Transcript of the RA meeting 8 Sept 2014 at 20:30 SLT Part 1

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Tor Karlsvalt
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Transcript of the RA meeting 8 Sept 2014 at 20:30 SLT Part 1

Post by Tor Karlsvalt »

Transcript of the RA meeting of 8 September 2014 at 8:30PM SLT -- Part 1

RA Members Present: Cadence Theas, LRA; CLEOPATRA Xigalia; Rosie Gray and Tor Karlsvalt
Absent: Gwyneth Llewelyn
Guest: Ceasar Xigalia, Chancellor of the CDS

Agenda is at:

[2014/09/08 20:30:43] Cadence Theas: Hi everyone, its 10:30 and we can get started since we have a quorum
[2014/09/08 20:30:58] Cadence Theas: I did not receive any notice from Gwyn
[2014/09/08 20:31:02] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: its 8 30
[2014/09/08 20:31:16] Cadence Theas: sorry, 10:30 where I am
[2014/09/08 20:31:21] Cadence Theas: 8:30
[2014/09/08 20:31:24] Cadence Theas: here
[2014/09/08 20:31:42] Tor Karlsvalt: /me heats up some morning coffee.
[2014/09/08 20:31:48] Cadence Theas: The agenda for today is in the iris box on the center table
[2014/09/08 20:31:52] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: :/
[2014/09/08 20:32:32] Cadence Theas: I would like to welcome everyone who is here.
[2014/09/08 20:33:18] Cadence Theas: the first item is the review and approval of the agenda
[2014/09/08 20:33:19] JerryDon Lane: entered chat range (18.89 m).
[2014/09/08 20:33:30] Cadence Theas: do I hear a motion to review and approve the agenda?
[2014/09/08 20:33:49] Tor Karlsvalt: I motion that we approve the agenda.
[2014/09/08 20:33:53] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: second
[2014/09/08 20:33:56] Cadence Theas: ty
[2014/09/08 20:34:03] Cadence Theas: is there any discussion?
[2014/09/08 20:34:11] Rosie Gray: no
[2014/09/08 20:34:27] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: no
[2014/09/08 20:34:43] Cadence Theas: then indicate approval by saying aye
[2014/09/08 20:34:49] Rosie Gray: aye
[2014/09/08 20:34:55] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: aye
[2014/09/08 20:35:12] Cadence Theas: Tor?
[2014/09/08 20:35:40] Rosie Gray: /me gives Tor a POKE!
[2014/09/08 20:35:41] Tor Karlsvalt: aye
[2014/09/08 20:35:44] Tor Karlsvalt: sorry
[2014/09/08 20:35:44] Cadence Theas: ty
[2014/09/08 20:35:53] Cadence Theas: the agenda is approved
[2014/09/08 20:36:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: :)
[2014/09/08 20:36:05] Cadence Theas: second item is the review and approval of last meetings minutes
[2014/09/08 20:36:11] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: link ?
[2014/09/08 20:36:18] Cadence Theas: I did not place a copy in the box
[2014/09/08 20:36:30] Cadence Theas: Tor, do you have a link?
[2014/09/08 20:36:30] Michel Manen: entered chat range (19.17 m).
[2014/09/08 20:36:35] Rosie Gray: /me thinks that Tor can provide a link
[2014/09/08 20:36:42] Tor Karlsvalt:
[2014/09/08 20:36:45] Cadence Theas: ty
[2014/09/08 20:36:51] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2014/09/08 20:37:07] Cadence Theas: although I believe that the members of the RA have already reviewed them before coming here today
[2014/09/08 20:37:18] Cadence Theas: do we have a motion to approve the minutes?
[2014/09/08 20:37:23] Rosie Gray: so moved
[2014/09/08 20:37:25] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: no
[2014/09/08 20:37:29] Tor Karlsvalt: second
[2014/09/08 20:37:39] Cadence Theas: ty. is there discussion?
[2014/09/08 20:37:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yes
[2014/09/08 20:37:51] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I find the minutes to be .. um
[2014/09/08 20:38:02] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: not factual as such but carrying some biased statments
[2014/09/08 20:38:05] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: or
[2014/09/08 20:38:12] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: unneccesary sort of inflection of tone
[2014/09/08 20:38:36] Cadence Theas: do you want to be more specific?
[2014/09/08 20:38:51] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: the word regretfully
[2014/09/08 20:38:54] Callipygian Christensen: entered chat range (19.11 m).
[2014/09/08 20:39:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: And i personally am curious about statements about rl issues being pertinent
[2014/09/08 20:39:47] Bagheera Kristan: entered chat range (18.21 m).
[2014/09/08 20:39:50] Cadence Theas: are there any other concerns or comments?
[2014/09/08 20:39:54] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: You are now On the List to Speak. You Can Click the Device Again to Remove your Name.
[2014/09/08 20:40:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: The minutes should be nothiing more than factual statements and not a biased rewording of what happened. Which they so do say .
[2014/09/08 20:40:17] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done
[2014/09/08 20:40:21] Cadence Theas: Gaius
[2014/09/08 20:40:51] Cadence Theas: (Cleo, click the SPR, please)
[2014/09/08 20:40:55] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Guillaume Mistwalker
[2014/09/08 20:41:14] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): I believe that the tone of the particular sentence CLEO contests to is rather neutral. The connotation is that you, Mme LRA, regretted that the Chancellor could not be at that particular meeting.
[2014/09/08 20:41:50] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): I see no reasonable word or phrase that would denote an unfair message being posted in the minutes.
[2014/09/08 20:42:35] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): And while I agree that person health issues shouldn't be included in the minutes, I believe it prudent that the Chancellor's health should be considered, as it is linked to his ability to discharge the expectations of his office.
[2014/09/08 20:42:36] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): Done.
[2014/09/08 20:42:38] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Tor Karlsvalt
[2014/09/08 20:42:46] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): *personal health issues
[2014/09/08 20:42:49] Cadence Theas: Tor
[2014/09/08 20:43:32] Tor Karlsvalt: Thank you, I don't think the word regretfully is inappropriate. I do think that is in fact what was expressed.
[2014/09/08 20:44:03] Tor Karlsvalt: as to the rl issue, it was mentioned at the meeting by some and probably should be noted.
[2014/09/08 20:44:05] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[2014/09/08 20:44:20] Cadence Theas: Michel, then Widget, then I will close discussion
[2014/09/08 20:44:25] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Michel Manen
[2014/09/08 20:44:25] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Your Name has Been Removed From the List of Speakers
[2014/09/08 20:44:28] Michel Manen: Yes. Hello everyone. I am happy to see the Chancellor is with us today and i hope any misunderstandings arising from the last session, will be resolved to everyone's satisfaction. i hope we will leave as much time as possible for the Chancellor's questions given the fact that he is making the time at this hour after work to be with us. I therefore hope we can arrive as quickly as possible to this, even if this means altering today's order of business. Thank you. Done.
[2014/09/08 20:44:50] Cadence Theas: Widget
[2014/09/08 20:44:59] Widget Whiteberry: Ah, is the assertion that the Chancellor had health reasons for not being here factual? If it is not, then they shouldn't be mentioned in the minutes.
[2014/09/08 20:45:03] Widget Whiteberry: Done
[2014/09/08 20:45:12] Cadence Theas: ty
