Commission Meeting Transcript August 9, 2014

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Rosie Gray
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Commission Meeting Transcript August 9, 2014

Post by Rosie Gray »

2014/08/09 10:08:27] Bromo Ivory: Hello! THanks for the TP
[2014/08/09 10:08:31] Rosie Gray: looks like Pat isn't online
[2014/08/09 10:08:38] [Italica I.D.] Bistro chair: Hi Rosie Gray! Touch me to change pose. Say /1a to Adjust.
[2014/08/09 10:09:02] Leslie Allandale: Oh, noooo
[2014/08/09 10:09:13] Rosie Gray: you all know each other, I think?
[2014/08/09 10:09:38] Lilith Ivory: ty Rosie :)
[2014/08/09 10:09:54] Leslie Allandale: I don't think I have met Bromo in person, but have seen him on occasion.
[2014/08/09 10:09:57] Leslie Allandale: Hi Bromo
[2014/08/09 10:10:03] Rosie Gray: ah!
[2014/08/09 10:10:04] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2014/08/09 10:10:12] Bromo Ivory /me nods "HI Leslie, pleased to meet you"
[2014/08/09 10:10:32] Leslie Allandale: smiles
[2014/08/09 10:10:32] Rosie Gray: sorry we are a bit late convening
[2014/08/09 10:10:51] Leslie Allandale: We can use this place, if you all would like.
[2014/08/09 10:11:02] Leslie Allandale: I can give perms to move things.
[2014/08/09 10:11:19] Leslie Allandale: And it is big enough for exhibits and guest seating.
[2014/08/09 10:11:21] Rosie Gray: well we have a lot to go through
[2014/08/09 10:11:34] Rosie Gray: ... sp=sharing
[2014/08/09 10:11:35] Bromo Ivory /me nods
[2014/08/09 10:11:52] Rosie Gray: here is the Agenda
[2014/08/09 10:12:42] Rosie Gray: I've had to fend off the advisors from attending as well, because I thought we should move through this a bit more efficiently with just the 5 of us
[2014/08/09 10:12:57] Leslie Allandale: agreed
[2014/08/09 10:13:01] Lilith Ivory /me nods
[2014/08/09 10:13:22] Rosie Gray: does everyone agree to recording the chat?
[2014/08/09 10:13:29] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2014/08/09 10:13:30] Lilith Ivory: fine with me :)
[2014/08/09 10:13:34] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2014/08/09 10:13:40] Rosie Gray: Bromo?
[2014/08/09 10:13:52] Bromo Ivory: Yes
[2014/08/09 10:13:54] Bromo Ivory: sorry
[2014/08/09 10:13:57] Rosie Gray: thank you
[2014/08/09 10:13:59] Bromo Ivory: :-)
[2014/08/09 10:14:20] Rosie Gray: I'll also make Minutes, because I cannot stand re-reading transcripts all the time!
[2014/08/09 10:14:22] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2014/08/09 10:14:31] Lilith Ivory /me smiles
[2014/08/09 10:14:45] Rosie Gray: unless someone else would like to take that on?
[2014/08/09 10:14:53] Rosie Gray /me says, hopefully
[2014/08/09 10:15:14] Lilith Ivory /me still has to fight with SC minutes and other stuff
[2014/08/09 10:15:18] Leslie Allandale: Like a synopsis?
[2014/08/09 10:15:25] Rosie Gray: Minutes
[2014/08/09 10:16:12] Leslie Allandale: How would minutes differ from the transcript, then?
[2014/08/09 10:16:22] Lilith Ivory: its something like a summary
[2014/08/09 10:16:34] Rosie Gray: it is a formal way of making a summary
[2014/08/09 10:16:37] Rosie Gray: let me show you some
[2014/08/09 10:16:48] Lilith Ivory: 10: Lilith started tp pull Rosies hair and so on ;-)
[2014/08/09 10:17:08] Leslie Allandale: I will make a summary of today's transcript
[2014/08/09 10:17:22] Leslie Allandale: You can correct it as you want
[2014/08/09 10:17:57] Rosie Gray: ... sp=sharing
[2014/08/09 10:18:04] Rosie Gray: these are Minutes
[2014/08/09 10:18:30] Rosie Gray: okay.. that would be great thank you
[2014/08/09 10:18:32] Leslie Allandale: I don't think you should do it, and there are no others volunteering,.
[2014/08/09 10:18:39] Leslie Allandale: So lets get on with business.
[2014/08/09 10:18:48] Rosie Gray: you can use those as a guide, or just google how to write Minutes
[2014/08/09 10:19:09] Rosie Gray: so, yes
[2014/08/09 10:19:12] Rosie Gray: Item 1
[2014/08/09 10:19:57] Rosie Gray: I think we need to decide on a survey, and having some in-world meetings
[2014/08/09 10:20:24] Rosie Gray: as a first priority... so that we can take those into consideration for everything else
[2014/08/09 10:20:28] Bromo Ivory /me agrees
[2014/08/09 10:20:30] Rosie Gray: what does everyone else think?
[2014/08/09 10:20:31] Lilith Ivory /me nods
[2014/08/09 10:20:38] Leslie Allandale: Meetings with the public?
[2014/08/09 10:20:43] Rosie Gray: yes
[2014/08/09 10:20:51] Leslie Allandale: then agreed
[2014/08/09 10:21:05] Lilith Ivory: I think so too as there seem to be different ideas about what kind of theme we want to have
[2014/08/09 10:21:12] Rosie Gray: where we host, and go through similar questions to the survey and see what peoples ideas are
[2014/08/09 10:21:16] Lilith Ivory: water or not seems to be the question :)
[2014/08/09 10:21:28] Rosie Gray: yes, that's one question, lol
[2014/08/09 10:21:59] Rosie Gray: so, if we are going to do that, then we should decide on some times, and maybe we can share hosting duties
[2014/08/09 10:22:04] Leslie Allandale: and most people are more satisfied with whatever outcome, as long as their voice is included.
