. Athink tank..
Quality residents?
Who do you think you would attract then?
[19:04] Kazz Loordes: Partnerships with real thinkers that want to get involved but have no forum to do so
[19:04] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Kazz
[19:05] Callipygian Christensen: Cleo - 4 minutes to you
[19:05] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I hate to say this , but truly RAnk incumbents, LAST
[19:05] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: its clear they know how to build something after tearing it down, a building
[19:05] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: but
they show us they can let the reserves get dipped into
[19:05] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: they can draw down census too
[19:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: 3 0How do you intend to build a more vibrant, active community in CDS?
By following the CDS model I outlined in my platform. NUMBER ONE THROUGH THREE.. get our priorities straight..
[19:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: S number three..SIM BEAUTY with the proper perspective and in the right order, with the priority of the C and D in place, we should and need to make sure that the land we live in , our sims, are there most beautiful and reflect our beloved history while staying up to date and pleasing to the long time citizen as well as new visitor. Our visual presence is a crucial element of CDS and offers many avenues of participation, it has a place, but it is “ necessary but not sufficient” to our Vibrancy. It should always happen keeping in mind the higher priorities of looking after the citizens and our Democratic System.
[19:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: D number two.. DEMOCRACY.. make sure our system of checks and balances and laws are readily available and work to support a vibrant welcoming community and its citizens. Whether a citizen is active in serving the public, via our democratic system of government or enjoys the fruits of its existence, it is always important……and a way to keep a vibrant participating citizenry and community.
[19:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: stop making laws to keep us shirinking
[19:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: plan for failure and guess what
[19:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: you will get i t!
[19:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: C is number one ..
[19:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: we need to make sure CDS is welcoming to people, not by how the buildings look first, but first by having a positive active system of welcome that allows everyone to come , get acclimated, learn, and participate. Vibrancy of community comes from the people who live there. PUT THE PEOPLE FIRST. REACH out to the citizens and make sure there are enough avenues of engagement that everyone feels welcome and engaged. Build the community first.
[19:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Do what is best for all citizens. Protect the minority and the majority and ……………… C D S will be number one.
[19:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: If the incumbents knew what they were doing, the virtually speaking people would be here now not us.
[19:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: They are in the sky .
[19:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: EVENTS , but do them with intention, yes of bonding as a community ! But also we need ot get out there and actually INVITE people to move here if that is what we want.
[19:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: The past three administrations apparently didn’t know how to do this, I plead with you to vote them out and give someone a chance to make
[19:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: CDS grow again !
[19:09] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Cleo..thank you
[19:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: thank you very much
[19:09] Callipygian Christensen: Tor - 4 minutes to you
[19:09] Tor Karlsvalt: Recently, we had an interesting legal talk show in this very theater. More such events would bring people to the sims and show us off as the open society we really are.

I do not think contrived plans to force citizens to make monthly tier sojourns to CDS a good policy. That will only anger people.

Complicated debacles involving redistribution of the wealth of CDS are also to be avoided. This plan will lead to divisive arguments about compensation and embroil the government in a disputes over compensation. Further, who among us really wants to be in a community with someone who is here to be paid or worse pick their pocket?

Also, as I already make use of a fine bath, I am not a rank incumbent.

I think one way to keep CDS vibrant is to elect representatives who we can be proud of and who the wider SL will see as honest fair dealing people.
[19:09] Tor Karlsvalt: First I will be involved. I don’t mean to say that I am a vibrant and cat’s meow of AVs. But I do believe in making the sims live. All of us are bricks of this building and we all need to take part in its life. I, personally, have always found enormous pleasure in getting know most citizens. I would hope to encourage everyone to do the same. SL and particularly CDS offers a great opportunity for us to experience many interesting people. I certainly feel CDS has expanded my knowledge of the RL in my conversations and friendships formed here. In that vein I would like to see established a tradition from Cedar Island, a weekly conversation hour. It was open to all, members and non members and free of politics but was full of friendly conversation and talk about issues. I think such an event would do a lot to make CDS a place for fun and interesting conversation, not merely a dreaded political cauldron.

