SC Meeting Transcript Sunday June 12

Announcements by the Dean of the Scientific Council

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Lilith Ivory
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SC Meeting Transcript Sunday June 12

Post by Lilith Ivory »


Approval of Agenda

New Business:


Old Business:

1. Standard template for petitions - Arria 15 min OD

2. Hearing and Impeachment Procedures - Calli 15 min OD


Election of secretary - 5 min OD Admin

CDSL 23-04 Forum Act
Digital storage of database and Website backups 5 min OD Admin

Next meeting: TBA


Lilith Ivory: if we all are ready I call this meeting to order
Lilith Ivory: the agenda and the Impeachment procedures draft from Calli are in the box behind me
Lilith Ivory: do you all have it?
Lilith Ivory: can we aprove on the agenda as it is ?
Arria Perreault: yes
Callipygian Christensen: yes
Lilith Ivory: yes
Lilith Ivory: no new business at the moment ..
Lilith Ivory: Aria have you been able to work on your standart template for petitions in the meantime?
Lilith Ivory: (maybe we should wait a minute as I just saw Coop coming online
Arria Perreault: I have published the draft on the forum.
Lilith Ivory: Hi Coop
Arria Perreault: We have got only one comment from Calli
Lilith Ivory: /me has to admit she has forgotten about this due to the byelection
Arria Perreault: I am not sure if it is only a comment or if we have to add tge types of petitions in the model for a petition
Arria Perreault: Like : type of petition (list of the different types)
Arria Perreault: what do you expect Calli ?
Lilith Ivory:
Lilith Ivory: the link to Arias draft
Arria Perreault: right
Arria Perreault: Or we we need two notecards
Callipygian Christensen: I thuoght it might be useful to icncorporate the ideas from that comment i n some form - provide some expanation of what a petition addresses, not just have a ban that gets filled in by guess and hope
Arria Perreault: Maybe we should have two notcards
Arria Perreault: one for all issues which are regarding legality of legislation (type A)
Arria Perreault: and other issues (fault in the action, type B)
Callipygian Christensen: wwell I think 2 cards might just be confusing - a wording that explains the types of thing that can be addressed followed by the form to fill in reevant information might be simplest?
Arria Perreault: yes, I think it's better
Arria Perreault: I will add the information in the draft.
Lilith Ivory: I agree but also having to bring all diffenten info in one notecard might be difficult and confusing for the ones who have to fill it
RogueGeek Cooperstone: I think rather than trying to do a chapter A or a chapter B, just put in a paragraph that says 'These are things you can file petitons for...'
Arria Perreault: I will try to make a notecard that everyone can understand
Lilith Ivory: that?s good
Lilith Ivory: what I also miss is a modyfied draft that takes into account what we have discussed at our last meeting.
Lilith Ivory: regarding the agreement that the petition can be discussed at a public meeting
Lilith Ivory: I think that?s important and we should not forget about it
Lilith Ivory: Hi Soro
Soro Dagostino: Hello, sorry to be late.
Lilith Ivory: we are just discussing Arrias template for petitions
Soro Dagostino: Good to see  you are quorate.
Lilith Ivory:
Lilith Ivory: any more comments about this agenda item for now?
Arria Perreault: agreement that the petition: it is at the end of the draft
Callipygian Christensen: No - i thnk its al covered
Arria Perreault: My petition can be discussed in a public meeting : YES / NO
I have published my petition in the forums : YES / NO (Paste URL)
Arria Perreault: but it is mostly for type B
Lilith Ivory: /me nods