[2014/08/09 10:22:06] Bromo Ivory /me nods
[2014/08/09 10:22:31] Lilith Ivory: should we have two meetings, one at european and one at US time?
[2014/08/09 10:22:33] Rosie Gray: yes, we need to give plenty of opportunity for everyone's input
[2014/08/09 10:22:36] Lilith Ivory: or do we need more?
[2014/08/09 10:22:45] Leslie Allandale: two each time
[2014/08/09 10:22:52] Rosie Gray: well... there's really no such thing as US time
[2014/08/09 10:22:59] Bromo Ivory: I think we should have meetings scheduled for convenient times for everyone - so some at EU evening, some at N and S America and some Asia
[2014/08/09 10:23:15] Rosie Gray: I agree Bromo
[2014/08/09 10:23:20] Rosie Gray: there's no harm in having more
[2014/08/09 10:23:28] Rosie Gray: then nobody will be left out
[2014/08/09 10:23:35] Lilith Ivory: I agree
[2014/08/09 10:23:46] Leslie Allandale: It is not like we have to be in a big hurry
[2014/08/09 10:23:56] Lilith Ivory: uhm... lol
[2014/08/09 10:24:20] Bromo Ivory: I'd want to have direction quickly since the rest of the process could be pretty lengthy
[2014/08/09 10:24:23] Rosie Gray: no, it's better to spend the time to do it properly, I think
[2014/08/09 10:24:32] Lilith Ivory: of course!
[2014/08/09 10:24:33] Rosie Gray: well we can still consider things
[2014/08/09 10:24:41] Leslie Allandale: exactly
[2014/08/09 10:24:49] Rosie Gray: and if we take a week for meetings, that's not bad
[2014/08/09 10:25:02] Lilith Ivory: I agree
[2014/08/09 10:25:08] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2014/08/09 10:25:09] Bromo Ivory: Yes, a week give or take I think is good
[2014/08/09 10:25:14] Rosie Gray: great
[2014/08/09 10:25:18] Rosie Gray: as to a survey
[2014/08/09 10:25:24] Rosie Gray: Widget has drafted one up for us
[2014/08/09 10:25:35] Rosie Gray: I'd like to show it to you, and we can make any changes
[2014/08/09 10:25:39] Bromo Ivory: Have we considered "Survey Monkey" or one of those sites?
[2014/08/09 10:25:44] Rosie Gray: before sending it out
[2014/08/09 10:25:48] Rosie Gray: yes it's on Survey Monkey
[2014/08/09 10:25:48] Leslie Allandale: yes
[2014/08/09 10:25:53] Bromo Ivory: Oh great!
[2014/08/09 10:26:23] Rosie Gray:
[2014/08/09 10:26:36] Rosie Gray: so, please have a look at this (I worked on it with Widget)
[2014/08/09 10:26:45] Rosie Gray: and see what you think should be changed
[2014/08/09 10:26:54] Rosie Gray: we can only have 10 questions maximum though
[2014/08/09 10:27:40] Rosie Gray /me goes for another cup of tea
[2014/08/09 10:27:45] Bromo Ivory: I"d like to define "outpost" since I am unsure what that means
[2014/08/09 10:28:08] Leslie Allandale: presence of any kind?
[2014/08/09 10:29:38] Rosie Gray: okay... well how would you define it?
[2014/08/09 10:29:41] Leslie Allandale: good survey. I notice a spot for two more questions?
[2014/08/09 10:30:06] Leslie Allandale: Sending the Enterprise to explore a new planet?
[2014/08/09 10:30:17] Rosie Gray: yes I think so... seems there is a duplicate question at the end
[2014/08/09 10:30:37] Leslie Allandale: So could we have 24 hours to propose additions?
[2014/08/09 10:30:38] Lilith Ivory: I am not sure about No2 as for me it would strongly depend on the theme if I wanted to move to a new Sim or not
[2014/08/09 10:30:51] Bromo Ivory: When I have had to make a survey, the questions are usually supposed to give specific direction - so I am unsure what #2 is supposed to help us with.
[2014/08/09 10:30:57] Leslie Allandale: That could go in comments
[2014/08/09 10:31:16] Rosie Gray /me nods
[2014/08/09 10:31:50] Rosie Gray: we could always do a follow up survey too
[2014/08/09 10:31:59] Leslie Allandale: Would it work to do a follow up survey if we find a certain prefrence
[2014/08/09 10:32:03] Rosie Gray: once we narrow things down
[2014/08/09 10:32:06] Rosie Gray: ha!
[2014/08/09 10:32:28] Lilith Ivory /me nods
[2014/08/09 10:32:43] Bromo Ivory: True, we could, but I do like the first question.
[2014/08/09 10:32:59] Bromo Ivory: That makes the nature of the mandate more specific
[2014/08/09 10:33:28] Leslie Allandale: Could we all have a day to think of changes, and run them by Widget?
[2014/08/09 10:33:54] Leslie Allandale: I would send it out as it is, but if she were to like an addition, what is a day
[2014/08/09 10:34:02] Leslie Allandale: ?
[2014/08/09 10:34:04] Rosie Gray: well, maybe run them by all of us
[2014/08/09 10:34:06] Bromo Ivory: I think it is good enough
[2014/08/09 10:34:11] Lilith Ivory: I´m fine with the survey as it is
[2014/08/09 10:34:35] Rosie Gray: but sure
[2014/08/09 10:34:38] Rosie Gray: just need to delete the last question, as it is a duplicate
[2014/08/09 10:34:47] Bromo Ivory: When we say "water" are we talking homestead, or void?
[2014/08/09 10:35:04] Lilith Ivory: was just about to say that
[2014/08/09 10:35:20] Bromo Ivory: Someone might want a full sim with islands and water
[2014/08/09 10:35:20] Rosie Gray: that would be another question
[2014/08/09 10:35:39] Leslie Allandale: needs to be sailable, and maybe attachable to a water region.
