Guild Meeting Transcript Sat Dec 2

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Lilith Ivory
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Guild Meeting Transcript Sat Dec 2

Post by Lilith Ivory »

[10:18] Lilith Ivory: hi Rosie :)
[10:18] Rosie Gray: hi Lilith ㋡
[10:18] Lilith Ivory: I like your tag :)
[10:18] Lilith Ivory: we do need to schedule meetings again :)
[10:19] Rosie Gray: yes we do!
[10:19] Rosie Gray: nice work on that covenant you did!
[10:19] Lilith Ivory: aaww thank you
[10:19] Lilith Ivory: was fun as soon as I got into it
[10:20] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[10:20] Rosie Gray: and now we can discuss the really changeable bit
[10:20] Lilith Ivory: Hey Cathy
[10:20] Rosie Gray: hi Cathy
[10:20] Cathy Sabre: Hi, Lilith, Rosie.
[10:20] Lilith Ivory: indeed - and I hope the plan I made helps to know what we are talking about lol
[10:21] Lilith Ivory: we still need to discuss a redo of the water area tho
[10:21] Rosie Gray: yes, that's what I meant
[10:22] Rosie Gray: oh Cathy... can you please fill in the guild form of Declared Skills of the CDS Guild Artisans?
[10:22] Lilith Ivory: oh, I wondered ... do those forms get stored somewhere?
[10:23] Rosie Gray: yes it dumps to a spreadsheet
[10:23] Lilith Ivory: cool
[10:23] Rosie Gray: if you have media turned on, it is displayed on a prim behind me, on top of the bookshelf
[10:23] Rosie Gray: and also you would have access to it through Google docs
[10:24] Lilith Ivory: I have my settings so I need to touch the prims to get the media
[10:24] Rosie Gray nods
[10:24] Rosie Gray: it's the centre one
[10:25] Rosie Gray: so we have 9 of us filled it in now, which is great ㋡
[10:25] Lilith Ivory: I would not have realized we need to do so if you had not reminded me :)
[10:26] Rosie Gray: Cathy... here is the link to fill in the form, outside of SL:
[10:27] Rosie Gray: here: ... sp=sf_link
[10:27] Lilith Ivory giggles
[10:27] Rosie Gray: :D
[10:28] Lilith Ivory: do you think we/the gildenmeisterin should send out a group note?
[10:29] Lilith Ivory: to invite our missing sheep
[10:29] Rosie Gray: ha! I was just doing that
[10:29] Lilith Ivory: hehe
[10:30] Lilith Ivory: Hey Sudane :)
[10:30] Lilith Ivory: Hey Moon
[10:30] Rosie Gray: hi Sudane
[10:30] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[10:30] Sudane Erato: hey :)
[10:31] Moon Adamant: Hi hi ㋡
[10:31] Rosie Gray: hi Moon ㋡
[10:31] Lilith Ivory: lol hi Miss Jeeves
[10:31] Moon Adamant: Miss Jeeves went to a high-brow talk yesterday ㋡
[10:31] Rosie Gray: she did!
[10:31] Lilith Ivory: oh I see :)
[10:32] Moon Adamant: so she thought that the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun thingy wasn't in spirit :-D
[10:33] Lilith Ivory: I totally understand :)
[10:33] Lilith Ivory: she would not want that others are looking down at her

[10:34] Rosie Gray: I didn't write up a formal Agenda, but this is what I think we need to discuss... 1) getting all the artisans to fill out the form of skills, 2) the Locus Amoenus covenant revisions
[10:34] Sudane Erato: I filled out mine! :)
[10:34] Rosie Gray: is there anything else?
[10:34] Lilith Ivory: me too
[10:34] Rosie Gray: yes, 9 of us have filled it out ㋡
[10:34] Lilith Ivory: not to my knowing
[10:34] Sudane Erato: ahhh... thats great!
[10:35] Rosie Gray: it is displayed behind me on top of the bookshelf, if you turn on media
[10:35] Lilith Ivory: not sure if it is up to us to decide if and who reports to the RA
[10:35] Lilith Ivory: I am mentioning this as it will not be me for sure :)
[10:36] Rosie Gray: right, I guess we should add that as a topic too... maybe before the covenant, to make sure we get to it
[10:36] Rosie Gray: should be a quick one
[10:36] Rosie Gray: and just confirming that you are taking the Minutes, Lilith?
[10:36] Lilith Ivory: yea
[10:36] Moon Adamant: Rosie, if 9 artisans out of 10 filled the form we just need to bug the 10th artisan ㋡
[10:36] Lilith Ivory: yes of course
[10:37] Rosie Gray: I didn't count the artisans Moon, is there only the 10 of us?
[10:37] Moon Adamant: (btw, I am also in a phone meeting because of a RL seminar)
[10:37] Moon Adamant: not sure
[10:37] Moon Adamant checks
[10:37] Rosie Gray: looking at the group, we have 12
[10:38] Moon Adamant: i can't see them, but I believe you ㋡
[10:38] Rosie Gray: looks like Leslie, Jon, and Tan haven't filled it out
[10:38] Moon Adamant: aaah
[10:38] Rosie Gray: you can see them in the group roles, Moon
[10:38] Moon Adamant: I'll talk to Jon on Monday
[10:38] Cathy Sabre: I am substituting for Leslie.
[10:39] Rosie Gray: so Cathy... did you want to replace Leslie, or are you reporting to him?
[10:39] Cathy Sabre: As I have all the prims.
[10:39] Cathy Sabre: Or the most recent ones.
[10:39] Cathy Sabre: Replace.
[10:39] Cathy Sabre: smiles.
[10:39] Rosie Gray: okay... what is our procedure here folks?
[10:40] Sudane Erato: procedure for which?
[10:41] Rosie Gray: to change from Leslie to Cathy as an Artisan
[10:41] Lilith Ivory: we could remove Leslie and add Cathy
[10:42] Rosie Gray nods
[10:42] Moon Adamant: I think so too
[10:42] Lilith Ivory: in the forum only the one who is citizen can write posts anyway
[10:42] Rosie Gray: okay and as long as Cathy fills out the form then that's the requirement, I think?
[10:42] Sudane Erato: brb
[10:43] Cathy Sabre: Your wish is my command.