[2014/09/08 20:45:21] Cadence Theas: I call for a vote to approve the minutes
[2014/09/08 20:45:25] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: The synopsis statements are all chosen with much bias and are leading the reader to focus on what the writer so chose to highlight, a simple statement of the motions and what passed without the biased synopsis of what happned from a biased point of view is not appropriate for the minutes. Having this sort of thing in the public record as though they are factual, when in fact its a very biased report of what happened. I find very inappropriate and I would like us to all ai had my name removed from the list to talk .
[2014/09/08 20:45:38] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I’m sorry I had my name removed by you from the pole to speak cadence.
[2014/09/08 20:45:39] Cadence Theas: Cleo, I closed discussion
[2014/09/08 20:45:47] Cadence Theas: I did not touch the SPR
[2014/09/08 20:45:54] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yes but you removed my name , somene did from the pole, well i had touched it again
[2014/09/08 20:46:13] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: The minutes are in appropriate, they are biased. .
[2014/09/08 20:46:16] Cadence Theas: I did not remove your name
[2014/09/08 20:46:34] Cadence Theas: are you done?
[2014/09/08 20:46:47] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: [20:40] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Your Name has Been Removed From the List of Speakers
[2014/09/08 20:47:18] Cadence Theas: I am calling the vote
[2014/09/08 20:47:24] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): [20:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done
[2014/09/08 20:47:26] Cadence Theas: to approve the minutes
[2014/09/08 20:47:31] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I simply want to go on record to say the minutes are a political statment here they are not unbiased reports of the meeting. t
[2014/09/08 20:47:42] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: nay
[2014/09/08 20:47:50] Tor Karlsvalt: aye
[2014/09/08 20:47:51] Rosie Gray: ate
[2014/09/08 20:47:56] Cadence Theas: :)
[2014/09/08 20:47:56] Rosie Gray: aye
[2014/09/08 20:47:58] Cadence Theas: aye
[2014/09/08 20:48:03] Cadence Theas: the minutes are approved
[2014/09/08 20:48:11] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: politically biased minutes now approved for all to read.
[2014/09/08 20:48:15] Cadence Theas: Cleo
[2014/09/08 20:48:17] Cadence Theas: please
[2014/09/08 20:48:21] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: thank you
[2014/09/08 20:48:46] Cadence Theas: the next item is the executive report, but in this case it is a continuance of the question session with the chancellor
[2014/09/08 20:48:53] Cadence Theas: I will open the floor in a moment for questions
[2014/09/08 20:49:01] Cadence Theas: but I wanted to request first
[2014/09/08 20:49:25] Cadence Theas: that we be respectful of the discourse that will take place
[2014/09/08 20:49:34] Cadence Theas: and that we try to keep our comments to ourselves
[2014/09/08 20:49:58] Cadence Theas: I will stop the session if we become too boisterous
[2014/09/08 20:50:31] Cadence Theas: Chancellor, I will begin to call on people to ask questions based on their concerns about your last report
[2014/09/08 20:50:46] Cadence Theas: Michel
[2014/09/08 20:51:20] Michel Manen: no concerns at this moment i am not on the speakers list. thanks.
[2014/09/08 20:51:27] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: CLEOPATRA Xigalia
[2014/09/08 20:51:36] Cadence Theas: it was there, sorry
[2014/09/08 20:51:37] Cadence Theas: Cleo
[2014/09/08 20:51:45] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Hello Mr. Chancellor
[2014/09/08 20:52:00] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Can you take as long as you like to tell us all the good things you have done this term for all the citizens
[2014/09/08 20:52:05] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and how Bagheera is
[2014/09/08 20:52:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: im joking
[2014/09/08 20:52:08] Cadence Theas: no CLeo
[2014/09/08 20:52:16] Cadence Theas: this is not the executive report
[2014/09/08 20:52:16] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: LOL i had my name on for the last thing
[2014/09/08 20:52:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: oh he cant answer my qeustion
[2014/09/08 20:52:28] Cadence Theas: whispers: this is a continuance of the QUESTIONS
[2014/09/08 20:52:34] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yes i have a question
[2014/09/08 20:52:58] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yield
[2014/09/08 20:53:01] Cadence Theas: then state your question
[2014/09/08 20:53:36] Cadence Theas: ok, Bags
[2014/09/08 20:54:16] Bagheera Kristan: just a moment please, I am a wordy person
[2014/09/08 20:54:28] Michel Manen: ?
[2014/09/08 20:54:59] Bagheera Kristan: I was reading the meeting minutes from the meeting the Chancellor attended. After he left, Madame LRA remarked that there would be the task of compiling questions to finish asking the Chancellor. No compilation occurred, neither at that meeting or the one following, so I have to wonder why the Chancellor is being called here to "finish" answering questions when there have been no questions compiled and the Madame LRA had stated such an activity would occur. I would request everyone to remember that we are ALL volunteers here. This is supposed to be for our own personal pleasure - enlightened self interest. So my question is not for the Chancellor but for the Madame LRA to explain why the terminology "finish" answering questions is being used, please? I also asked this on the forums.
[2014/09/08 20:55:39] Cadence Theas: point of order, read the transcript from the last meeting
[2014/09/08 20:55:41] Cadence Theas: Rosie
[2014/09/08 20:55:52] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: what !
[2014/09/08 20:56:04] Rosie Gray: thank you
[2014/09/08 20:56:34] JerryDon Lane: <:0)
[2014/09/08 20:57:02] Rosie Gray: I would like to ask Ceasar why he refuses to use the googledoc spreadsheet that Sudane has successfully used with at least 3 former Chancellors, maintaining correct financial records that way. Why won't you use them?
[2014/09/08 20:57:22] Cadence Theas: Chancellor, your turn to respond
[2014/09/08 20:57:40] Ceasar Xigalia: Thankyou Rosie for that question this will take a minute
[2014/09/08 20:57:53] Cadence Theas: np
[2014/09/08 20:58:13] Lilith Ivory: entered chat range (19.06 m).
[2014/09/08 20:58:56] Ceasar Xigalia: From: Sudane Erato <>
To: CXigalia <>
Sent: Thu, Jul 10, 2014 10:53 am
Subject: Re: CDS payment requests 2014b 21st RA (sudane erato)
Regarding your requests for payments, I haven't heard back from you on this issue. Please understand that I cannot issue payments based on IMs which I may or may not get. One way or another we must use this form. If because of not having a GMail account you cannot access this form, please send me an email simply stating the same info as that requested in the form, and I will fill in the form on your behalf. The info is:
Date of Request
Pay To?
Complete Description of the Expense
I will then add that the Requesting Official is you, and I will add the date when the payment is made by Rudeen.
I have added the L$1 payments you requested for IP rights for you and Vic Mornington. But I did not enter yet the entertainment expenses which you sent on a notecard because I could not understand from the text on the card who was to be paid for what. Please use the above noted
[2014/09/08 20:58:56] Ceasar Xigalia: 4-field format.

