Guild Meeting Transcript Jan 13, 2024

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Lilith Ivory
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Guild Meeting Transcript Jan 13, 2024

Post by Lilith Ivory »

[2024/01/13 10:33] Rosie Gray: okay since it is 10:33 I am calling this meeting to order
[2024/01/13 10:33] Sudane Erato: Sorrry, just a note... I have a rl meeting at noon SLT so must leave promptly at 10 of
[2024/01/13 10:33] Rosie Gray: Agenda is on the Forum here: viewtopic.php?t=10508
[2024/01/13 10:34] Rosie Gray: welcome to our guests Radioactive, Agatha, and Tori who are all citizens
[2024/01/13 10:34] Rosie Gray: FYI, guests can participate in our discussions, but can't vote
[2024/01/13 10:35] Radioactive Rosca: Thanks Rosie
[2024/01/13 10:35] Tori Landau: Ok, thank you
[2024/01/13 10:35] Rosie Gray: if you would like to join the Guild, you can fill out a form
[2024/01/13 10:35] Rosie Gray: in triplicate please
[2024/01/13 10:35] Rosie Gray: /me grins
[2024/01/13 10:35] Tori Landau: /me blinks
[2024/01/13 10:35] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Chancellor
[2024/01/13 10:36] Radioactive Rosca: Hi Chancellor Tor
[2024/01/13 10:36] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi all
[2024/01/13 10:36] Rosie Gray: Actually the form is posted on the prim to the left, over top of the bookcase in this room
[2024/01/13 10:36] Tori Landau: Hi Tor
[2024/01/13 10:36] Rosie Gray: ... auA6u6B9vc
[2024/01/13 10:36] Rosie Gray: or you can just go there
[2024/01/13 10:36] Tor Karlsvalt: Finding an empty chair is always a crap shoot
[2024/01/13 10:36] Rosie Gray: hi Tor
[2024/01/13 10:36] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Rosie
[2024/01/13 10:36] Agatha Macbeth: Don't point the gun at me then
[2024/01/13 10:36] Lilith Ivory: we should rez a chancellor throne here
[2024/01/13 10:37] Rosie Gray: so, anything to add to the Agenda?
[2024/01/13 10:37] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[2024/01/13 10:37] Lilith Ivory: /with a hidden trap door to the catacombes
[2024/01/13 10:37] Tor Karlsvalt: Well I often end up on someone's lap.
[2024/01/13 10:37] Tori Landau: imagines a throne with owls on it
[2024/01/13 10:37] Radioactive Rosca: :-)
[2024/01/13 10:37] Sandy Burgess: We could make a sedan for our beloved Chancellor
[2024/01/13 10:38] Rosie Gray: nothing to add to the Agenda then?
[2024/01/13 10:38] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2024/01/13 10:38] Sudane Erato: democracies are not supposed to have thrones... except in the US
[2024/01/13 10:38] Rosie Gray: okay can I have a motion to accept it as is
[2024/01/13 10:38] Cathy Sabre: I so move.
[2024/01/13 10:38] Rosie Gray: thanks Cathy
[2024/01/13 10:38] Sudane Erato: second
[2024/01/13 10:38] Sandy Burgess: Aye
[2024/01/13 10:38] Rosie Gray: thank you Sudane
[2024/01/13 10:38] Rosie Gray: please ote
[2024/01/13 10:38] Rosie Gray: vote*
[2024/01/13 10:38] Sudane Erato: aye
[2024/01/13 10:38] Rosie Gray: aye
[2024/01/13 10:38] Cathy Sabre: aye
[2024/01/13 10:38] Tor Karlsvalt: Just as long as the sedan doesn't end up at the guillotine
[2024/01/13 10:38] Moon Adamant: aye
[2024/01/13 10:39] Cathy Sabre: Always does, Tor.
[2024/01/13 10:39] Tor Karlsvalt: I know Cathy
[2024/01/13 10:39] Rosie Gray: please vote, Guild members
[2024/01/13 10:39] Tor Karlsvalt: eye
[2024/01/13 10:39] Tor Karlsvalt: aye*
[2024/01/13 10:40] Rosie Gray: motion carried
[2024/01/13 10:40] Lilith Ivory: sorry got interrupted
[2024/01/13 10:40] Rosie Gray: np, Lilith

[2024/01/13 10:40] Rosie Gray: now to approve the previous meeting Minutes
[2024/01/13 10:40] Rosie Gray: can I have a motion from someone please?
[2024/01/13 10:40] Lilith Ivory: second
[2024/01/13 10:41] Lilith Ivory: errm I was not there of course lol
[2024/01/13 10:41] Cathy Sabre: First
[2024/01/13 10:41] Rosie Gray: khehe
[2024/01/13 10:41] Rosie Gray: okay, so Cathy makes the motion
[2024/01/13 10:41] Cathy Sabre: I will so move.
[2024/01/13 10:41] Sudane Erato: second
[2024/01/13 10:41] Rosie Gray: thanks sudane
[2024/01/13 10:41] Rosie Gray: Motion carries

[2024/01/13 10:41] Rosie Gray: old Business
[2024/01/13 10:41] Rosie Gray: 3.1. Locus Ameonus covenant update review (Lilith)
[2024/01/13 10:42] Lilith Ivory: yea
[2024/01/13 10:42] Rosie Gray: Lilith, are you able to update us from where you are?
[2024/01/13 10:42] Rosie Gray: ... f6p3hzi6xc
[2024/01/13 10:42] Lilith Ivory: if I remember correctly we discussed all but the boat parcel section of the LA covenant
[2024/01/13 10:43] Lilith Ivory: we tabled disscussing the boat parcel section as I wondered if we want to work on changing the harbor layout now that we are connected to water ...