I think we should keep CDS venues open to at least occasional use by organizations our citizens support.
[19:11] Tor Karlsvalt: Done
[19:12] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Tor - with 2 minutes left, so a minute for the audience to read through the last couple of candiadtes text
[19:13] Callipygian Christensen: Stephen - you have 2 minutes for final comments on this question
[19:13] Stephen Xootfly: I'd like to summarize my earlier idea that attracting citizens at a steady rate who are engaged in the CDS community will allow us to grow and prosper. But, we need a more organized and steady stream of engaging activities to keep us feeling like we are a community. To some degree, those people who are more vocal and even seemingly abrasive help us grow our community. I think we all should keep a relaxed and non judgmental attitude all around.
[19:14] Stephen Xootfly: We should be in neither a rush to plan a particular future path. Nor on dwelling on past failings.
[19:15] Stephen Xootfly: I'm done. I hope we can have a good clean start with this election.
[19:15] Stephen Xootfly: a figurative group bathing.
[19:15] Stephen Xootfly: : )
[19:15] Stephen Xootfly: Done.
[19:15] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Stephen
[19:16] Callipygian Christensen: Before question 4, I would like to remind the audiece that AbbyRose is collecting questions in IM, ifyou have any to pose t the candidates
[19:16] Callipygian Christensen: question 4) Vacancy rates have an impact on CDS economic stability and on the businesses and community activities of CDS; the coming changes to Locus Amoenus are a result of such vacancies.
If Locus Amoenus (or any sim) continues to have empty parcels for extended periods would you propose adjustments or changes, and if so, what adjustments or changes would you suggest.?
[19:17] Callipygian Christensen: Kazz - you have to minutes to begin
[19:18] Kazz Loordes: History tells an interesting story.
Thomas Jefferson took 2mil dollars for the Federal coffers to make a Lousiana purchase from Napoleon, and discovered a whole new world. Even though it was a fervent ause of power.
But history tells an interesting story.
[19:18] Kazz Loordes: abuse
[19:19] Kazz Loordes: Theuse of the LA properties are a moot issue as the money is gone and teh families have been split. All we can do is look forward
[19:19] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Kazz - thnk you
[19:19] Callipygian Christensen: Cleo - you have 4 minutes
[19:20] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: 4. Vacancy rates have an impact on CDS economic stability and on the businesses and community activities of CDS; the coming changes to Locus Amoenus are a result of such vacancies. If Locus Amoenus (or any sim) continues to have empty parcels for extended periods would you propose adjustments or changes, and if so, what adjustments or changes would you suggest.?
[19:20] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I find this question difficult to answer because I have never seen any proof or concrete evidence that the reason for the vacancy rates in LA actually are the direct cause of the way the sim is laid out. Its terraforming, or the “theme” of the sim.
[19:21] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: . In fact I have quite a bit of evidence that it has rather little to do with it. I believe it is absolutely fine to rebuild or retheme a sim if the community desires it, but not if it’s the majority of the population exercising its power against the will and to the detriment of the minority of the population who is directly affected by such changes
[19:21] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Tor has a plan that he says is fair, that takes land from citizens.
[19:21] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: It is not fair.
[19:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: If the current admin is correct that their solution will fix their stated problem, they would have a list of people who would have become CDS citizens if only LA would have been Tuscan.
[19:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Solve the problem of unsold parcels
[19:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: By selling them.
[19:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: If we have problems with vacancy rates, fill the vacancies!!! When I log into SL and see there are 40000 people online, do you know what I think ? I think, “wow ! CDS has three empty parcels I KNOW five of those 40,000 would love it here as much as I do! “
[19:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: . I think if we all do that we will grow. We would have a waiting list. We would be trying to figure out how to make more room for more people
[19:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: . I think if we say no one wants to live here, we cant sell land, it will be self fulling prophecy. Instead, lets think where we need to go to find the three new citizens we desire. if all of us did that just a little bit, every once in a while. We would have no problem with vacancy rates in CDS. ! When people want to build sims let them build sims. When we have vacancies, lets fill vacancies. I know how to bring people to CDS. Ask me, it’s a lot of fun!
[19:24] Callipygian Christensen: Time is up Cleo..thank you
[19:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ty callipygian
[19:24] Callipygian Christensen: Tor - 4 minutes to you
[19:25] Tor Karlsvalt: Naturally, this has been a problem for some time. I believe LA has been a problem almost from its inception. And a democracy at times is slow to get a handle on problems such as a sim that is not performing.