[2014/09/08 20:59:14] Ceasar Xigalia: Rosie, I never told Sudane that I would not use Googledocs
[2014/09/08 20:59:27] Ceasar Xigalia: but when I read this email from her
[2014/09/08 21:00:17] Ceasar Xigalia: where she says if I dont have a Gmail account I can use an email to send the four pieces of information to her
[2014/09/08 21:00:25] Ceasar Xigalia: so I did that
[2014/09/08 21:00:33] Ceasar Xigalia: I do not have a gmail account
[2014/09/08 21:01:11] Bells Semyorka: entered chat range (8.65 m).
[2014/09/08 21:01:12] Ceasar Xigalia: contrary to Sudane’s statements I always sent her the four pieces of information that she requested
[2014/09/08 21:01:22] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: You are now On the List to Speak. You Can Click the Device Again to Remove your Name.
[2014/09/08 21:01:29] Ceasar Xigalia: does that answer your question?
[2014/09/08 21:01:39] Rosie Gray: no
[2014/09/08 21:01:51] Bells Semyorka: entered chat range (11.13 m).
[2014/09/08 21:01:56] Ceasar Xigalia: so what is your question?
[2014/09/08 21:02:19] Rosie Gray: because, I don't know why you wouldn't just create a gmail account which takes about 1 minute and is free, and then do as all the other Chancellors before have done.
[2014/09/08 21:02:39] Ceasar Xigalia: that is not a question Rosie
[2014/09/08 21:02:45] Ceasar Xigalia: what is your question
[2014/09/08 21:03:26] Rosie Gray: but, assuming you have some mysterious reason that you 'cannot' have a gmail account, I would like to see what information you did provide to her, so we can all see if you did provide the correct information in an understandable format. please.
[2014/09/08 21:04:04] Rosie Gray: done
[2014/09/08 21:04:17] Cadence Theas: Chancellor?
[2014/09/08 21:04:25] Ceasar Xigalia: It is obvious I sent her the correct information becuase she posted it to the Treasury report and people were reimbursed
[2014/09/08 21:04:49] Ceasar Xigalia: I provided it in the way she request, by email
[2014/09/08 21:04:56] Ceasar Xigalia: requested*
[2014/09/08 21:05:09] Cadence Theas: (remember to say done when you are done)
[2014/09/08 21:05:14] Ceasar Xigalia: From: Sudane Erato <>
To: CXigalia <>
Sent: Thu, Jul 10, 2014 10:53 am
Subject: Re: CDS payment requests 2014b 21st RA (sudane erato)
Regarding your requests for payments, I haven't heard back from you on this issue. Please understand that I cannot issue payments based on IMs which I may or may not get. One way or another we must use this form. If because of not having a GMail account you cannot access this form, please send me an email simply stating the same info as that requested in the form, and I will fill in the form on your behalf. The info is:
Date of Request
Pay To?
Complete Description of the Expense
I will then add that the Requesting Official is you, and I will add the date when the payment is made by Rudeen.
I have added the L$1 payments you requested for IP rights for you and Vic Mornington. But I did not enter yet the entertainment expenses which you sent on a notecard because I could not understand from the text on the card who was to be paid for what. Please use the above noted
[2014/09/08 21:05:35] Rosie Gray: you've already posted that
[2014/09/08 21:06:02] Rosie Gray: can you please post your email that you sent back to Sudane, to request the funds?
[2014/09/08 21:07:15] Ceasar Xigalia: Rosie I can do that but it will take a while as my email is on a seperate device
[2014/09/08 21:07:25] Ceasar Xigalia: so,
[2014/09/08 21:08:14] Ceasar Xigalia: I will say again the items were posted to the Treasury report so it is obvious that she got them
[2014/09/08 21:08:35] Cadence Theas: Chancellor, maybe you could privide the document later this evening
[2014/09/08 21:08:42] Cadence Theas: so we can move on with the questions
[2014/09/08 21:08:49] Rosie Gray: Ceasar, why won't you just get yourself a gmail account and make everything easier?
[2014/09/08 21:09:15] Cadence Theas: lets move on to the next question
[2014/09/08 21:09:23] Cadence Theas: Cleo
[2014/09/08 21:09:41] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Bagheera Kristan
[2014/09/08 21:10:02] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: your thing doesnt work well for us Cadence :)
[2014/09/08 21:10:15] Cadence Theas: Bags
[2014/09/08 21:10:21] Bagheera Kristan: Informational statement: When I was Chancellor, I was openly reluctant to use Googledocs and Google+ but relented because I felt I needed to choose my battles and so set aside my own reservations for the immediate good of moving CDS business forward. To include my usage of Googledocs as part of a position that says it was successfully used during my term is a misnomer. I am a firm believer that CDS should be in control of all its assets, that includes information and documentation. When one uses Googledocs, there is no guarantee of control of CDS assets in my personal opinion...and Google is very open with their business model being the usage and sharing of personal information for profit.