[2014/08/09 10:35:50] Rosie Gray: and might be determined by question 5
[2014/08/09 10:36:00] Lilith Ivory: a homestead with water and a few island works fine in my experience
[2014/08/09 10:36:18] Bromo Ivory: Do we think another homestead or void would raise everyone's tier?
[2014/08/09 10:36:28] Leslie Allandale: How about asking if attaching to Linden water, or other estate water is wanted?
[2014/08/09 10:36:34] Lilith Ivory: Gabi Riel used to have Sims like that
[2014/08/09 10:36:57] Lilith Ivory: the tier was a little higher than at the rest of her sims but the Sim paid it´s tier
[2014/08/09 10:37:01] Rosie Gray: it would have to be paid for somehow
[2014/08/09 10:37:01] Rosie Gray /me nods
[2014/08/09 10:37:02] Rosie Gray: well
[2014/08/09 10:37:13] Rosie Gray: Leslie.. not long ago some of us looked into moving the sims to be adjacent to water
[2014/08/09 10:37:25] Leslie Allandale: I understand that.
[2014/08/09 10:37:38] Rosie Gray: oh that's good to know Lil
[2014/08/09 10:37:44] Leslie Allandale: But has it been eliminated.
[2014/08/09 10:37:46] Lilith Ivory /me smiles
[2014/08/09 10:38:12] Leslie Allandale: Is it something to ask the citizens.
[2014/08/09 10:38:28] Rosie Gray: it's very expensive, and in the end we determined that it didn't seem to be a great idea
[2014/08/09 10:38:57] Rosie Gray: of course we could go through that again
[2014/08/09 10:38:57] Rosie Gray: but we would need to present the ramifications of that too
[2014/08/09 10:39:04] Leslie Allandale: My information on that account is only anecdotal.
[2014/08/09 10:39:04] Rosie Gray: and we would have to find accommodating neighbours
[2014/08/09 10:39:04] Rosie Gray: LL would charge us $500 US/year to have our sims adjacent to water
[2014/08/09 10:39:41] Bromo Ivory: I'd think that was really outside the scope of thei commission, and we'd have to go to the RA and ask if people wanted that
[2014/08/09 10:39:43] Leslie Allandale: So what would it take per citizen to amortize 500 per year?
[2014/08/09 10:39:52] Lilith Ivory: I thzink we should try to get our new Sim first and later there is always time to think about this other plan:)
[2014/08/09 10:39:59] Bromo Ivory /me nods
[2014/08/09 10:40:13] Leslie Allandale: okay
[2014/08/09 10:40:15] Rosie Gray: I agree Bromo
[2014/08/09 10:40:17] Leslie Allandale: agreed
[2014/08/09 10:40:40] Lilith Ivory /me agrees too
[2014/08/09 10:41:05] Leslie Allandale: I move we adopt the survey with the last question omited
[2014/08/09 10:41:18] Lilith Ivory: I second :)
[2014/08/09 10:41:34] Rosie Gray: if we did do that, we'd still likely need at least 1 of our own water sims anyway
[2014/08/09 10:41:43] Rosie Gray: aye
[2014/08/09 10:41:43] Rosie Gray: okay, great
[2014/08/09 10:41:54] Leslie Allandale: call the quesion?
[2014/08/09 10:41:57] Leslie Allandale: question
[2014/08/09 10:42:00] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 10:42:03] Bromo Ivory: I agree with the survey with the last question omitted, too
[2014/08/09 10:42:03] Rosie Gray: vote
[2014/08/09 10:42:04] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2014/08/09 10:42:14] Bromo Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 10:42:28] Rosie Gray /me is having bad lag
[2014/08/09 10:42:34] Leslie Allandale: Awwwww.
[2014/08/09 10:42:48] Leslie Allandale: shall we use the chat in google?
[2014/08/09 10:42:57] Lilith Ivory: I´m fine with lag since I reduced my graphics to medium lol
[2014/08/09 10:43:02] Leslie Allandale: kk
[2014/08/09 10:43:08] Leslie Allandale: I need this chat for minutes
[2014/08/09 10:43:25] Rosie Gray: no then the transcript will be a mess
[2014/08/09 10:43:39] Leslie Allandale: kk.
[2014/08/09 10:43:41] Lilith Ivory: I´m not familiar with google chat anyway
[2014/08/09 10:43:45] Leslie Allandale: now what?
[2014/08/09 10:44:09] Rosie Gray: okay, so then we should decide on some inworld meeting times
[2014/08/09 10:44:10] Rosie Gray: and who will host
[2014/08/09 10:44:17] Bromo Ivory: SO in summary - we have accepted the agenda. We also voted to accept and send out the survey with the last redundant question omitted?
[2014/08/09 10:44:30] Leslie Allandale: yes
[2014/08/09 10:44:41] Lilith Ivory: I volunteer to host one or two if it´s not too late at my night
[2014/08/09 10:44:50] Rosie Gray: correct
[2014/08/09 10:44:57] Rosie Gray: why don't you choose times that work for you Lil?
[2014/08/09 10:45:07] Lilith Ivory: ok can do that :)
[2014/08/09 10:45:08] Leslie Allandale: You can host the EU meetings
[2014/08/09 10:45:16] Lilith Ivory: exactly
[2014/08/09 10:45:17] Bromo Ivory: I can host in my evening after about 7PM SL time until about 9PM SLT.
[2014/08/09 10:45:49] Bromo Ivory: I can also host about 2AM SLT to about 4AM SLT
[2014/08/09 10:46:03] Bromo Ivory: with preference 3-4AM! :-)
[2014/08/09 10:46:08] Leslie Allandale: I can host anytime, and will try to be present at other hosted meetings.