The path to follow here is to keep the issue in the public discourse. Everyone needs to know the situation and possible solutions, even the hard ones of possibly closing a sim.

I am, I think this is no surprise, in favor of keeping Locus Amoens but changing the theme to a Tuscan theme. Although this is a tough change, I feel it is motivated to one, provide theme more popular in SL, two be harmonious with Colonia Nova and Monastery and three, offer a theme that is not severely different from the Greco-Roman theme. This I believe is the path we should follow.
[19:25] Tor Karlsvalt: I should add that Roman themed sims have indeed been in decline.
[19:25] Tor Karlsvalt: ROMA, the most successful of these has reduced regions.
[19:26] Tor Karlsvalt: So I think the evidence is very good that Roman is in decline in SL.
[19:26] Tor Karlsvalt: We should not be afraid of change.
[19:27] Tor Karlsvalt: Where necessary we must move forward and change even if it means loosing some concept we once favored.
[19:27] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[19:27] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Tor
[19:27] Callipygian Christensen: Stephen - 4 minutes to you
[19:27] Stephen Xootfly: Thank you.
[19:27] Stephen Xootfly: Empty parcels should be utilized for short term events or showcases of talent or builds. Renting to groups that need small parcels should be encouraged and finding those groups a priority. One example that does this already is Virtually Speaking. But, as I am given to understand, the financials of the CDS can allow us to manage without an influx of renters short term. So we should not rush into any particular course of action b/c the financial need is not pressing.
Managing those parcels is something a social or marketing committee could do again maybe as a committee under the guidance of the Chancellor.
[19:28] Stephen Xootfly: Encouraging citizen led social or artistic uses would be my priority.
[19:29] Stephen Xootfly: If there is some desire to revisit the theme of the sim, let's do that as a community.
[19:29] Stephen Xootfly: Thanks. I'm done.
[19:29] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Stephen
[19:30] Callipygian Christensen: Kazz - you get the final word on this one - 2 minutes to you
[19:30] Kazz Loordes: I agree with stephan this issue has no place here
[19:30] Kazz Loordes: this is to be discussed by the citizenry
[19:30] Kazz Loordes: roman
[19:30] Kazz Loordes: well
[19:31] Kazz Loordes: I can build you something that was roman prior to 1965
[19:31] Kazz Loordes: that looks nothing like it now
[19:31] Kazz Loordes: people will always change
[19:31] Kazz Loordes: change is good Tor
[19:32] Kazz Loordes: yes sell them
[19:32] Kazz Loordes: dont waste a valuable asset
[19:32] Kazz Loordes: stuck in analysis
[19:32] Kazz Loordes: prims can be returned
[19:32] Kazz Loordes: cities are built in a day
[19:33] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Kaz - thank you
[19:34] Callipygian Christensen: Before we move on to questions from the audience, I would like to thank Vic Mornington, AbbyRose Abbot, Molly Medier and Garnet Psaltery for providing the moderator's questions
[19:34] Callipygian Christensen: Candidates - we have 25 minutes to the 2 hour mark
[19:35] Callipygian Christensen: Do any of you need to leve at that point?
[19:35] Stephen Xootfly can stay past.
[19:35] Tor Karlsvalt: no
[19:35] Callipygian Christensen: Questions we dont get to will be posted to the Forums for everyone to answer if they choose
[19:35] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i can stay
[19:36] Callipygian Christensen: Cleo..a mishit o the keys there? Can you stay past 8 pm?
[19:36] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yesi can
[19:36] Callipygian Christensen: So we move to questions from the audience
[19:36] Callipygian Christensen: the format here is as follows:
[19:37] Callipygian Christensen: format for audience questions:
[19:37] Callipygian Christensen: Questions will be collected by a designated avatar and questions will be presented in order they are received; each candidate will have 2 minutes to address each question, again with a rotation through who goes first.