[2014/09/08 21:10:26] Bagheera Kristan: This might help with answering Rosie's question: for the information Ceasar provided on what I needed to be reimbursed on, he had passed on Sudane's requirements to me and I had entered the information as stipulated into a spreadsheet which I then embedded into a return email. I believe what happened when he forwarded my email to Sudane the first time that the permissions on the embedded document did not allow it to be forwarded. At that point, I believe he put my spreadsheet into a jpeg format.
[2014/09/08 21:10:31] Bagheera Kristan: Done
[2014/09/08 21:10:35] Cadence Theas: Tor
[2014/09/08 21:11:02] Cadence Theas: (Bags, click the SPR please)
[2014/09/08 21:11:06] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Tor Karlsvalt
[2014/09/08 21:11:09] Tor Karlsvalt: Thanks
[2014/09/08 21:12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: I do believe AOL uses personal info for profit. Ceasar, you could use your AOL email to have the spreadsheet shared. Why don't you? I recall I used your aol acct to share out a document I created for incoming chancellors.
[2014/09/08 21:12:47] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[2014/09/08 21:13:09] Cadence Theas: chancellor?
[2014/09/08 21:13:31] Ceasar Xigalia: Is that a statement or a question?
[2014/09/08 21:14:06] Tor Karlsvalt: Why don't you give your AOL account to Sudane inorder that the sheet be shared? I am certain it would work.
[2014/09/08 21:14:09] Rosie Gray: /me notices the question mark in Tor's question
[2014/09/08 21:14:47] Ceasar Xigalia: Madame LRA, could you attend to Rosie please
[2014/09/08 21:15:32] Cadence Theas: I will repeat the request to keep comments to ourselves
[2014/09/08 21:15:39] Ceasar Xigalia: Thank you
[2014/09/08 21:16:59] Ceasar Xigalia: the Treasurer indicated to to me as per the email I have now posted twice to this meeting that she was happy for me to use email to pass the four items of information. I have chosen to take her advice in this email.
[2014/09/08 21:17:34] Cadence Theas: ty
[2014/09/08 21:17:44] Cadence Theas: Rosie, then Cleo, then Gaius
[2014/09/08 21:17:47] Cadence Theas: then me
[2014/09/08 21:18:00] Rosie Gray: pass
[2014/09/08 21:18:05] Cadence Theas: Cleo
[2014/09/08 21:18:05] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: CLEOPATRA Xigalia
[2014/09/08 21:18:20] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Guillaume Mistwalker
[2014/09/08 21:18:29] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: no i am going to hold this one for later.
[2014/09/08 21:18:30] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: pass
[2014/09/08 21:18:36] Cadence Theas: Gaius
[2014/09/08 21:18:50] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): Thank you, Mme LRA.
[2014/09/08 21:19:22] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): M. Chancellor, I've been speaking with you and your other staff about an event recently that is very much close to my heart.
[2014/09/08 21:20:05] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): And I would like to thank you, Bagheera, and JerryDon for being very instrumental towards holding this event on public land -- the symbolism is very important for Lilith and I, who is my co-sponsor
[2014/09/08 21:20:52] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): However, I had initially requested LV membership under the role in that group for entertainers and speakers, which I have noticed has been given to entertainers and speakers in the CDS.
[2014/09/08 21:21:34] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): Because you have refused to give me this membership, itwill hamper the event, I fear. I have items unable to be transfered and there is not enough time to prepare for the event, I feel.
[2014/09/08 21:21:38] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): Thus, my question is:
[2014/09/08 21:22:19] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): Why did you decide not to add me to the LV group as a speaker in that role? What is your rational? And why did you not respond when I asked you for your rational the night I spoke with you?
[2014/09/08 21:22:33] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): Could you answer those three, please. I know it's a lot ㋡
[2014/09/08 21:23:00] Ceasar Xigalia: 1 Gauis I appreciate a lot that you want to do events in CDS
[2014/09/08 21:23:14] Ceasar Xigalia: that is why I met with you at the Kirche
[2014/09/08 21:23:18] Ceasar Xigalia: your event location
[2014/09/08 21:23:43] Ceasar Xigalia: and carefully spent time with you
[2014/09/08 21:24:01] Ceasar Xigalia: to go other what you will need to rez for your event
[2014/09/08 21:24:34] Ceasar Xigalia: I believe that will allow you to have a succesful event
[2014/09/08 21:25:51] Ceasar Xigalia: I did not add you to the LV group for this event because it is not necessary from the discussion you and I had in the Kirche
[2014/09/08 21:25:52] Delia Lake: left chat range.
[2014/09/08 21:26:15] Ceasar Xigalia: done
[2014/09/08 21:26:27] Cadence Theas: Gaius, do you want to follow up?
[2014/09/08 21:26:35] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): Yes, please, Mme LRA.
[2014/09/08 21:26:45] Cadence Theas: go ahead
[2014/09/08 21:26:52] Michel Manen: wonders how this personal difference constitutes a matter of public importance worth the RA's and Chancellor's time...
[2014/09/08 21:26:53] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): Ceasar, I don't believe that accurately responds to my question.
