Transcript RA Meeting September 2, 2023

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jerry McNally
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
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Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:35 am

Transcript RA Meeting September 2, 2023

Post by Jerry McNally »

[2023/09/02 10:05] Almut Brunswick: Dear citizens, dear fellow RA members, welcome to our Fourth RA meeting of the 39th term. Hereby I call this meeting to order.
[2023/09/02 10:05] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): nope
[2023/09/02 10:05] Almut Brunswick: Nothing from Tor as well
[2023/09/02 10:05] Rosie Gray: damn
[2023/09/02 10:05] Almut Brunswick: 1 Administrative Business
1.1 Approval of the Agenda
[2023/09/02 10:06] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I poked Tor
[2023/09/02 10:06] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): with no result
[2023/09/02 10:07] Almut Brunswick: Since he is retired, he becomes a bit distracted... :D
[2023/09/02 10:07] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): yep
[2023/09/02 10:07] Jerry McNally: Just about the numbering. I noted that last time I thought we were referring to the previous meeting as the second, but I'm happy to refer to this one as the fourth, as in the agenda
[2023/09/02 10:07] Jerry McNally: I think we should drop the numbering anyway, just confuses the issue
[2023/09/02 10:08] Almut Brunswick: Well, as I stated last time, I count the one at SL20B as second, but from the substance, this fourth is actually the third :D
[2023/09/02 10:08] Rosie Gray: I agree with Jerry, there's really no reason to refer to them that way.
[2023/09/02 10:08] Jerry McNally: but your agenda doesn't agree with you, Almut
[2023/09/02 10:08] Almut Brunswick: No, I would like to keep the numbering to get an idea how many times we have really met.
[2023/09/02 10:09] Rosie Gray: /me shrugs
[2023/09/02 10:09] Jerry McNally: but then use the correct number, Almut?
[2023/09/02 10:09] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): and I can report for Tor if you wish
[2023/09/02 10:09] Almut Brunswick: Today is the fourth meeting when we count the tabled second one.
[2023/09/02 10:10] Almut Brunswick: Anyway... are there any other concerns or additions to the agenda?
[2023/09/02 10:10] Almut Brunswick: Kyoko, thank you, that would be great
[2023/09/02 10:10] Jerry McNally: I move to accept the agenda as presented
[2023/09/02 10:10] Rosie Gray: second
[2023/09/02 10:10] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): date of Anzere ball
[2023/09/02 10:10] Almut Brunswick: Then lets vote
[2023/09/02 10:10] Rosie Gray: aye
[2023/09/02 10:10] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2023/09/02 10:10] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2023/09/02 10:11] Almut Brunswick: Thank you
[2023/09/02 10:11] Almut Brunswick: 1.2 Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Third RA Meeting on August 19, 2023
[2023/09/02 10:11] Jerry McNally:
[2023/09/02 10:11] Almut Brunswick: Aside the fact that Jerry named me Almust occasionally once, I'm fine with the minutes.
[2023/09/02 10:12] Jerry McNally: oops, sorry about that!
[2023/09/02 10:12] Rosie Gray: motion to accept the minutes as presented
[2023/09/02 10:12] Almut Brunswick: Second
[2023/09/02 10:12] Rosie Gray: aye
[2023/09/02 10:12] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2023/09/02 10:12] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2023/09/02 10:12] Almut Brunswick: Thank you
[2023/09/02 10:12] Almut Brunswick: 2 Executive Report (Tor) ... substituted by Kyoko
[2023/09/02 10:13] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): OK
[2023/09/02 10:13] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): since Tor is AWOL
[2023/09/02 10:13] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I'll make it brief
[2023/09/02 10:13] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): We still have money
[2023/09/02 10:13] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): events are still being planned
[2023/09/02 10:14] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): needing to know rgw date of the Anzere Ball
[2023/09/02 10:14] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): let's see
[2023/09/02 10:14] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): money events, ball
[2023/09/02 10:14] Almut Brunswick: is it planned for the Advent time=
[2023/09/02 10:15] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): OH when does OKTOBERFEST start?
[2023/09/02 10:15] Almut Brunswick: in RL?
[2023/09/02 10:15] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): in SLife
[2023/09/02 10:15] Almut Brunswick: hmm
[2023/09/02 10:15] Rosie Gray: specifically that is usually determined by the Chancellor
[2023/09/02 10:15] Rosie Gray: Tor and I talked about it recently
[2023/09/02 10:15] Almut Brunswick: No idea, I'm not involved in the planning
[2023/09/02 10:16] Rosie Gray: but he didn't say about specific dates
[2023/09/02 10:16] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): no apparently am I ;)
[2023/09/02 10:16] Almut Brunswick: /me states that she saw the first Oktoberfest beer and foods in the supermarket these days.