[10:43] Moon Adamant checks teh charter
[10:43] Lilith Ivory: wb :)
[10:43] Rosie Gray: wb Sudane
[10:44] Sudane Erato: thx :)
[10:44] Lilith Ivory: I personally have no problem with both being guild members but at the forum we have the iron rule that only one Avie per RL person can have a forum account
[10:44] Rosie Gray: it does state though that Artisans need to be a citizen
[10:44] Lilith Ivory: so if Les stayed guild member he would not be able to post in the guild forum atm
[10:44] Rosie Gray: and as we know, that means one person too
[10:45] Rosie Gray: Leslie could stay a member, but not as an Artisan
[10:45] Cathy Sabre: I am here almost every day, so much more available..
[10:45] Rosie Gray: we could do it that way
[10:45] Moon Adamant: hmmm, do we have the new charter in the forum?
[10:45] Rosie Gray: Cathy, you and Leslie are a good test case!
[10:46] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:46] Cathy Sabre: Laughs, yay.
[10:46] Rosie Gray: it's also on a prim behind me, Moon, and of course it is on the website and on the forum somewhere
[10:46] Lilith Ivory: somewhere? did you post it on the forum?
[10:47] Lilith Ivory: I can make it so it stays on top
[10:47] Rosie Gray: I don't remember... just thought we would have had it there when we voted on it
[10:47] Moon Adamant: ok, reading here, thanks ㋡
[10:47] Rosie Gray: I tend to look on the website instead of the forum for things like that
[10:48] Moon Adamant: you two are both right: Cathy just needs to fill in the portfolio and Leslie can keep as a Friend of the Guild -- from my reading
[10:48] Rosie Gray: excellent
[10:48] Cathy Sabre: I have no agenda, really. I only want to help the cause..
[10:48] Rosie Gray: so... you'll do that Cathy?
[10:49] Cathy Sabre: Absolutely.
[10:49] Rosie Gray: thank you
[10:49] Lilith Ivory: Hi Tor
[10:49] Moon Adamant: ㋡
[10:49] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi all
[10:49] Moon Adamant: hi Tor ㋡
[10:49] Rosie Gray: hi Tor
[10:49] Cathy Sabre: And get a sit that doesn't fidget.

[10:49] Rosie Gray: so let's move on to our next item then
[10:49] Tor Karlsvalt looks at the chairs and guesses which one is empty.
[10:50] Rosie Gray: which is deciding on who will report to the RA
[10:50] Cathy Sabre: Just don't sit on the turkey.
[10:50] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[10:50] Rosie Gray: does anyone have a suggestion?
[10:50] Lilith Ivory: lol yes
[10:51] Cathy Sabre: I can.
[10:51] Lilith Ivory: I would suggest that one who has to be at RA meetings anyway is going to report
[10:51] Lilith Ivory looks at Rosie :)
[10:51] Cathy Sabre: Even if I get elected
[10:51] Rosie Gray: any more comments?
[10:52] Lilith Ivory: lol I was also thinking I could place a prim in the RA chgamberfs that reeds the minutes on touch :)
[10:52] Rosie Gray: I can do it, and Cathy could be the second... unless someone else has something to say?
[10:52] Rosie Gray: that seems like a good idea too, Lilith
[10:52] Haya (hayatihabek) is online.
[10:52] Lilith Ivory smiles
[10:52] Lilith Ivory: doing what I can to avoid being forced to go to all RA meetings as guild secretary :)
[10:53] Rosie Gray: :D
[10:53] Moon Adamant: lol
[10:54] Rosie Gray: Do we have a motion to make the Guildmeisterin the one to report to the RA, and Cathy Sabre as the second, with the Guild Secretary placing a prim for reading the Guild Minutes in the Praetorium?
[10:54] Lilith Ivory: I move
[10:55] Rosie Gray: thank you, is there a second?
[10:55] Sudane Erato: second
[10:55] Rosie Gray: any more discussion?
[10:55] Sudane Erato: sorry...
[10:55] Rosie Gray: hearing none, let's vote
[10:55] Rosie Gray: aye
[10:55] Moon Adamant: aye
[10:55] Sudane Erato: aye
[10:55] Lilith Ivory: aye
[10:56] Rosie Gray pokes Cathy and Tor
[10:56] Cathy Sabre: aye
[10:56] Tor Karlsvalt: never sure if I vote on stuff.
[10:56] Tor Karlsvalt: aye
[10:56] Cathy Sabre: I wasn't sure I was on the roster, yet.
[10:56] Rosie Gray: thank you, motion is carried
[10:57] Rosie Gray: oh.. right cathy
[10:57] Rosie Gray: well motion carries anyway
[10:57] Sudane Erato: Tor is a skilled political artisan
[10:57] Cathy Sabre: fidgets.

[10:57] Rosie Gray: now onto our main focus
[10:57] Rosie Gray: the Locus Amoenus covenant
[10:57] Lilith Ivory: I think Cathy should be allowed to vote on behalf of Les :)
[10:57] Cathy Sabre: :)
[10:57] Rosie Gray: well... technically Les isn't allowed to vote either because he didn't fill out the form
[10:58] Rosie Gray: but we are splitting hairs :D
[10:58] Lilith Ivory: oh I see
[10:58] Rosie Gray: Lilith, would you like to talk about the covenant?
[10:58] Lilith Ivory: I did not thinik filling out the form was THIS important
[10:58] Lilith Ivory: yes of course
[10:58] Rosie Gray: it's in our charter now
[10:58] Lilith Ivory: I have placed a map of the zoning behind Tor ...
[10:58] Lilith Ivory: and here is the link to the website
[10:58] Lilith Ivory: ... f6p3hzi6xc
[10:59] Moon Adamant: yay, another CDS Gdoc :-D
[10:59] Rosie Gray: :D
[10:59] Lilith Ivory: actually I mostly had to write most from the scratch as there were so many changes
[11:00] Rosie Gray nods
[11:00] Rosie Gray: has everyone had a chance to look at it so far?
[11:00] Sudane Erato: last time i looked it seemed great
[11:01] Sudane Erato: i hope i saw the most recent
[11:01] Rosie Gray: There's a question for you on it I think, Sudane
[11:01] Lilith Ivory: I did most this week
[11:01] Lilith Ivory: thursday and friday
[11:01] Moon Adamant: ok, very good!
[11:02] Lilith Ivory: the old covenant was not as wordy as my draft but I was thinking for now more words are better to understand
[11:02] Moon Adamant: Map should be recoloured for clarity -- I can do that If you'd like, i have the map in vectorial
[11:03] Lilith Ivory: oh?
[11:03] Rosie Gray: looks okay to me Moon
[11:03] Rosie Gray: you mean the different greens?
