SL20B / CDS20B Event Organisation Meeting 2023-02-04

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Agatha Macbeth
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SL20B / CDS20B Event Organisation Meeting 2023-02-04

Post by Agatha Macbeth »

[10:06] Moon Adamant: ok, it's 5 minutes past
[10:06] Moon Adamant: let's start
[10:06] Agatha Macbeth: 6 :p
[10:07] Agatha Macbeth: 7
[10:07] Moon Adamant: :-D
[10:07] Lilith Ivory: is someone taking minutes again?
[10:07] Lilith Ivory: or transcript?
[10:07] Agatha Macbeth: I can do a transcript
[10:08] Moon Adamant: all agree with transcript?
[10:08] Lilith Ivory: yes
[10:08] Agatha Macbeth: Shall we vote? ;-)
[10:08] Moon Adamant: ok, aye
[10:08] Agatha Macbeth: Aye
[10:09] Moon Adamant: i did the notes of last guild's meeting and i have to do those again tomorrow... i don't like transcripts, but i am too busy
[10:09] Lilith Ivory: I remember times when we had to tell every newcomer a meeting gets transcribed so no one could complain afterwards :)
[10:10] Moon Adamant: Sandy?
[10:10] Agatha Macbeth: Yes we did that at PaB too
[10:10] Sandy Burgess: I am fine with that
[10:10] Moon Adamant: or we could this
[10:10] Moon Adamant: i can make summaries from time to time, starting with 'minutes'
[10:10] Moon Adamant: would that help?
[10:11] Agatha Macbeth: Fine with me
[10:11] Lilith Ivory: I just want to make sure it does not get forgotten what we decide to do :)
[10:11] Moon Adamant: ok lol
[10:11] Moon Adamant: so let's try and do this
[10:11] Agatha Macbeth: Yes
[10:11] Moon Adamant: Agatha takes a transcript, but i'll run the minutes summries
[10:11] Agatha Macbeth: Ok
[10:11] Moon Adamant: Agatha then sees if it helps
[10:12] Moon Adamant: if not, you can do the transcruipt?
[10:12] Moon Adamant: transcript, period*
[10:12] Agatha Macbeth: I will anyway
[10:12] Moon Adamant: ok

[10:13] Moon Adamant: Minutes: so last meeting we decided that our presence at the SL20B this year would be a rendition of the Praetorium in session, with content that would focus o the CDS as THE democratic community

[10:13] Agatha Macbeth: And I'll also try to put the right date on it this time!
[10:13] Moon Adamant: :-D
[10:13] Lilith Ivory grins

[10:14] Moon Adamant: Minutes: for that, Mizou offered to make a copy of the upper wing of the Praetorium. That upper wing contains the RA seating area, and a lot of space which can be used to run events within the rules of the SLB org

[10:15] Moon Adamant: ok
[10:15] Moon Adamant: this sounds like a very sensible plan
[10:15] Moon Adamant: and i propose that we think now what should be displayed at that Praetorium simulacra
[10:16] Lilith Ivory: I always liked our history signs and propose we bring them up to date
[10:16] Moon Adamant: history signs -- do we have them on display somewhere?
[10:16] Lilith Ivory: we had them at all SLBs
[10:16] Moon Adamant: Anzere or CN PIO office, maybe?
[10:17] Moon Adamant: i know i have seen them somewhere
[10:17] Moon Adamant: btw, Tor did a few new ones for SL19B
[10:17] Lilith Ivory: I know I have them somewhere - searching
[10:18] Moon Adamant: ok, let me see too
[10:18] Sandy Burgess: How long does SL20B run?
[10:18] Moon Adamant: nope, i don't have them
[10:18] Moon Adamant: well, hmm last year it ran for hmm
[10:19] Agatha Macbeth: Isn't it about two weeks usually
[10:19] Agatha Macbeth: From what I recall
[10:20] Sandy Burgess: So we could schedule 2 RA meetings in that time
[10:20] Lilith Ivory: its about the same time as the usual shop and hops
[10:20] Moon Adamant: yes, I don't have that info on the docs the Moles sent
[10:20] Moon Adamant: but it was about 2 weeks
[10:21] Moon Adamant: Sandy, i think that is a very good idea, i am just worried that it may happen just after the new term
[10:21] Sandy Burgess nods
[10:22] Moon Adamant: still, if you could bring it to the attention of this RA it would be great
[10:22] Sandy Burgess: I had that thought too
[10:22] Sandy Burgess: We could consider having the inauguration there ... if that fits timewise
[10:22] Lilith Ivory: I do think SLb is a bit later than the start of the new term
[10:23] Agatha Macbeth: Hopefully
[10:23] Moon Adamant: let's not speculate, as we don't know the dates, but let's send this to minutes
[10:23] Agatha Macbeth: Good idea

