SC meeting transcript, sunday april 17

Announcements by the Dean of the Scientific Council

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Lilith Ivory
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SC meeting transcript, sunday april 17

Post by Lilith Ivory »


Approval of Agenda

New Business:

Structured Questioning
Questions from SC Members to the new SC Candidates

Old Business:

1. Standard template for petitions - Arria

2. Hearing and Impeachment Procedures - Calli


Next meeting: TBA


Lilith Ivory: I call this meeting to order
Lilith Ivory: the Agenda is in the box
Lilith Ivory: does everybody have one?
Lilith Ivory: (I need to find a better notecard giver for the next meeting)
Soro Dagostino: Move approval of Agenda.
Lilith Ivory: I second while we might have to be a little flexible with the order of the agenda items due to missing SC member and .. uhm our new candidates :)
Lilith Ivory: can we vote on it anyway?
Lilith Ivory: if so please say aye
Soro Dagostino: Aye
Lilith Ivory: aye
Arria Perreault: aye
Lilith Ivory: thank you :)
Lilith Ivory: first Agenda Item: questioning of our new SC Candidates
Lilith Ivory: as you SC members might know Calli has suggested Coop as a new additional member of our body
Lilith Ivory: and Coop has stated he will be here today but might be a little late as he is in church before
Lilith Ivory: I suggested Timo Guffler and he too stated he will do his best to join us today
Lilith Ivory: but so far I don't see him online

Lilith Ivory: so I move we table this agenda item till we actually have some candidates to question :)
Soro Dagostino: Second.
Lilith Ivory: so vote :)
Soro Dagostino: Aye.
Arria Perreault: aye
Lilith Ivory: aye
Lilith Ivory: good thank you
Soro Dagostino: Madame Dean, may I suggest another candidate for that session?
Lilith Ivory: for that session?
Soro Dagostino: Add to the list . . .
Rosie Gray: hi Shep
Lilith Ivory: well we can add one I think but I think it is too short timed to vote on this candidate today already
Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Shep
Lilith Ivory: Hi Shep
Shep Titian: Hi All
Soro Dagostino: Not intended.
Lilith Ivory: /me smiles
Soro Dagostino: Add them to the list of people interviewed.
Lilith Ivory: sure you can suggest another candidate if this person would be willing
Soro Dagostino: Thanks.
Lilith Ivory: but it?s too short timed to interview her/him today too
Lilith Ivory: especially as some of our members are missing today
Brooke Brandenburg: Hi Coop
Lilith Ivory: Hi Coop :)
Tanoujin Milestone: Coop :)
Lilith Ivory: you are just in time
Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Coop
RogueGeek Cooperstone: Hi. Sorry about that. I forgot it was communion, and it ran a touch long
Shep Titian: Hi Coop
Arria Perreault: Hi Coop :-)
Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Delia!
Lilith Ivory: ok as Coop is here now I move we go back to item 1 on our agenda
Delia Lake: Hi everyone
Arria Perreault: Hi Delia :-)
Lilith Ivory: structured Questions from the SC members to Coop to find out about his likeliness to uphold the Constitution ...
Lilith Ivory: and demonstrated knowledge of our law
Lilith Ivory: and the intention to act without bias while interpreting the laws and hold office here
Lilith Ivory: this questioning is for SC members only and each member will have her/ his turn to ask questions if there are any
Lilith Ivory: Calli sent me her statement via email as she is kept away from here by urgend RL issues
Lilith Ivory: and she wants me to pass her appologies to her fellow SC members and all citizens
Lilith Ivory: are you all ready and can we proceed?
Soro Dagostino: I suggest that list be presented for Coop to reply.
Soro Dagostino: Calli took the time to write out her questions.
Lilith Ivory: what list?
Lilith Ivory: well Calli is not here and I don?t have the list
Soro Dagostino: The statement?
Lilith Ivory: do you Soro?
Soro Dagostino: I do not.
Lilith Ivory: let me pass to you callis statement she sent to us via email
Soro Dagostino: k
Lilith Ivory: I have no objection to Coop or Timo as candidates - I know that Coop spent much time reading Forums, laws and Constitution to get to know CDS. Timo as a long time citizen and member of government has always demonstrated a concern for the law and constitution. I support both nominations and would vote 'yes' .