[11:03] Lilith Ivory: Ifor me too - it looks like the map I have placed behind Tor
[11:03] Moon Adamant: oh, yes
[11:03] Lilith Ivory: the different greens serve a purpose :)
[11:04] Moon Adamant: sorry, i thought i had read 3 regions and 4 colours on the map
[11:04] Lilith Ivory: the lighter greens are parcels with a max high of 10 meters instead of 15 meters
[11:04] Moon Adamant: ok
[11:04] Rosie Gray: before we get to that
[11:04] Lilith Ivory: I went through the whole green area yesterday with a ruler to figure out a good high
[11:05] Rosie Gray: what about Lilith's question about describing the prims?
[11:05] Rosie Gray: item 5
[11:05] Lilith Ivory: 5. L.A. is a double-prim sim, for example, a 1024 sq.m. parcel has 936 instead of 624 prims.
[11:06] Lilith Ivory: Tor is right with his comment but I don't know how to word it
[11:06] Lilith Ivory: all I know for sure is that a 1024 parcel has 936 prims now
[11:07] Rosie Gray: Hmmm...
[11:07] Moon Adamant: hmmm,
[11:07] Rosie Gray: single prims would give how many per parcel?
[11:08] Sudane Erato: half as many as double
[11:08] Lilith Ivory: I think the old covenant was correct and a double prim parcel had 624 prims
[11:08] Moon Adamant: the 1024 m2 parcels do have 936 prims, and 512m2 have 468
[11:08] Rosie Gray: so single prims would be 312?
[11:08] Sudane Erato: remember, they have more prims because LA is now a 30K sim
[11:08] Lilith Ivory: I guess so
[11:08] Rosie Gray: so if we divide 936 by 312...
[11:09] Rosie Gray: it's 3
[11:09] Rosie Gray: so we could call it a triple-prim parcel
[11:09] Lilith Ivory: ah good! we can write: LA is a 30K region so for example a 1024 parcel has 936 prims
[11:09] Sudane Erato: what?
[11:09] Lilith Ivory: I think 30K region sounds just fine :)
[11:09] Cathy Sabre: Or enhanced LI.
[11:10] Rosie Gray: triple-prim sounds pretty enticing
[11:10] Moon Adamant: but it's double-prim, right
[11:10] Moon Adamant: ?
[11:10] Sudane Erato: please don't make the explanation TOO complicated!
[11:10] Rosie Gray: well it's more than double-prim
[11:10] Lilith Ivory: just write:
[11:10] Lilith Ivory: LA is a 30K region so for example a 1024 parcel has 936 prim
[11:10] Sudane Erato: if its a double prim sim, then its a double prim multiplier on the sim
[11:10] Moon Adamant: I think what Lil said is better
[11:11] Rosie Gray: okay, sounds fine to me
[11:11] Moon Adamant: that way we don't need to do reckonings
[11:11] Lilith Ivory: no one needs to understand that in all details ;-)
[11:11] Rosie Gray nods
[11:11] Moon Adamant: and people have a notion of what they're getting!
[11:11] Lilith Ivory: 30K sounds nifty
[11:12] Lilith Ivory: wrote the suggestion into the draft
[11:13] Rosie Gray: great
[11:14] Lilith Ivory: are we all ok with my suggestion to reduce max high from 20 to 15 meters
[11:15] Moon Adamant: i am ok as you preview exceptions
[11:15] Rosie Gray: I like that idea
[11:15] Lilith Ivory: and that the chancellor can approve additional high if it fits?
[11:15] Sudane Erato: agree
[11:15] Moon Adamant: and note the process for the exceptions
[11:16] Lilith Ivory: I was messuring all existing buildings in the green area and all buildings fit but parcel P38 which has a building with a tower that is between 15 and 20 meters
[11:16] Moon Adamant: yes, towers stand tall... i think your wording is fne
[11:16] Moon Adamant: fine*
[11:16] Rosie Gray: I agree
[11:17] Cathy Sabre: 20 meters is almost 7 stories in RL.
[11:17] Lilith Ivory: I also would like to allow light commercial in the whole region as high traffic malls are not really a problem anymore
[11:17] Moon Adamant: yes Cathy, but ceiling height across SL is higher
[11:18] Lilith Ivory: imo we should allow galleries and small stores inside of buildings in the countryside too
[11:18] Moon Adamant: I can agree with that, Lil
[11:18] Tor Karlsvalt: I would agree too.
[11:18] Moon Adamant: and in fact, small stores bring outside visitors, which is good for the CDS
[11:18] Rosie Gray: we should b so lucky as to have to worry about high traffic :P
[11:18] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[11:18] Moon Adamant: lol yes Rosie
[11:19] Lilith Ivory: exactly lol
[11:19] Cathy Sabre: I realize that, but It is still excessive for a non-monumental build.
[11:19] Moon Adamant: people waiting at the sim corner to enter :-D
[11:19] Lilith Ivory: and the building still needs to fit into the covenant
[11:19] Lilith Ivory: oh my yes
[11:19] Rosie Gray: I agree, Cathy
[11:19] Rosie Gray: so the suggestion to reduce it to 15 makes perfect sense
[11:19] Cathy Sabre: Yes.
[11:20] Tor Karlsvalt: We would just have to allow that one tower.
[11:20] Rosie Gray nods
[11:20] Rosie Gray: or if someone wanted a windmill perhaps
[11:20] Moon Adamant: Chancellor can approve exceptions
[11:20] Lilith Ivory: P38 is grandfathered anyway - and occupied constantly as folks love that house
[11:20] Rosie Gray nods
[11:21] Lilith Ivory: but I could see the chancellor approving other building too , like a light tower or a windmill - or another small tower
[11:21] Lilith Ivory: as I wrote down
[11:21] Rosie Gray nods
[11:22] Lilith Ivory: makes no sense to dirve a new citizen out only because a tower is one meter too tall :)
[11:22] Moon Adamant: yes, exactly
[11:22] Tor Karlsvalt: /shoot, I'll build the meter for him
[11:22] Rosie Gray: you agree about the height restriction, Tor?
[11:22] Tor Karlsvalt: It's reasonable.
[11:23] Moon Adamant: and quite honestly, we got fachwerks-onna-stick in AM lol ... much mor etroubling than that high building in LA
[11:23] Tor Karlsvalt: I don't think it will be a burden on the exec.
[11:23] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[11:24] Lilith Ivory: errmm - do not remind me at that one seaview parcel in Monastery Tor
[11:24] Lilith Ivory: but that is out of topic for now
[11:24] Rosie Gray nods
[11:24] Rosie Gray: I see Sudane has added 'with a prim multiplier of 2' to the prim description
[11:24] Lilith Ivory: sounds even better :)
[11:25] Rosie Gray: we're all good with that?