[2014/08/09 10:46:10] Rosie Gray: great... do you want to do 2 meetings then Bromo?
[2014/08/09 10:46:30] Bromo Ivory: I can host one at 3Am SLT and one at 8PM SLT next week
[2014/08/09 10:46:30] Rosie Gray /me nods
[2014/08/09 10:46:51] Rosie Gray: and I could host from about 8:30 am to 11:30 am
[2014/08/09 10:47:02] Lilith Ivory: I need to figure out when "normal" europeans are online
[2014/08/09 10:47:12] Bromo Ivory: DO we have normal Europeans?
[2014/08/09 10:47:16] Leslie Allandale: no
[2014/08/09 10:47:17] Bromo Ivory: ;-)
[2014/08/09 10:47:24] Lilith Ivory: Pat seems to be one ;-)
[2014/08/09 10:47:31] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2014/08/09 10:47:36] Lilith Ivory: and Arria
[2014/08/09 10:47:48] Rosie Gray: hehehe
[2014/08/09 10:47:59] Rosie Gray: maybe Pat can host a couple too
[2014/08/09 10:48:07] Lilith Ivory: yes
[2014/08/09 10:48:09] Rosie Gray: then everyone should be well served with an opportunity
[2014/08/09 10:48:26] Leslie Allandale: Can I volunteer to assist the hosts, and fill in if they can't make it.
[2014/08/09 10:48:33] Leslie Allandale: may
[2014/08/09 10:48:38] Lilith Ivory: sure :)
[2014/08/09 10:48:42] Rosie Gray: and afterwards, we can take all the comments and compile and analyze them
[2014/08/09 10:48:42] Leslie Allandale: ty
[2014/08/09 10:48:57] Bromo Ivory: Leslie, what time zone are you in?
[2014/08/09 10:49:04] Leslie Allandale: linden
[2014/08/09 10:49:11] Lilith Ivory: what do we want to find out mostly during those meetings?
[2014/08/09 10:49:14] Leslie Allandale: in the summer
[2014/08/09 10:49:25] Bromo Ivory: And Rosie, or anyone - can we put together a "points list" to make sure we guide about the same things?
[2014/08/09 10:49:28] Lilith Ivory: (sorry brain is slightly dizzy as I am fighting back a cold atm)
[2014/08/09 10:49:42] Lilith Ivory: good idea Bromo
[2014/08/09 10:49:47] Rosie Gray: oh yes, I would think that any of us who are online at the same time as a meeting should attend as well
[2014/08/09 10:49:47] Rosie Gray /me hands Lilith a kleenex
[2014/08/09 10:49:58] Lilith Ivory: thank you :)
[2014/08/09 10:50:02] Leslie Allandale: here is pat
[2014/08/09 10:50:06] Lilith Ivory: ah here comes the Pat :)
[2014/08/09 10:50:23] MystiTool HUD 2.0.2: Entering chat range: Patroklus Murakami (2m)
[2014/08/09 10:50:25] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2014/08/09 10:50:32] Lilith Ivory: Hi Pat :)
[2014/08/09 10:50:36] Leslie Allandale: welcome. have a chair.
[2014/08/09 10:50:52] Rosie Gray: oh good
[2014/08/09 10:50:52] Pat: entered chat range (4.47 m).
[2014/08/09 10:50:53] Bromo Ivory: Hey!! Pat!!
[2014/08/09 10:50:53] Rosie Gray: hi Pat
[2014/08/09 10:51:00] Bromo Ivory: Welcome!
[2014/08/09 10:51:24] Rosie Gray: ... sp=sharing
[2014/08/09 10:51:33] Rosie Gray: Pat there is our Agenda
[2014/08/09 10:51:44] Pat (patroklus.murakami): ty
[2014/08/09 10:51:58] Leslie Allandale: I filled Pat in.
[2014/08/09 10:52:02] Bromo Ivory: So .. in colclusion the motion passed to give Pat all the things to do
[2014/08/09 10:52:03] Rosie Gray: okay, great
[2014/08/09 10:52:08] Rosie Gray: hahahha
[2014/08/09 10:52:13] Lilith Ivory /me grins
[2014/08/09 10:52:13] Pat (patroklus.murakami): haha
[2014/08/09 10:52:21] Lilith Ivory: punishment for coming late ;-)
[2014/08/09 10:52:33] Leslie Allandale: I abstained
[2014/08/09 10:52:45] Tor Karlsvalt: entered chat range (19.97 m).
[2014/08/09 10:52:46] MystiTool HUD 2.0.2: Entering chat range: Tor Karlsvalt (18m)
[2014/08/09 10:52:49] Rosie Gray:
[2014/08/09 10:53:01] Pat (patroklus.murakami): sorry for turning up late
[2014/08/09 10:53:08] Rosie Gray: Pat there is the survey we have approved to use, after deleting the last duplicate question
[2014/08/09 10:53:17] Rosie Gray: hi Tor
[2014/08/09 10:53:22] Lilith Ivory: Hi Tor
[2014/08/09 10:53:50] Tor Karlsvalt: left chat range.
[2014/08/09 10:53:55] Tor Karlsvalt: entered chat range (4.50 m).
[2014/08/09 10:54:10] Bromo Ivory: Hi Tor.
[2014/08/09 10:54:18] Pat (patroklus.murakami): ok. probaly a good idea to get input since the news was announced
[2014/08/09 10:54:22] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi
[2014/08/09 10:54:28] Pat (patroklus.murakami): are we transcripting this btw?
[2014/08/09 10:54:34] Rosie Gray: yes we are Pat
[2014/08/09 10:54:35] Lilith Ivory: yes we are
[2014/08/09 10:54:40] Rosie Gray: and Leslie is doing the Minutes
[2014/08/09 10:54:43] Pat (patroklus.murakami): good :)
[2014/08/09 10:55:51] Tor Karlsvalt: left chat range.