[2024/01/13 10:44] Lilith Ivory: but thinking about it I would suggest we just leave the covenant for the boat parcel as it was so we can give the whole draft to the RA for approval while we discuss the reparceling and other stuff seperately
[2024/01/13 10:45] Lilith Ivory: the boat parcel covenant was rather vague anyway
[2024/01/13 10:45] Lilith Ivory: done
[2024/01/13 10:45] Rosie Gray: thank you Lilith
[2024/01/13 10:45] Rosie Gray: any comments?
[2024/01/13 10:45] Rosie Gray: mostly it was about houseboats I think that we were concerned about
[2024/01/13 10:46] Rosie Gray: they weren't popular
[2024/01/13 10:46] Moon Adamant: i noticed those that were there were removed
[2024/01/13 10:46] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2024/01/13 10:47] Cathy Sabre: We have sater for sailing now, and plenty of places on land for houses.
[2024/01/13 10:47] Cathy Sabre: Water.
[2024/01/13 10:47] Sandy Burgess: I had the idea of subletting my boat parcel so people can have a small boat rezzed in the harbour. The current covenant does not allow that. Are there thoughts of changing it? I don't really see a reason in that clause.
[2024/01/13 10:48] Lilith Ivory: I am a fierce supporter of getting rid of the subletting clause :)
[2024/01/13 10:48] Moon Adamant: let me look at the parcel occupancy analysis for LA, I have no idea about this at all
[2024/01/13 10:49] Cathy Sabre: Would it be a sales advantage if we had parcels with slips?
[2024/01/13 10:50] Cathy Sabre: Tor?
[2024/01/13 10:50] Sudane Erato: We have a new tenant5 in SLNE, AustinLiam, who makes beautiful boatyard and marina builds. We may want to check those out for the harbor
[2024/01/13 10:50] Rosie Gray: the way those parcels were set up were for houseboats, not just boats
[2024/01/13 10:50] Lilith Ivory: Oh that would be cool Sudane
[2024/01/13 10:50] Tor Karlsvalt: Maybe, not sure if slips will encourage land sales.
[2024/01/13 10:50] Moon Adamant: ok, in the period for which we have data...
[2024/01/13 10:50] Rosie Gray: I personally think that smaller parcels for mooring boats would be more desireable
[2024/01/13 10:50] Tor Karlsvalt: SLNE for instance has a marina.
[2024/01/13 10:51] Cathy Sabre: I was thinking parcels on a waterfront with slips for private boats.
[2024/01/13 10:51] Moon Adamant: those 3 boat parcels are F.03, F.04 and F.05
[2024/01/13 10:51] Tor Karlsvalt: I think those would be popular. Might be an entry parcel if you weill.
[2024/01/13 10:51] Lilith Ivory: where I am coming from is:
[2024/01/13 10:51] Rosie Gray: those were really for houseboats I think, Moon
[2024/01/13 10:51] Tor Karlsvalt: I don't think most marina use parcels. We could.
[2024/01/13 10:51] Sudane Erato: I see SLNE parcel owners renting slips in the marina... but not so much the other way around
[2024/01/13 10:52] Lilith Ivory: the smaller boat parcels are ALWAYS sold out while the big house boat parcels sell like sour beer
[2024/01/13 10:52] Tor Karlsvalt: Seems the have casper meters, prim allotments on one parcel.
[2024/01/13 10:52] Moon Adamant: F.04 and F.05 were not rented since Jan 2021
[2024/01/13 10:52] Lilith Ivory: so why not make more smaller ones out of the big parcels?
[2024/01/13 10:52] Moon Adamant:
[2024/01/13 10:52] Cathy Sabre: yes
[2024/01/13 10:52] Rosie Gray: and F03, Moon?
[2024/01/13 10:52] Tori Landau: Raises hand
[2024/01/13 10:53] Lilith Ivory: F03 is rented by Ryo
[2024/01/13 10:53] Moon Adamant: F03 was rented duing 2023
[2024/01/13 10:53] Rosie Gray: that oe was taken for a while I think, but not consistently
[2024/01/13 10:53] Rosie Gray: aah
[2024/01/13 10:53] Moon Adamant: mind you
[2024/01/13 10:53] Rosie Gray: but on the other hand, the smaller water parcels have been consistently taken
[2024/01/13 10:53] Sudane Erato: Tori, you just have to butt in :)
[2024/01/13 10:53] Moon Adamant: for a very long time I did think those parcels were reneted
[2024/01/13 10:53] Moon Adamant: because they seemed full
[2024/01/13 10:54] Rosie Gray: sorry, Tori, just jump in
[2024/01/13 10:54] Tori Landau: ok.... would it be possible to have the land group owned and rent out for boats but we'd provide all the infrastructure
[2024/01/13 10:54] Tor Karlsvalt: f06 and F07 should be oriented differently.
[2024/01/13 10:54] Moon Adamant: and were hiding their Casper signs somewhat -- maybe i wasn't the only one thinking this
[2024/01/13 10:55] Rosie Gray: hello Angelika, welcome.. come take a seat
[2024/01/13 10:55] Angelika Courtois: sneaks in...waves at Rosie
[2024/01/13 10:55] Rosie Gray: I agree, Tor
[2024/01/13 10:55] Tor Karlsvalt: You could add several more parcels there if they were oriented North South.