[2014/09/08 21:27:08] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): I spoke with Bagheera about LV membership, and we both requested it together.
[2014/09/08 21:27:35] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): I believe the event will go on, but this is a *Pride* event -- that implies decoration.
[2014/09/08 21:27:36] Bells Semyorka: /me thinks michel should keep his comment to himself as madam lra asked eariler
[2014/09/08 21:27:45] Cadence Theas: ty Bells
[2014/09/08 21:28:00] Ceasar Xigalia: I handled it the way I thought was best for CDS Gauis
[2014/09/08 21:28:06] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: You are now On the List to Speak. You Can Click the Device Again to Remove your Name.
[2014/09/08 21:28:15] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): So, again, I ask for your rationale to deny me LV membership and why you did not respond to my inquiry as to why you did not add me
[2014/09/08 21:29:00] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): I'd note that I asked Molly if you ever refused to add an entertainer or speaker to this particular LV role. She said that you never refused to add anyone to that role. Why me in particular?
[2014/09/08 21:29:38] Ceasar Xigalia: Gauis, it is my responsibility to take care of the CDS sims
[2014/09/08 21:30:04] Ceasar Xigalia: your status of not being in the lV group was gradfathered to me
[2014/09/08 21:30:10] Ceasar Xigalia: grandfathered*
[2014/09/08 21:30:35] Ceasar Xigalia: two previous Chancellors in this very room had cause to remove you from the group
[2014/09/08 21:30:44] Ceasar Xigalia: I would rather not be the third
[2014/09/08 21:31:11] Ceasar Xigalia: and instead chose to personally login at the time of your event and make sure you have everything rezzed that you need
[2014/09/08 21:31:19] Ceasar Xigalia: this is my final decision
[2014/09/08 21:31:21] Ceasar Xigalia: done
[2014/09/08 21:31:27] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): You speak of me as if I was dangerous! Regardless, I'd rather no take up more of the RA's time.
[2014/09/08 21:31:27] Cadence Theas: i have a question
[2014/09/08 21:31:29] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): Thank you, Mme LRA.
[2014/09/08 21:31:40] Cadence Theas: My question concerns another event or moment that Gauis wanted to celebrate and I was witness to what I consider a rather insensitive management of the whole affair. What is your position on religious expression and commemoration, and why did you inhibit Gaius’s free expression of his beliefs. Gauis you will have to remind us the name of the event.
[2014/09/08 21:31:43] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: you aren’t on the list Cadence.
[2014/09/08 21:32:04] Cadence Theas: Cleo, if I put my name on it, the other names disappear
[2014/09/08 21:32:06] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): Nonae Caprotinae, Mme LRA.
[2014/09/08 21:32:22] Ceasar Xigalia: I have posted my policy on holidays I refer you to that
[2014/09/08 21:32:26] Cadence Theas: and I did announce that I would speak after Gauis
[2014/09/08 21:32:37] Ceasar Xigalia: i will just get the link
[2014/09/08 21:32:40] Cadence Theas: but I refer to the management of this particular moment
[2014/09/08 21:32:50] Cadence Theas: where instead of discussion
[2014/09/08 21:33:03] Cadence Theas: there was just the removal of the "offending" prim
[2014/09/08 21:33:22] Ceasar Xigalia:
[2014/09/08 21:33:28] Cadence Theas: the question is what is the criteria for approving or not a religious event
[2014/09/08 21:33:59] Cadence Theas: and more to the point, when it was being rezzed on private property
[2014/09/08 21:34:35] Ceasar Xigalia: What is the question Cadence?
[2014/09/08 21:34:51] Cadence Theas: what is the criteria for celebrating religious events
[2014/09/08 21:35:17] Cadence Theas: when I was witness to you deleting a celebratory prim that Gaius had place on his own property
[2014/09/08 21:35:39] Ceasar Xigalia: are you done?
[2014/09/08 21:35:42] Cadence Theas: yes
[2014/09/08 21:36:03] Ceasar Xigalia: first of all your statement is untrue about what happened
[2014/09/08 21:36:29] Ceasar Xigalia: you arrived after Gauis had had much discussion about his display
[2014/09/08 21:36:52] Ceasar Xigalia: I had complaints / inquiries from citizens
[2014/09/08 21:36:56] Soro (Soro Dagostino): is offline.
[2014/09/08 21:37:12] Ceasar Xigalia: and I had explained to Gauis that he still had to follow the covenants
[2014/09/08 21:37:17] Ceasar Xigalia: as you well know
[2014/09/08 21:37:46] Ceasar Xigalia: so to your question
[2014/09/08 21:37:48] Ceasar Xigalia: his prim was blocking public access which against the covenant
[2014/09/08 21:38:14] Ceasar Xigalia: you ask what my stance is on religious events
[2014/09/08 21:38:22] Ceasar Xigalia: I refer you again to my post
[2014/09/08 21:38:34] Ceasar Xigalia:
[2014/09/08 21:39:20] Ceasar Xigalia: I used my constitutional administrative discretion based on concerns of CDS citizens
[2014/09/08 21:39:42] Ceasar Xigalia: if the RA wants to pass specific criteria it is up to you to do so
[2014/09/08 21:39:45] Cadence Theas: Would you remove a Christmas tree if there was a complaint?