[10:23] Moon Adamant: minutes: if possible, CDS will hold at least one RA meeting at the SLB Praetorium, dates TBD
[10:24] Moon Adamant: (we need to check if this is ok by the SLB Event rules)

[10:24] Agatha Macbeth: Yes

[10:25] Moon Adamant: and minutes also: CDS History panels to be placed at our SLB parcel, they need to be reviewed

[10:25] Lilith Ivory: Archie should own a copy of those if he does not have them already
[10:26] Moon Adamant: ok, we should check, yes
[10:26] Moon Adamant: hmmm
[10:27] Moon Adamant: ok, what else? I suggest a kiosk is placed there too, as it has all our links
[10:27] Moon Adamant: i am doing an Indoors version of teh kiosk
[10:27] Lilith Ivory: and what I would like to see are some nice pictures of our events and the landscape
[10:27] Lilith Ivory: as a slide show perhaps
[10:27] Moon Adamant: ok, good idea!
[10:28] Moon Adamant: hmmm
[10:28] Moon Adamant: it can even be a backdrop with rotating anims
[10:29] Moon Adamant: we have a lot of those pics in Flickr, I propose we ask the creators to use them (with attribution, of course)
[10:29] Moon Adamant: here I would propose that two people choose those pics
[10:29] Moon Adamant: what do you say?
[10:29] Lilith Ivory: sounds good
[10:30] Lilith Ivory: (we should add to our flikr group description that all pictures posted there can be used to advertise CDS) ;-)
[10:31] Sandy Burgess: Agree
[10:31] Moon Adamant: we should, yes!
[10:31] Moon Adamant: makes a note
[10:31] Moon Adamant: ok, so
[10:33] Moon Adamant: minutes: have a CDS kiosk system at SLB, and two people will choose CDS flickr pics of landscape and events to be featured as a slideshow or backdrop at the SLB parcel -- this needs to be coord'ed with Mizou, btw
[10:33] Lilith Ivory: Mizou is online
[10:33] Lilith Ivory: should we invite her over?
[10:33] Moon Adamant: (if the pics are something that will cover wall space)
[10:33] Moon Adamant: oh
[10:33] Agatha Macbeth: She may be at BB
[10:33] Moon Adamant: well, sure!
[10:34] Lilith Ivory: she came on after the group chat announcement
[10:35] Moon Adamant: ok, IMing her
[10:35] Lilith Ivory: good
[10:35] Moon Adamant: but let's carry on
[10:35] Lilith Ivory: (it would be good to have our meetings when Mizou is NOT busy at BB
[10:36] Agatha Macbeth nods
[10:36] Sandy Burgess: There is the aspect of what to build on the venue but there is also another side to the event: How do we get people to look at the place? When I was there last year I found most exhibits were deserted but some had people there and that attracted other avatars to linger. We could try to find volunteer representatives who populate the place as much as possible
[10:36] Moon Adamant: ok Sandy, good idea!
[10:36] Lilith Ivory: I agree
[10:37] Agatha Macbeth: Finding them is the problem
[10:37] Lilith Ivory: I also agree
[10:37] Moon Adamant: we'll have to ask for volunteers
[10:37] Moon Adamant: we don't have to be there 24/7
[10:37] Sandy Burgess: I remember one space giving out stamps for the Belisseria passport - they had people stay quite a bit.
[10:37] Moon Adamant: but maybe we can ask people to donate 1 hour in the weekend?
[10:37] Moon Adamant: we will need a schedule
[10:38] Sandy Burgess: I don't think we can manage 24/7 but try to do as much as possible
[10:38] Moon Adamant: ok, what are the stamps thingy?
[10:38] Agatha Macbeth: What's Bellisaria Sandy?
[10:38] Lilith Ivory: isn't that this LL homes suburb`?
[10:38] Agatha Macbeth: Oh
[10:39] Agatha Macbeth: Understood
[10:39] Mizou Vavoom entered chat range (4.65 m).
[10:39] Lilith Ivory: Hi Mizou :)
[10:39] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Mizou :)
[10:39] Sandy Burgess: ... sport.html
[10:39] Moon Adamant: hi Mizou ㋡
[10:39] Agatha Macbeth: Thanks Sandy
[10:39] Moon Adamant: thanks Sandy, checking
[10:39] Mizou Vavoom: Hi everyone, thanks for the reminders Lilith and Moon
[10:40] Sandy Burgess: They have this passport thing that you can attach as a HUD and then get stamps for places where you have been. ... a bit similar to our travel passport perhaps ( must admit that it is on my bucket list )
[10:40] Sandy Burgess: Hello Mizou
[10:41] Mizou Vavoom: Yes that is right, i have such a Bellissatia passport and am travelling around on mianland with links provided
[10:41] Mizou Vavoom: *Bellissaria
[10:41] Moon Adamant: ok... i don't quite get this, but we do have a Forever Tourist thingy on the platz... (which i don't get either but was on my list to ask what it is :-D
[10:42] Agatha Macbeth: Hm interesting
[10:42] Lilith Ivory: its also a tamp collecting thingy
[10:42] Moon Adamant: so we can have a CDS Stamp?
[10:42] Sandy Burgess: That is what I mean - need to look into it but we could provide that as well and perhaps talk to the Bellissarians about making a CDS stamp
[10:42] Moon Adamant: DO we have a CDS stamp already?
[10:43] Lilith Ivory: yes we do give out stamps for NFS and other regions already
[10:43] Lilith Ivory: Tor is the expert with this
[10:43] Mizou Vavoom: This i smy screen when using passport and the HUD link
[10:43] Moon Adamant: oh, then let's bring that into this
[10:43] Mizou Vavoom:
[10:43] Agatha Macbeth: Yay for experts!
[10:43] Sandy Burgess: Then we could make a special CDS SL20B stamp
[10:43] Lilith Ivory: I do think so
[10:43] Moon Adamant: oh very good Mizou!
[10:43] Moon Adamant: and yes Sandy!