There will be no individual rebuttal time on each question, but candidates will each be given 4 minutes at the end of the questions for an overall rebuttal and conclusion.
[19:39] Callipygian Christensen: First question is from Bromo:
[19:39] Callipygian Christensen: Q. "What are your plans to grow CDS?"
[19:40] Callipygian Christensen: Cleo - you re first - 2 minutes
[19:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Continue to go on keeping the citizen list growing
[19:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: with or without the governments help or hindrance
[19:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: then i would look to successful communities and partner with them
[19:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: instead of keeping on saying excuses why we fail.. like i hear.. NO
[19:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i do not accept decline, first we need Citizens, we go get them. !
[19:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: then get the lawsin order.. Then keep updating
[19:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: WE can aquire sims.
[19:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Bromo you have a sold out sim right now !
[19:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ASk successful citizens what they do !
[19:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: but dont accept all the excuses.. failure is not acceptable.. !
[19:42] Callipygian Christensen: Time is up Cleo..thank you
[19:42] Callipygian Christensen: Tor - 2 minutes to you
[19:42] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I would conitinue with my proven track record of growing the citizens.. also look at expansion plans any sort given to the RA for finacial feasiblity
[19:42] Saz (sazzy.nirpaw) is offline.
[19:42] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ok ty
[19:44] Tor Karlsvalt: Our first objective is to make LA an attractive sim with a theme which will encourage new arrivals and emigrate our community in a worthwhile project. I will support the Chancellor in efforts to advertise our brand.
[19:44] Tor Karlsvalt: I would also encourage citizens if they have a talent for finding citizens to participate.
[19:44] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Tor..thank you
[19:44] Tor Karlsvalt: Thanks
[19:44] Callipygian Christensen: Stephen - 2 minutes to you
[19:45] Stephen Xootfly: I have the following ideas:
-develop committees under the RA to welcome citizens and have more social activities
-more interactions with other SL communities
-develop concrete reward systems for enhancing the sims or bringing in new members for citizens
-and dedicated groups that make new citizens more comfortable with their new community
[19:45] Stephen Xootfly: done.
[19:45] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Stephen
[19:45] Callipygian Christensen: Kaz - 2 minutes to you
[19:46] Kazz Loordes: As Isaid before ..oor rather cant showcase a brand you dont have
[19:46] Kazz Loordes: what is the end game here
[19:46] Kazz Loordes: ?
[19:46] Kazz Loordes: the have a full sim?
[19:47] Kazz Loordes: thats ez
[19:47] Kazz Loordes: what for?
[19:47] Kazz Loordes: is theree a plan
[19:47] Kazz Loordes: or do we go rheough buyers remorse everytime someone doesnt get their slice
[19:48] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Kaz - thank you
[19:49] Callipygian Christensen: Next question came from Stephen during debate
[19:50] Callipygian Christensen: Q Stephen Xootfly: in addition, while I appreciate my fellow candidates' position on the matter, I would challenge them to specify HOW they would create a sense of community beyond engaging in conversation.
[19:50] Callipygian Christensen: TOr - you begin this time - 2 minutes
[19:50] Tor Karlsvalt: Well I alway try to connect people
[19:51] Tor Karlsvalt: often we have people who would find this place a better community when they know who has similar interestes
[19:51] Tor Karlsvalt: I find that helps cement people to the group.
[19:52] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[19:52] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Tor
[19:52] Callipygian Christensen: Stephen - 2 minutes to you
[19:52] Stephen Xootfly: I've given a few specifics already in local chat about engaging more citizens to be active in committees or for the CDS to put on community events or building activiites.
[19:53] Stephen Xootfly: But, in addition, I think everyone in the government should be engaging the wider SL and social media universe about the higher purpose of the CDS
[19:53] Stephen Xootfly: A community of virtual citizens as functioning democracy.
[19:54] Callipygian Christensen: time is up..thank you Stephen
[19:54] Callipygian Christensen: Kaz - 2 minutes to you
[19:54] Kazz Loordes: Hey how are you? what are you rworking on? I know a place... It's easy.. question is will you net them be who they want to be? I run a multicultural venue..thats what I do.. every once in a while I think gee CDS community would love this.. But then I'm a spammer
[19:55] Kazz Loordes: Freedom to exress and explore ones own sl reality
[19:55] Kazz Loordes: and share it without being chastised
[19:55] KarenSunshine Renierd
[19:55] Kazz Loordes: because you've never heard it before
[19:56] Kazz Loordes: done it before
[19:56] Kazz Loordes: I dont like tea
[19:56] Kazz Loordes: you might
[19:56] Kazz Loordes: thatas you
[19:56] Kazz Loordes: just dont serve me instant
[19:56] Callipygian Christensen: Time is up Kazz - thank you
[19:56] Kazz Loordes: is all I ask
[19:57] Callipygian Christensen: Cleo - 2 minutes to you
[19:57] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Tor has had three years to try to do that. But we saw shrinking reserves, and lowered census to the point we had no elections even! Low participation .. under the past three admins mean Rank the incumbents LAST when you vote. The key to building a community is to first have a dynamic growing population. When i go out and talk to people about CDS, they are so excited about how we are in our tenth year ! They want to know how to be a citizen.. thats the first step. I would love to have events, ones that rotate from citizen to citizen .. weekly .. each week a different citizen hosts a party that lets us all know a bit about them.. same time each week, maybe two times, for time zone difference. this is one way we can start to bond .. ALL of us not just the inner circle, but every citizen of CDS. So one week we go see Seraph City , hosted by Bromo, the next week Kazz's club, then Stephens educational sim... We get to know each other.. we bond, we create a group with a Culture of Candor ! We can party and have