[2024/01/13 10:55] Rosie Gray: and yes, to Tori's question, we could provide infrastructure
[2024/01/13 10:56] Tori Landau: to clarify, a similar situation to the stables
[2024/01/13 10:56] Lilith Ivory: please keep in mind that we are low on public prims in LA and it might not be possible to add more parcels to sell
[2024/01/13 10:56] Tor Karlsvalt: /me nods
[2024/01/13 10:56] Sudane Erato: Unless we remove some
[2024/01/13 10:56] Rosie Gray: ah, true that
[2024/01/13 10:56] Tor Karlsvalt: Well we could close a parcel elsewhere
[2024/01/13 10:56] Lilith Ivory: exactly sudane
[2024/01/13 10:57] Rosie Gray: we could divide up F05, F04, F03 into half their sizes
[2024/01/13 10:57] Rosie Gray: wouldn't be adding to prims that way
[2024/01/13 10:58] Lilith Ivory: imo the smaller boat parcels sell a lot better than the big ones
[2024/01/13 10:58] Tor Karlsvalt: Actually we have been using Il Magazzino for events. Those three parcels are really essentially LV. In fact LV owns them.
[2024/01/13 10:58] Sudane Erato: or we could just rent out slips rather than sell parcels
[2024/01/13 10:58] Lilith Ivory: that'ss what I would like most
[2024/01/13 10:58] Tor Karlsvalt: /me nods at Sudane. This is what is ususally done at marinas.
[2024/01/13 10:58] Rosie Gray: yes, like the Equestrian stables, Sudane
[2024/01/13 10:59] Lilith Ivory: exactly like it is in NE
[2024/01/13 10:59] Sudane Erato: like how we do the horse barn
[2024/01/13 10:59] Tor Karlsvalt: /me nods
[2024/01/13 10:59] Sudane Erato: don't we have casper boxes in the horse barn?
[2024/01/13 10:59] Rosie Gray: would that be easier or more advantageous than selling the parcels?
[2024/01/13 10:59] Rosie Gray: yes we do, Sudane
[2024/01/13 10:59] Lilith Ivory: and Tor is going to organize more cruises to attract folks from outside ;-)
[2024/01/13 10:59] Sudane Erato: well... its MUCH easier
[2024/01/13 10:59] Sudane Erato: but
[2024/01/13 11:00] Sudane Erato: you generally don't get much income
[2024/01/13 11:00] Agatha Macbeth: Yay
[2024/01/13 11:00] Rosie Gray: perhaps not, but they can be seen as a cultural asset too
[2024/01/13 11:01] Rosie Gray: I think that the Equestrian stables are
[2024/01/13 11:01] kayly iali: entered chat range (19.15 m).
[2024/01/13 11:01] Rosie Gray: they attract horse riders from lots of other places
[2024/01/13 11:01] Rosie Gray: so the boat slips could too, perhaps
[2024/01/13 11:01] Tori Landau: Yes, even without renting they start the owl trail
[2024/01/13 11:01] Rosie Gray: hello Kayly, welcome, come have a seat
[2024/01/13 11:02] kayly iali (kayly.iali): hi sorry im late
[2024/01/13 11:02] Tor Karlsvalt: Sudane, do many of the boat slip users eventually become land owners?
[2024/01/13 11:02] Tor Karlsvalt: Or is it mostly your land owners who use the slips?
[2024/01/13 11:02] Tori Landau: ...maybe a sailing route could be made (off topic but just a thought)
[2024/01/13 11:02] Sudane Erato: no... like i said before.... owners often rent slips, but not so much the other way around
[2024/01/13 11:02] Moon Adamant: hi Kayly ㋡
[2024/01/13 11:02] Agatha Macbeth: Good plan
[2024/01/13 11:02] Tor Karlsvalt: Sure Tori, we could post the waypoints I made for the flotilla
[2024/01/13 11:03] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Kayly
[2024/01/13 11:03] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Delia
[2024/01/13 11:03] Sudane Erato: oh, we have a lot of non-owners renting
[2024/01/13 11:03] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Delia
[2024/01/13 11:03] Radioactive Rosca: Hi Kayly
[2024/01/13 11:03] Rosie Gray: hi Delia
[2024/01/13 11:03] Sudane Erato: so it DOES bring people
[2024/01/13 11:03] Radioactive Rosca: Hi Delia
[2024/01/13 11:03] Sandy Burgess: We could also talk to the sailing groups if one of them wants to arrange a regatta every now and then on the Oikoumeni - might attract people too
[2024/01/13 11:03] Rosie Gray: wow, we are having a full house today ㋡
[2024/01/13 11:03] Lilith Ivory: Hi Delia
[2024/01/13 11:03] Moon Adamant: I think that you will sooner rent to owners than the other way around
[2024/01/13 11:03] Lilith Ivory: Lilith here
[2024/01/13 11:03] Moon Adamant: Hi Delia ㋡
[2024/01/13 11:03] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, we will need more chairs. :)
[2024/01/13 11:03] Rosie Gray: okay in the interests of time
[2024/01/13 11:03] Delia Lake: Hi. I have no voice today only chat
[2024/01/13 11:04] Rosie Gray: because we have other topics to discuss
[2024/01/13 11:04] Sudane Erato: everyone is only chat
[2024/01/13 11:04] Lilith Ivory: well NE is not exactly like CDS as we have small affortable parcel and NE has not
[2024/01/13 11:04] Rosie Gray: since we are on the topic specifically of the Locus Amoenus covenant review
[2024/01/13 11:04] Sandy Burgess: /me wonders what "NE" might be
[2024/01/13 11:05] Lilith Ivory: New England SL
[2024/01/13 11:05] Rosie Gray: if we can think just about the covenant for now
[2024/01/13 11:05] Moon Adamant: Sandy: New Englan
[2024/01/13 11:05] Sudane Erato: New England
[2024/01/13 11:05] Sudane Erato: my estate elsewhere :)
[2024/01/13 11:05] Sandy Burgess: Ah - thank you
[2024/01/13 11:05] Agatha Macbeth: Roadrunner
[2024/01/13 11:05] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Miz :)
[2024/01/13 11:05] Mizou Vavoom: Hi all, sorry just home
[2024/01/13 11:06] Moon Adamant: hi Mizou ㋡
[2024/01/13 11:06] Rosie Gray: welcome, Mizou
[2024/01/13 11:06] Radioactive Rosca: Hi Mizou
[2024/01/13 11:06] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Lilith :)
[2024/01/13 11:06] Rosie Gray: we are talking about the LA covenant review, and the boat parcels in Zone F
[2024/01/13 11:06] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Radioactive
[2024/01/13 11:07] Mizou Vavoom: thanks
[2024/01/13 11:07] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Mizou
[2024/01/13 11:07] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Tor
[2024/01/13 11:08] Rosie Gray: so right now the LA covenant doesn't say anything specific about the boat parcels
[2024/01/13 11:08] Rosie Gray:
[2024/01/13 11:09] Mizou Vavoom: Thanks Rosie
[2024/01/13 11:09] Rosie Gray: perhaps for now we should just leave that out
[2024/01/13 11:09] Rosie Gray: ... f6p3hzi6xc
[2024/01/13 11:09] Rosie Gray: the working doc, Mizou
[2024/01/13 11:09] Rosie Gray: what do you all think of that?