[10:44] Moon Adamant: Minutes: Have a CDS SL20B stamp thingy

[10:44] Mizou Vavoom: One has to apply for the passport first and then you get it after a few days
[10:44] Moon Adamant: btw Mizou, we're sort of transcripting
[10:44] Sandy Burgess: I have that passport too but for Heterocera continent
[10:45] Agatha Macbeth never knew of such things
[10:45] Moon Adamant: i like this, and love that we have stamps for all regions :-D
[10:45] Moon Adamant: ok....
[10:45] Sandy Burgess: You can get another version ... you need a Linden home to get the actuall Bellisseria passport but for the other Continents they are free. ... actually we should talk to them if we can make a CDS version ...
[10:45] Lilith Ivory: thats the one we have
[10:45] Lilith Ivory:
[10:46] Mizou Vavoom: yes
[10:46] Mizou Vavoom: is that a similar travel thing Lilith?
[10:46] Lilith Ivory: yes
[10:46] Mizou Vavoom: aha
[10:46] Moon Adamant: ok, REALLY thanks on this
[10:46] Mizou Vavoom: and with stamps?
[10:46] Lilith Ivory: the owner of that travel system approached me as she wanted to have the Monastery included :)
[10:46] Moon Adamant: this is very good for CDS PR too
[10:47] Agatha Macbeth: Ah
[10:47] Lilith Ivory: yes with stamps
[10:47] Moon Adamant: i'll try and figure this out ㋡
[10:47] Moon Adamant: but
[10:47] Moon Adamant: i don't want this meeting to be much longer than one hour
[10:47] Sandy Burgess: And it reaches all the people who like to explore and have one of them so they go to places that they otherwise would not know about
[10:48] Moon Adamant: so i'd like to ask what else should we have at the SL20B? and then we can assign tasks, maybe
[10:48] Mizou Vavoom: yes it takes me out of my building platform lol
[10:48] Agatha Macbeth: Aww
[10:48] Moon Adamant: atm, we have: teh prateorium build; cds kiosk; cds history panels; cds stamps
[10:49] Moon Adamant: and talking people: RA event, CDS volunteers, and from last meeting, DJ events
[10:49] Lilith Ivory: if I remember correctly Mizou nd me volunteered to create T-shirts
[10:50] Moon Adamant: ok, CDS Gifts
[10:50] Sandy Burgess: I could get in contact with the passport people and if there is need I can help with scripts.
[10:50] Mizou Vavoom: Did i? ok :)
[10:50] Moon Adamant: i know we had more
[10:50] Agatha Macbeth: You did now :p
[10:50] Sandy Burgess: I can also take photos if needed
[10:50] Moon Adamant: ok....
[10:50] Moon Adamant: then let's move to tasks
[10:51] Moon Adamant: and btw, not everyone is here
[10:51] Moon Adamant: we can get some victims and ask them nicely ㋡
[10:51] Lilith Ivory: hehe
[10:51] Moon Adamant: ok so...
[10:51] Mizou Vavoom: :)
[10:52] Agatha Macbeth: Victim hunt!
[10:52] Moon Adamant: Minutes: Preatorium build is assigned to Mizou
[10:52] Sandy Burgess hides her baseball club behind her back and squeezes a nice smile
[10:52] Moon Adamant: this was setled last meeting
[10:52] Mizou Vavoom: yes
[10:52] Moon Adamant: Mizou, I wanted to ask you if you will need a sandbox?
[10:52] Lilith Ivory is familiar with hunts like this during declaring as candidate periods
[10:53] Sandy Burgess: Oh I do remember that, Lilith
[10:53] Moon Adamant: i see two possibilities there
[10:53] Moon Adamant: you can build atop the Praetorium at 1000 m high, say
[10:54] Mizou Vavoom: Moon it depends how big the space is for th build
[10:54] Agatha Macbeth: Yes