[2014/08/09 10:55:58] Leslie Allandale: I propose that the other 4 members set up a meeting at their convenience, I will attend to take minutes and back up.
[2014/08/09 10:56:10] Rosie Gray: what other 4 members?
[2014/08/09 10:56:16] Lilith Ivory: I liked Bromos idea of putting together a points list so all meetings are alike
[2014/08/09 10:56:29] Rosie Gray: yes I agree with that too Lil
[2014/08/09 10:56:35] Leslie Allandale: Rosie, Bromo, Lilith and Pat
[2014/08/09 10:56:52] Rosie Gray: oh I see what you mean, lol
[2014/08/09 10:56:52] Leslie Allandale: I add that to the motion.
[2014/08/09 10:57:08] Rosie Gray: well, we don't need a motion for that
[2014/08/09 10:57:28] Leslie Allandale: Then my motion statnds?
[2014/08/09 10:57:30] Leslie Allandale: stands
[2014/08/09 10:57:45] Rosie Gray: please state the motion
[2014/08/09 10:58:23] Leslie Allandale: Lilith, Rosie, Bromo and Pat will each lead a public discussion on the new sim proposal, Leslie will take minutes and assist.
[2014/08/09 10:58:44] Rosie Gray: do we have a second?
[2014/08/09 10:58:59] Pat (patroklus.murakami): for the bits we are each responsible for? i see the sense of that. seconded
[2014/08/09 10:59:21] Rosie Gray: discussion?
[2014/08/09 10:59:44] Pat (patroklus.murakami): i'm happy to lead a discussion on legislation
[2014/08/09 11:00:00] Pat (patroklus.murakami): gwyn has already done a lot of the heavy lifting
[2014/08/09 11:00:01] Rosie Gray: we are discussing the current motion now though
[2014/08/09 11:00:11] Rosie Gray: any further discussion on it?
[2014/08/09 11:00:39] Pat (patroklus.murakami): i'm happy with it
[2014/08/09 11:00:41] Rosie Gray: I'd like to add that we define some specific questions that all the meetings include
[2014/08/09 11:00:46] Lilith Ivory: I´d suggest we just vote on it and figure out the points of the meetings afterwards :)
[2014/08/09 11:00:53] Leslie Allandale: call the question
[2014/08/09 11:00:56] Rosie Gray: okay
[2014/08/09 11:01:06] Rosie Gray: vote
[2014/08/09 11:01:09] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2014/08/09 11:01:10] Bromo Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 11:01:10] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 11:01:12] Pat (patroklus.murakami): aye
[2014/08/09 11:01:12] Rosie Gray: aye
[2014/08/09 11:01:15] Leslie Allandale: yay
[2014/08/09 11:01:27] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2014/08/09 11:01:31] Rosie Gray: that was easy!
[2014/08/09 11:01:40] Leslie Allandale: life can be easy
[2014/08/09 11:01:48] Lilith Ivory /me smiles and hopes it will stay that easy :)
[2014/08/09 11:02:00] Rosie Gray /me looks at Lilith and winks
[2014/08/09 11:02:21] Bromo Ivory /me gets his "easy" button
[2014/08/09 11:02:33] Rosie Gray: for the survey, I will post the link on the forum, and send and inworld notice
[2014/08/09 11:02:46] Rosie Gray: each person can access the survey once only
[2014/08/09 11:03:01] Rosie Gray: so as to prevent anyone from gaming it
[2014/08/09 11:03:25] Rosie Gray: (15 surveys that all want a star trek theme)
[2014/08/09 11:03:38] Lilith Ivory: yikes
[2014/08/09 11:03:55] Bromo Ivory /me thinks a Star Trek theme would be cool. Thanks for the idea, Rosie!
[2014/08/09 11:03:57] Bromo Ivory: ;-)
[2014/08/09 11:04:14] Rosie Gray: we should actually look at Item 2 I think
[2014/08/09 11:04:19] Leslie Allandale: I am not putting that in the minutes
[2014/08/09 11:04:22] Rosie Gray: and approve the scope of this commission
[2014/08/09 11:04:28] Rosie Gray: no, lol
[2014/08/09 11:04:51] Leslie Allandale: Yes, I need to leave on time.
[2014/08/09 11:05:02] Rosie Gray: what is on time?
[2014/08/09 11:05:12] Leslie Allandale: 11:30?
[2014/08/09 11:05:17] Pat (patroklus.murakami): i will need to leave at 12
[2014/08/09 11:05:17] Rosie Gray: alrighty
[2014/08/09 11:05:45] Leslie Allandale: I move we table 1 b,c,d, until after the survey
[2014/08/09 11:05:48] Rosie Gray: so, do we have a motion to approve the Commission Scope of Work?
[2014/08/09 11:06:08] Leslie Allandale: before we go to 2.
[2014/08/09 11:06:37] Rosie Gray: do we have a second for Leslie's motion?
[2014/08/09 11:06:40] Pat (patroklus.murakami): i second leslie's motion
[2014/08/09 11:06:44] Rosie Gray: thanks
[2014/08/09 11:06:47] Rosie Gray: discussion?
[2014/08/09 11:06:50] Leslie Allandale: no
[2014/08/09 11:07:02] Rosie Gray: Bromo, Pat, Lil?
[2014/08/09 11:07:21] Lilith Ivory: no discussion needed
[2014/08/09 11:07:26] Leslie Allandale: call the question
[2014/08/09 11:07:26] Pat (patroklus.murakami): makes sense to me. we can't really discuss these issues until we have more feedback
[2014/08/09 11:07:31] Bromo Ivory: I agree
[2014/08/09 11:07:32] Rosie Gray: okay, vote
[2014/08/09 11:07:35] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2014/08/09 11:07:36] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 11:07:38] Bromo Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 11:07:38] Rosie Gray: aye
[2014/08/09 11:07:39] Pat (patroklus.murakami): aye
[2014/08/09 11:07:49] Rosie Gray: now, Item 2
[2014/08/09 11:08:07] Leslie Allandale: What does it mean Approve commission scope of work
[2014/08/09 11:08:33] Bromo Ivory: I thought we already approved item 1?