[2024/01/13 11:09] Lilith Ivory: lol or whrite: only boats can be rezzed at the boat parcels
[2024/01/13 11:10] Lilith Ivory: or maybe not as this would forbid quai buildings
[2024/01/13 11:10] Lilith Ivory: idk
[2024/01/13 11:11] Mizou Vavoom: quay buildings? has that been part of the covenant?
[2024/01/13 11:11] Rosie Gray: do we need to say something specific about the boat parcels?
[2024/01/13 11:11] Sudane Erato: what about underwater stuff on the boat parcels?
[2024/01/13 11:11] Sudane Erato: mine is full of that
[2024/01/13 11:11] Rosie Gray: i love that stuff you've done, Sudane
[2024/01/13 11:11] Mizou Vavoom: sufdane's secret underwater garden :)
[2024/01/13 11:11] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2024/01/13 11:11] Sudane Erato: :)
[2024/01/13 11:11] Lilith Ivory: right we don't want to add things that are forbidden
[2024/01/13 11:11] Tor Karlsvalt: We have merfolk!
[2024/01/13 11:12] Mizou Vavoom: lol
[2024/01/13 11:12] kayly iali (kayly.iali): i have to check that out...underwater
[2024/01/13 11:12] Agatha Macbeth: The mer the merrier
[2024/01/13 11:12] Mizou Vavoom: :)
[2024/01/13 11:12] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[2024/01/13 11:12] Sandy Burgess: I have been fishing and never caught a mer ...
[2024/01/13 11:12] Sudane Erato: lol Agantha
[2024/01/13 11:12] Lilith Ivory: Ais might be one
[2024/01/13 11:12] Sudane Erato: Sandy, the mers catch YOU and pull you under
[2024/01/13 11:12] Tor Karlsvalt: They just catch lost sailors
[2024/01/13 11:13] Sandy Burgess: I thought they catch hearts ... but never saw an attractive male mer - all mers I ever saw were female
[2024/01/13 11:13] Lilith Ivory: we can write that permanent stuff on those parcels has to be approved by the chancellor
[2024/01/13 11:13] Agatha Macbeth: That works...
[2024/01/13 11:13] Rosie Gray: sooooo, guess we aren't ready to take the covenant changes to the RA yet
[2024/01/13 11:14] Tor Karlsvalt: Mers are ok as we are equal opportunity.
[2024/01/13 11:14] Lilith Ivory: if we write something very general we could finish the covenant
[2024/01/13 11:14] Rosie Gray: do you want to make a suggestion, Lilith
[2024/01/13 11:14] Rosie Gray: I would like to move on
[2024/01/13 11:15] Rosie Gray: or we can table it again for next meeting and have something in place to suggest then
[2024/01/13 11:15] Tori Landau: Underwater could be provided by CDS - even if the parcels are owned use items with the root prim outside of that parcel so it can't be returned
[2024/01/13 11:15] Lilith Ivory: and prmanent buildings on the boat parcels have to be approved by the chancellor
[2024/01/13 11:15] Rosie Gray: Tori, we don't have a lot of LI available on LA to do that
[2024/01/13 11:16] Tori Landau: Ok Rosie, it was just a thought °͜°
[2024/01/13 11:16] Rosie Gray: we already have a lot of anchored buildings
[2024/01/13 11:16] Lilith Ivory: do I see this correctly that boat parcels are not really mentioned in the old covenant?
[2024/01/13 11:16] Lilith Ivory: we can leave it like this
[2024/01/13 11:16] Moon Adamant: btw, i would like to suggest that a revision of items on the public land could be done -- some are old and primmy (thought for later)
[2024/01/13 11:16] Rosie Gray: yes, that's correct
[2024/01/13 11:17] Mizou Vavoom: So 4 actual boat plots is our maximum?
[2024/01/13 11:17] Rosie Gray: there are 7 now, Mizou
[2024/01/13 11:17] Rosie Gray: if you look at the map embedded in the LA covenant review doc
[2024/01/13 11:17] Mizou Vavoom: ok but a few have a building
[2024/01/13 11:18] Rosie Gray: no, don't think so
[2024/01/13 11:19] Tor Karlsvalt: Boats don't use that many prims. We could split those house boats parcels. But think we discussed this already.