Apologies Timo, Coop, if I don't make it :(
Lilith Ivory: really it?s all about the likeliness to uphold the Constitution, and and be knowlegable of our laws and to interpret them without bias
Lilith Ivory: the last were my words , not the oney from calli
Tanoujin Milestone: Hi Pat
Soro Dagostino: What positions did Timo hold in the government of CDS?
Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Pa
Patroklus Murakami: /me waves hello :-)
RogueGeek Cooperstone: He was on RA
Shep Titian: Hi Pat
Tor Karlsvalt: Pat*
Lilith Ivory: Hi was in the RA for several times
Arria Perreault: Hi Pat:-)
Soro Dagostino: TY
Lilith Ivory: but I would suggest we stay with questioning Coop only while Timo is not present so he can answer for himself

Soro Dagostino: Not a problem.
Lilith Ivory: /me smiles
Lilith Ivory: any questions to Coop from you Soro and Arria?
Soro Dagostino: I was trying to confirm Calli's opinion, and I would have moved appointment of both suggested candidates.
Soro Dagostino: But, it can wait.
Lilith Ivory: why don?t you go for it Soro?
Arria Perreault: Coop, what is your motivation to be a member of the SC. How do you hink to can help CDS to be a SC member ?
Arria Perreault: as* a SC member
RogueGeek Cooperstone: I have spent a good deal of my real life working in the legal system. I have enjoyed my work on Law Review and feel that the SC would give me an opportunity to help out within the community where my skills would be well utilized
RogueGeek Cooperstone: The SC does an important job, and I think it is something I can do well in as a member.
RogueGeek Cooperstone: Done
Arria Perreault: Thank you
Lilith Ivory: any more questions arria?
Arria Perreault: no, thank you
Lilith Ivory: Soro?
Lilith Ivory: any questions from your side
Arria Perreault: I am sure that Coop and Timo are good candidates
Soro Dagostino: I have no questions for Coop.
Lilith Ivory: ok thank you Soro
Soro Dagostino: Timo should have time before the SC.
Lilith Ivory: Coop do you think you are conversant in our constitution and laws enough to be a valuable SC member and do you thing you are able to uphold them?
Lilith Ivory: (timo said he would do his best to show up but RL might have been a bitch to him too)
Lilith Ivory: Coop?
RogueGeek Cooperstone: I do. I have read both documents, both the Constitution and the Code of Laws. I understand that it is very important to not only show no bias in all cases, but it is equally important to be able to impartially and fairly determine what the case should be if there is a question .
RogueGeek Cooperstone: Every one should be equal before the law.
Lilith Ivory: Thank you Coop
RogueGeek Cooperstone: And yes, I am willing to help out because I know that things only run as well as people make it go.
Soro Dagostino: Madame Dean.
Lilith Ivory: and I agree with Calli and and Arria both Coop and Timo would be good new SC members
Lilith Ivory: yes Soro?
Widget Whiteberry: /me spies Timo
Soro Dagostino: This matter was tabled, before Coop arrived. I renew that motion
Soro Dagostino: That gives Timo time.
Lilith Ivory: why so Soro?
Soro Dagostino: And any other candidate that may be presented.
Arria Perreault: Second the motion
Arria Perreault: I think that both candidates may be present
Lilith Ivory: I would move to appoint Coop as he was present to answer our questions and table the appointment of Timo till he was able to come here too
Lilith Ivory: any second fopr my motion?
Soro Dagostino: Madame Dean, there is a motion on the floor. Seconded.
Lilith Ivory: ok so be it
Soro Dagostino: To table.
Lilith Ivory: nay to Soros motion
Soro Dagostino: Aye
Arria Perreault: aye ti Soro's motion
Arria Perreault: to*
Lilith Ivory: wel ok let?s table this till the next meeting
Lilith Ivory: /me sighs
Lilith Ivory: mills work slow in CDS :)
Soro Dagostino: Coop, please understand why this is being done.
RogueGeek Cooperstone: I do
Soro Dagostino: I'm sorry we didn't have all the candidates here today.
Lilith Ivory: well ok
Lilith Ivory: let?s just move to the next agenda item
Lilith Ivory: old business: standart template for petitions
Lilith Ivory: Aria can you speak on this item?
Arria Perreault: I have the template in my inventory


Avatar name :

Date :

Issue / Context :

Text of the petition :

Constitutional article(s) or law(s) considered :

My petition can be discussed in a public meeting : YES / NO
I have published my petition in the forums : YES / NO (Paste URL)

Given the Article III Section 1 of the CDS Constitution

"The Scientific Council (SC) is a self-selected meritocracy. Its governmental role is to interpret and enforce the constitution. Its service roll (ed. note: sic) is to resolve citizen disputes and moderate user forums and events."

