Minutes RA Meeting February 11, 2024

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jerry McNally
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
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Minutes RA Meeting February 11, 2024

Post by Jerry McNally »

Representative Assembly Meeting
Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 10:30 SLT

Attending: Almut Brunswick, Jerry McNally, Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane, Rosie Gray, Sandy Burgess
Also attending: Agatha Macbeth, Ais Aeon, Casdetra, Cathy Sabre, Tor Karlsvalt, Yan (yanashvaniva)

1 Administrative Business

1.1 Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda as presented. Jerry 1st, Rosie 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

1.2 Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Third RA Meeting on January 21, 2023
Motion to approve the minutes as presented. Rosie 1st, Almut 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

2 Executive Report

The Chancellor updated the Assembly with news that CDS currently has 87 citizens, the highest number in a long time. This may be due in part to the Welcome Hub initiative and the return of former citizens. The Discord server continues to grow, with nearly 50 members. The CDS exhibit at the Exposition was successful and received positive attention, including coverage on the LL Lab Gab (Tor's interview starts at 15:15). There are plans for another round of exhibits at the end of the month. Applications are available at the Exposition for interested groups. The recent Brazilian Street Carnival event, hosted by Joanne, was well-attended and a success.

3 Artisan Guild Report

At their recent meeting, the Artisan Guild discussed the Locus Amoenus covenant update and the General Covenants, both of which are ready for review by the Assembly. Rosie also provided updates on historical signs, parcel staging ideas, and potential overview maps for local covenants.

4 New Business

4.1 Proposed revised CDS General Covenants
The committee reviewed the revised CDS General Covenants, which were previously open for discussion on the Forum. Key discussion points included: the introduction of subleasing and potential use cases, the use of the Restrict MOAP to this Parcel' setting to sounds are restricted to parcel boundaries, and the requirement that buildings are approved by the Chancellor. Motion to accept the revised CDS General Covenants. Jerry 1st, Rosie 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

4.2 Review of revised Locus Amoenus Covenant
The committee reviewed the revised Locus Amoenus covenant, which included a key change of reducing the maximum building height from 20 metres to 15 metres. A minor addition was proposed to the last paragraph of Zone F, requiring all permanent buildings to fit the Mediterranean theme and eras outlined. While some discussion occurred regarding the redundancy of this addition, it was ultimately accepted as a reinforcement. Motion to accept the revised Locus Amoenus covenant as presented with the minor addition in the last paragraph as discussed. Almut 1st, Sandy 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

4.3 Website Refresh Project
Jerry updated the Assembly with the progress made on the CDS website refresh project, with its focus on showcasing the landscape and community aspects of CDS. The new design features an improved navigation menu with breadcrumbs and links to external platforms like Flickr and Discord. He identified two areas that require further work; the need for more images throughout the site, and more ideas for the 'Support' page. Several members and attendees kindly offered their photos, and various topics were suggested for the help pages, such as providing information for landowners on setting up their parcels properly, and making full use of the Guide for New Citizens document.

5 Citizen Concerns

A concern was raised about the Blendarian classes being scheduled at the same time as other important events like Artisan Guild and Representative Assembly meetings.

6 RA Member Concerns

No concerns were raised.

7 Announcements

The LRA provided an update on the Museum of Contemporary on behalf of the Curator, Tori. The upcoming exhibition has received an extension due to low submissions. New items have been purchased for the exhibition and the museum, and a BBB stamp has been created. The museum's storyteller team is complete (Cedric, Dietrich and Sabine) and a talk by Rhiannon Chatnoir and Lyr Lobo is scheduled for March 1st, following a tour at around 9am SLT by the Nonprofit Commons.

Upcoming CDS events are displayed on the CDS Google Calendar, as shown on the CDS Events webpage.

8 Next RA Meeting

Saturday, March 2, 10:30 SLT.

9 Adjourn

Adjourned at 12.29 SLT.



  • RA-20240211-4.1: RA Archivist will update the General Covenants and Locus Amoenus Covenant on the CDS website

  • RA-20240211-4.2: Jerry will continue to collect imagery and Support/FAQ topics for the website

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