[2024/01/13 11:19] Rosie Gray: I propose to table this item for next meeting, now that we've had a good discussion
[2024/01/13 11:19] Rosie Gray: and come up with some wording for that area
[2024/01/13 11:19] Rosie Gray: in the meantime
[2024/01/13 11:19] Rosie Gray: what do you say?
[2024/01/13 11:20] Lilith Ivory: fine with me
[2024/01/13 11:20] Cathy Sabre: Yes
[2024/01/13 11:20] Moon Adamant: sure
[2024/01/13 11:20] Lilith Ivory: I can work on that last bit and come up with something
[2024/01/13 11:20] Tor Karlsvalt: sounds good
[2024/01/13 11:20] Rosie Gray: okay thanks, so any guild member can make a comment on the document too
[2024/01/13 11:20] Delia Lake: yes table
[2024/01/13 11:20] Rosie Gray: good, thanks
[2024/01/13 11:20] Lilith Ivory: of course

[2024/01/13 11:20] Rosie Gray: next item
[2024/01/13 11:20] Rosie Gray: 3.2. General Covenant review
[2024/01/13 11:21] Rosie Gray: ... sp=sharing
[2024/01/13 11:21] Rosie Gray: is almost as much fun as the last item! hehe
[2024/01/13 11:21] Rosie Gray: but I think easier
[2024/01/13 11:21] Sudane Erato: hwhw
[2024/01/13 11:22] Lilith Ivory: hehe
[2024/01/13 11:22] Lilith Ivory: I always stumble about " different historic periods"
[2024/01/13 11:22] Lilith Ivory: is that still the case?
[2024/01/13 11:23] Rosie Gray: I am not sure... not really I guess
[2024/01/13 11:23] Lilith Ivory: yea I think the same
[2024/01/13 11:23] Lilith Ivory: not since we changed our roman regions into mediterean
[2024/01/13 11:23] Rosie Gray: mostly we want people to understand that we're trying to keep the look of things traditional
[2024/01/13 11:23] Rosie Gray: so no skyscrapers etc
[2024/01/13 11:24] Rosie Gray: how else would we word that, or is it necessary?
[2024/01/13 11:24] Lilith Ivory: I would delete it
[2024/01/13 11:24] Cathy Sabre: I think Traditional is appropriate.
[2024/01/13 11:24] Sudane Erato: It really is problematic...
[2024/01/13 11:25] Sudane Erato: because
[2024/01/13 11:25] Sudane Erato: from the very beginning Ulrika envisioned a mix of traditional and very modern
[2024/01/13 11:25] Sudane Erato: thats why we have the MoCA
[2024/01/13 11:25] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, we used to have modern houses in NFS. I remember them
[2024/01/13 11:26] Lilith Ivory: in the LA covenant we say: timeless, pre-modern
[2024/01/13 11:26] Tor Karlsvalt: The old description of NFS was a post industrial alpine village.
[2024/01/13 11:26] Sudane Erato: And the origianl western bridge was also very modern
[2024/01/13 11:26] Rosie Gray: I think all of the region-specific covenants say more specifically about the type of buildings allowed
[2024/01/13 11:26] Moon Adamant: I prefer the wording of the LA covenant
[2024/01/13 11:26] Sudane Erato: before Ulrika blew it up
[2024/01/13 11:26] Tor Karlsvalt: /me remember a pic of the old bridge.
[2024/01/13 11:26] Mizou Vavoom: :)
[2024/01/13 11:26] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[2024/01/13 11:27] Agatha Macbeth: Kaboom
[2024/01/13 11:27] Lilith Ivory: pre Almuthian style ;-)
[2024/01/13 11:27] Moon Adamant: as it is not too restrictive and allows the inclusion of styles such as Art Deco, Art Nouveau and Secession, and even some early modernist
[2024/01/13 11:27] Mizou Vavoom: Nice!
[2024/01/13 11:28] Moon Adamant: 'traditional ' excludes those, you see
[2024/01/13 11:28] Rosie Gray: so, since all the region-specific covenants say specifically about the style of buildings, do we need to say anything about it in the General Covenants?
[2024/01/13 11:28] Rosie Gray: I would say we don't
[2024/01/13 11:28] Sudane Erato: Rosie, i agree
[2024/01/13 11:28] Lilith Ivory: I agree
[2024/01/13 11:28] Moon Adamant: by 'pre-modern', of course, I am reading pre Modern Movement, which is defined around 1950
[2024/01/13 11:28] Lilith Ivory: and the old covenant does not say anything too
[2024/01/13 11:29] Rosie Gray: so let's just take that out
[2024/01/13 11:29] Lilith Ivory: good
[2024/01/13 11:29] Rosie Gray: I'm not sure how it was added anyway ㋡
[2024/01/13 11:30] Lilith Ivory: made sense when CN was roman
[2024/01/13 11:30] Mizou Vavoom: yes agree
[2024/01/13 11:30] Rosie Gray: I think that was kind of an introduction to the covenants anyway, looking at the document
[2024/01/13 11:30] Cathy Sabre: Those Roman houses were very uncomfortable.
[2024/01/13 11:30] Rosie Gray: not actually a part of the covenant itself
[2024/01/13 11:31] Rosie Gray: yes, agreed on that Cathy!