[10:54] Mizou Vavoom: I have 2 platform both 1024
[10:54] Moon Adamant: we will try to get a similar parcel as last year - 2048
[10:54] Mizou Vavoom: I do the building in blender and the then on Beta to try it out
[10:55] Lilith Ivory: better build for a noraml parcel so we don't get in trouble if we don't get a big one
[10:55] Mizou Vavoom: so my question is how big do you want the build?
[10:55] Moon Adamant: another possibility is Beta Tech can lend you some sandbox room too, though i need to ask the other BT members ㋡
[10:56] Sandy Burgess: I have quite a big mainland parcel where you can build too
[10:56] Mizou Vavoom: no real need Moon, I can use Beta sim on aditi for trying out build
[10:56] Moon Adamant: if same as last year, it's 32x64m parcel with an allotment of 936 LI
[10:56] Mizou Vavoom: thans for offers
[10:57] Moon Adamant: but first of all check what is the size of the Preatorium upper wing
[10:57] Sandy Burgess: We should tell her about the slide show idea
[10:57] Moon Adamant: becasue it will be that size
[10:57] Moon Adamant: yes Sandy
[10:57] Lilith Ivory: well, I think it has to be the size of the parcel provided
[10:57] Mizou Vavoom: ok so if i take the upper room measurents is that ok?
[10:57] Lilith Ivory: imo this is risky
[10:58] Moon Adamant: hmm
[10:58] Mizou Vavoom: Do we want our whole parcel to be covered by the build?
[10:58] Moon Adamant: no
[10:58] Mizou Vavoom: ok
[10:58] Moon Adamant: that would be more risky
[10:58] Moon Adamant: let me check one thing, just a sec
[10:59] Lilith Ivory: the preatorium as we have it in CN might be bigger than the SLB parcel
[10:59] Moon Adamant: ok, i have CN mapped
[10:59] Moon Adamant: the max lenght of the praetorium is 32m
[11:00] Moon Adamant: i am measuring on my map
[11:00] Sandy Burgess: If I remember right the praetorium is on a parcel just under 2000 but it is not square
[11:00] Moon Adamant: just a sec
[11:01] Moon Adamant:
[11:01] Moon Adamant: now, on teh world map we see that the upper wing is the same width as Venus cafe parcel
[11:02] Moon Adamant: and that is 20m, just measured
[11:02] Moon Adamant: this means that even if we only get a 32*32 parcel, we can get the upper wing in it
[11:02] Lilith Ivory: cool
[11:02] Mizou Vavoom: and it will touch the border of our parcel?
[11:03] Lilith Ivory: is this allowed?
[11:03] Mizou Vavoom: wondering too
[11:03] Moon Adamant: to play safe you can remove a bit of that lenght
[11:03] Lilith Ivory: do you have the rules from last year Moon?
[11:04] Second Life: Moon Adamant gave you Exhibitors Acceptance and Welcome to SL19B - 2048 parcel.
[11:04] Agatha Macbeth: Thanks
[11:04] Mizou Vavoom: thanks
[11:04] Lilith Ivory: thank you
[11:04] Sandy Burgess: Thank you
[11:05] Moon Adamant: look, the praetorium is a large scale building
[11:05] Mizou Vavoom: yes it needs to be inside the boundaries
[11:05] Moon Adamant: if you remove 2, 4m even... from the length, you will get it inside the boundaries
[11:06] Mizou Vavoom: ok so 28 x 20?
[11:07] Mizou Vavoom: which leaves space in front
[11:07] Moon Adamant: Mizou, I think you should look at it and see what you can take, as I am not sure what is the module that Rosie used
[11:07] Mizou Vavoom: ok sure
[11:07] Moon Adamant: also, as Sandy pointed just now
[11:08] Moon Adamant: we would like to have either a slideshow or a backdrop with images of CDS landscaped and events
