Minutes RA Meeting January 21, 2024

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jerry McNally
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
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Minutes RA Meeting January 21, 2024

Post by Jerry McNally »

Representative Assembly Meeting
Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 10:00 SLT

Attending: Almut Brunswick, Jerry McNally, Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane, Rosie Gray, Sandy Burgess
Also attending: Agatha Macbeth, Indy (doctorken), Tor Karlsvalt, Tori Landau

1 Administrative Business

1.1 Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda as presented. Jerry 1st, Sandy 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

1.2 Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Second RA Meeting on January 7, 2023
Motion to approve the minutes as presented. Rosie 1st, Kyoko 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

2 Executive Report, with Revised Budget Proposal

Tor began by sharing exciting news about Linden Lab's new Welcome Hub (SLURL: WelcomeHub/93/164/25) which will feature exhibits from various communities in SL, including CDS (SLURL: WelcomeHub/72/227/26). CDS secured a spot in Round 1 of the presentation thanks to the efforts of Tor, Moon, Rosie, and Sudane. The display will be ready by January 30, and an opening party will be held on January 31. A mock up of the display is currently in Alpine Meadow. Also, the CDS Discord Server has been successfully launched and has received positive feedback. It currently has 33 members with hopefully more to follow via the joiner link being placed in-world. The Budget Proposal has been updated and shared on the Forum. It shows a loss but also some potential for improvement. The web hosting fee has increased significantly and is a major expense. Motion to accept the revised budget proposal as presented. Almut 1st, Jerry 2nd. Almut, Jerry, Rosie and Sandy for; Kyoko against. Motion carried.

3 Artisan Guild Report

Rosie Gray updated the Assembly on the recent Guild meeting on January 13. The Locus Amoenus covenant update was debated, with further revisions needed before being posted on the forums for review. The General Covenants review has been completed and is now ready to be published on the forums and voted on at the next RA meeting. The Guild confirmed that the restrictions on the number of parcels per person had been removed. The Assembly noted that the governmental status of the Artisan Guild discussion board has still not been reflected in the Government area of the CDS Forum. It was agreed that the LRA and the AG Gildemeisterin will send a notecard to the SC members requesting this amendment to the Forum structure, in line with CDSL 39-01 Artisan Guild Act.

4 Citizen Concerns

4.1 Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) update
Tori Landau reported on the progress at the MoCA. The next exhibition, 'AI & I', will open on February 24 and showcase the artists' views on artificial intelligence. The current galleries list is being updated, with the help of Kayly, one of the gallery owners. The new list will be available soon. Tori intends to add the museum to the BBB passports, which are a way of encouraging visitors to explore different places in SL, and will contact Sandy about setting up a booth for the museum and for specific events. She is hosting a group of library-education professionals, led by Valibrarian Gregg, on March 20 at 9am, and is arranging for Rhiannon Chatnoir and Lyr Lobo to give a talk at a later date. Work will begin on improving the museum's appearance and functionality, by modernising the reception area, creating a small sales area, and using mesh non-player characters to provide information and animation. Finally, Tori will collaborate with Sudane and Delia on the museum's history.

5 RA Member Concerns

5.1 CDS website
Jerry McNally reported on his project to refresh the look and feel of the CDS website. He shared the link to the model of the new theme and organisation of the website, and hoped he would be able to demonstrate concrete progress at the next Assembly meeting. He was reminded that the new website organisation should reflect recent updates in governmental structures, such as the changes relating to the Land Use Commission and the Artisan Guild, and was asked that the website refresh project be placed on the RA agenda as a New Business item when it is ready for review.

6 Announcements

The next Artisan Guild meeting is January 27.

Upcoming CDS events are displayed on the CDS Google Calendar, as shown on the CDS Events webpage.

7 Next RA Meeting

Sunday, February 11, 10:30 SLT.

8 Adjourn

Adjourned at 11:17 SLT.



  • RA-20240121-3: LRA and the AG Gildemeisterin will send a notecard to the SC members requesting this amendment to the Forum structure

  • RA-20240121-5: Add the website refresh project to the RA agenda as a New Business item

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