[2024/01/13 11:31] Sudane Erato: Cathy, yeah, they didn't work well
[2024/01/13 11:31] Lilith Ivory: made no sense if you don't RP being roman
[2024/01/13 11:32] Rosie Gray: so the outstanding question on the general covenant is about the maximum number of parcels allowed to be owned by one person
[2024/01/13 11:32] Sandy Burgess: When I moved to CN I looked at them and found them nice to look at but did not see how to use them
[2024/01/13 11:32] Lilith Ivory: one RA did that away when Lyubov was LRA
[2024/01/13 11:32] Lilith Ivory: I remember I promised I would look that up ---- but forgot
[2024/01/13 11:32] Rosie Gray: yes, did you find that reference somewhere?
[2024/01/13 11:33] Rosie Gray: ah
[2024/01/13 11:33] Rosie Gray: I wonder if anyone else remembers it?
[2024/01/13 11:33] Lilith Ivory: till next meeting but I am 100% sure
[2024/01/13 11:33] Rosie Gray: I remember it like you, Lilith
[2024/01/13 11:33] Lilith Ivory: Sudane does I think ;-)
[2024/01/13 11:33] Rosie Gray: yes
[2024/01/13 11:33] Moon Adamant: Rosie, some context on that question, if possible?
[2024/01/13 11:33] Sudane Erato: I remember it, cause i was to some extent the cause
[2024/01/13 11:33] Sudane Erato: but i don't remember the date
[2024/01/13 11:33] Rosie Gray: *The 27th RA changed the maximum number of parcels allowed per citizen to 12. August 6, 2017 and removed the total m2 and references to ‘Hippo’, and restriction of 3 months max tier payment at the Sept. 3, 2017 RA meeting.
[2024/01/13 11:34] Rosie Gray: from the bottom of the covenant review document
[2024/01/13 11:34] Lilith Ivory: I remember it was shortly before Lyubov left CDS
[2024/01/13 11:34] Moon Adamant: ok, 12 parcels seem generous
[2024/01/13 11:34] Rosie Gray: but the RA removed that restriction
[2024/01/13 11:34] Rosie Gray: we were trying to find the reference, Lilith, Sudane, and I remember that, but we haven't found it
[2024/01/13 11:34] Lilith Ivory: it was kinda funny as Lyubov was another reason the RA decided to get rid of parcel limits completely .. but Lyubov never used that amendment
[2024/01/13 11:35] Lilith Ivory: I will find soon as I know where to look for it
[2024/01/13 11:35] Lilith Ivory: not sure tho if it got ever posted on the portal
[2024/01/13 11:35] Rosie Gray: okay
[2024/01/13 11:35] Sudane Erato: I think that the actual maximum issue is more complicated... and perhaps a separate law should get written. The issue is the interplay between est ate economics and haing available parcels for new resdidents to choose from
[2024/01/13 11:35] Rosie Gray: yes
[2024/01/13 11:35] Rosie Gray: and that was the debate at the time
[2024/01/13 11:36] Sudane Erato: yes... it should be
[2024/01/13 11:36] Moon Adamant: what is being suggested, if any suggeston on the table?
[2024/01/13 11:36] Lilith Ivory: there might even be a clause in that law
[2024/01/13 11:36] Rosie Gray: I think we should remove this from the covenant... it was only a reference anyway and not a part of the covenant itself
[2024/01/13 11:36] Lilith Ivory: right I agree
[2024/01/13 11:36] Sudane Erato: but we should also make sure that there is some kind of law before we do that i think
[2024/01/13 11:37] Moon Adamant: I think what Sudane said is important
[2024/01/13 11:37] Rosie Gray: it's not up to the Guild to create a law though
[2024/01/13 11:37] Lilith Ivory: I will find it till next meeting
[2024/01/13 11:37] Sudane Erato: its a critical issue
[2024/01/13 11:37] Rosie Gray: but we can forward it to the RA
[2024/01/13 11:37] Sudane Erato: yes
[2024/01/13 11:37] Moon Adamant: no, but we have RA members here ㋡
[2024/01/13 11:37] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2024/01/13 11:37] Rosie Gray: indeed
[2024/01/13 11:37] Lilith Ivory: even with 5 RA members present there can't be made laws here
[2024/01/13 11:38] Moon Adamant: yes Lil
[2024/01/13 11:38] Rosie Gray: but in the interests of moving along with the Guild's duty
[2024/01/13 11:38] Lilith Ivory: let me find the reference and we can tak about it next meeting
[2024/01/13 11:38] Rosie Gray: shall we remove it, and forward it on to the RA for approval
[2024/01/13 11:38] Moon Adamant: but now everyone knows that this is something that needs looking into
[2024/01/13 11:38] Rosie Gray: and then the RA can discuss a law about it
[2024/01/13 11:38] Sudane Erato: ok
[2024/01/13 11:38] Lilith Ivory: the RA would have to know what an RA before has decided imo
[2024/01/13 11:38] Rosie Gray: that's a good theory, Lilith, rofl
[2024/01/13 11:39] Sudane Erato: hehe
[2024/01/13 11:39] Moon Adamant: that's for RA to sort out
[2024/01/13 11:39] Rosie Gray: so we are in agreement?
[2024/01/13 11:39] Lilith Ivory: imo the RA can't kick old amendments down the drain without knowing them lol
[2024/01/13 11:39] Lilith Ivory: I will have it on monday
[2024/01/13 11:39] Rosie Gray: great
[2024/01/13 11:39] Rosie Gray: but for now and this covenant
[2024/01/13 11:39] Rosie Gray: can we agree to remove the reference?