[11:09] Moon Adamant: these will be chosen by two people... more on that in a second -- and we need to see where they go
[11:09] Lilith Ivory: something that shows what a lovely estate we are ;-)
[11:09] Mizou Vavoom: I apologise but I need to leave for 10 minutes, RL calling
[11:09] Moon Adamant: exactly, full of pretty people ㋡
[11:09] Moon Adamant: ok Mizou, sure!
[11:09] Mizou Vavoom: brb
[11:10] Moon Adamant: let's then do this
[11:10] Moon Adamant: volunteers to pick pics ㋡
[11:10] Moon Adamant: and then volunteers coord with Mizou
[11:10] Sandy Burgess: I tend to be very critical on pictures
[11:10] Moon Adamant: that's not a fault ㋡
[11:10] Lilith Ivory: sounds good to me
[11:11] Sandy Burgess: Perhaps not but leads to some cringing when looking on flickr
[11:11] Moon Adamant: well, we don't need many pics
[11:11] Moon Adamant: and shouldn't in fact because of lag
[11:11] Agatha Macbeth often cringes when looking on Flickr
[11:12] Moon Adamant: if necessary we can also take a pic or two if we feel we are lacking ONE image
[11:12] Sandy Burgess: The slideshow should have a decent picture preloader
[11:12] Sandy Burgess: Thats what I meant when I said I can take some pictures if needed, Moon
[11:12] Moon Adamant: ok, so can i assign you this Sandy?
[11:13] Moon Adamant: and one person more?
[11:13] Moon Adamant: and who? ㋡
[11:13] Sandy Burgess: I can be one of the two people. Is there someone willing who knows a bit more about CDS - some historic moments might escape my notice
[11:14] Moon Adamant: wait, historic panels is something else
[11:14] Agatha Macbeth: Good idea
[11:14] Moon Adamant: i think teh pics should reflect what we are now
[11:14] Sandy Burgess: Ok
[11:15] Sandy Burgess: But some people know the place better than me and might point out interesting places
[11:15] Agatha Macbeth: Agreed
[11:15] Lilith Ivory sighs as she feels volunteered :)
[11:15] Moon Adamant: fair enough, but i think here we should look at visual impact
[11:16] Sandy Burgess nods. Ok
[11:16] Moon Adamant: my idea for this is that it should be the scale of the RA mural
[11:16] Sandy Burgess: What is the RA mural?
[11:17] Moon Adamant: you have a mural there, featuring the Roman Senate
[11:18] Lilith Ivory: ah that big picture on the wall?
[11:18] Sandy Burgess: Ah ... had to look up mural
[11:18] Agatha Macbeth: Wall picture
[11:18] Mizou Vavoom: back for a few minutes. mural???
[11:18] Moon Adamant: yes Mizou
[11:19] Mizou Vavoom: a mural size can be adapted to the new build
[11:19] Sandy Burgess: Moon suggested that the slideshow should be the size of the RA mural
[11:19] Mizou Vavoom: ohh ok
[11:19] Moon Adamant: i mean it should be BIG
[11:19] Lilith Ivory: (that pictue of the roman senate)
[11:19] Moon Adamant: so teh visitor can't miss it
[11:19] Sandy Burgess: But the slide show size is easily adjusted to any size needed and the space available
[11:19] Moon Adamant: exactly
[11:20] Moon Adamant: Ok, then let me do this
[11:20] Moon Adamant: i don't want people to have too many tasks
[11:20] Lilith Ivory: we should have pictures of our different CDS activities and it might be wise to take a few snow pictures while it is winter
[11:21] Sandy Burgess: Ok - another thing I could do: Should I get in contact with the Bellisseria Passport people? Should we consider getting a CDS version of the passport availble to CDS citizens?