[2014/08/09 11:08:38] Rosie Gray: well, it means do you agree with the items under Item 1 as our scope of work
[2014/08/09 11:08:47] Leslie Allandale: I do.
[2014/08/09 11:08:57] Leslie Allandale: do you want a motion?
[2014/08/09 11:09:05] Bromo Ivory: I move we vote on item 2
[2014/08/09 11:09:10] Rosie Gray: perhaps there is something else to add, or not
[2014/08/09 11:09:14] Rosie Gray: okay thanks Bromo
[2014/08/09 11:09:24] Bromo Ivory: I take that back.
[2014/08/09 11:09:27] Bromo Ivory: sorry
[2014/08/09 11:09:28] Rosie Gray: well, we need an actual motion
[2014/08/09 11:09:31] Rosie Gray: okay
[2014/08/09 11:09:37] Pat (patroklus.murakami): i can see some things missing from scope
[2014/08/09 11:09:51] Rosie Gray: okay, good... then let's hear
[2014/08/09 11:09:56] Leslie Allandale: I move we approve item 1 as the commissions scope of work
[2014/08/09 11:10:05] Pat (patroklus.murakami): do we want to make recommendations on pricing?
[2014/08/09 11:10:16] Pat (patroklus.murakami): or on balance between public and private land?
[2014/08/09 11:10:16] Rosie Gray: let's have a second, then discussion
[2014/08/09 11:10:24] Pat (patroklus.murakami): second
[2014/08/09 11:10:26] Rosie Gray: thanks
[2014/08/09 11:10:43] Rosie Gray: so... yes good point Pat
[2014/08/09 11:10:52] Pat (patroklus.murakami): should we consider any specific builds and make recommendations to RA?
[2014/08/09 11:10:53] Bromo Ivory: I think we need to come up with a sim economic plan before the legislation is drafted
[2014/08/09 11:10:58] Leslie Allandale: Can we leave ourself some room to change the exact scope of work?
[2014/08/09 11:11:06] Rosie Gray: we might want to adopt Trebor's bill
[2014/08/09 11:11:25] Rosie Gray: which is basically just that Bromo,
[2014/08/09 11:11:42] Bromo Ivory: We could adopt the bill for just this sim's plan, too.
[2014/08/09 11:11:43] Rosie Gray: or modify it... but really I think he's done an excellent job
[2014/08/09 11:11:50] Leslie Allandale: So, how would we word item i.
[2014/08/09 11:12:10] Leslie Allandale: which would relate to finances.
[2014/08/09 11:12:21] Bromo Ivory: How about "The sim come up with a general economic plan indicating the number of public and private prims, and area"
[2014/08/09 11:12:54] Pat (patroklus.murakami): add "consider finances, balance of public and private prims and any specific builds appropriate to the theme'
[2014/08/09 11:12:58] Leslie Allandale: I agree. there is no mention of additional sims.
[2014/08/09 11:13:12] Rosie Gray: it could be sim or sims
[2014/08/09 11:13:28] Rosie Gray: oh I like that Pat
[2014/08/09 11:13:30] Leslie Allandale: Then we should add that working to item 1.
[2014/08/09 11:13:31] Pat (patroklus.murakami): i'd like it to be one sim in SL and one in.... another world!
[2014/08/09 11:14:00] Rosie Gray: or people may really want 2 sims here... a water sim and another
[2014/08/09 11:14:01] Leslie Allandale: wording
[2014/08/09 11:14:19] Pat (patroklus.murakami): make it 'region or regions' so it can be more than one
[2014/08/09 11:14:26] Rosie Gray: right
[2014/08/09 11:14:36] Lilith Ivory /me nods
[2014/08/09 11:15:04] Bromo Ivory: Do we need to consider a non LL grid SIM add in the scope? Or do we think the current one covers it?
[2014/08/09 11:15:09] Rosie Gray: How about: Consider finances, balance of public and private prims and any specific public spaces appropriate to the theme.
[2014/08/09 11:15:18] Bromo Ivory /me likes Rosie's word
[2014/08/09 11:15:32] Pat (patroklus.murakami) /me nods at rosie's proposal
[2014/08/09 11:15:35] Leslie Allandale: Good rosie.
[2014/08/09 11:15:43] Lilith Ivory: yes
[2014/08/09 11:15:47] Leslie Allandale: How do we change the motion to include that?
[2014/08/09 11:15:50] Rosie Gray: motion to accept?
[2014/08/09 11:15:56] Leslie Allandale: so move
[2014/08/09 11:16:01] Pat (patroklus.murakami): second
[2014/08/09 11:16:05] Rosie Gray: (it would be amended motion)
[2014/08/09 11:16:06] Leslie Allandale: question
[2014/08/09 11:16:18] Rosie Gray: vote
[2014/08/09 11:16:21] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2014/08/09 11:16:23] Rosie Gray: aye
[2014/08/09 11:16:25] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 11:16:26] Pat (patroklus.murakami): aye
[2014/08/09 11:16:32] Rosie Gray: Bromo?
[2014/08/09 11:16:57] Rosie Gray /me tries to nudge Bromo to vote
[2014/08/09 11:17:03] Leslie Allandale: psssst
[2014/08/09 11:17:20] Pat (patroklus.murakami): i move we add to scope 'consider adding a new region in another world as well as in SL'
[2014/08/09 11:17:36] Rosie Gray: well, the motion passes anyway
[2014/08/09 11:17:44] Leslie Allandale: That comes under regions (s)
[2014/08/09 11:18:03] Pat (patroklus.murakami): i just want to be specific
[2014/08/09 11:18:10] Pat (patroklus.murakami): so the idea does not get lost
[2014/08/09 11:18:26] Lilith Ivory: I think wthis works for LL and other Sim)s) alike
[2014/08/09 11:18:34] Bromo Ivory: I think it is so prominently in the survey that it isn't going to get lost
[2014/08/09 11:18:41] Rosie Gray: I agree... and we do have the quesiton in the survey
[2014/08/09 11:18:58] Leslie Allandale: And we can put it in Discussion Points.