[2014/09/08 21:39:48] Ceasar Xigalia: and I will enforce it
[2014/09/08 21:40:11] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Molly Medier
[2014/09/08 21:40:37] Ceasar Xigalia: I dont answer hypathetical questions
[2014/09/08 21:40:44] Cadence Theas: ty
[2014/09/08 21:40:46] Cadence Theas: Molly
[2014/09/08 21:40:51] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): /me laughs.
[2014/09/08 21:41:01] Cadence Theas: Gauis, please
[2014/09/08 21:41:29] Ceasar Xigalia: If it blocked public access or broke covenants I would yes
[2014/09/08 21:41:57] Cadence Theas: Ceasar, btw, the link is to some other policy
[2014/09/08 21:42:05] Cadence Theas: go ahead Molly
[2014/09/08 21:42:45] Ceasar Xigalia: that is the correct link Cadence I just checked it Temporary holiday decorations
[2014/09/08 21:42:57] Ceasar Xigalia: done
[2014/09/08 21:43:36] Cadence Theas: Molly
[2014/09/08 21:43:36] Molly Fernelli (Molly Medier): Thank you - As a former PIO I had arranged for La Oros to perform at CDS and JerryDon kindly took them over. Now I hear from the head Drangon X that he can't set up - only on the day to perform. Its a big production - theater in the sky and they need more time - why the hold? they are so good and we should welcome thier effort to be here.
[2014/09/08 21:44:31] Ceasar Xigalia: Molly, I appreciate all the work you did as PIO, you did a great job
[2014/09/08 21:44:48] Molly Fernelli (Molly Medier): Thank you
[2014/09/08 21:44:56] Ceasar Xigalia: I am sad that you chose to resign and not work with Jerrydon to complete the term
[2014/09/08 21:45:02] Ceasar Xigalia: its going to be a good one
[2014/09/08 21:45:08] Ceasar Xigalia: I regret to say
[2014/09/08 21:45:12] Molly Fernelli (Molly Medier): yes agree
[2014/09/08 21:46:21] JerryDon Lane: I am happy to contribute if that will help
[2014/09/08 21:46:30] Ceasar Xigalia: I would like to yield the floor to Jerrydon so that he can asnwer your question
[2014/09/08 21:46:39] Cadence Theas: no Jerry, this is the chancellors turn to answer questions
[2014/09/08 21:47:12] Cadence Theas: ok, I will allow it
[2014/09/08 21:47:18] Ceasar Xigalia: excuse me Madame LRA I believe we should yeild
[2014/09/08 21:47:27] Molly Fernelli (Molly Medier): I feel so bad that a good performer is invited in and then can't do the set up
[2014/09/08 21:47:39] JerryDon Lane: La Oro has already rezzed in the sky....they are are early and we are watching prim allocation closely. However they all have given rez rights and that set up is in process at this moment
[2014/09/08 21:47:53] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yay !
[2014/09/08 21:48:00] Ceasar Xigalia: :)
[2014/09/08 21:48:07] Molly Fernelli (Molly Medier): OH MY wow so good :)))))
[2014/09/08 21:48:11] Cadence Theas: ty
[2014/09/08 21:48:16] Molly Fernelli (Molly Medier): thank you much :)))
[2014/09/08 21:48:18] Molly Fernelli (Molly Medier): done
[2014/09/08 21:48:28] Ceasar Xigalia: so Molly does that answer your question
[2014/09/08 21:48:32] Cadence Theas: I will allow two more questions so we ahve time for the Commission reports
[2014/09/08 21:48:36] Cadence Theas: Tor then Rosie
[2014/09/08 21:48:39] Ceasar Xigalia: TY Jerrydon you are doing a great job
[2014/09/08 21:48:44] Ceasar Xigalia: done
[2014/09/08 21:48:46] JerryDon Lane: TY
[2014/09/08 21:48:53] Tor Karlsvalt: Returning to the issue of the Expense Reimbursement, Chancellor, don't you get from the Treasurer's email that she is trying to accommodate you after you have declined to use the spreadsheet? She mentions that she had not heard from you. Why not use the format that has worked so well since at least Jamie's terms as Chancellor? Bags suggests your administration is opposed to using Google products as CDS assets might be at risk. Is your opposition to the sheet on these grounds? And if so, don't you think that position is a bit over the top given that many, even in business, use Google programs? Finally, what shared document do you plan to use to record expense from your recent 15K event fund? These are a number of questions, please take your time aswering them all. thank you
[2014/09/08 21:48:57] Molly Fernelli (Molly Medier): whispers: Thank you Ceasar and yes :)))
[2014/09/08 21:49:46] Cadence Theas: (Molly, click on the SPR)
[2014/09/08 21:49:56] Ceasar Xigalia: Tor I have answered for first questions earlier in the meeting
[2014/09/08 21:50:35] Ceasar Xigalia: I am happy to speak about the $L15K imprest fund
[2014/09/08 21:51:19] Ceasar Xigalia: I recall hearing that you told Bagheera to have $20,000 Lindens of her personal money thats $80 US dollars
[2014/09/08 21:51:32] Ceasar Xigalia: in order to fund CDS while she was Chancellor
[2014/09/08 21:52:05] Ceasar Xigalia: My request for the Imprest fund is in an attempt to open the door for anyone to be Chancellor in the future
[2014/09/08 21:52:24] Ceasar Xigalia: whether they have $80 US to spend or not
[2014/09/08 21:52:24] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Tor Karlsvalt
[2014/09/08 21:52:58] Ceasar Xigalia: I have a link that explains how this fund and CDS spend authorizations are to work
[2014/09/08 21:53:20] Ceasar Xigalia:
[2014/09/08 21:53:37] Ceasar Xigalia: Procedure for the authorization of the use of CDS funds - Imprest, petty cash account