[19:57] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: fun, but talk about our ideas in an inviting environment.
[19:58] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I would love to have the opportunity to have a hunt with all the merchants.. partner with artist.. I have planned this before and had the admin squelch it .
[19:59] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Cleo - thank you
[19:59] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i think the question is a good one Stephen, lets get some new ideas about how to let us all get to know each other and then go out on the grid.. between us all we probably are connected to all of SL.
[19:59] Callipygian Christensen: Next question is from Cadence Theas
[19:59] Callipygian Christensen: Q. 1) Is it possible to build a POSITIVE working relationship with ALL of the citizens of CDS if one’s campaign is based on tearing down many of the previous administrations (chancellors and RAs) and accusing them, without concrete evidence, of incompetence?
[20:00] Callipygian Christensen: We move to Stephen to begin this time
[20:00] Callipygian Christensen: Stephen - 2 minutes
[20:01] Stephen Xootfly: I don't know the answer to that. But, I am going to, in my own candidacy, move forward as much as possible with recriminations.
[20:01] Stephen Xootfly: This is not to say that I will ignore the past in terms of learning from mistakes that might have been made, but I am not basing my candidacy on past perceived failures or mistakes.
[20:01] Stephen Xootfly: Thanks. All done.
[20:02] Callipygian Christensen: thank you clarify..did you mean 'with' back there, or without?
[20:02] Stephen Xootfly: h ha
[20:02] Stephen Xootfly: without!
[20:02] Callipygian Christensen suspects a speed typo :)
[20:02] Callipygian Christensen: KKaz - 2 minutes to you
[20:03] Callipygian Christensen: *Kazz
[20:03] Kazz Loordes: Sure look at the Clintons:) But seriously it does put one in a box considering you only have a handfull of people here that you'll need to rely on win or lose..However this is the forum to air diferences. And past performance surely is an indicator of future results.
[20:03] Kazz Loordes: we should at least be aware
[20:03] Kazz Loordes: so as to learn from it
[20:03] Kazz Loordes: and perhaps not repeat it
[20:04] Kazz Loordes: I dont really have a basis for accusation because everyone complains when their horse comes in last
[20:04] Kazz Loordes: :)
[20:05] Kazz Loordes: done
[20:05] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Kazz
[20:05] Callipygian Christensen: Cleo - 2 minutes to you
[20:05] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: It is ! We must accept that some things didnt work. I am sorry it lies in the lap of the people who were in charge. But that is life, we all, as we run for office, have to stand on our record Cadence. I fear that if no one knows what happened. They will keep doing it, I would LOVE to see a CDS where this doesnt happen. I want there to be new citizens who are greeted warmly and treated with respect. that is the first thing we need to get back, after they are greeted lets go on and help people with their builds, not be critical to the point of having them leave. I am sorry that you dont know all of the facts Cadence. It may seem unfair, but its important we are looking at reality here. Numbers do not lie. Finances and Numbers of citizens matter. I have taken my personal time and resources to make a change in CDS .. i see results as do all of you .. that is what matters most you are right. We all have to accept what we did right and what we failed at and continue trying .
[20:05] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I hope that because the people in power now did fail at some things.
[20:05] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: they will start to get going and keep the synergy we have now with growth
[20:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and not repeat meistakes
[20:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: facts are facts, i am sorry they are not all pleasant
[20:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Culture of Candor
[20:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: means we can all speak our minds
[20:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: you Cadence, and me
[20:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: if you want proof of what i say, ask me i will show you numbers
[20:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i have evidence. the point you make is good
[20:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Can they move on .
[20:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Stay in CDS and findn ways to grow
[20:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Change is GOOD
[20:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: lets keep changing and move on, but learn from our mistakes
[20:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: not repeat them
[20:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: thats what i hope fo
[20:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: r
[20:07] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Cleo..thank you
[20:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i hope
[20:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ty
[20:07] Callipygian Christensen: Tor - 2 minutes to you
[20:08] Tor Karlsvalt: It should be obvious to any who reflect honestly that gossip, lies, half truths all breed divisiveness. For some it has been their stock in trade now and in prior incarnations. I have always sought to build consensus and grow our community by being inclusive. Yet, I will not support associating CDS with dishonest behavior that has been justly rejected in other corners of SL. I love CDS too much. Finance and Citizen counts surely matter, but so does the reputation of CDS. It is my SL home, I love it, I love the good people who make a community and stay in it while others come stir up hatred and distrust then leave in a flurry over and over again.
[20:08] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[20:08] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Tor
[20:09] Callipygian Christensen: last question form the audience is a second part from Cadence Q I would like each candidate to define in very specific terms how they understand “diversity” when referring to the CDS population and potential members.
[20:10] Callipygian Christensen: I will give the candidates a minute to consider that one as it asks for specifics
[20:11] Callipygian Christensen: Kazz - you start this time - 2 minutes to you