Lilith Ivory: if there are no further comments I would ask you Arria to keep working on this draft till the next meeting
Soro Dagostino: I can't read it, not within time limits.
Arria Perreault: yes
Arria Perreault: I will publish the new draf in the forum
Lilith Ivory: and ask the members of the SC to participate on the forum discussion (including myself)
Lilith Ivory: next agenda item :
Lilith Ivory: Hearing and Impeachment Procedures
Lilith Ivory: Calis draft is in the box behind me
Arria Perreault: ... 301#p43301
Arria Perreault: the new draft is online
Soro Dagostino: Thank you.
Lilith Ivory: thank you Arria
Lilith Ivory: next item: Hearing and Impeachment Procedures
Lilith Ivory: have you all read it ?
RogueGeek Cooperstone: yes
Lilith Ivory: any comments? who wants to go first?
Callipygian Christensen: Lilith - do yu want me to give some background first?
Lilith Ivory: yes please Calli :)
Lilith Ivory: you have the floor
Callipygian Christensen: This is the next  step in ensuring that there are clear procedures in place for hearings - we recently established procedure for regular hearings - this speaks to the specifics of impeachment
Callipygian Christensen: While the Constitution taks the SC with conducting impeachment hearings, it gives no specifics as to 'how'
Callipygian Christensen: In discussions over time people have expressed a desire to see all hearings include clear timelines, procedures, rights of the person petitioned against and a way to appeal.
Callipygian Christensen: This draft is an attempt to provide all of the above, while recognizing the limittions of the number of people  sitting on the SC - we are not the rea world with an endless pool of people to draw from
Callipygian Christensen: I suggest we have a short discussion now if there is anthing tht instnatly jumpsout for attention - but open the discssion on the forum for the next two weeks, wth the intent of a revised draft cming to out next meeting.
Callipygian Christensen: done.
Lilith Ivory: thank you Calli
Lilith Ivory: Coop, would you like to start?
RogueGeek Cooperstone: I can.
Lilith Ivory: you have the floor
RogueGeek Cooperstone: The biggest thing that the draft addresses is the logistics of making it work.
RogueGeek Cooperstone: The Constitution was a little nebulous as far as what was needed or when or how long
RogueGeek Cooperstone: The draft does cover all the bases, however I am doing a little doodling on timelines to make sure of how it looks on a calendar. Done
Lilith Ivory: thank you Coop
Lilith Ivory: Soro, do you want to go next?
Soro Dagostino: No, let me listen for a bit. Late this morning.
Lilith Ivory: Arria?
Lilith Ivory: Arria, would you like to speak on this item?
Arria Perreault: My first remark is : the COnstitution is not clear at all and should be reviewed. Our solution can only be for a limited time
Arria Perreault: We should make a remark to the RA regarding this point.
Arria Perreault: I understand that such a hearing will concern only a RA member as the RA has the authority to remove the Chancellor from offoce, or a SC member
Arria Perreault: Calli, who can enter a hearing in your point of view ?
Arria Perreault: A citizen, a group of citizen ?
Callipygian Christensen: Arria - the consitution specifies that any branch of govt can cal for an impeachment - and the RA no longer has the rght to remove the Chancellor, since that is now an elected position..
Arria Perreault: ok