[2024/01/13 11:40] Lilith Ivory: I see no problem with that
[2024/01/13 11:40] Rosie Gray: and then vote on the Covenant
[2024/01/13 11:40] Rosie Gray: great ㋡
[2024/01/13 11:40] Cathy Sabre: yes
[2024/01/13 11:40] Lilith Ivory: and IF we want to have parcel limits again we would have to add it to the covenant at a later time
[2024/01/13 11:40] Sudane Erato: yes
[2024/01/13 11:40] Rosie Gray: well, a reference to it anyway
[2024/01/13 11:40] Rosie Gray: it doesn't need to be a part of the covenant
[2024/01/13 11:41] Lilith Ivory: I think it should be as we can't expect citizens to read through all our laws
[2024/01/13 11:41] Rosie Gray: I agree it should be there as a reference
[2024/01/13 11:42] Rosie Gray: okay, I move that we accept the proposed new General Covenants and forward them to the RA for approval.
[2024/01/13 11:42] Sudane Erato: second
[2024/01/13 11:42] Moon Adamant: second
[2024/01/13 11:42] Rosie Gray: thank you Sudane
[2024/01/13 11:43] Lilith Ivory: can we agree that if I find the reference to "no parcel limits" we stike the reference and if I don't find it we leave the reference there?
[2024/01/13 11:43] Rosie Gray: all Guild Artisans vote please
[2024/01/13 11:43] Mizou Vavoom: aye
[2024/01/13 11:43] Sudane Erato: aye
[2024/01/13 11:43] Rosie Gray: aye
[2024/01/13 11:43] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2024/01/13 11:43] Moon Adamant: aye
[2024/01/13 11:43] Rosie Gray: motion carries
[2024/01/13 11:43] Rosie Gray: thank you!
[2024/01/13 11:43] Rosie Gray: clap clap clap
[2024/01/13 11:43] Rosie Gray: whew
[2024/01/13 11:43] Tor Karlsvalt: /appl
[2024/01/13 11:43] Cathy Sabre: aye, too.
[2024/01/13 11:44] Tor Karlsvalt: /applause
[2024/01/13 11:44] Tor Karlsvalt: lol
[2024/01/13 11:44] Tori Landau: /me passes coffee to the Guild members
[2024/01/13 11:44] Rosie Gray: Lilith, if the law exists we can put it back as a reference on the page, or even leave it there
[2024/01/13 11:44] Tor Karlsvalt: I have some mushroom coffee
[2024/01/13 11:44] Sudane Erato: i have to go shortly :(
[2024/01/13 11:44] Rosie Gray: but it's not actually a part of the covenant
[2024/01/13 11:44] Agatha Macbeth: Yuk
[2024/01/13 11:44] Lilith Ivory: ok
[2024/01/13 11:44] Rosie Gray: it was a convenient reference
[2024/01/13 11:44] Sandy Burgess: Oh... aye
[2024/01/13 11:45] kayly iali (kayly.iali): /me applause

[2024/01/13 11:45] Rosie Gray: whew... well we have other items on the Agenda
[2024/01/13 11:45] Sudane Erato: lol... we need shorter agendas... we talk too much :)
[2024/01/13 11:45] Rosie Gray: I'd like to table item 3.3 since we don't have time to discuss another big item
[2024/01/13 11:45] Rosie Gray: is that okay with you, Moon?
[2024/01/13 11:46] Cathy Sabre: I agree.
[2024/01/13 11:46] Moon Adamant: sure, I was going to ask it to be tabled
[2024/01/13 11:46] Rosie Gray: thank you
[2024/01/13 11:46] Rosie Gray: so the next item 3.4 is easy
[2024/01/13 11:46] Rosie Gray: if anyone would like to join the Guild as an Artisan
[2024/01/13 11:47] Tor Karlsvalt: /me pokes Radioactive
[2024/01/13 11:47] Rosie Gray: you are welcome to fill out the Guild application form here: ... Q/viewform
[2024/01/13 11:47] Moon Adamant: in fact, I may need to leave in 5 minutes
[2024/01/13 11:47] Rosie Gray: /me pokes Tori too
[2024/01/13 11:47] Sudane Erato: hehe
[2024/01/13 11:47] Rosie Gray: and Angelika
[2024/01/13 11:47] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2024/01/13 11:47] Moon Adamant: event at noon, you see
[2024/01/13 11:47] Angelika Courtois: laughs
[2024/01/13 11:47] Lilith Ivory: /me pokes Agatha and Kayly
[2024/01/13 11:47] Sudane Erato: I THINK I filled mine out ?
[2024/01/13 11:47] Rosie Gray: yes ma'am ㋡
[2024/01/13 11:48] Tor Karlsvalt: /me pokes Angelikat too Sure are a lot of pokes
[2024/01/13 11:48] Rosie Gray: yes you did, Sudane
[2024/01/13 11:48] Sudane Erato: whew
[2024/01/13 11:48] Angelika Courtois: chuckles
[2024/01/13 11:48] kayly iali (kayly.iali): so what is involved with being an artisan in the guild?
[2024/01/13 11:48] Rosie Gray: well, you declare your skills through the form
[2024/01/13 11:48] Lilith Ivory: first of all being allowed to vote
[2024/01/13 11:49] Rosie Gray: it's meant to be a reference for the Chancellor and the RA for who has what skills
[2024/01/13 11:49] kayly iali (kayly.iali): ok...I did take a brief look and saw that
[2024/01/13 11:49] Sandy Burgess: Getting more involved in CDS ... its like a leech
[2024/01/13 11:49] Sandy Burgess: /me grins
[2024/01/13 11:49] Sudane Erato: pfft! :)
[2024/01/13 11:49] Lilith Ivory: ppssst Sandy :)
[2024/01/13 11:49] kayly iali (kayly.iali): like building skills?
[2024/01/13 11:49] kayly iali (kayly.iali): or scripting?