[2023/09/02 10:17] Jerry McNally: /me ponders the years flying by
[2023/09/02 10:17] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): we might have a pub crawl
[2023/09/02 10:17] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): ending at thge Biergarten of course
[2023/09/02 10:17] Almut Brunswick: In RL; the Oktoberfest at Munich takes place between Sept. 16 and Oct. 3
[2023/09/02 10:18] Jerry McNally: I like the idea of a pub crawl, visiting different places
[2023/09/02 10:18] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): in CDS
[2023/09/02 10:18] Rosie Gray: last year the dates were Sept 24, 25
[2023/09/02 10:18] Rosie Gray: but usually it's longer than that
[2023/09/02 10:18] Almut Brunswick: yes, your avatar remains sober, just the RL controller becomes drunken :D
[2023/09/02 10:18] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): from Lilith's Irish pub to Biergarten and anything we can find inbetween
[2023/09/02 10:19] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): since my wine gallery no longer exhists\
[2023/09/02 10:19] Rosie Gray: sorry, going AFK now
[2023/09/02 10:19] Almut Brunswick: ok
[2023/09/02 10:20] Almut Brunswick: Anything else to report, Kyoko?
[2023/09/02 10:20] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): nope
[2023/09/02 10:20] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): done
[2023/09/02 10:20] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): sits down
[2023/09/02 10:21] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Kyoko
[2023/09/02 10:22] Almut Brunswick: The next point will cover the new Guild Act. I have set up a Google Doc which is currently just a draft, but I could share the link for it with you, so you can see what we are talking about.
[2023/09/02 10:22] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): Oh one more thing
[2023/09/02 10:22] Almut Brunswick: It is really the first draft, so there is a lot not yet decided.
[2023/09/02 10:22] Almut Brunswick: Ah ok, shoot
[2023/09/02 10:22] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): this is Words and my second anniversary
[2023/09/02 10:23] Delia Lake: congratulations, Kyoko
[2023/09/02 10:23] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): thank you ;)
[2023/09/02 10:23] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): he'd be hear, but he's napping
[2023/09/02 10:23] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): *here
[2023/09/02 10:23] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): really done
[2023/09/02 10:23] Almut Brunswick: tsktsk...
[2023/09/02 10:23] Delia Lake: and don't know that it's firm but Tor said to me that he was thinking of having Oktoberfest start in CDS on Sept 21
[2023/09/02 10:24] Delia Lake: not a firm date though
[2023/09/02 10:24] Almut Brunswick: /me whispers: Congrats from me too
[2023/09/02 10:24] Almut Brunswick: Ok, since Rosie is afk for a moment, let me share the link now
[2023/09/02 10:25] Almut Brunswick: 3 Old Business
3.1 New Guild Act to replace the current LUC Act: Status Report
[2023/09/02 10:26] Almut Brunswick: The background for this initiative to create a new act is that the Artisan Guild has decided on a new Charter and - that is the crucial point - names itself a governmental organization now
[2023/09/02 10:26] Almut Brunswick: A governmental organization, however, needs to have an act as formal legitimation
[2023/09/02 10:27] Almut Brunswick: Therefore, we decided to create an Artisan Guild Act to give the Guild the legal frame needed
[2023/09/02 10:28] Almut Brunswick: Furthermore, the LUC will become surplus, but its duties and tasks have to be fulfilled by the Guild in the future. That was another reason to think about creating this AG Act draft.
[2023/09/02 10:28] Jerry McNally: i think it's a great start
[2023/09/02 10:29] Delia Lake: /me is reading
[2023/09/02 10:29] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Jerry. Admittedly, it is still "warm from baking" this afternoon.
[2023/09/02 10:30] Rosie Gray: back
[2023/09/02 10:30] Jerry McNally: Hopefully, when we've all added feedback, this can be shared on the Forum wider?
[2023/09/02 10:30] Almut Brunswick: wb
[2023/09/02 10:31] Almut Brunswick: That is the plan, Jerry. - Rosie, I shared the "read only" link to the AG Act to Delia and Kyoko.
[2023/09/02 10:31] Rosie Gray: oh excellent, thanks Almut
[2023/09/02 10:32] Almut Brunswick: So it is not so boring for them, and they can give feedback here.
[2023/09/02 10:32] Almut Brunswick: Delia is Guild member and also in the SC, so we have the double expertise.
[2023/09/02 10:32] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): haha
[2023/09/02 10:34] Almut Brunswick: Open questions for me are how to define the relation to the constitutional powers and hot to prevent conflicts of interests.