[2014/08/09 11:19:00] Pat (patroklus.murakami): ok.the survey is clear
[2014/08/09 11:19:09] Leslie Allandale: next?
[2014/08/09 11:19:14] Rosie Gray: but we don't want to lose site of it, true
[2014/08/09 11:19:26] Leslie Allandale: true
[2014/08/09 11:19:41] Rosie Gray: alright
[2014/08/09 11:19:47] Rosie Gray: so item 3
[2014/08/09 11:19:58] Rosie Gray: we've all agreed to host inworld meetings
[2014/08/09 11:20:03] Rosie Gray: except Pat wasn't here
[2014/08/09 11:20:20] Rosie Gray: Pat, would you like to host an inworld meeting of citizens?
[2014/08/09 11:20:25] Pat (patroklus.murakami): sure!
[2014/08/09 11:20:41] Rosie Gray: we are going to do them during the week, and with the 5 of us can cover most time zones
[2014/08/09 11:21:03] Leslie Allandale: I will take minutes of them, and compile them.
[2014/08/09 11:21:18] Rosie Gray: that might be a lot of work to compile
[2014/08/09 11:21:20] Lilith Ivory: we should figure out the points of those meetings :)
[2014/08/09 11:21:21] Leslie Allandale: So we need to schedule the 4 meetings.
[2014/08/09 11:21:25] Leslie Allandale: ??
[2014/08/09 11:21:32] Bromo Ivory: The discussion points
[2014/08/09 11:21:38] Rosie Gray: yes, first let's determine the discussion points
[2014/08/09 11:21:39] Bromo Ivory: not the purpose
[2014/08/09 11:21:47] Lilith Ivory: yes exactly
[2014/08/09 11:22:10] Leslie Allandale: When will we have results of he survey?
[2014/08/09 11:22:13] Rosie Gray: that we will all include in the meetings we host (and all can attend and help at each other's hosted meetings, where available)
[2014/08/09 11:22:21] Lilith Ivory: I will need to think a little about my schedule before setting times for my meetings anyway
[2014/08/09 11:22:43] Rosie Gray: okay that's a good point
[2014/08/09 11:22:55] Leslie Allandale: Wouldn't information from survey be valuable in guiding the points?
[2014/08/09 11:23:06] Rosie Gray: shall we set the survey to open today, and to close at the end of Saturday, August 16
[2014/08/09 11:23:15] Lilith Ivory: knowing CDS it will take at least a week too to have the majority doing this survey
[2014/08/09 11:23:18] Rosie Gray: we need to give people time to answer the survey
[2014/08/09 11:23:34] Leslie Allandale: Before the meetings
[2014/08/09 11:23:40] Rosie Gray: does 1 week seem sufficient?
[2014/08/09 11:23:52] Leslie Allandale: And before deciding the points we will be discussing.
[2014/08/09 11:23:53] Rosie Gray: actually, I think we can hold the meetings at the same time as the survey
[2014/08/09 11:23:59] Lilith Ivory: one week is the best I can think of :)
[2014/08/09 11:24:03] Pat (patroklus.murakami): i think meetings after the survey make sense. we wont' be able to have a ggod discusssion of legislation before then
[2014/08/09 11:24:06] Lilith Ivory: I agree Rosie
[2014/08/09 11:24:31] Lilith Ivory: we can talk about the survey at the meetings
[2014/08/09 11:24:35] Leslie Allandale: I see them as sequential.
[2014/08/09 11:24:38] Rosie Gray: okay so Bromo, Leslie... what do you think
[2014/08/09 11:24:46] Rosie Gray: Bromo?
[2014/08/09 11:25:01] Bromo Ivory: I agree with Pat
[2014/08/09 11:25:24] Rosie Gray: alright then, concensus seems to be to hold the meetings after the survey
[2014/08/09 11:25:38] Rosie Gray: we can encourage people to take the survey, during the week
[2014/08/09 11:25:39] Lilith Ivory: fine with me
[2014/08/09 11:25:47] Bromo Ivory /me nods
[2014/08/09 11:25:52] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2014/08/09 11:26:05] Rosie Gray: so, close the survey on Saturday August 16th, noon slt
[2014/08/09 11:26:13] Leslie Allandale: yes
[2014/08/09 11:26:21] Rosie Gray: then we can get the results and use them for our inworld discussions
[2014/08/09 11:26:25] Leslie Allandale: yes
[2014/08/09 11:26:34] Rosie Gray: okay with everyone?
[2014/08/09 11:26:39] Lilith Ivory: yes
[2014/08/09 11:26:39] Leslie Allandale: move?
[2014/08/09 11:26:55] Rosie Gray: I don't think we need a motion
[2014/08/09 11:26:59] Leslie Allandale: yes, then
[2014/08/09 11:27:07] Rosie Gray: alright, good
[2014/08/09 11:27:24] Rosie Gray: so during this week, encourage people to do the survey, remind them they can only access it once
[2014/08/09 11:27:43] Rosie Gray: and consider your availability for inworld meetings for the week of August 18 - 23
[2014/08/09 11:27:50] Leslie Allandale: And during the week the moderators will set times for the meetings?
[2014/08/09 11:28:05] Rosie Gray: (these are items under #3)
[2014/08/09 11:28:34] Rosie Gray: if we set our next meeting now, we can decide then the times for inworld meetings
[2014/08/09 11:28:49] Leslie Allandale: agrees
[2014/08/09 11:28:53] Lilith Ivory: yes
[2014/08/09 11:29:08] Pat (patroklus.murakami) /me will be out of action w/c 25 august for about 3 weeks. vacation plans :)
[2014/08/09 11:29:23] Rosie Gray: okay, would next Saturday at the same time work for our next meeting?