Soro Dagostino: I'm sorry good people. I have an RL demand. I have to go.
Lilith Ivory: bye Soro
Arria Perreault: bye Soro
Callipygian Christensen: so this procedure will apply to any petition to impeach, that is brught by those allowed to do so in the Constitution..and that can be against a RA memer, and SC member or the Chancellor
Callipygian Christensen: I'd also add this is not a temporary thing - procedures being in place is a permanent action.
Callipygian Christensen: done
Lilith Ivory: thanks for clarifying Calli
Arria Perreault: the petition comes from a branch only ?
Delia Lake: /me raises her hand re history on current wording about hearings in SC section of Constitution
Lilith Ivory: Calli, would you like to answer Arria first before I give Delia the floor?
Lilith Ivory: (after Arria is done)
Callipygian Christensen: Currently the consitution gives the power to call for impeachment to RA and to the SC - the anguage of the Consitution has not been amended to relect the change in psotion of the Chancellor
Callipygian Christensen: I thi Deia may have puled up the actua wording
Delia Lake: "The RA can seek impeachment of members of the Philosophic branch by initiating an impeachment hearing."
RogueGeek Cooperstone: as I read it, any member of the SC, RA, or the Chancellor may petition for an impeachment hearing
Lilith Ivory: I think in your draft it should be mentioned in very clear words who can file an impeachment petition to avoid confusin in the future
RogueGeek Cooperstone: and that can be as an individual, or as a whole body
Callipygian Christensen: Lilith - that is not our decision to make
Lilith Ivory: not our decision of course but we should mention all laws and pieces of text which talk about impeachment
Callipygian Christensen: that is a Consitutional item and shuld be addressed there - our procudures can only apply what the Consitution or Laws establish - we do not decide the 'who', just the 'how' in my opinion
Callipygian Christensen: Yes - so we specify 'as stated in the Consitution' - that way procedure always matches theConsitution, even if that document ia amended.
Lilith Ivory: I don?t say we have to decide but what the constitution says should be clear in your draft so others don?t have to find the matching peices of constitution
Lilith Ivory: I am just concerned we will have the discussion about "who can do it" more often if we don?t write the law down somethwhere
Arria Perreault: Constitution sais : The RA can seek impeachment of members of the Philosophic branch by initiating an impeachment hearing.(Section 7 ? Powers of the RA). I think that the RA can only act as a branch.
Callipygian Christensen: The Consitution has to be the place that is written - and reading the Consitution is not a huge burden on soeoene wanting to pursue an impeachment imo.
Lilith Ivory: you have a point here Calli :)
Callipygian Christensen: Can I suggest that we move this to the Forums - it gives everyone time to review the dcument, the Consitution and to consider thee purpose of procedures?
Lilith Ivory: I agree Calli
Callipygian Christensen: I can then incorporate  feedback if needed and bring back a revised draft for the next meeting.
Lilith Ivory: this item needs to be viewed closely and is too important to be decided in a hurry
Arria Perreault: I agree that the everyone can read the Constitution from time to time. I think also that the text describing the procedure can be clear for everyone.

Lilith Ivory: yes I will put this on the agenda again for the next meeting
Arria Perreault: "those identified in the CDS Constitution" could be listed in the text
Arria Perreault: done
Arria Perreault: I agrre to continue the discussion in the forums
Lilith Ivory: do you agree too Coop?
RogueGeek Cooperstone: Yes ma'am
Lilith Ivory: /me smiles
Lilith Ivory: ok let?s move on the administrative business
Lilith Ivory: Election of a SC secretary
Lilith Ivory: so far I was still posting the transcripts of your meetings myself and there has noone being posting anything about our meetings on the portal for the time being (shame on me for that besides others)
Lilith Ivory: Coop has told me he might be willing to do this job from now on
Lilith Ivory: are you still willing Coop?
RogueGeek Cooperstone: I am
Lilith Ivory: /me smiles
Callipygian Christensen: ah, its always nice when a victi....a person is willing:)
Lilith Ivory: /me smiles bright
Lilith Ivory: I move to appoint Coop as our SC secretary
Callipygian Christensen: I second
Rosie Gray: /me raises a hand
Lilith Ivory: all in favor say aye please
Callipygian Christensen: aye
Arria Perreault: aye
Lilith Ivory: aye
RogueGeek Cooperstone: aye
Lilith Ivory: congrats Coop for being our secretary
Arria Perreault: congratulations and thank you
Lilith Ivory: do you want to add something Rosie?
Rosie Gray: yes thanks Lilith
Callipygian Christensen: I am willing to help Coop locate al the transcripts and get them onto the website
Rosie Gray: I just wanted to point out the the SC has a page on the portal
Lilith Ivory: thany you calli and thanks to Coop too
Rosie Gray: where it's supposed to have SC transcripts
RogueGeek Cooperstone: Which I will need permissions to
Rosie Gray: okay... excellent ?
RogueGeek Cooperstone: So as to make that happen.
Rosie Gray: I can set it up for you Coop
Lilith Ivory: excellent
Rosie Gray: there have never been any posted there, but it would be good to have the references all in one place
Rosie Gray: done
Lilith Ivory: thank you for your help Rosie :)
Lilith Ivory: I will still post the transcript of this meeting myself on the forum as the recorder sends it to me
Lilith Ivory: and for the next meeting the recorder should be changed so Coop gets the transcripts on his own email adress
Primone Table Rectangle: Touched.
Lilith Ivory: can you take care about that Calli?
Callipygian Christensen: Just a matter of Coop touching and entering hsi e-mail - Ill check its set so he can
Lilith Ivory: ok thank you
Lilith Ivory: I never touched this thing myself as it always worked well for me
Lilith Ivory: next agenda item:
Lilith Ivory: CDSL 23-04 Forum Act
Digital storage of database and Website backups
Lilith Ivory: this law says beside other things:
Lilith Ivory: *The Chancellor of the CDS will identify a location for digital storage of database and Website backups. The Dean of the SC will ensure that the monthly backups are copied to this location. The Chancellor will ensure that the Dean of the SC and the LRA have any relevant passwords or access levels required to retrieve these backups if needed.
Lilith Ivory: I have been talking with our chancellor about it
Lilith Ivory: and Rosie has declared we should safe a backup copy of our forum at the server space our google account provides
Lilith Ivory: (please correct me Rosie if I say something wrong here)
Rosie Gray: I think it was just the database, Lilith
RogueGeek Cooperstone: how big is the backup, out of curiosity?