[11:25] Lilith Ivory: I am
[11:25] Sudane Erato: yes, well you were trying to describe the prim/parcel size ratio
[11:25] Sudane Erato: and that's it
[11:25] Tor Karlsvalt: Makes sense. BTW a normal full region has 20K LI
[11:25] Rosie Gray: thanks Tor
[11:26] Tor Karlsvalt:
[11:26] Lilith Ivory: btw, the old covenant did not talk about set backs and I am in favor to leave it this way
[11:26] Tor Karlsvalt: So we are offering perhaps, more than many in terms of LI, more than double prim than might be found on other estates.
[11:27] Moon Adamant: setbacks?
[11:27] Lilith Ivory: free space around the house in a parcel
[11:27] Moon Adamant: oh i see
[11:27] Rosie Gray: Hmmm...
[11:27] Lilith Ivory: most green parcels don't need one as there is public land between them
[11:28] Moon Adamant: it would only make sense for teh green zone
[11:28] Sudane Erato: setbacks are complicated to explain
[11:28] Rosie Gray: certainly the villages don't need setbacks, but you don't think that the big ones should?
[11:28] Moon Adamant: but I think they naturally occur
[11:28] Lilith Ivory: and the light green parcels would get in trouble as they are so small anyway
[11:28] Tor Karlsvalt: On the northern edge that is true.
[11:28] Sudane Erato: if you want them, consider saying that a build can only occupy x% of the parcel area
[11:28] Rosie Gray: you'd think so Moon, but Tor had to deal with a guy just the other day who put a MASSIVE house down in AM
[11:29] Lilith Ivory: you could only put down a shootgun house in P21-25
[11:29] Moon Adamant: eheheh i know... lot sof peaople on the More is More! club ㋡
[11:29] Cathy Sabre: My favorite word in the covenants is, plausibility.
[11:29] Lilith Ivory: its smaller than 15 meters
[11:29] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, I like that Sudane, or require that the edge of a house not touch the boarder.
[11:30] Rosie Gray: plausability isn't specific enough, to me
[11:30] Cathy Sabre: IK. but it sums up the expectation.
[11:30] Sudane Erato: well, if the house was in the countryside, and it didn't quite touch the border on ALL SIDES, we might consider that too big anyway
[11:31] Rosie Gray: I like the idea of a percentage of greenspace
[11:31] Cathy Sabre: Yes.
[11:31] Cathy Sabre: I agree, Rosie.
[11:31] Rosie Gray: so you could have walls around, or fencing or hedging, but not completely fill the space with building
[11:31] Moon Adamant: hmmm pulls up the calculator
[11:31] Cathy Sabre: Everybody can relate to that.
[11:31] Sudane Erato: if someone builds a wall around the whole parcel, is that make it the build?
[11:31] Moon Adamant: 20%
[11:31] Moon Adamant: ?
[11:31] Lilith Ivory: thats what I wrote for the green area:
[11:32] Lilith Ivory: Parcel owners in this zone are allowed to place their own buildings which must be specifically approved by the Chancellor. Buildings in this zone should resemble styles found in the rural Mediterranean area.
20% of the parcel will be open space, forested, pond, garden, patio or agriculture. There must be a minimum of 3 trees per 1024m2 of plot area.
Height exceptions:
Parcel C3A and C3B = 10 meters
Parcel P21 - P25 = 10 Meters. The height of a building can only be 15 meters if two of those parcels are used together.
P38 = grandfathered (the tower is between 15 and 20 meters. The house has been there for ages and is always occupied)
[11:32] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, but I think it might be hard to calculate.
[11:32] Lilith Ivory: I mostly took it from the covenant before
[11:32] Lilith Ivory: 20% of the parcel will be open space, forested, pond, garden, patio or agriculture
[11:32] Moon Adamant: I think your language covers it
[11:32] Rosie Gray: I like that, Lilith
[11:32] Lilith Ivory: its what we had before
[11:32] Rosie Gray: agree if you actually had to calculate it, might not be so easy
[11:33] Rosie Gray: but this is where the Chancellor has a bit of discretion
[11:33] Moon Adamant: mind you: for a 1024 parcel, that leaves 820m2 as a build footprint, which is.... very big
[11:33] Rosie Gray: it is, Moon
[11:33] Tor Karlsvalt: The eyeball method will be great for approvals, but if you want to contest it, people will want measurements.
[11:33] Rosie Gray: and if you just plunked it down in the middle of the space, it wouldn't show much green
[11:33] Moon Adamant: so i don't think this is hard on the parcel owner
[11:34] Tor Karlsvalt: Unless of course it is very obvious.
[11:34] Tor Karlsvalt: Like my guy in AM last week.
[11:34] Moon Adamant: FYI, in RL, setbacks in suburbia can often go as high as 0.4, or 40% -- depends on place, of course
[11:34] Sudane Erato: hehe... your guy :)
[11:34] Rosie Gray: :D
[11:34] Rosie Gray: I think 20% is a very modest expectation
[11:35] Moon Adamant: yes
[11:35] Sudane Erato: use 50% ?
[11:35] Tor Karlsvalt: 50% is too much
[11:35] Moon Adamant: 25%
[11:35] Moon Adamant: ?
[11:35] Lilith Ivory: with that wording my parcel 38 fits into the covenant even if the house is placed on the border :)
[11:35] Mason Stoneshield is offline.
[11:35] Rosie Gray: 25% would almost be easier to calculate
[11:36] Moon Adamant: yeah, 1/4 of area
[11:36] Rosie Gray: could even word it that way
[11:36] Rosie Gray: 25%, or 1/4 of the parcel
[11:36] Lilith Ivory: sounds good
[11:36] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL, you might have a situation where one parcel is all open space while the neighboring parcel is less than 20%. I probably would consider an easement.
[11:36] Tor Karlsvalt: All by the same owner
[11:37] Sudane Erato: now THAT's complicated!
[11:37] Moon Adamant: hmmm yes
[11:37] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, but it could happen.
[11:37] Moon Adamant: but it does happen on the smaller parcels
[11:37] Lilith Ivory: actually we have that at Ry's place
[11:37] Rosie Gray: then the Chancellor could approve it, as an exception
[11:37] Moon Adamant: exactly, Lil, what I wa sthinking
[11:37] Tor Karlsvalt: I agree
[11:37] Moon Adamant: and it doesn't look bad!
[11:37] Lilith Ivory: indeed
[11:38] Lilith Ivory: that's why I worote:
[11:38] Lilith Ivory: Height exceptions:
Parcel C3A and C3B = 10 meters
Parcel P21 - P25 = 10 Meters. The height of a building can only be 15 meters if two of those parcels are used together.