The following procedure is to be used for the use of CDS funds that have been allocated to the Chancellor by the budget agreed by the RA.

Requests to spend must be made to the Chancellor in writing and contain the following items of information:
* the reason for the request - eg the artist playing at a CDS event, or an item to be purchased for use by Archie in the CDS sims
* the amount of money needed for this
* the expected or planned date of the expenditure

No expenditure is to be made or any agreements made with contractors or performing artists until the request outlined above has been authorized by the Chancellor. Only these amounts agreed will be considered authorized. If an estimate of a cost proves to be incorrect then further authorization from the Chancellor is required for the increased amount.

When an item(s) is authorized the following procedure will be followed as most appropriate to the circumstance:
[2014/09/08 21:53:51] Ceasar Xigalia: * If it is possible for the Chancellor to be in world to make the purchase or payment then it will be made by the Chancellor
* At other times the Chancellor will provide the funds for the purchase or payment to a member of the executive team so that those individuals can make the payment in the Chancellors absence
* When a purchase is required with Archie for CDS then the Chancellor will provide the funds to Archie so that the purchase can be made by a member of the Chancellors staff or the CDS Archivist as appropriate

Whenever a purchase or payment is made the member of the Executive staff who makes the payment will provide the following information:
* Date of Request
* Pay To
* Complete Description of the Expense
* Amount
[2014/09/08 21:54:04] Ceasar Xigalia: In the event that there is a difference between the provided amount and the payment then:
* if the payment is less than the funds provided the difference will be returned to the Chancellor
* there should be no circumstance where the payment exceeds the authorized amount

The Chancellor will then post a record of the payment and the remaining petty cash budget giving the four items of information outlined above to the Executive Branch Announcements on this forum, normally within 5 days. This will allow the Treasurer to account for the money spent in the CDS accounts.