[2023/09/02 10:34] Almut Brunswick: how?
[2023/09/02 10:34] Almut Brunswick: how*
[2023/09/02 10:35] Almut Brunswick: I borrowed a lot from the Charter introduction, but would like to leave all the internal details there.
[2023/09/02 10:36] Jerry McNally: I think that makes sense, there's no need to repeat things I think
[2023/09/02 10:36] Almut Brunswick: The architecture of the act is more or less taken over from the LUC Act
[2023/09/02 10:37] Almut Brunswick: I would like to let the Artisan Guild synchronize with the Terms instead of having just one meeting per year for electing the officers. That does not blend well into the picture of a more active Guild.
[2023/09/02 10:38] Almut Brunswick: Maybe you find a better wording for the rationale than me as a non-native speaker :D
[2023/09/02 10:38] Rosie Gray: I don't see why we need to reproduce what is already in the guild charter
[2023/09/02 10:39] Rosie Gray: I always think that keeping it simple makes things clearer
[2023/09/02 10:39] Almut Brunswick: Whatever you regard as doubled, delete.
[2023/09/02 10:39] Jerry McNally: It would be nice to gather Sandy's feedback too.
[2023/09/02 10:39] Rosie Gray: yes!
[2023/09/02 10:39] Almut Brunswick: I included Sandy in the circle of editors
[2023/09/02 10:40] Almut Brunswick: The Act shall not focus too much on the internal Guild matters, but set the standards to observe.
[2023/09/02 10:40] Jerry McNally: Perhaps we can continue this discussion in the comments of the document and move on now?
[2023/09/02 10:40] Almut Brunswick: Yes, I think that makes more sense than silent reading :D
[2023/09/02 10:40] Rosie Gray: agreed
[2023/09/02 10:40] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2023/09/02 10:40] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now:
[2023/09/02 10:41] Almut Brunswick: At least, we got that started :D
[2023/09/02 10:41] Almut Brunswick: 4 New Business
4.1 Scheduling the next Q&A in the Government Hours
[2023/09/02 10:42] Almut Brunswick: I think we haven't had yet a Q&A hour this term.
[2023/09/02 10:42] Jerry McNally: Who's turn is it? I think the last one was Exec
[2023/09/02 10:42] Almut Brunswick: When we feel a need for it, we should look for a date.
[2023/09/02 10:42] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): raises her hand for when it might be her turn
[2023/09/02 10:43] Almut Brunswick: Not sure, Kyoko, but for me, it would be ok.
[2023/09/02 10:43] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): OK
[2023/09/02 10:43] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I liked the last one where we mixed q&a with a themed party
[2023/09/02 10:44] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): the question got asked and answered (well mostly)
[2023/09/02 10:44] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): And qw had fu while doing it
[2023/09/02 10:44] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): done
[2023/09/02 10:44] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): *we had fun
[2023/09/02 10:44] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): sighs
[2023/09/02 10:45] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): kills her typist
[2023/09/02 10:45] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): done
[2023/09/02 10:45] Almut Brunswick: What do the others think? Party & Q&A? I think that is quite a good format.
[2023/09/02 10:45] Delia Lake: I would suggest that we plan a GQ session during Oktoberfest when we would have citizens and visitors here
[2023/09/02 10:45] Almut Brunswick: Good idea, Delia!
[2023/09/02 10:46] Jerry McNally: Do we need to coordinate with Tor, then, regarding the date?
[2023/09/02 10:46] Almut Brunswick: Yes, Jerry,
[2023/09/02 10:46] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): if you can find him yes
[2023/09/02 10:47] Almut Brunswick: When Tor sets up the Oktoberfest events, he should consider scheduling a Q&A, too.
[2023/09/02 10:47] Almut Brunswick: and we need to find out who should be the host this time
[2023/09/02 10:48] Jerry McNally: I can't tell from the forum who hosted which
[2023/09/02 10:48] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): who's the next victim in line?
[2023/09/02 10:48] Almut Brunswick: Kyoko, will you poke Tor in this respect, please?
[2023/09/02 10:49] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): wkth pleasure
[2023/09/02 10:49] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): and I'll poke HARD
[2023/09/02 10:49] Almut Brunswick: Tell Tor that it is his task. He is retired now and has (theoretically) the most time :D
[2023/09/02 10:49] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): bites her tongue
[2023/09/02 10:50] Almut Brunswick: Shall we continue?
[2023/09/02 10:50] Almut Brunswick: 5 Citizen Concerns
[2023/09/02 10:50] Almut Brunswick: Looks around
[2023/09/02 10:51] Almut Brunswick: Apparently none.