[11:38] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[11:39] Lilith Ivory: for one of those parcels the high of 15m is too high as it would give towers but in Ry's case the house looks good with about 15m
[11:39] Moon Adamant: eheheh suggests people to get another parcel :-D
[11:39] Tor Karlsvalt will make a pocket version of the covenant
[11:39] Moon Adamant: yes...
[11:39] Lilith Ivory: my rule of thumb was that the high can not be more than the smallest side of a parcel
[11:40] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[11:40] Moon Adamant: that's a good rule
[11:40] Lilith Ivory: I placed prim cubes to see how it looks lol
[11:40] Rosie Gray: that's a good way to do it!
[11:40] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe, I have a pink 20m rod.
[11:41] Rosie Gray: really, Tor, lol
[11:41] Moon Adamant: here in RL, the rule could be the build wouldn't be higher than the width of the street... similar rule that is easy to understand and apply
[11:41] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, and I have left it next to the house on at least one occasion
[11:41] Moon Adamant: so i like your reasoning ㋡
[11:41] Lilith Ivory smiles
[11:42] Rosie Gray: I'd like to break these points into separate numbers, for ease of reading
[11:42] Rosie Gray: and quoting ㋡
[11:42] Lilith Ivory: of course
[11:42] Moon Adamant: go for it ㋡
[11:43] Lilith Ivory: it was just easier for me to write the draft that way
[11:44] Lilith Ivory watches Rosie formating the google doc with awe :)
[11:44] Rosie Gray: lol
[11:44] Lilith Ivory: I was sooo fighting with this lol
[11:44] Sudane Erato: yeah, i could never figure that out either!
[11:45] Rosie Gray: do you see the formatting options at the top of the document?
[11:45] Lilith Ivory: yes :)
[11:45] Rosie Gray: aah
[11:45] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:45] Lilith Ivory: for me it was just lack of experience
[11:45] Sudane Erato: and i could never make them work
[11:45] Rosie Gray: maybe it's the one that is like a hidden secret... the 'line and paragraph spacing'
[11:46] Lilith Ivory: I found that after a long time
[11:46] Sudane Erato: :)
[11:46] Rosie Gray: so are we done with this section?
[11:46] Lilith Ivory: but gave up before I started numbering
[11:47] Lilith Ivory: I am fine with it

[11:47] Rosie Gray: so... Zone F
[11:48] Lilith Ivory: for me its a personal thing that I never liked houseboats lol
[11:48] Rosie Gray: weren't we thinking of doing some adjustments to the harbour design?
[11:48] Rosie Gray: to integrate it a bit more with the water sims?
[11:48] Moon Adamant: yes
[11:48] Moon Adamant: namely, we should be able to go up the Rhenus from the sea
[11:49] Rosie Gray: well you can
[11:49] Moon Adamant: and reach Stella Marina
[11:49] Sudane Erato: we can't do that now?
[11:49] Rosie Gray: if your boat isn't too big
[11:49] Lilith Ivory: another form of skill gaming :)
[11:49] Moon Adamant: on a rowboat :-D
[11:49] Sudane Erato: exactly
[11:49] Rosie Gray: or a small sailboat
[11:49] Sudane Erato: hehe Lil :)
[11:49] Rosie Gray: or powerboat
[11:49] Lilith Ivory: oh I managed with the fishing boat Sudane has too
[11:49] Tor Karlsvalt: I sailed to Stella Marina the other day.
[11:49] Moon Adamant: but how small the sailboat?
[11:49] Sudane Erato: my fishing boat goes up the river perfectly :)
[11:49] Moon Adamant: i mean, what mast height?
[11:50] Lilith Ivory: exactly :)
[11:50] Tor Karlsvalt: Bridges are sort of visual problem, but the sails cut though
[11:50] Tor Karlsvalt: lol
[11:50] Rosie Gray: to me it makes sense that the size of boat would make a difference... you don't want massive boats going up there anyway
[11:50] Lilith Ivory: someone told me the small bandit fits under the bridge in LA
[11:50] Rosie Gray: yes I think it does, Lilith
[11:50] Sudane Erato: well,,, I guess we'll just have to get rid of Ceasar's bridge.... oh dear...
[11:50] Lilith Ivory: I think it was Sandy who tried
[11:51] Moon Adamant: if the bridge cutting the masts is not a problem for you guys, it's not for me either as i don't sail lol
[11:51] Tor Karlsvalt: Perdition Bridge? Oh My!
[11:51] Lilith Ivory: me as an equestrian would still like to have a bride there
[11:51] Moon Adamant: but the question is: is it a problem or not?
[11:51] Lilith Ivory: bridge
[11:51] Rosie Gray: I like having a bridge there too
[11:51] Rosie Gray: I think it's visually interesting
[11:51] Lilith Ivory: /e giggles thinking about a lost bride standing there constantly
[11:51] Moon Adamant: yes, but you can have moving bridges
[11:51] Cathy Sabre: I do tooo.
[11:51] Sudane Erato: We could have a bridge like the new one in the CN Stella Marina
[11:51] Lilith Ivory: YES!
[11:52] Rosie Gray: I like the big arched bridge because it forms a frame to look through
[11:52] Cathy Sabre: It has historical context.
[11:52] Tor Karlsvalt: If you want to see moving bridges check out 2nd Norway.
[11:52] Sudane Erato: its a monument to Ceasar and the Princess :)
[11:52] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[11:52] Rosie Gray wonders if it's only her who kinda likes Ceasar's bridge
[11:53] Tor Karlsvalt: Are they buried in the pylons?
[11:53] Rosie Gray: hehe
[11:53] Cathy Sabre: I hope.
[11:53] Lilith Ivory: I have no problem with it either
[11:53] Moon Adamant: lol
[11:53] Rosie Gray: we could always add a plaquye
[11:53] Rosie Gray: plaque*
[11:53] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[11:53] Sudane Erato: I thought that I was the only one who didn't like it :)
[11:53] Lilith Ivory: my main thing is that I like to see sail boats in the inner harbor
[11:53] Rosie Gray: Here Lies the unmourned remains of the Princess and her consort
[11:53] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:53] Moon Adamant: have a stamp :-D
[11:54] Tor Karlsvalt: It is nice for pictures, but always seems like a bad place for a bridge that blocks a harbor
[11:54] Lilith Ivory: we can always take pictures and put them into the museum :)
[11:54] Tor Karlsvalt: LOK @ Rosie
[11:54] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL*
[11:54] Sudane Erato: we could put a rezzor there, and rez it when you wanted pictures
[11:54] Rosie Gray: Hmmm...