[20:11] Kazz Loordes: I'd like to buy the world a Coke.. and keep it company:) you will always find a certain homogeniety in any given group
[20:12] Kazz Loordes: its the reason why groups are formed
[20:13] Kazz Loordes: diversity is a tricky thing as youarent really saying I want all types of people just those that want to be here
[20:13] Kazz Loordes: but within that subset
[20:13] Kazz Loordes: I would say those that agree with the purpose of this grp
[20:13] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Kaz - thank you
[20:14] Callipygian Christensen: Cleo - 2 minutes to you
[20:14] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: diversity ?it means that anyone who wants to come to CDS is welcome
[20:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: we need to be welcoming of everyonewho wants to be here. and make it a place they want to be
[20:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Tolerance
[20:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Acceptance..
[20:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: learn from each other.
[20:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: The event i talked about earlier, that would get us knowing each person and what tehy do in SL is one way to do this.
[20:16] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: a Culture of Candor
[20:16] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: allowing people to express themselves
[20:16] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Cleo..thank you
[20:16] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i have been the target of someone in the room burning my name at a cross
[20:16] Callipygian Christensen: Tor - 2 minutes to you
[20:16] Tor Karlsvalt: Through CDS I have had the honor to become friends with people from Europe, all over North and South America and even further areas of the world. Also I have enjoyed meeting many wonderful people with interesting backgrounds in law, religion, academia and passionate people involved in art and social movements. This is diversity for me. Naturally we should include all, and all have a lot to show us. Diversity does not mean for me, a lot of people, it is instead, people from many backgrounds, talents, interests and classes. For all of us, CDS is the common denominator—our proof that we all like to meet others interested in exploring who the we all are.
[20:17] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[20:17] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Tor
[20:17] Callipygian Christensen: Stephen - you have 2 minutes
[20:18] Stephen Xootfly: Diversity is both the reality of variation of ideas and behaviors and appearances and the acceptance of said differences as a common cause while all internally belonging to our shared humanity. As the CDS might evidence this in its policies is that whatever you are or want you have a home here as long as you accept the identity of being in this virtual democracy.
[20:18] Stephen Xootfly hopes that makes sense
[20:19] Stephen Xootfly: but regardless, I'm keeping it short.
[20:19] Stephen Xootfly: done.
[20:19] Callipygian Christensen: thank you Stephen
[20:20] Callipygian Christensen: The candiates will each have 4 minutes now to wrap up with their final comments.
[20:20] Callipygian Christensen: Before they do so I would like to thank Abby for being the question keeper tonight..and all of you in the audience for being here!
[20:21] Callipygian Christensen: The transcript, and the quetions posed by you, will be posted on the Forums for all candidates to answer if they choose.
[20:21] Callipygian Christensen: So, final wrap up begins with Cleo
[20:21] Callipygian Christensen: Cleo - you have 4 minutes
[20:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: First of all i want to thank everyone for having debates. It is something we havent done in a while. And it is too bad we lost it , but i am glad we got it back
[20:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: We have elections again , and that is good.
[20:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Remember why we lost this stuff and dont let it happen again .
[20:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Democracy needs us to keep up with what is going on and speak our mind and take action!
[20:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I do that.
[20:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: So does abby and kazz and stephen
[20:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: vote for them..
[20:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: make it grow
[20:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: make it change
[20:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: bu t not the buildings only
[20:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: chagne who we think
[20:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: make it all positive
[20:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: choose proven track records
[20:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: like mine
[20:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Poised to enter our second decade, this is a very exciting time in CDS! As we celebrate our 10th year the most important thing I think we can do is to make sure we secure our 20th Anniversary.
[20:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: We can do better than griefers
[20:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and mean people trying to stay small
[20:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: make plans based on success
[20:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: look at failrues aas a lesson to teach us..
[20:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Poised to enter our second decade, this is a very exciting time in CDS! As we celebrate our 10th year the most important thing I think we can do is to make sure we secure our 20th Anniversary.
[20:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Vote for CHANGE
[20:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: before its too late.
[20:25] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Poised to enter our second decade, this is a very exciting time in CDS! As we celebrate our 10th year the most important thing I think we can do is to make sure we secure our 20th Anniversary.
[20:25] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: financis matter and so does the census .. elect peopl e like Gwyn who have proven track records
[20:25] Callipygian Christensen: time is up Cleo - thank you
[20:26] Callipygian Christensen: Tor - you have 4 minutes
[20:27] Tor Karlsvalt: I am also encouraged by with this invigorated election. Thank you all for participating.