[11:21] Moon Adamant: Minutes: Mizou is doing the praetorium build, Sandy is choosing images, checking about a good slideshow script, and asking about the Stamps thing

[11:21] Mizou Vavoom: /good idea Sandy
[11:21] Moon Adamant: yes, please ㋡
[11:21] Mizou Vavoom: do you need the name of the person?
[11:21] Moon Adamant: So Sandy has three tasks, no more for now ㋡
[11:22] Sandy Burgess: I will post in the group that people should post pictures or links to pictures of CDS and stuff. - Not all are in the flickr group
[11:22] Mizou Vavoom: Zoe Suki
Bellisseria Bureau of Bureaucracy,
Passport department.
[11:22] Moon Adamant: btw Sandy, I'll be coming back to you about the Stamps as i fele it is something we can use in CDS PR already, but have to know better first what we are already doing
[11:22] Sandy Burgess: I have three? The pictures, the Passport and what else
[11:22] Moon Adamant: slideshow script
[11:23] Sandy Burgess: Me looks at her inventory and considers which slide show script she should choose
[11:23] Moon Adamant: Lil, I think you may have many tasks already too
[11:23] Lilith Ivory: aaww atm I think so too :)
[11:24] Lilith Ivory: and I do make a shirt :)
[11:24] Agatha Macbeth hugs Lil
[11:24] Lilith Ivory: hugs Agatha back
[11:24] Moon Adamant: because you are looking at the history panels (can you talk to Tor on this too?) and you have the shirt to do
[11:24] Lilith Ivory: yes I will for sure
[11:25] Moon Adamant: i am looking at the CDS Kiosks myself atm, so i can get those
[11:26] Moon Adamant: minutes: Moon checks CDS Kiosks
[11:27] Moon Adamant: ok, we now have organizing of people
[11:27] Moon Adamant: (i know i have the pics in standby)
[11:28] Moon Adamant: i propose that we assign the DJ events to a PIO, what do you think?
[11:28] Lilith Ivory: good idea
[11:28] Moon Adamant: i'll talk to them
[11:28] Sandy Burgess: Agree
[11:29] Lilith Ivory: not coming to this meeting won't help them ;-)
[11:29] Moon Adamant: ok, minutes: organizing of the DJ events for a CDS PIO
[11:29] Moon Adamant: nope!
[11:29] Moon Adamant: organizing the rota of the CDS volunteers? PIO too?
[11:30] Lilith Ivory: either PIO or chancellor :)
[11:30] Moon Adamant: I'll try and get a PIO ㋡
[11:30] Lilith Ivory: hehe
[11:30] Moon Adamant: but ok, minutes: organizing the rota of the CDS volunteers to Moon and a PIO
[11:31] Moon Adamant: and then this leaves the organizing of the RA sessions to our our two RA members here, Agatha and Sandy
[11:31] Agatha Macbeth: Ok
[11:32] Moon Adamant: Minutes: Agatha and Sandy to think about the RA session at SL20B
[11:32] Sandy Burgess: Yes - we need to discuss that in the RA meeting. When will the dates be out?
[11:32] Moon Adamant: oh Sandy, if like last year it would like 10 days before the SL20B starts
[11:32] Moon Adamant: would be like*
[11:33] Lilith Ivory: but SLB is roughtly at the same date every year
[11:33] Agatha Macbeth: End of May?
[11:33] Moon Adamant: possibly end of May, yes
[11:33] Agatha Macbeth: Looks like last year was end of May start of June
[11:34] Moon Adamant: yeah, it will be about that