[11:54] Rosie Gray: well I bow to everyone's wishes
[11:54] Lilith Ivory: do we have permissions on that bridge?
[11:54] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe, I don't want pictures
[11:54] Moon Adamant: wait lol
[11:55] Rosie Gray: yes, it belongs to Archie
[11:55] Lilith Ivory: oh I see
[11:55] Moon Adamant: it's not just get rid of teh bridge
[11:55] Lilith Ivory: Archie can archive it
[11:55] Tor Karlsvalt: hmm, so we have it for posterity, regardless. Whew.
[11:55] Moon Adamant: the harbour is a tad stuffed
[11:55] Rosie Gray: perhaps some kind of archway, or... I don't know, something statuesque instead then?
[11:56] Lilith Ivory: it only makes sense to remove the old bridge if the new ones allows bigger boats to go through
[11:56] Rosie Gray: when I think of that area, the arch of the bridge is so picturesque, I would hate to lose it without replacing with something else that gives height
[11:56] Rosie Gray: height and a visual drama
[11:56] Rosie Gray: if you know what I mean
[11:57] Lilith Ivory: I understand
[11:57] Moon Adamant: well, we need to look into this
[11:57] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe, add it to the project list.
[11:57] Moon Adamant: we can always do models and see what looks good there
[11:57] Cathy Sabre: Thinking: the Colossus of Rhodes
[11:57] Rosie Gray: perhaps look at bridge designs
[11:57] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:58] Sudane Erato: yes, sail under his naked legs :)
[11:58] Rosie Gray: lol, Cathy
[11:58] Lilith Ivory: now that would be a dramatic view :)
[11:58] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe, oh Cathy, now you have Sudane's Greek mind working.
[11:58] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:58] Rosie Gray: this is good! hehe
[11:58] Cathy Sabre: Uh oh.
[11:58] Rosie Gray: something inspired by an RL mediterranean icon
[11:59] Lilith Ivory: the rialto bridge in venice
[11:59] Sudane Erato: do big boats pass under that?
[11:59] Moon Adamant: too low
[11:59] Rosie Gray: that's a beautiful bridge but no better for our purposes
[12:00] Lilith Ivory: right and it needs a lot of space
[12:00] Sudane Erato: some kind of ancient steampunk lift bridge
[12:01] Sudane Erato: oh... dear... sorry i must go :(
[12:01] Rosie Gray: loannina bridge in Greece
[12:01] Tor Karlsvalt: bye Sudane
[12:01] Rosie Gray: okay, bye Sudane
[12:01] Lilith Ivory: see you Sudane
[12:01] Moon Adamant: yeah, i think that if we go to a moving bridge we should go to a late19th c - early 20thc .steel architecture design
[12:01] Cathy Sabre: bye
[12:01] Sudane Erato: i don't know that bridge!
[12:01] Sudane Erato: bye all :)
[12:01] Lilith Ivory: we could mostly keep the design of the old bridge and have only the upper part movable
[12:01] Lilith Ivory: in the middle
[12:02] Rosie Gray: a retrofit?
[12:02] Lilith Ivory: what does that mean?
[12:02] Cathy Sabre: renovation, upgrade?
[12:02] Rosie Gray: yes
[12:02] Moon Adamant: well, looking for Ioannina bridge I get mainly what's there atm
[12:02] Rosie Gray: that's what it means
[12:03] Lilith Ivory: ok
[12:03] Moon Adamant: and we can't make it higher... my lambretta bike can't go the incline that it is there atm
[12:03] Lilith Ivory: neither can Sudanes donkey
[12:03] Rosie Gray: I agree it's at a maximum height
[12:03] Moon Adamant: so i think that we have the limit hieght for a stone ridge
[12:04] Rosie Gray: so shall we research moveable bridges?
[12:04] Moon Adamant: look, what i think is
[12:04] Cathy Sabre: Yes.
[12:04] Lilith Ivory: sounds like a plan
[12:04] Moon Adamant: we need a fundamental decision here
[12:04] Moon Adamant: is it importnat that sialboats go under or not?
[12:04] Moon Adamant: sailboats*
[12:04] Lilith Ivory: I do like the idea of renting out boat slips in the inner harbor
[12:05] Moon Adamant: if teh bridge can cut masts and everyone is ok, then Caesar's bridge is ok
[12:05] Rosie Gray: I do too
[12:05] Lilith Ivory: but that makes only sense if boats can go out
[12:05] Moon Adamant: if it's not ok, then you need a moving bridge
[12:05] Moon Adamant: but we must decide on the importance of teh thing
[12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: I didn't have a problem in my 50/3. That has tall masts
[12:06] Moon Adamant: i don't sail, so i am not competent on this
[12:06] Lilith Ivory: good to know Tor
[12:06] Cathy Sabre: That's a hard call, Moon.
[12:06] Rosie Gray: So Tor says no problem
[12:06] Lilith Ivory: in tis case we can keep the ole bridge
[12:06] Rosie Gray: we aren't expecting or wanting big passenger liners to sail up the Rhenus!
[12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: people sail the rivers in Belli without problems. There are loads of bridges.
[12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[12:06] Cathy Sabre: And move on.
[12:06] Rosie Gray nods
[12:06] Moon Adamant: then leave it as it is ㋡
[12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: Might have a pirate ship.
[12:07] Cathy Sabre: For now.
[12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: for now.
[12:07] Rosie Gray: so let's go on to the question of Houseboats
[12:07] Lilith Ivory: Tor is the expert
[12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[12:07] Moon Adamant: yes, let's
[12:07] Rosie Gray: yes, tor... you might have to provide sailing lessons ㋡
[12:07] Lilith Ivory: well Sudane had to go and she wants to keep the house boat parcels
[12:07] Moon Adamant: i have an issue here
[12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: I think all the housboat parcels are empty atm
[12:07] Lilith Ivory: Ry has rented one
[12:07] Moon Adamant: i am ok about houseboats BUT
[12:07] Rosie Gray: I don't like them much either
[12:08] Lilith Ivory: bought
[12:08] Moon Adamant: I am not sure if people realize the parcels are for sale, you see
[12:08] Tor Karlsvalt: I just say
[12:08] Tor Karlsvalt: saw*
[12:08] Lilith Ivory: I follow the land listings in Bellisaria and not even there get the houseboats sold
[12:08] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[12:08] Moon Adamant: because for months I thought the parcels were taken
[12:08] Rosie Gray: and some of the ones that have been places are just plain bad
[12:08] Rosie Gray: they look like big rectangles plunked down
[12:09] Lilith Ivory: I totally agree Rosie
[12:09] Moon Adamant: so, if we keep them and they are for sale, can we remove the staging?