At the end of each month or if the imprest petty cash account falls to below L$1000 the Treasurer will provide funds to the Chancellor to return the account to L$15,000.
At the end of the Chancellors term of office the Chancellor will agree the amount left at that time in the imprest petty cash account and will return any CDS moneys to the Treasurer.
Ceasar Xigalia, Chancellor
“I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any
[2014/09/08 21:54:04] Ceasar Xigalia: day.”
― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt
[2014/09/08 21:54:12] Ceasar Xigalia: done
[2014/09/08 21:54:57] Cadence Theas: Tor, do you want to follow up?
[2014/09/08 21:57:39] Cadence Theas: Tor?
[2014/09/08 21:57:58] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes, I see then, you intend not to use the Treasurer's system but to set your own system up? Do you not see this as an abuse of the Archive? It was not authorized to hold money as an account. The Treasurer’s Law explicitly leave sush accounts to the Treasurer only.
[2014/09/08 21:57:59] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[2014/09/08 21:58:21] Cadence Theas: chancellor?
[2014/09/08 21:59:59] Ceasar Xigalia: Are you suggesting that Archie hold the money?
[2014/09/08 22:01:08] Tor Karlsvalt: no, I understood that you have suggested this or worse that your own AV had become an account of the CDS
[2014/09/08 22:01:38] Ceasar Xigalia: I never suggested thet Archie hold the money
[2014/09/08 22:02:37] Ceasar Xigalia: My interest is the smooth operation and efficiency of the administrative apparatus, it is within my purview to attempt to improve a system i see as weak for reasons provided above.
[2014/09/08 22:03:15] Ceasar Xigalia: not only is it not an abuse of power
[2014/09/08 22:03:27] Ceasar Xigalia: I believe that I am actually following the law
[2014/09/08 22:03:37] Tor Karlsvalt: Chancellor, how can we be sure that you will not use any of the imprest funds for say the purchase of land?
[2014/09/08 22:03:39] Ceasar Xigalia: not breaking it as you suggest
[2014/09/08 22:04:01] Ceasar Xigalia: Tor
[2014/09/08 22:04:48] Ceasar Xigalia: as I just posted the money that I spend will all be account to Sudane by providing the 4 pieces of information required by the Treasurer to her
[2014/09/08 22:04:57] Ceasar Xigalia: transparent reporting procedure
[2014/09/08 22:05:14] Ceasar Xigalia: if any of the 60 dollars is left over at the end of the term
[2014/09/08 22:05:28] Ceasar Xigalia: I will return the money to the Treasury
[2014/09/08 22:05:46] Cadence Theas: ty, the last question is Rosie's
[2014/09/08 22:06:01] Ceasar Xigalia: this allows citizens, including myself, no to have to fron operational expenses for CDS
[2014/09/08 22:06:15] Ceasar Xigalia: i Have not finished my answer yet Cadence
[2014/09/08 22:06:18] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes, but we will never know if the only money you have in your AV account is CDS money. So I take it, that you will never dip into CDS funds for personal items? How can CDS be sure of this? Will you post PDFs of your transacgtion history?
[2014/09/08 22:06:56] Ceasar Xigalia: as the procedure I have posted both to the forums and to this meeting explains
[2014/09/08 22:07:11] Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker): is offline.
[2014/09/08 22:07:16] Gaius Tiberius Curio: left chat range.
[2014/09/08 22:07:40] Tor Karlsvalt: done, I think the record says enough, this will be far from transparent.
[2014/09/08 22:07:59] Cadence Theas: Ok, Rosie, last question
[2014/09/08 22:08:06] Ceasar Xigalia: Tor
[2014/09/08 22:08:10] Rosie Gray: thank you
[2014/09/08 22:08:13] Ceasar Xigalia: no Cadence I'm not done
[2014/09/08 22:08:17] Ceasar Xigalia: Tor
[2014/09/08 22:08:29] Ceasar Xigalia: the process is exactly as transparent as before
[2014/09/08 22:08:55] Cadence Theas: lets try to be brief, I want to have time for the commission reports
[2014/09/08 22:09:27] Ceasar Xigalia: the difference is that each potential payment now has to be authorized by the elected official...the Chancellor
[2014/09/08 22:09:53] Ceasar Xigalia: so the budget the RA approved I can actually be responsible for
[2014/09/08 22:10:16] Ceasar Xigalia: done
[2014/09/08 22:10:20] Cadence Theas: Rosie
[2014/09/08 22:10:49] Rosie Gray: I have many other questions, but since we are still on the question of the financial reporting, I would like to ask the Chancellor if he is an accountant, and if he is not an accountant, why does he think that he is better suited to decide how the financial transactions should be dealt with than one of our previous Chancellors, Trebor, who IS an accountant, and has said that he completely approves of how Sudane manages the financial records.
[2014/09/08 22:11:17] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: /me raises
[2014/09/08 22:11:19] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hand
[2014/09/08 22:11:20] Rosie Gray: so, the question is, why do you think you are better suited to decide this?
[2014/09/08 22:11:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: objection ...
[2014/09/08 22:12:37] Ceasar Xigalia: Rosie as a matter of fact I do have a degree in Accounting and Financial management
[2014/09/08 22:13:22] Ceasar Xigalia: I have many years of experience working with budgets and financial issues in RL
[2014/09/08 22:13:33] Ceasar Xigalia: but that is not why I have improved the system
[2014/09/08 22:13:48] Ceasar Xigalia: it is becuase I was elected to do so by CDS citizens
[2014/09/08 22:13:59] Ceasar Xigalia: and the citizens outcry was this
[2014/09/08 22:14:16] Ceasar Xigalia: we do not want to spend our own money to run CDS
[2014/09/08 22:15:00] Ceasar Xigalia: they also said that they want the monies that the RA approves in the budget authorised only and I repeat only by the elected executive
[2014/09/08 22:15:06] Ceasar Xigalia: when I first took office
[2014/09/08 22:15:13] Ceasar Xigalia: and appointed the PIOs
[2014/09/08 22:15:45] Ceasar Xigalia: Sudane suggested that I add them with the direct ability to obtain funds from the Treasurer
[2014/09/08 22:16:39] Ceasar Xigalia: This Treasurers lso stated that she does not check the requests against the budget to see if they comply
[2014/09/08 22:17:13] Rosie Gray: that is your duty to do that as Chancellor
[2014/09/08 22:17:22] Ceasar Xigalia: I hope you appreciate my attempt to increase both accountability
[2014/09/08 22:17:29] Ceasar Xigalia: and transparency
[2014/09/08 22:17:32] Ceasar Xigalia: done
[2014/09/08 22:17:35] Cadence Theas: ty
[2014/09/08 22:17:44] Cadence Theas: thank you chancellor for your time
[2014/09/08 22:17:50] Ceasar Xigalia: Rosie you dont understand
[2014/09/08 22:18:01] Cadence Theas: I want to move on to the commission reports
[2014/09/08 22:18:06] Rosie Gray: What I don't appreciate, is your refusal to work constructively with the Treasurer
[2014/09/08 22:18:18] Rosie Gray: and I understand completely.
[2014/09/08 22:18:19] Rosie Gray: done
[2014/09/08 22:18:31] Ceasar Xigalia: Rosie you do not understand
[2014/09/08 22:19:14] Ceasar Xigalia: your statement is subjective , wrong and not one of fact
[2014/09/08 22:19:29] Rosie Gray: /me shakes her head
[2014/09/08 22:19:42] Ceasar Xigalia: inappropriate
[2014/09/08 22:20:15] Cadence Theas: Ok, I would like to end the discussion here
[2014/09/08 22:20:21] Cadence Theas: are you both done?
[2014/09/08 22:20:25] Rosie Gray: yes
[2014/09/08 22:20:31] Ceasar Xigalia: done ty

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