[11:34] Moon Adamant: i do wonder why, it's not as if they do something radically new each year :-P
[11:35] Moon Adamant: and then we are only lacking the second person choosing pics
[11:35] Moon Adamant: btw Lil, I do have a lot of pics of snowy parcels now
[11:35] Lilith Ivory: good ones?
[11:35] Moon Adamant: let me show one, just asec
[11:36] Lilith Ivory: I was for example imagining the CDS riding club in front of the snowy Monastery
[11:36] Lilith Ivory: something like that
[11:36] Agatha Macbeth: Aww cute
[11:36] Lilith Ivory: and Almut skiing
[11:36] Agatha Macbeth: Oh my
[11:37] Lilith Ivory: action on the pics that suggest we are having fun :)
[11:37] Lilith Ivory: hehe Agatha
[11:37] Agatha Macbeth: And Moon crashing into a tree!
[11:37] Moon Adamant: ignore the fact that it has some ad text on it
[11:37] Moon Adamant:
[11:37] Moon Adamant: (i still have the plain photo base, of course)
[11:38] Lilith Ivory: I guessed so
[11:38] Sandy Burgess: Could be a sandy beach because of the orange light
[11:38] Lilith Ivory looks at Sandy to see if she starts crinching
[11:39] Agatha Macbeth: Or a Sandy beach ;-)
[11:39] Sandy Burgess: No I don't - just notice that the snow is not white
[11:39] Agatha Macbeth: Yellow snow?
[11:39] Sandy Burgess: One of my friends is called Sandie Harbour
[11:39] Agatha Macbeth: Sorry
[11:39] Lilith Ivory: I think that can be changed in photoshop
[11:39] Agatha Macbeth: Aww she's lovely
[11:39] Sandy Burgess: Yes Lil
[11:40] Moon Adamant: no, of course... it's a late afternoon lighting
[11:40] Agatha Macbeth: Not as bad as Gwyn's yellow praetorium :p
[11:40] Lilith Ivory: hehe
[11:42] Moon Adamant: ok, should I call a volunteer to help about the pics?
[11:42] Mizou Vavoom: back
[11:42] Lilith Ivory: I like this picture for example
[11:42] Lilith Ivory: ... pool-_cds/
[11:42] Moon Adamant: sure, it's a great pic
[11:43] Mizou Vavoom: very nice
[11:43] Sandy Burgess: Thats a great pic
[11:43] Agatha Macbeth: Oh nice
[11:44] Moon Adamant: ok, i want to wrap this up
[11:44] Lilith Ivory: well, I could make a selection of pictures I like and Sandy is the final judge :)
[11:45] Mizou Vavoom: i have put a few pics up too
[11:45] Mizou Vavoom: not sure if they qualitfy
[11:45] Sandy Burgess: I will post in the group and ask citizens to send pictures
[11:45] Lilith Ivory: we should wait anyway till we get closer to SLB as there might come more good pictures up
[11:45] Lilith Ivory: good idea Sandy
[11:45] Moon Adamant: yes, this is not urgent
[11:46] Moon Adamant: I like your idea to bring the citizens in Sandy
[11:46] Moon Adamant: please crosspost in the general discussion too
[11:47] Sandy Burgess: We want to represent the CDS - the CDS is not the sims but the people.
[11:47] Moon Adamant: sure, BUT we also have very nice sims
[11:47] Lilith Ivory: we need a mix of both
[11:47] Agatha Macbeth: I think it's both actually
[11:47] Sandy Burgess: Agree
[11:48] Agatha Macbeth: One qualifies the other
[11:48] Lilith Ivory: beautiful people in a fun landscape ;-)
[11:48] Agatha Macbeth: Or fun people in a beautiful landscape
[11:48] Moon Adamant: so yes, definitely a mix
[11:48] Agatha Macbeth: Both work