[12:09] Lilith Ivory: absolutely
[12:09] Rosie Gray: yes, the staging isn't great anyway
[12:09] Rosie Gray: but we could get a few more in if we made them boat mooring instead
[12:09] Moon Adamant: no, some of the houses there are old builds and look like shoeboxes
[12:10] Lilith Ivory: what Rosie said is what I am thinking too
[12:10] Moon Adamant: ok, that's an interesting thing to discuss
[12:10] Tor Karlsvalt: I think that is likely.
[12:10] Lilith Ivory: we can not just add more water parcels as LA is low on prims
[12:10] Tor Karlsvalt: People love to rez their boats in harbors.
[12:10] Moon Adamant: how would you write that
[12:10] Rosie Gray: I would probably even rent one if I got a little sailboat
[12:11] Lilith Ivory: right
[12:11] Lilith Ivory: but a 512 parcel is too much for me in addition to all the other land
[12:11] Rosie Gray: for me too
[12:11] Moon Adamant: so would you break F.03 to F.05?
[12:11] Rosie Gray: and we have tiny parcels in NFS, so why not elsewhere
[12:11] Lilith Ivory: we would need a sailing CIG
[12:11] Moon Adamant: yes!
[12:12] Moon Adamant: CDS Sailing club
[12:12] Rosie Gray: lol
[12:12] Moon Adamant: The CDS Sails
[12:12] Rosie Gray: well... not sure how good we are at this
[12:12] Lilith Ivory: F03 is sold atm but we could break F04 and F05
[12:12] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[12:12] Rosie Gray: since our Equestrian club seems to not have gone anywhere
[12:12] Moon Adamant: that's a name for a Tshirt ㋡
[12:12] Cathy Sabre: I would support that train of thought.
[12:13] Lilith Ivory: I hope I can become more active there again but meeting once a week is just too much imo
[12:13] Moon Adamant checks the parcels
[12:13] Moon Adamant: I agree with you Lil
[12:13] Rosie Gray: I don't think we need to make another group
[12:13] Moon Adamant: I think you should do it once a month
[12:13] Lilith Ivory: yea
[12:13] Rosie Gray: why couldn't they just be parcels for sale the same as everywhere else in CDS?
[12:13] Lilith Ivory: I do like this idea
[12:14] Moon Adamant: well, Rosie, that is simpler
[12:14] Cathy Sabre: No, but opening inexpensive spaces for boat owners is positive.
[12:14] Rosie Gray: which idea, Lilith?
[12:14] Lilith Ivory: just deviding and selling the boat parcels
[12:14] Tor Karlsvalt: They could. I think Badger makes his some on a boat.
[12:14] Rosie Gray: the reason we did the group for equestrians was because it's that big parcel in AM that never sells
[12:14] Lilith Ivory: with the equestrians we had a different problem and it made sense to form this group
[12:14] Rosie Gray: to make use of it, without actually carving it up
[12:15] Tor Karlsvalt: boats don't need a lot of prims.
[12:15] Rosie Gray nods
[12:15] Rosie Gray: Moon, do you still have that analysis of parcel sales? I am thinking of Sudane's comment about there always being some of the houseboats spots sold
[12:16] Moon Adamant: ah, yes, let me see it
[12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: Equestrians should maybe be more active.
[12:16] Moon Adamant: mind you, i haven't looked at it yet in depth
[12:16] Lilith Ivory: well one was always sold to Soro
[12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: Well we always had one guy after Soro.
[12:16] Rosie Gray: I would love that Tor... but it's hard to do when nobody shows up
[12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: :(
[12:16] Moon Adamant: ok, reference:
[12:16] Lilith Ivory: lets try it again next /this term with meeting once per month
[12:16] Rosie Gray: thanks Moon
[12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: I have to remember how to ride my teegle.
[12:17] Lilith Ivory: lol I can give you riding lessons
[12:17] Moon Adamant: I am checking F.05, if you are looking
[12:17] Rosie Gray: Tor NEEDS riding lessons
[12:17] Rosie Gray: yes looking, thanks
[12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[12:17] Moon Adamant: average and median occupancy: 0%
[12:18] Moon Adamant: data since May 2020
[12:18] Rosie Gray: aah
[12:18] Lilith Ivory: nada occupation?
[12:18] Moon Adamant: F.04: same
[12:18] Lilith Ivory nods
[12:18] Moon Adamant: Lil, 0%
[12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: Nico had F.03 until just recently
[12:18] Rosie Gray: so they sit there with ugly staging
[12:18] Lilith Ivory: thats what I was saying
[12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: he had it a long time
[12:19] Moon Adamant: F.03 showing now... occupied for 6 months, yes
[12:19] Moon Adamant: yes
[12:19] Moon Adamant: but to be fair
[12:19] Moon Adamant: we can make a test
[12:19] Moon Adamant: remove the staging, and make it more visible that they're for sale
[12:19] Rosie Gray: how big are those parcels?
[12:19] Moon Adamant: i dunno, a float with a sign
[12:19] Tor Karlsvalt: 512
[12:19] Moon Adamant: hmmm
[12:19] Lilith Ivory: 512
[12:20] Moon Adamant: 384m2
[12:20] Moon Adamant: in Master List
[12:20] Rosie Gray: so we could perhaps make one of them anyway into 2 parcels for moorage
[12:20] Moon Adamant: F03 Locus Amoenus RC 384 350
[12:20] Rosie Gray: leave 2 for potential houseboats?
[12:20] Moon Adamant: 384 m2, 350 LI
[12:21] Lilith Ivory: how much is such a parcel per month?
[12:21] Moon Adamant: L$1,554
[12:22] Moon Adamant: why don't we do this
[12:23] Moon Adamant: break F.05 to test?
[12:23] Moon Adamant: and then see what happens
[12:23] Lilith Ivory: good idea
[12:23] Moon Adamant: if it works, then break F.04
[12:23] Rosie Gray nods
[12:23] Moon Adamant: but remove the staging lol
[12:23] Rosie Gray: and remove the staging
[12:24] Lilith Ivory: lol I was just wondering if Rosie and me could have one of those parcels together if Rosie gets a boat
[12:24] Moon Adamant: Chancellor can do taht right away wriggle sher eyebrows
[12:24] Rosie Gray: I think most of that is Delia's... perhaps Tor you could ask her to take them up?