Lilith Ivory: as I have both access to the backup button on the forum and the google website I think for now it would be best if I do the backup storage myself for now
Lilith Ivory: 93 MB
Lilith Ivory: I have one at my harddrive atm
RogueGeek Cooperstone: ok
Lilith Ivory: so far I don?t know how this can be done but Rosie offered me to walk me through it how the backup can be stored on google
Lilith Ivory: I can report later as soon as I know it works and how :)
Callipygian Christensen: its under 100MB
Lilith Ivory: and questions and comments about that?
RogueGeek Cooperstone: and Google drive gives you 15GB or so
RogueGeek Cooperstone: so that's a gracious plenty
Arria Perreault: It is an important task in my point of view as the forums have so many informations about the CDS and its history
Arria Perreault: I am happy that such a law exists
Arria Perreault: done
Lilith Ivory: thank you Arria
Lilith Ivory: anything more to add to this ?
Callipygian Christensen: not from me
RogueGeek Cooperstone: I was just ging to say if you need any help I'm willing
Lilith Ivory: I am a novice with loading files up to google so far but I think I am able to learn how to do it :)
Rosie Gray: ?
Lilith Ivory: I?m sure I can report the forum backup is stored safely there at our next meeting
Lilith Ivory: and plan to do a backup once a month afterwards
Lilith Ivory: if there is nothing else I think we should move on
Lilith Ivory: I would be in favor to meet next time sometimes mid july ..
Lilith Ivory: preferably one week after the RA has met
Lilith Ivory: as so far the RA has no meeting routine I think we should wait with figuring out an exact time for our meeting till we know when the RA is going to meet in july
Lilith Ivory: what do you think?
Callipygian Christensen: With summer holidays and activities, it may be harder to have quorum if peope can't plan ahead?
Lilith Ivory: the RA has agreed to meet next weekend again and I do have hope we know more about further meetings than
RogueGeek Cooperstone: Lil, according to the forum RA is going on the 18th at 10
Callipygian Christensen: If we decide as soon as the RA meets next week it shuld be ok though
Lilith Ivory: yes I know that?s the next meeting but they are supposed to meet sometimes in july too of course
Lilith Ivory: we can of course decide right now about our meeting too
Lilith Ivory: but than we might be in front of the RA meetings
Lilith Ivory: I was thinking about having our next meeting sometimes at the wekend of the 9th or 16th JUly
Callipygian Christensen: Lilith - either of those work for me
Arria Perreault: for me too
Lilith Ivory: for me too as far as I can see
RogueGeek Cooperstone: I'm good with those, as long as you know if it is 0900 I'll be late
Callipygian Christensen: so perhaps we keep in mind it will be one of them, and specify once RA dates are posted?
Lilith Ivory: /me smiles and nods
Lilith Ivory: yes that was my evil plan :)
Aedan Charron: /me chuckles
Lilith Ivory: anything else to add or can we adjourn?
Arria Perreault: we can move to adjourn - second
Lilith Ivory: all in favor say aye please
Arria Perreault: aye
Callipygian Christensen: aye
RogueGeek Cooperstone: aye
Lilith Ivory: aye
Lilith Ivory: we are adjourned
Lilith Ivory: thank you all for coming

"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."
Terry Pratchett
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