[11:49] Moon Adamant: ok, minutes: Sandy to post asking for citizens to propose pics

[11:49] Moon Adamant: ok, this was a very good meeting and I propose that we adjourn ㋡
[11:49] Lilith Ivory: I second that
[11:49] Mizou Vavoom: aye
[11:49] Sandy Burgess: Aye
[11:50] Lilith Ivory: aye
[11:50] Agatha Macbeth: Great one hour meeting <laughs hysterically>
[11:50] Agatha Macbeth: Aye
[11:50] Lilith Ivory: hehehehe
[11:50] Mizou Vavoom: :)
[11:50] Lilith Ivory: oh, waht about next time to meet?
[11:50] Moon Adamant: ok, next meeting is set for the weekend of 4 March
[11:50] Lilith Ivory: ah ok
[11:50] Agatha Macbeth: Same time?
[11:50] Mizou Vavoom: I can't next two weekend as I am teaching at BB
[11:50] Moon Adamant: i have a commitment then, but i don' know the time yet
[11:51] Agatha Macbeth: Ok
[11:51] Sandy Burgess: What you teach Mizou?
[11:51] Mizou Vavoom: Blenbder atm
[11:51] Mizou Vavoom: Blender
[11:51] Moon Adamant: so let's leave if 4 or 5 till closer the date
[11:51] Sandy Burgess: Cool - its on my bucket list
[11:51] Moon Adamant: ok, thank you all ㋡

Summary of key points:

1) Last meeting we decided that our presence at the SL20B this year would be a rendition of the Praetorium in session, with content that would focus on the CDS as THE democratic community

2) For that, Mizou offered to make a copy of the upper wing of the Praetorium. That upper wing contains the RA seating area, and a lot of space which can be used to run events within the rules of the SLB org

3) If possible, CDS will hold at least one RA meeting at the SLB Praetorium, dates TBD (we need to check if this is ok by the SLB Event rules)

4) CDS History panels to be placed at our SLB parcel, they need to be reviewed

5) Have a CDS SL20B stamp thingy

6) Mizou is doing the praetorium build, Sandy is choosing images, checking about a good slideshow script, and asking about the Stamps thing

7) Sandy to post asking for citizens to propose pics

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