[2023/09/02 10:51] Almut Brunswick: 6 RA Member Concerns
[2023/09/02 10:51] Jerry McNally: /me raises a hand
[2023/09/02 10:51] Almut Brunswick: Jerry please
[2023/09/02 10:52] Jerry McNally: Thanks. Might be a debate for item 8, but I wonder if the timing of this meeting has affected turn-out? I guess it goes back to that debate about event timings - there's never a perfect time I know
[2023/09/02 10:52] Jerry McNally: Just a comment really
[2023/09/02 10:52] Jerry McNally: done
[2023/09/02 10:53] Almut Brunswick: Do you mean that we now are having our meetings earlier at 10 AM instead of 12 PM?
[2023/09/02 10:53] Jerry McNally: yes, and struggling with attendance
[2023/09/02 10:54] Rosie Gray: personally I don't think it's the time so much as nobody is around at most times
[2023/09/02 10:54] Almut Brunswick: Well, we decided to meet earlier because Rosie mentioned that the later meetings use to cut her days into halves.
[2023/09/02 10:54] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2023/09/02 10:54] Jerry McNally: some RA meetings are quite popular
[2023/09/02 10:54] Delia Lake: 10 on Saturday is a conflict time for me as I am divided -via alt - with Science Circle weekly presentations
[2023/09/02 10:55] Delia Lake: can't always do that
[2023/09/02 10:55] Almut Brunswick: Since we all agreed that it does not affect us Europeans negatively as well, we moved to that earlier time.
[2023/09/02 10:55] Jerry McNally: We often get Sandy and Moon attend though
[2023/09/02 10:55] Almut Brunswick: But yes, attendance is quite poor, albeit I don't know if it is really just the time
[2023/09/02 10:56] Rosie Gray: we do need Sandy specifically to be here
[2023/09/02 10:56] Rosie Gray: and Tor
[2023/09/02 10:56] Almut Brunswick: Sandy is in the same time zone like me, and she had agreed on the earlier time as well
[2023/09/02 10:57] Jerry McNally: never mind then, let's move on
[2023/09/02 10:57] Almut Brunswick: Ok
[2023/09/02 10:57] Almut Brunswick: There is no ideal time, I'm afraid
[2023/09/02 10:57] Almut Brunswick: 7 Announcements
* Calendar:
[2023/09/02 10:57] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): raises her hand
[2023/09/02 10:57] Almut Brunswick: Kyoko please
[2023/09/02 10:58] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I have an anouncement
[2023/09/02 10:58] Almut Brunswick: Let's hear
[2023/09/02 10:58] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): First we had a fabulous Cabaret with Velvet Rose
[2023/09/02 10:58] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): She will be back
[2023/09/02 10:59] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): as will Mar Wiggle and Zoree Jupiter
[2023/09/02 10:59] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): but I'm also interested in adding new performers to the rotation
[2023/09/02 10:59] Almut Brunswick: Do you know the date already?
[2023/09/02 11:00] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): possibly Stinna and Nina Rose Setner
[2023/09/02 11:00] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): nope
[2023/09/02 11:00] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): about 2 over 3 month usually
[2023/09/02 11:01] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): and depends on their availability also
[2023/09/02 11:01] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): Questions?
[2023/09/02 11:01] Almut Brunswick: Not from my side
[2023/09/02 11:01] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): (not that I have any answers . . .)
[2023/09/02 11:01] Almut Brunswick: pffft...
[2023/09/02 11:02] Almut Brunswick: 8 Next RA meeting (to be discussed)
* Proposal: Saturday, September 16, 2023, 10 AM SLT
[2023/09/02 11:02] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): OK very done
[2023/09/02 11:02] Rosie Gray: /me raises a hand
[2023/09/02 11:02] Almut Brunswick: Rosie please
[2023/09/02 11:02] Rosie Gray: Just to make sure that everyone knows... the Amais regions AND the new water regions between us have arrived. ㋡
[2023/09/02 11:02] Almut Brunswick: Aaaaaah
[2023/09/02 11:02] Rosie Gray: have a look at the map
[2023/09/02 11:03] Almut Brunswick: Finally!
[2023/09/02 11:03] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): `*~*`WooT WooT`*~*`
[2023/09/02 11:03] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): `*~*`WooT WooT`*~*`
[2023/09/02 11:03] Jerry McNally: That's great to see the water regions!
[2023/09/02 11:03] Rosie Gray: yes isn't it!
[2023/09/02 11:03] Almut Brunswick: And any contacts to the inhabitants yet?