[2014/08/09 11:29:27] Bromo Ivory /me is jealous
[2014/08/09 11:29:27] Pat (patroklus.murakami): i'll get min in before then
[2014/08/09 11:29:27] Rosie Gray: okay Pat
[2014/08/09 11:29:33] Pat (patroklus.murakami): *mine
[2014/08/09 11:29:33] Bromo Ivory: I am good
[2014/08/09 11:29:38] Leslie Allandale: yes
[2014/08/09 11:29:38] Bromo Ivory: next week works for me
[2014/08/09 11:29:42] Bromo Ivory: same time
[2014/08/09 11:29:43] Lilith Ivory: yes fine with me
[2014/08/09 11:29:54] Pat (patroklus.murakami): next week is fine for me too
[2014/08/09 11:29:56] Leslie Allandale: Will we have results by then?
[2014/08/09 11:30:01] Rosie Gray: no
[2014/08/09 11:30:08] Leslie Allandale: :(
[2014/08/09 11:30:09] Rosie Gray: but we will that evening
[2014/08/09 11:30:14] Bromo Ivory: :-)
[2014/08/09 11:30:19] Rosie Gray: unless we close the survey earlier
[2014/08/09 11:30:22] Bromo Ivory: I could meet on Sunday, too
[2014/08/09 11:30:28] Rosie Gray: could close it on Friday at midnight
[2014/08/09 11:30:31] Leslie Allandale: I would like to have the results
[2014/08/09 11:30:36] Lilith Ivory: I don´t think closing the survey earlier is wise
[2014/08/09 11:30:37] Rosie Gray: yes, that's a good point Les
[2014/08/09 11:30:44] Pat (patroklus.murakami): sunday works for me too
[2014/08/09 11:30:45] Bromo Ivory: I'd like to give people a full 7 days to respond
[2014/08/09 11:30:47] Leslie Allandale: Sunday works for me
[2014/08/09 11:30:50] Rosie Gray: Sunday is fine for me too
[2014/08/09 11:30:56] Rosie Gray: I agree bromo
[2014/08/09 11:31:04] Rosie Gray: so, Sunday at 10 am slt?
[2014/08/09 11:31:06] Lilith Ivory: sunday works for me too
[2014/08/09 11:31:07] Leslie Allandale: yes
[2014/08/09 11:31:09] Bromo Ivory /me is ok with it
[2014/08/09 11:31:10] Lilith Ivory: yup
[2014/08/09 11:31:15] Rosie Gray: Pat?
[2014/08/09 11:31:23] Rosie Gray: oh sorry you arleady said
[2014/08/09 11:31:26] Rosie Gray: already*
[2014/08/09 11:31:33] Pat (patroklus.murakami): sunday's fine :)
[2014/08/09 11:31:49] Rosie Gray: Lil would it conflict with an SC meeting?
[2014/08/09 11:32:11] Lilith Ivory: uhm ... to be honest atm I have no clue when the next SC meeting is
[2014/08/09 11:32:29] Lilith Ivory: I need to find that out
[2014/08/09 11:32:42] Rosie Gray: it's usually on Sunday mornings, I think
[2014/08/09 11:32:45] Rosie Gray: but earlier?
[2014/08/09 11:32:53] Lilith Ivory: at 8 am normally
[2014/08/09 11:33:03] Rosie Gray: so would be okay then, probably ㋡
[2014/08/09 11:33:11] Rosie Gray: shall we say yes to it then?
[2014/08/09 11:33:12] Lilith Ivory: I think so too
[2014/08/09 11:33:17] Leslie Allandale: yes
[2014/08/09 11:33:25] Bromo Ivory: Maybe assume 10AM is ok - and send out an email if something changed? I am pretty flexible on that day
[2014/08/09 11:33:38] Rosie Gray: sounds good to me
[2014/08/09 11:33:42] Leslie Allandale: I agree with Bromo
[2014/08/09 11:33:49] Pat (patroklus.murakami): 10am is good for me too
[2014/08/09 11:34:06] Pat (patroklus.murakami): and i can be flexible on weekends
[2014/08/09 11:34:10] Lilith Ivory: sounds good for me
[2014/08/09 11:34:11] Rosie Gray: okay.. we are decided, next meeting Sunday August 17, 10 am slt
[2014/08/09 11:34:16] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2014/08/09 11:34:21] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 11:34:43] Rosie Gray: you can make that a motion too Les
[2014/08/09 11:34:50] Leslie Allandale: I so move
[2014/08/09 11:34:52] Rosie Gray: all voting?
[2014/08/09 11:34:55] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2014/08/09 11:34:56] Rosie Gray: and I second
[2014/08/09 11:34:58] Rosie Gray: aye
[2014/08/09 11:35:00] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 11:35:01] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2014/08/09 11:35:08] Rosie Gray: excellent!
[2014/08/09 11:35:09] Pat (patroklus.murakami): aye
[2014/08/09 11:35:13] Bromo Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 11:35:21] Rosie Gray: anything else for this meeting, or shall we adjourn?
[2014/08/09 11:35:25] Leslie Allandale: move to adjorn
[2014/08/09 11:35:34] Bromo Ivory: second
[2014/08/09 11:35:37] Leslie Allandale: adjourn
[2014/08/09 11:35:42] Rosie Gray: okay vote
[2014/08/09 11:35:44] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2014/08/09 11:35:44] Rosie Gray: aye
[2014/08/09 11:35:45] Bromo Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 11:35:47] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2014/08/09 11:35:47] Pat (patroklus.murakami) /me votes aye

"Courage, my friend, it's not too late to make the world a better place."
~ Tommy Douglas

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