Minutes: Celebrations Group Meeting March 5 2023

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Moon Adamant
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Minutes: Celebrations Group Meeting March 5 2023

Post by Moon Adamant »

Hello all,
Celebration Group met today, March 5, and we reviewed the tasks for the CDS presence at upcoming SL20B that had been assigned in previous meetings.
For minutes, then, here's a list of those tasks, who is assigned to them,. and what could be reported today.
Present: @Moon (chairing), @Lilith, @Sandy
Upper chamber of the Praetorium build:
Task assigned to @Mizou. Mizou later reported that the modelling of the build is already going on, TBD about mid-May.

CDS History Panels:
Task assigned to Lilith and @Tor; currently gathering all information needed for the panels, namely in what regards our association with the VWEC

Backdrop for the chambers, consisting on a slideshow panel showing pics of the CDS:
This task is assigned to Sandy, and it actually comprises two tasks:
-- the creation of the backdrop as an object, coord'ing with Mizou, and its scripting. Sandy reports that she has a solution that can be adapted.
-- choosing the pictures to display. For that, Sandy has posted a notecard asking citizens to suggest pictures.

Coord'ing a RA meeting to take place at the Praetorium build in SLB:

This task was originally assigned to RA members Sandy and Agatha; Agatha being away for the present, Sandy will talk to the other RA members.

CDS kiosk system:

Assigned to Moon. Reporting that atm there is already available not only the regular outdoors CDS kiosk, as also an indoor version, consisting on clickable picture frames. Also for sure available by June, a third option in which the kiosk appears as a booksellers display. On site, we will make a decision on what version to use. (FYI, the CDS kiosk is a PR tool that shares group invites, website, social media, flickr links, etc., and which updates automatically).

CDS Passport and CDS SL20B stamp:
These are two interconnecting tasks and they're both assigned to Sandy. Under discussion at the moment with the organizers BBB.
In what regards the passport, there will be need for a formal approval from the CDS gov, possibly the Executive Branch -- under discussion as well.

CDS T-shirts as SL20B freebies:
Assigned to Lilith. Currently waiting for the announcement of the SL20B theme.

Calling for CDS volunteers to man up the CDS presence and organizing a rota:
Assigned to Moon and a PIO. No developments on this task yet. The first call for volunteers will be published later this week by Moon.

Organizing the CDS events at the SL20B:
Assigned to a CDS PIO, to coordinate with the CDS DJs and artists. Needs to wait for the publishing of the schedule of SL20B by LL.

Moon reported also that the SLB Exhibitors group was woken up of late but no information yet about this year's event.

To be discussed later: who will be in the Exhibitors access list; operative tasks to be done on site like providing an environs for the Praetorium Chamber, and others still to be defined.
Next meeting scheduled for the weekend of 1-2 April 2023, details TBA.

Eudaimonia now!
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