[12:24] Lilith Ivory: yes you should talk with Delia
[12:24] Lilith Ivory: she told me she never finds something in her lost and found folder
[12:25] Rosie Gray: I can't afford a sailboat right now Lilith
[12:25] Lilith Ivory: thats why I said IF
[12:25] Rosie Gray: I was looking at them and would like to sometime though
[12:25] Moon Adamant: and till the parcel is broken, because RA needs to approve that, we can have two clearly-marked houseboat parcels for sale
[12:25] Lilith Ivory: lets do the test first
[12:25] Moon Adamant: and test right away if they sell or not, see?
[12:25] Rosie Gray: I don't think RA has to approve that
[12:25] Lilith Ivory: I am not too eager to get another parcel myself - it summs up
[12:25] Rosie Gray: the Chancellor needs to approve it
[12:25] Lilith Ivory: I don't think so either
[12:25] Moon Adamant: RA needs to approve any change to the region maps
[12:26] Moon Adamant: i am sure i read that lol
[12:26] Rosie Gray: I think the RA has to approve the new covenant
[12:26] Lilith Ivory: some chancellors did just reparcel (Kyoko)
[12:26] Moon Adamant: otherwise, when i was Chancellor, i could have just changed the CN city SE corner ㋡
[12:27] Rosie Gray: yes, reparcelling is a little different than changing everything in an area
[12:27] Rosie Gray pokes Tor
[12:28] Lilith Ivory: the SC is still waiting for the RA to agree on a date for the inaugural meeting btw ...
[12:28] Rosie Gray: let's not forget the Ms. Ivory Commemorative Law :D
[12:28] Lilith Ivory: lol indeed
[12:29] Rosie Gray looks at the clock
[12:29] Lilith Ivory: I do think we can remove the stagging without waiting for citizens complaints :)
[12:29] Rosie Gray: I have to go soon
[12:29] Rosie Gray: I agree, Lilith
[12:29] Lilith Ivory: and reparceling does not change the landscape or view in this case
[12:30] Second Life: Tor Karlsvalt gave you Change to F.05 .
[12:30] Rosie Gray nods
[12:30] Lilith Ivory: I understand that Tor got gagged by lag :(
[12:31] Rosie Gray: yes but his IM seems to be working
[12:31] Moon Adamant: oh, no question Cancellor can remove or add staging
[12:31] Lilith Ivory: NFS was laggy like hell all day :(
[12:31] Rosie Gray: I'm sorry but I really have to log off shortly
[12:31] Rosie Gray: so can we agree on how to proceed for now?
[12:31] Lilith Ivory: we can meet again soon to continue
[12:32] Rosie Gray: yes let's pick a date
[12:32] Cathy Sabre: yes
[12:32] Lilith Ivory: I would like to have Sudane here too when talking about boat parcels
[12:32] Moon Adamant: sure!
[12:32] Cathy Sabre: to all the above.
[12:32] Lilith Ivory: I am flexible
[12:32] Rosie Gray: the 16th?
[12:32] Moon Adamant: also, please keep adding the CN Development plan to agenda till we get to disduss it ㋡
[12:32] Lilith Ivory: always glad to come to meetings where my input is welcome :D
[12:33] Rosie Gray: :D
[12:33] Moon Adamant: 16th seems suspiciously empty lol
[12:33] Rosie Gray: yes, we must fill it with something!
[12:33] Lilith Ivory: Rosie when do we have our knitting meeting?
[12:33] Lilith Ivory: wasn't it 16th or 17th?
[12:33] Moon Adamant: hmmm the 16th?
[12:33] Rosie Gray: that's on the 3rd
[12:34] Moon Adamant: 17th!
[12:34] Lilith Ivory: oh?
[12:34] Rosie Gray: no.. sorry
[12:34] Rosie Gray: the 17th
[12:34] Moon Adamant: 17 December
[12:34] Lilith Ivory: ok
[12:34] Lilith Ivory: in this case I am fine with the 16th
[12:34] Rosie Gray: Tor says he is too fine with the 16th
[12:35] Lilith Ivory leans back and enjoys the silence of the men ;-)
[12:35] Rosie Gray: lol
[12:35] Moon Adamant: lol
[12:35] Rosie Gray: so, all good with the 16th?
[12:35] Moon Adamant: yes
[12:35] Rosie Gray: 10:30 am slt?
[12:35] Moon Adamant: same time?
[12:35] Lilith Ivory: fine with me
[12:35] Moon Adamant: fine by me
[12:35] Rosie Gray: Tor says yes
[12:35] Cathy Sabre: I may be on a plane, but will try to make it work.
[12:36] Rosie Gray nods
[12:36] Rosie Gray: great I've added it to the calendar
[12:36] Lilith Ivory: great
[12:37] Rosie Gray: and in the meantime we know what we are doing
[12:37] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[12:37] Lilith Ivory: do we?
[12:37] Cathy Sabre: Metaphorically, at least.
[12:37] Moon Adamant: Tor writes: I approve breaking F.05 into boat berths according to what is reasonable.

This is a test for the viability of boat mooring in LA.
[12:37] Rosie Gray: well, Tor is removing the houseboat staging
[12:37] Lilith Ivory: ah ok :)
[12:37] Rosie Gray: bye Tor
[12:38] Rosie Gray: see you soon
[12:38] Cathy Sabre: Bye.
[12:38] Moon Adamant: cheers Tor!
[12:38] Lilith Ivory: bye all I should go too - getting hungry
[12:38] Rosie Gray: and splitting the parcel
[12:38] Rosie Gray: and Lilith is doing up the Minutes
[12:38] Moon Adamant: and need to make soup happen ㋡
[12:38] Rosie Gray: so... meeting adjourned!
[12:38] Rosie Gray: and thanks all for coming ㋡
[12:39] Moon Adamant: thank you for chairing ㋡
[12:39] Moon Adamant: good work Lil!
[12:39] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[12:39] Moon Adamant: guys, check the CN plan below us
[12:39] Cathy Sabre: Only positives. Great meeting.
[12:39] Rosie Gray: next time I will make a proper Agenda
[12:39] Moon Adamant: no rush though :-D
[12:39] Ryonen Moon (ryonen) is online.
[12:40] Lilith Ivory: thank you
[12:40] Lilith Ivory: was taking the transcript
[12:40] Rosie Gray: bye for now
[12:40] Lilith Ivory: bye all
[12:40] Moon Adamant: cheers all ㋡
[12:40] Rosie Gray is offline.
[12:40] Cathy Sabre: Waves

"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."
Terry Pratchett
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