[2024/01/13 11:49] Lilith Ivory: come here little fishies and sign that contract!
[2024/01/13 11:49] Tori Landau: /me is already getting sucked in
[2024/01/13 11:49] Tori Landau: lol
[2024/01/13 11:49] Rosie Gray: yes, and allows you to participate more fully in these meetings and decision makings
[2024/01/13 11:49] Sudane Erato: anyway... my total apologies
[2024/01/13 11:49] Lilith Ivory: I promise it is not about selling your soul
[2024/01/13 11:49] Rosie Gray: yes, building skills, scripting etc.
[2024/01/13 11:49] Moon Adamant: CDS has a lot of things going that can use a lot of skills
[2024/01/13 11:50] Rosie Gray: yes, lots of things
[2024/01/13 11:50] Rosie Gray: bye Sudane!
[2024/01/13 11:50] Mizou Vavoom: Mizou sold her soul to CDS long time ago
[2024/01/13 11:50] Radioactive Rosca: We don't have space for my skills... :-)
[2024/01/13 11:50] kayly iali (kayly.iali): ok I see....I'm already involved with landscaping
[2024/01/13 11:50] Sandy Burgess: I only recently ... but it was worth it
[2024/01/13 11:50] Angelika Courtois: I am still trying to resist :)
[2024/01/13 11:50] Moon Adamant: for a long while we mainly looked at building and scripting
[2024/01/13 11:50] Rosie Gray: I'm sure you have skills, Radioactive, everyone does
[2024/01/13 11:50] Radioactive Rosca: Installing train tracks... lol
[2024/01/13 11:51] Radioactive Rosca: and all related... not for this Continent
[2024/01/13 11:51] Angelika Courtois: public that is awesome
[2024/01/13 11:51] Sandy Burgess: Do you have experience with scripting trains?
[2024/01/13 11:51] Rosie Gray: well that would certainly be a skill, and something in fact that we been discussing too
[2024/01/13 11:51] Lilith Ivory: oh btw ... I would like to organize a ride next thursday ...
[2024/01/13 11:51] Moon Adamant: but there's other skills -- imagine photography, say, or machinima -- that can add to the CDS project
[2024/01/13 11:51] Rosie Gray: oh good!
[2024/01/13 11:51] Sandy Burgess: And there is still that thought of connecting LA and CN via train
[2024/01/13 11:51] Lilith Ivory: in Belisaria ranch land where we can see how LL sets up parcels
[2024/01/13 11:51] Tori Landau: Yay re ride
[2024/01/13 11:52] Rosie Gray: so please have a look at the form because there's lots and lots of different areas
[2024/01/13 11:52] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2024/01/13 11:52] Radioactive Rosca: I have the form open, but I'm still very new in this Democracy.
[2024/01/13 11:52] Rosie Gray: in fact, Radioactive, if you look at item 4.3 on our Agenda today
[2024/01/13 11:53] Rosie Gray: 4.3. Cable car connecting the lower parts (Colonia Nova or Locus Amoenus) with Neufreistadt or Friedsee. (Sandy)
[2024/01/13 11:53] Radioactive Rosca: 4.3. Cable car connecting the lower parts (Colonia Nova or Locus Amoenus) with Neufreistadt or Friedsee. (Sandy)
[2024/01/13 11:53] Rosie Gray: is an item that again we will have to table
[2024/01/13 11:53] Moon Adamant: I must go, sorry -- cheers everyone, see yo at teh Cabaret
[2024/01/13 11:53] Sandy Burgess: Being new does not mean you are not allowed to participate - and new people bring new ideaas
[2024/01/13 11:53] Rosie Gray: bye Moon
[2024/01/13 11:53] Lilith Ivory: oh and if you would like to have a forum account you can send your application to Lilith Ivory, Delia Lake or Calli
[2024/01/13 11:53] Agatha Macbeth: TC Moonie
[2024/01/13 11:53] Radioactive Rosca: Bye Moon
[2024/01/13 11:53] Rosie Gray: Delia... can I mention again item 3.6 to the SC
[2024/01/13 11:53] Lilith Ivory: sadly I don't have the form handy :(
[2024/01/13 11:54] Rosie Gray: ah well, we have to table the rest of the items now anyway

[2024/01/13 11:54] Rosie Gray: next meeting
[2024/01/13 11:54] Delia Lake: yes
[2024/01/13 11:54] Rosie Gray: how is Jany 27?
[2024/01/13 11:54] Rosie Gray: January, that is
[2024/01/13 11:55] Tor Karlsvalt: sounds good.
[2024/01/13 11:55] Lilith Ivory: I think that works
[2024/01/13 11:55] Sandy Burgess: Looks good so far
[2024/01/13 11:55] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[2024/01/13 11:55] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2024/01/13 11:55] Rosie Gray: okay thank you, we'll take that
[2024/01/13 11:56] Rosie Gray: next meeting January 27, 10:30 am slt
[2024/01/13 11:56] Cathy Sabre: good
[2024/01/13 11:56] Rosie Gray: motion to adjourn meeting
[2024/01/13 11:56] Cathy Sabre: I move
[2024/01/13 11:56] Mizou Vavoom: no good for me , i will be teaching in BB
[2024/01/13 11:56] Rosie Gray: ah, sorry Mizou... everything happens in SL on Saturdays it seems
[2024/01/13 11:58] Rosie Gray: do we have a second?
[2024/01/13 11:58] Lilith Ivory: I second
[2024/01/13 11:58] Mizou Vavoom: ok
[2024/01/13 11:58] Rosie Gray: meeting adjourned

"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."
Terry Pratchett
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