[2023/09/02 11:03] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I thoiught we were doing that with Etopia
[2023/09/02 11:04] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): but Amais is even better
[2023/09/02 11:04] Rosie Gray: no it's through the Amiais group, but a separate group for just the water regions
[2023/09/02 11:04] Almut Brunswick: Sounds like we should conduct a field - or to be more exact: boat - trip soon.
[2023/09/02 11:04] Rosie Gray: a field trip! hehe
[2023/09/02 11:04] Delia Lake: Amais doesn't have residents. it's a history exhibit I believe. It has bots I think
[2023/09/02 11:04] Rosie Gray: yes that's right, bots
[2023/09/02 11:04] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): right
[2023/09/02 11:05] Rosie Gray: it's beautiful
[2023/09/02 11:05] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): and Moon will add English to their spiels
[2023/09/02 11:05] Delia Lake: I am planning to kayak from CN to Etopia today. Yay! Finally!
[2023/09/02 11:05] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): omg
[2023/09/02 11:05] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): all these water sims
[2023/09/02 11:05] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): whose budget is this on?
[2023/09/02 11:05] Almut Brunswick: Are they in Portuguese only now?
[2023/09/02 11:05] Delia Lake: I have waited years for this
[2023/09/02 11:05] Rosie Gray: not ours, Kyoko
[2023/09/02 11:05] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): they were
[2023/09/02 11:06] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I'll poke Moon on that
[2023/09/02 11:06] Almut Brunswick: Okies... back to the question regarding the next meeting
[2023/09/02 11:06] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): great news Rosie ;)
[2023/09/02 11:06] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2023/09/02 11:06] Rosie Gray: yes, next meeting
[2023/09/02 11:06] Almut Brunswick: 8 Next RA meeting (to be discussed)
* Proposal: Saturday, September 16, 2023, 10 AM SLT
[2023/09/02 11:06] Jerry McNally: fine with me I guess
[2023/09/02 11:07] Almut Brunswick: Rosie?
[2023/09/02 11:07] Rosie Gray: just checking my calendar
[2023/09/02 11:07] Rosie Gray: I won't be around that day, but I could on the 17th
[2023/09/02 11:07] Almut Brunswick: Then I would miss my scripting class
[2023/09/02 11:08] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): yep they're water sims all riight
[2023/09/02 11:08] Almut Brunswick: what about a week later?
[2023/09/02 11:08] Rosie Gray: what time is your scripting class?
[2023/09/02 11:08] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): I sank to the bottom
[2023/09/02 11:08] Almut Brunswick: 9-11 AM
[2023/09/02 11:08] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2023/09/02 11:08] Rosie Gray: I guess 3:00 pm slt is too late for you?
[2023/09/02 11:09] Almut Brunswick: Way too late - that is midnight for me
[2023/09/02 11:09] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2023/09/02 11:09] Rosie Gray: well...
[2023/09/02 11:09] Rosie Gray: /me sighs
[2023/09/02 11:09] Jerry McNally: A weekday?
[2023/09/02 11:09] Almut Brunswick: September 23, 10 AM then?
[2023/09/02 11:09] Rosie Gray: I am also away on the 23rd
[2023/09/02 11:10] Almut Brunswick: oh hmm
[2023/09/02 11:10] Rosie Gray: a weekday would work for me
[2023/09/02 11:10] Jerry McNally: or the 24th?
[2023/09/02 11:10] Rosie Gray: 24th in the morning would be okay for me
[2023/09/02 11:11] Jerry McNally: Morning as in 10am SLT?
[2023/09/02 11:11] Almut Brunswick: September 24, 10 AM?
[2023/09/02 11:11] Rosie Gray: sure
[2023/09/02 11:11] Jerry McNally: fine with me
[2023/09/02 11:11] Rosie Gray: otherwise the afternoon I am not available
[2023/09/02 11:11] Almut Brunswick: ok then September 24, 10 AM
[2023/09/02 11:11] Rosie Gray: okay!
[2023/09/02 11:11] Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane): leaves you to these decidions
[2023/09/02 11:12] Almut Brunswick: Put it in the Google Calendar please
[2023/09/02 11:12] Jerry McNally: perhaps Almut, as LRA, could message Sandy and Tor about that?
[2023/09/02 11:12] Almut Brunswick: Sure
[2023/09/02 11:12] Rosie Gray: okay I will
[2023/09/02 11:12] Rosie Gray: add it to the calendar, I mean
[2023/09/02 11:13] Almut Brunswick: If there isn't anything else, I hereby adjourn this meeting. Thank you for attending, and have a nice weekend!
[2023/09/02 11:13] Rosie Gray: thank you Almut!
[2023/09/02 11:13] Jerry McNally: thanks everyone see you later

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