All CDS citizen are entitled to make a petition. The petition must concern themselves directly. They have to use the current notecard to enter the petition. This notecard has to be sent to the SC Dean or to any member of the SC. The petition will be hold in the next meeting of the SC.

If a citizen think that the petition is a personal concern, he has to declare it clearly. The SC has the right to decide that the
Arria Perreault: the idea was to have a standard template to make sure that we get all informations we need to manage the petition
Arria Perreault: We can review it til next meeting
Arria Perreault: (done(
Lilith Ivory: /me nods
Lilith Ivory: thank you Arria
Lilith Ivory: do we have this draft in SC discussions so we can read and discuss it there (if the forum is up and allows us to do so)
Arria Perreault: I will have a look. If not, I will publish it again.
Lilith Ivory: good thank you Arria :)
Soro Dagostino: Who is in charge of fixing the Forum?
Lilith Ivory: let?s move to table the discussion about Arrias draft first please
Soro Dagostino: Sorry.
Soro Dagostino: So move.
Lilith Ivory: I second
Lilith Ivory: so vote
Soro Dagostino: Aye.
Lilith Ivory: aye
Arria Perreault: aye
Lilith Ivory: thank you
Lilith Ivory: next agenda item : Hearing and Impeachment procedures
Lilith Ivory: Calli was supposed to speak to this item but as she can not be here today I move we table this item till our next meeting too
Soro Dagostino: Second.
Lilith Ivory: so vote
Arria Perreault: aye
Soro Dagostino: aye.
Lilith Ivory: aye
Lilith Ivory: good , thank you
Soro Dagostino: Lilith, is Calli's proposal published?
Lilith Ivory: she wanted to bring it to this meeting and pass it to us
Soro Dagostino: Another Forum thing. . . .
Lilith Ivory: not sure if her actual draft is published yet
Soro Dagostino: Can it be done?
Lilith Ivory: I am sure it can Soro :)
Lilith Ivory: why not?
Soro Dagostino: The Forum isn't working well.
Lilith Ivory: I was about to make an administrative announcement about the forum
Soro Dagostino: k
Soro Dagostino: I'll shush.
Lilith Ivory: as we all know we have problems with extended downtimes of the CDS forum for a while but the SC (me and Calli) are workin g on it
Lilith Ivory: and Calli was already able to safe a back-up of the forum on her harddrive so the data does not get lost if worse comes to worse
Lilith Ivory: we also are in contact with Gwyn who is kept away from RL to take care about it atm
Lilith Ivory: in the long term we will have to investigate to find an external server to store the back-up copies
Lilith Ivory: we will keep working to slove the problems we have at the moment
Lilith Ivory: done
Lilith Ivory: anything else?
Soro Dagostino: Move to adjourn.
Lilith Ivory: any suggestions when we meet next?
Arria Perreault: second

Lilith Ivory: I would like to have our next meeting soon but want to make sure our Candidates are able to join us too
Arria Perreault: Sunday at 9:00 is often OK for me
Arria Perreault: maybe a Doodle with SC members and candidates
Lilith Ivory: yes good idea
Soro Dagostino: I'm ok with 0900 on Sundays.
Lilith Ivory: should we try to meet again in 14 days?
Soro Dagostino: May 1?
Lilith Ivory: so the appointments don?t get delayed more than necessary
Arria Perreault: fine for me
Soro Dagostino: Ok by me.
Lilith Ivory: Delia do you have a LUC meeting on May 1?
Lilith Ivory: is there a conflict of time?
Widget Whiteberry: /me wonders if Les or Coop know
Leslie Allandale: no
Leslie Allandale: we are fine with tht
Delia Lake: we haven't scheduled yet
RogueGeek Cooperstone: I didn't think so
Delia Lake: that is one possibility
Lilith Ivory: ah good
Widget Whiteberry: /me sneaks off to rl
Lilith Ivory: I would suggest the SC does a doodle doc about a?the next meeting at may1, 9am
Soro Dagostino: Soro needs too!
Lilith Ivory: if that?s ok for you we can adjourn
Soro Dagostino: Aye
Lilith Ivory: aye
Soro Dagostino: Bye all, RL calls.
Lilith Ivory: bye Soro
Patroklus Murakami: /me waves and poofs!
Patroklus Murakami: /wave
Lilith Ivory: bye Pat
Rosie Gray: oh people leaving very quickly, lol
Lilith Ivory: I call this meeting as adjourned

"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."
Terry Pratchett
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