One opponent here has had a track record, self characterized as successful. Yet she has repeatedly proven she is division and cynical in her approach toward government. I stand as an honest person who intends to work with other members of RA and citizens and the Chancellor to solve issue in CDS. I intend to always be respectful and dutiful to the spirit of our Democracy.
[20:29] Tor Karlsvalt: I will keep fairness in the forefront and prime objective will be to keep CDS firmly democratic and on a firm financial footing.
[20:29] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks
[20:30] Callipygian Christensen: Stephen - 4 minutes to you
[20:30] Stephen Xootfly: Hear ye, Hear ye, Oi Oi Oi. hwæt My candidacy is about specifics that engage the citizenry in activities and for the CDS to attract and retain new members. This is through additional government actions and organizations. Importantly, keeping its activities public and creating opportunities for more civic interactions. An organic and personal touch for getting more people knowing about the wonderful community that the CDS is can only grow and strengthen who we are. But, the RAs need to play a role in shaping a government and set of policies that help the citizens shape the community.
[20:30] Stephen Xootfly: Lastly, I'd like to reiterate my appreciation for the opportunity to run and for your attention and for a fine debate. Thanks again to the moderators who organized these debates.
[20:31] Stephen Xootfly: Done.
[20:31] Callipygian Christensen: Stephen - thank you
[20:32] Callipygian Christensen: We end back where we started :) Kaz, you have the final 4 minutes
[20:32] Kazz Loordes: I thank you all for the opportunity to just this community and this forum . It is an interesting exercise win or lose and I look forward to working with many of you to help CDS necome what it needs to become. Alantern in to a future not set with all pulling their wieght and forging a consciousness that will imprint on many lives in sl and without.
We have growing pains , I see that.. But we have the strength to transcend ..I see that too.:)
Many things were said here amd I assume temperatures have risen, However I am sure in the end the love for this community will well outpace the diferences we have

I have my tool belt ready and I hope you'll let me help
[20:33] Kazz Loordes: done
[20:33] Callipygian Christensen: Thank you Kaz
[20:33] Kazz Loordes: :)
[20:33] Kazz Loordes: ty
[20:34] Callipygian Christensen: That concludes the final debate. Thank you to all candidates for participating and to citizens for attending!

People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote -- a very different thing.

Walter H. Judd

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